HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-10-25, Page 11THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2012. PAGE 11.
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Locals compete in OPP ‘Dancing with the Stars’
It has been a wet week with a few
dry spells, and the combines were
hard at work. There were some
soybeans and some white beans
harvested, but acres of corn are
disappearing from the fields. Silage
corn and dry corn are being
combined. The dryers at Parrish &
Heimbecker (Cook’s) can be heard
around the village and echoing to
our place. They started to dump corn
in the yard on Wednesday evening
and by Thursday morning, there was
quite a pile. The wheat that has been
planted is a lush green colour and
doing well with the rain and the few
warm days. Many farmers are
plowing and some still have wheat to
plant. It is the busy season for
Our condolences to Jim, Jack and
Leslie Knight and families of the
area who are mourning the loss of
their youngest sister Marilyn
(Knight) Cooper of Windsor on Oct.14. Many members of the familyattended the visitation and funeralservices in Windsor last week. Our
condolences to her children Steven,
Scott and Chris and families and the
extended Knight families.
Congratulations to Mandy and
Wes Wilson on the birth of another
daughter, Kelly Cora (Kasey). She is
welcomed into the family by big
brothers Gavin and Lane and sister
Hailey. Grandparents to welcome
another grandchild are Elaine
Workman and Brian and Joanne
Workman of Walton/Brussels.
Happy retirement to Warren and
Judy Beuerman who have moved
from the farm to their new home in
Seaforth. We hope they enjoyed
living in town. Their son Michael is
living on the farm and I’m sure he is
keeping busy with chores and
shopping and meals. Warren will
still return to help and wean himself
away from farm life.
We send happy healing wishes to
Liz Sholdice who has had a knee
replacement. We hope she comes
along well and is strolling the
laneway of the Kerr apartments real
A Brussels/Waltoner resident had
quite a surprise on Friday evening.
Cheryl Ryan celebrated her 50th
birthday with friends except she
didn’t know she was going tocelebrate with her friends. The partyand surprise was planned with a littlehelp from her husband Paul. Paul
was in charge of placing a change of
clothes in the trunk of her car
without her knowledge. Cheryl was
picked up from work by her friends
and of course said, “I need different
clothes.” Tah Dah! Her new
wardrobe was produced and the
gang was off. The group headed to
the Guelph area. They enjoyed
dinner together and then went to the
Ranch for a fun night. Cheryl was
joined by her school girlfriends
MaryAnn (Bernard) Thompson,
Donna (Aitcheson) White, Brenda
(Knight) Wheeler, Judy (Adams)
Rouse, Vicki (McCall) Gamble,
Karen (Richmond) Stewart and
Jacquie (Workman) Gowing. The
ladies had a great time and a
rather late night. Happy birthday
Welcome back to Howard and
Joan Bernard who enjoyed a week’s
bus trip to three exciting cities. They
were joined by sisters Beth
(McEwing) Reid and Margaret
(McEwing) Cartwright. The trip had
them stopping for two days in
Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City.
They enjoyed a great time together.
Our condolences to Steve and Rita
Bowers and family on the passing of
his mother Margaret Bowers ofBayfield. She will be missed by herhusband of 62 years Robert andchildren Wanda, Steve and Chris and
their families. Our sympathies to all.
Two local folks were part of the
fundraising efforts for the Dave
Mounsey Memorial Foundation on
the weekend. Gary Sutcliffe and
Sarah Grobbink participated in the
“Dancing with the Stars OPP 2012”
event held in London. They have
been practising for weeks to perfect
their East Coast Swing dance
routine. They were sponsored by
Leslie Ford and practised at the
Dance Technique Studio. The
evening was well attended and theMC was Beverly Mahood. Therewere seven couples dancing andalthough Gary and Sarah didn’t
make the top three, they did a great
job. There were many local people in
attendance to cheer on the dancers
and it was a great event. Way to go
Gary and Sarah!
Celebrating birthdays this past
week include Adam Bauer, Travis
Wilts, Harper Lee, Bryan Kelso, Ron
McCallum. Brett Lee, Lois McCall,
Janice McCallum, Michael Parr,
Doug Bauer, Wayne Todd, Andrew
Groothuis and Ray Wheeler. Happy
birthday to all.
Doing some shopping
The Bluevale United Church held its annual bazaar on
Saturday. Out sampling what the church had to offer was
Eileen Walker, right, who was being helped by Bessie
Johnston. (Jim Brown photo)
By Jo-Ann
Christmas is coming
The Grey 4-H Club held its first meeting of the Christmas
craft group. While the big day is still two months away, the
group is getting started early holding their first meeting in
late October. (Photo submitted)
By Alida Swart
I guess it’s that time already! The
first meeting of the Christmas Crafts,
Grey Township 4-H Club was held at
the home of Marcel and Ingrid
Backx. Once all the members were
all present, we nominated the club
Afterward, we all went around and
answered the roll call: What could
you do this holiday for someone that
would make you be their special
angel? Whether it was making crafts,
baked goods or cleaning the house,
everyone had fantastic ideas to
celebrate the holiday season.
Then it was time to get to the
arrangements. First, we all cleaned
out gourds so that we would have a
vase for our arrangements and put an
oasis into the bottom so that our
beautiful arrangements would last
longer. Then, we all made a small,
circular wreath. There were many
different materials to make the
wreath out of such as willow
branches and grapevine.
After our wreaths were made, we
walked around the yard to collect
natural materials to use in our
arrangements. There was a huge
assortment of pieces to use. Once we
were back in the garage, Ingrid
explained to us the tips and tricks to
making an assortment. We all
learned what colours looked good
together, odd numbers suited better
and much more. At the end, all the
arrangements looked awesome,
Overall, it was a great first meeting
of the Christmas Crafts club.
Grass cutting was one of the main
issues discussed at Huron East’s
Oct. 16 meeting in Seaforth.
Grey Ward Councillor Alvin
McLellan questioned the costs of the
service throughout the entire
municipality and requested that a
report be prepared. He suggested
that the report include all existing
grass cutting contracts for evaluation
by council.
In addition, Tuckersmith
Councillor Les Falconer questioned
the grass cutting in Vanastra, asking
Public Works Co-ordinator Barry
Mills about how the service was
being carried out in the small
Mill stated he would prepare a
report for council and present it at a
future meeting.
Chief building official Paul
Josling’s monthly report was
presented to council.
The report shows that as of the end
of September 133 building permits
had been issued throughout the
municipality, 15 of those in the
month of September alone.
The value of the permits in the
first nine months of the year is $11.6
million, compared to the 143
permits that had been issued by the
same time last year, with a value of
over $18.1 million.
Lawn care a focus at HE council
4-H craft group meets