HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-10-25, Page 25TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT in Blyth, available Nov. 1, $675/month, utilities included. Call Michelle 519-523-4448. 35-tfn FOR SALE – 30-INCH MOFFAT electric stove. Call 519-887-6432. 42-tfn -------------------------------------------- FIREWOOD FOR SALE – CLEAN, seasoned hardwood. Available by the log or cut and split. Discounts on 10 or more cords. Delivery available. Call 519-887-6219 or 519-291- 8642. 13-tfn -------------------------------------------- REPRINTS OF PHOTOS taken by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. All are in colour. 4x6 – $4.00, 5x7 – $5.00, 8x10 – $8.00. Phone to order 519- 523-4792 or 519-887-9114. tfn -------------------------------------------- BLYTH – A VILLAGE PORTRAIT history book special centennial edition, 1877-1977 available at The Citizen, 413 Queen St., Blyth for $30. e4w -------------------------------------------- OUR STORY FROM AINLEYVILLE to Brussels 1872-1997, 125 years of the history of Brussels available at The Citizen, Brussels and Blyth for $30. e4w SIERTSEMA. Thank you to everyone for your best wishes and cards which we received when we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. – Siebolt and Annie Siertsema. 42-1p -------------------------------------------- THOMPSON. The family of the late G. Sydney Thompson expresses our heartfelt gratitude to our family, friends, neighbours and colleagues for the love and support shown during Sydney’s lengthy illness. To those who called, sent cards, provided food, floral arrangements, memorial donations and expressed support, we thank you. Thank you to Doctors Shubat, Moores, Sleeth, Marshall and Newton for their expertise and caring as well as the nursing staff in Owen Sound and especially in Wingham who attended Syd many times in the past few years. We extend appreciation to Rev. R. Hall, Joyce Miller, Hilda Grant and the UCW ladies. To Doug, Jackie and Dana of the McBurney Funeral Home, your guidance, professionalism and kindness will be remembered. – With our sincere thanks, The Thompson Family. 42-1p-------------------------------------------- WARWICK. What a party! A huge thank you to all our family and friends who braved the cold, rainy weather to come out and celebrate our marriage with us! We had an amazing time and hope you did too! Peter Gusso and staff from Part II Bistro filled us up with delicious hot apps, Kathy and Paul Sebastian kept the drinks flowing and Steve Leask kept everyone burning up the dance floor! Many thanks to those who helped us get ready with setting up, decorating and all the food prep and to those who came back the next day to help clean up. Special thanks to Jessica, Rachel and Ally for all the baking! We truly appreciate all the warm wishes, cards, gifts and hugs we received. We are blessed to have such a great group of friends! – Diane and Neil. 42-1 -------------------------------------------- WHITE. We would like to thank all our neighbours, friends and family for the great going-away party. We’re lucky to have so many friends and to live in such a good neighbourhood so long. Thank you all so much. – Jane and Clarence. 42-1 DEMENTIA 2012: THEALZHEIMER Society of Huron County presents an evening education session Tuesday, October 30 from 4:30 to 7:30 at the Betty Cardno Centre in Clinton. Keynote speakers: Dr. Jane Rylett - “How the Brain Ages and New Research” and Marge Dempsey - “Montessori Approach to Care”. Tickets $30 in advance; $40 at the door - includes light supper. Call the Alzheimer Society of Huron County at 519-482-1482 or 1-800-561-5012 to register or for more information. 42-1 -------------------------------------------- ST. AMBROSE CCW BAZAAR and Bake Sale, Saturday, Nov. 24. More information later. 42-1 -------------------------------------------- UCW TUPPERWARE FUNDRAISER, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 7 p.m. in Brussels United Church basement. Great Christmas gifts, 40% of sales to church. All welcome. 42&44p -------------------------------------------- FREE BREAKFAST SATURDAY, Oct. 27, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. at Blyth Memorial Hall. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Living Water Christian Fellowship. 