HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-09-20, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2012.New experience for hardware shopping in Brussels
With Oldfield Hardware having
closed earlier this year, two couples
from the Brussels area decided to fill
the niche left over.
With the hopes of keeping, and
expanding, a needed store in
Brussels, Mike and Michelle
Dauphin and Andy and Sarah
Overholt took over the store on May
15 and proceeded to buy it on June
15 and will be opening Huron
Country Hardware at the location on
Sept. 22.
“We wanted to keep a business
like this going,” Sarah said.
“Brussels needs it.”The goal isn’t just to keep acentury-old location running, but tobring in more products and focus on
what the four agreed to call rural
“We really feel we can bring
something different to the table,”
Andy said.
The store is supplied by TSC
Country Pro but is not a franchise
store, instead being a locally owned
store with their own flyers, sales and
offers but carrying the same quality
and brands that TSC stores do.
“The opportunity arose to work
with TSC Country Pro and it
seemed to be a really good fit,” Mike
The foursome said that they were
interested in working together and in
keeping the services and goods that
Oldfield Hardware offered, like
hunting and fishing licences and the
Sears pick-up location in the area.
Continued item lines will also be
featured including the “Melissa and
Doug” line of toys.
“We’re all local, we’ve each been
here for at least 20 years,” Michelle
Changes at the location have been
extensive, according to the group,
including interior renovations of the
store and bringing in new lines to
keep the inventory fresh and
interesting. This was all done to
clearly indicate that things, while
similar to before, were also
“It really was for a fresh start,”
Michelle said. “It’s a new look, new
faces, newly renovated... it’s really anew everything.”New goods available include newtoy lines, more rural and country life
items, workwear and pet and bird
“We wanted to be more than just a
general hardware store,” Andy said.
“We wanted to be what the
community needs and the
community has a lot of farming in it.
TSC was a pretty good fit for that,
they have items sought after by
farmers and a pretty good selection.”
Mike said that they should be able
to order items in as well if customers
are interested.
The big thing that the group feels
people will need to experience is the
new store itself.
“People should come in and
experience the store for themselves,
I think they’ll be very surprised,”
Andy said.
A grand opening will be held
on Saturday, Sept. 22 from
11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. featuring a free
The store’s hours have also been
extended, open now from 8 a.m. to 6
p.m. Monday to Friday and 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. on Saturdays.
While Mike, Michelle and Andy
will each bring their own skills to
the business, they will also each
keep their current jobs. Andy is a
machinist, Michelle is a painter and
Mike manages Dauphin’s Feed and
Supply Ltd. in Dungannon and
Walton. Sarah, Mike’s sister, has
decided to manage the store and be
there full time.
Keeping it local
Two Brussels couples decided that they didn’t want to see downtown Brussels go without a
hardware store when Oldfield Hardware announced they were closing up shop. From left:
Andy and Sarah Overholt and Michelle and Mike Dauphin decided to take over the existing
storefronts of Oldfield’s but re-invent the interior to have a fresh start. (Denny Scott photo)
By Denny Scott
The Citizen
Barnim feels CH kept in the dark about official plan
Central Huron Councillor Brian
Barnim feels he and council have
been waiting too long for answers to
questions they asked about Huron
County’s official plan.
At the Sept. 10 meeting of Central
Huron Council, Barnim asked Chief
Administrative Officer Peggy Van
Mierlo-West if council had heard
back from legal counsel regarding
questions that had been asked in
June; the answer was no.
Van Mierlo-West said that she has
been “continually calling” since she
began last month and that acting
CAO Jack McLachlan had also been
persistant in following up on the
questions before he departed in
“This has been far too long,”
Barnim said, “and we’re paying the
Barnim said he couldn’t believe
that the questions submitted by
Central Huron in June had yet to be
“I think we should put (our
solicitor) on notice,” Barnim said.
“We want these questions answered
immediately or let’s fire him and
move on.
“June 11 is when this came to
council,” Barnim said. “We deserve
answers to our questions at this
Van Mierlo-West went one step
further, telling councillors that the
last time the municipality had heard
from its solicitor was at the end of
Mayor Jim Ginn said municipal
staff should bring back some further
options for council at the Sept. 27
Committee of the Whole meeting.
There was also some confusion
surrounding minutes from the
meeting. Because the meeting
among the government officials,
several members of Central Huron
Council and the Huron County
Planning Department, was not
designated as an official meeting of
council, there were no official
minutes taken. However, Barnim
said, Huron County Director of
Planning Scott Tousaw was taking
extensive notes, Barnim said, and
could be tapped as a resource of
information from the meeting.
Barnim called the meeting a “fact-
finding mission” and not an official
meeting of council.
The meeting came under heavy
scrutiny several months ago when
dozens of ratepayers and wind
turbine opponents flooded council’s
chambers at the REACH Centre in
Clinton looking for answers from
the meeting and asking why the
meeting was not made open to the
Van Mierlo-West and members of
Central Huron staff will bring a
report back to council at the
Sept. 27 Committee of the Whole
www.amdsb.ca/CHSS Clinton, Ontario Canada
Central Huron Secondary School
Please Join Us for our annual
Awards Assembly at 9 am
Commencement at 7 pm
Friday, October 5
This invitation is extended to all our graduates,
their proud parents, relatives, and cheering friends.
Graduates, Award Winners and Presenters -
please arrive at the school no later than 6:30 p.m.
We’ve reserved
a seat just forYou!
By Shawn Loughlin
The Citizen
HE to investigate mail-in votes
Councillor Les Falconer asked
Knight to investigate and report
back to council on mail-in ballots
before the next election in 2014.
Falconer said the procedure of
mail-in ballots has already been put
into use in Bluewater and has been
working well there.
Knight said he and the rest of the
Huron East staff would look into the
Councillor Alvin McLellan
reported to council that several
ratepayers in Ethel complimented
the municipality’s job on placing
sidewalks in the village.
He thanked council and the public
works department for their hard work,
saying it was a “long time coming”.
Council authorized a grant
application to the Huron County
Heritage Network for up to $5,000
for the renovations at Huron
East’s town hall building in
Originally an application was
being prepared for the Brussels
Library, however, as that project has
been delayed until 2013 at least,
Knight said the application could be
changed to accommodate the town
hall building.
Knight said that ideally the
application should feature a project
that has not yet begun, but because
of the late notice on the delay of the
Brussels Library, he said it shouldn’t
be an issue.
Wingham & District
EARLY BIRD WINNERS:Jim Kirton; Paul Gebhardt & Susan
McLean. $100:Erwin Stone; Barry McArthur; Carol & Wayne
Horton; Lois Darling; Lisa McMahon; Ron Kieffer; Richard &
Heather Inglis; Judy Finlayson & Nancy Brown. $250:Eileen
Clarkson; Ron & Barb Snowden; Marilyn & Kevin Ashley; Ellen
McPherson. $500:Larissa Kugler; Dave & Arlene Hills; Rose
Weber & Jacinta Wingrove; McDonagh Insurance.$1,000:Bill &
Charlene Tolton.
Inspiring Possibilities