HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-08-16, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2012.
Continued from page 3
capitalize on the increased
traffic due to the Blyth
Deputy-Reeve David Riach
stated that members of the
business community in Blyth
agreed to either move their
chairs, tables and umbrellas
indoors or take them down
pending this agreement.
Subsequent to the meeting,
Rick Elliott, chair of the
Blyth Business Improvement
Area, said that the bylaw,
which he is confident will
find approval in September, is
a great step forward.
“This is a business-positive
move that’s good for the local
economy,” he said. “It
differentiates our
municipality in a positive
“I do believe the process
will prevail and council will
approve the bylaw at their
meeting in September,” he
Elliott added that it’s
unfortunate that the passing
of the interim bylaw was
delayed after the amount of
planning, designing,
engineering drawings and
councillor and staff work that
had gone into it, but he said
his goal was to keep an eye on
the future.
“Rome wasn’t built in a
day, but it was knocked down
in one,” he said. “We have to
look ahead and plan for the
Elliott sure policy will be approved
Continued from page 1
around the Niagara Peninsula
in 1878 and was acquired in a
“friendly” takeover in 2007.
“The closure will lead to
increased efficiencies as we
move dressing production to
those plants where we have
expanded capacity and
invested in new lines over the
last two years,” said
TreeHouse Foods CEO Sam
Reed in the company’s
second quarter report.
Plant closed for
New sewing group formed through local 4-H clubBy Ellen JeffersonWawanosh 4-H started another club,Sew Easy, where members will learn thebasics of sewing and practise their skills.Cathy Drennan is the main leader of the
The first meeting was on Monday,
Aug. 6 at 7 p.m. at the Jefferson home.
The meeting began with an ice breaker
led by junior leader, Kristina Drennan.
Members had the name of sewing items
taped to their back and they had to ask
simple questions to guess what object
they were. Next, the club said the 4-H
pledge and the election of officers began.
Reba Jefferson was elected as president,
with Kate Higgins as vice-president.
Ellen Jefferson was chosen as press
reporter and Loretta Higgins was
designated for attendance recorder.
Jolande Oudshoorn was selected as
cover designer, but members still need to
think of a club name. Members are to
take turns being secretary to record the
The club completed roll call, which
was: give an important fact about
something you need to do before or
while you are sewing a garment. The
members mentioned washing,measuring, pressing, straight of thegrain, pinning and more. Cathy stressedthat is was important to press as you go.Cathy explained that members needed to
complete two sewing projects for the
club and the members looked at patterns
for ideas.
Next, Cathy set out a tray of sewing
objects and members had one minute to
remember the objects and then had to
write the objects down once the tray was
taken away. It was both a test of sewing
knowledge and memory. Then members
raced to match terms with their
definitions concerning parts of a sewing
Two examples of buttons were passed
around and members had to identify
which one was sewn on better. This
helped members learn the importance of
a shank. Cathy demonstrated how to
properly sew on a button and then
members practised with shank buttons
and regular buttons. For the next
meeting, members are to plan their
projects, prepare a practice hem and
measure themselves.
Judging group visits farm to learn about cattle
By Ryan Baan
The Grey Township 4-H
Jurors gathered at the home of
Crystal Blake outside of
Molesworth for their fifth
meeting of their judging club
on Aug. 2. At this meeting,
members judged a class of
breeding heifers and also
learned about what to look for
in these beef cattle when
judging them. They also
looked at sheep and what is
important to consider when
judging them. Later, the
Jurors judged a class of
regular potato chips, which
made for a tasty snack
The sixth and final meeting
of the Jurors was held on Aug.
9 at the former Grey Central
Public School. Members took
a hike through the woods. We
judged hiking sticks and
reasons were given by all
members. Some members
also made brownies to bring
to the meeting which were
judged by the jurors as well
and were gobbled up to
adjourn the final meeting for
the judging project.
The Jurors held their
achievement program at the
Seaforth Agriplex on Aug. 14
during the Huron County 4-H
Judging Competition.
Learning to judge the heifers
The Grey Township 4-H Jurors learned all about what to look for in breeding heifers and beef cattle.
Shown are, from left: Emma Baan, Nick Vinnicombe, Brent Alexander, Ryan Baan, Jeanette Schramm,
Jolande Oudshoorn and Adam Baan. Absent are Crystal Blake and Femke Backx. (Denny Scott photo)
The following establishments have applied to the Alcohol
and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence
under the Liquor Licence Act:
Application for a Sales Licence
BLYTH (Indoor area)
Deadline for submissions: August 22, 2012
BLYTH (Indoor area)
Deadline for submissions: August 30, 2012
Any resident of the municipality may make a written
submission as to whether the issuance of the licence
is in the public interest having regard to the needs and
wishes of the residents. Please include your name,
address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted
to the Commission, please identify the designated contact
person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant copies of any
objections. Anonymous objections are not considered.
The personal information gathered is collected under the
authority of the Liquor Licence Act. The principal purpose
of the collection is to assess eligibility for the issuance of
a liquor sales licence. Copies of all objections are given
to the applicant. The information may also be disclosed
pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection
of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should
be directed to the Manager, Licensing and Registration,
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario at the address,
telephone numbers or e-mail address listed below.
Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration,
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, 90 Sheppard
Avenue East, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M2N 0A4.
Tel: 416-326-8700 OR Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-522-2876.
Fax: 416-326-5555. E-mail: licensing@agco.on.ca
Notice of Liquor Licence
Proving it’s sew easy
The new Sew Easy club, a part of the Wawanosh 4-H organization, started up recently
with the goal of teaching sewing skills. Shown practicing their tailoring talents are, from
left, Ellen Jefferson, Kate Higgins and Meagan Higgins. (Denny Scott photo)