41-2 LUCKNOW PHARMASAVE Christmas Open House – and Gift Sale, November 1, 2 and 3. Save 20% off purses, jewellery, giftware, fashion accessories, home decor, calendars, Lug bags and Christmas accents. Open house hours: Thurs- day 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Located on Hwy. 86 - Downtown Lucknow. Everyone welcome. 41-3 -------------------------------------------- BLYTH UNITED CHURCH BEEF Supper, October 27, 4:30 to 7:00. Take-out available. Adults $14, 6-12 years $6, 5 and under free. 41-2 FARMLAND WANTED TO RENT, excellent rates, good stewardship. Call Peter Heinrich, 519-523-4461. 40-6 -------------------------------------------- CASH-CROP LAND WANTED TO rent or share crop. Competitive price. Peter Rastorfer, 519-347-2669 or 519-276-9405. 33-52p STORAGE BOXES DELIVERED to your home or business, ground level access, up to 20 feet long. Phone 519-482-5996. 15-50p CO-MANAGER FOR BRUSSELS 5R’s Thrift Shop, 6 to 12 hours/week. Call 519-887-9017 or drop off letter of interest at the store. 41-2 -------------------------------------------- REWARDING OPPORTUNITY: Tell the story of your community. The Citizen requires a community correspondent to tell our readers of the news in the Auburn community. Small remuneration. Contact Shawn Loughlin, The Citizen, 519-523-4792 or email: editor@northhuron.on.ca e4w THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2012. PAGE 25.Classified Advertisements – RATES – 20 words or less only $7.00 + HST. Additional words 20¢ each + HST. 50¢ will be deducted if ad is paid in advance DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 e-mail: info@northhuron.on.ca ccommodation for rentA Articles for sale Help wanted Coming events Coming events Farmland For rent All word ads in The Citizen classifieds are put on our webpage at www.northhuron.on.ca Auction sales Auction sales Auction sales Auction Estate of Hank Bos, Teeswater plus Additions At Yokassippi Auctions, 8 Mitchell St., Hwy. 4, Teeswater on SAT., OCT. 27 AT 10 AM Preview at 9:00 AM Lunch Booth Check website for complete listing and photos www.yokassippi.com Ken Scott 519-357-8967 cell Rob Thompson 519-395-2640 SOSOLOLSSOLDSOSOLOLDOLDSOLD 346 HURON ROAD, GODERICH346 HURON ROAD, GODERICH FIRST BACK LOTFIRST BACK LOT AUCTIONAUCTION October27,2012October27,2012 10am10am Approximately20used,Approximately20used, lowerpricedvehicles.lowerpricedvehicles. Variousmakes&models.Variousmakes&models. SomesoldunreservedSomesoldunreserved Terms:Terms: Cash,Visa,MastercardCash,Visa,Mastercard $500nonrefundable$500nonrefundable depositdeposit Pre-viewing1weekPre-viewing1week priortosalepriortosale www.goderichtoyota.com•www.goderichtoyota.com w w w . g o d e r i c h t o y o t a . c o m • w w w . g o d e r i c h t o y o t a . c o m w w w . g o d e r i c h t o y o t a . c o m • w w w . g o d e r i c h t o y o t a . c o m • w w w . g o d e r i c h t o y o t a . c o m w w w . g o d e r i c h t o y o t a . c o m • w w w . g o d e r i c h t o y o t a . c o m • w w w . g o d e r i c h t o y o t a . c o m 524-9381 • 1-800-338-1134524-9381 • 1-800-338-1134 GG ODERICH TOYOTAODERICH TOYOTA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 AT 10:00 AM: First back lot auction. Approx. 20 used lower priced vehicles, some sold unreserved at 346 Huron Rd., Goderich at Goderich Toyota. Sale manager Jim Thompson 519-524-9381. See www.lobbauction.on.ca SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 AT 10:00 AM: Jewellery, antiques, furniture, tools, etc. See www.lobbauction.on.ca at Seaforth Fairgrounds Agri Plex. RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 519-482-7898 Cards of thanks Cards of thanks Cards of thanks Brrr...it’s getting cold. Snuggle up to a good book from the Wingham Library’s Annual BOOK SALE We have hundreds of books of all kinds. Our hours: Tues., Oct. 30th ~ 5-8 pm Wed., Oct. 31st & Thurs., Nov. 1st ~ 10 am - 8 pm Fri., Nov. 2nd ~ 10 am - 5 pm Sat., Nov. 3rd ~ 10 am - 3 pm Sun., Nov. 4th ~ 1 - 4 pm Our address:281 Edward St., Wingham Additional Help wanted on next page Getting Married? Visit www.northhuron.on.ca (click on Brides In Huron) Your guide to all things Bridal! Get breaking farm news on the Rural Voice section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED