HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-10-11, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2012. PAGE 15. Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. 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The Blyth Community Church of God saw that need and were able to help out their fellow church and congregation by offering their own worship space and move their services to Pastor Les Cook’s dance studio, Blyth East Side Dance, on Hamilton Street. The Community Church of God’s building and sanctuary at 308 Blyth Road has been rented to the fellowship and, while the arrangements weren’t the first considered, they are working out great according to Pastor Ernest Dow. “We had looked at renting the lower hall at the Blyth Memorial Hall, but then the Church of God offered us their space,” he said. “It’s more satisfying having and using a whole space and not having to put up and tear down a worship space every week.” The fellowship, which has the goal of building its worship centre whenthey save enough to cover the build,have made the space their own bychanging up the seating arrangement and foregoing pews for cushioned chairs. “It may be less efficient for the numbers, but we’re really enjoying the arrangement and the breathability of the setup,” Dow said. The group is excited to have the opportunity to worship in the space and, according to Dow, appreciate the Church of God moving their services to accommodate. The move, which happened late in September, came as a result of many reasons for the Church of God according to Pastor Cook. “We considered moving the church to the studio since we finished construction of the dance space,” he said. “We don’t really use the church during the week much, we’re only there for about two hours a week.” The news that Living Water wouldn’t have the school to worship in was what brought the idea of moving back, according to Cook. “The studio is the same size as thesanctuary, so it didn’t really matterbefore,” he said. “We weren’tmoving for numbers or anything like that.” Cook’s wife Jackie said that the church was happy to help out the fellowship and that the move is really indicative of the religious landscape in Blyth. “We’re fortunate to live in a community where churches work together like this,” she said. The agreement to rent the space comes with no long-term contract according to Cook and can be changed or ended by either party with enough notice according to Dow.“We may stay in the studio, sinceit’s much more conducive to ourstyle of service than a sanctuary setting,” Cook said. Jackie added that helping out the fellowship was a good move and she felt it was a great opportunity to utilize a resource that had been a bit under used. “It feels good to make things work for everyone involved,” she said. “It’s a shame to have space not being used, and now it is being used.” This isn’t the first time that the two organizations have worked together either, according to Cook, who said that the two used to share summerservices and that they have similaraims and goals for the community.The Blyth Community Church of God now meets at East Side Dance Studio at 273 Hamilton Street from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Sundays with a discussion group afterwards. The Living Water Christian Fellowship meets at 308 Blyth Road on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Other meetings held at the new location include the Women at the Well group who previously met at the homes of members. The group meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month. The old switcheroo The Blyth Community Church of God recently moved their services to Pastor Les Cook’s house to allow Pastor Ernest Dow, left, and his congregation from Living Water Christian Fellowship a place to worship after the Blyth Public School gymnasium was no longer available to them. Dow is shown here with Tiffany and Dawn Uyl during a recent service (Vicky Bremner photo) Continued from page 12 the thrust of the Oct. 13 campaign; CPL insists, “It is our opinion that abortion is never medically necessary and should be defunded provincially;” and, “the funding of this procedure by governments represents an extreme waste of health care resources.” There are other sectors in health care where these resources (which Campaign Life Coalition estimates at $30-50 million per year) could be put to better use, providing quality care where truly needed. In summary: we infer from Scripture that human life has inherent worth from conception. Killing of the unborn, of those who bear God’s image, is tantamount to murder. There exists a sizable body of physicians who argue that abortion is NEVER medically necessary and should be de-funded. Shouldn’t conscientious citizens who object to this ghastly practice have an option for their tax dollars NOT to be used to such terrible ends? Pro-life rally to be held in Blyth on Saturday