HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-07-12, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2012. PAGE 19. The sport of Kings Martin Zacharias, left, and Chance Teichroeb, were members of a rotating roster of four square players at the Zion Mennonite Church’s vacation bible school last week. Shown here during recess at the camp, the duo tried their best to make it to the coveted King spot by knocking their opponents out of the squares. (Denny Scott photo) While North Huron councillors had previously stated they didn’t have the money to support a street party suggested by the Wingham Business Alliance to celebrate the conclusion of the two-year Josephine Street Reconstruction in Wingham, Public Works director Ralph Campbell found some funds. Campbell stated that the $2,000 donation to help cover rental costs for the event including tents and portable washrooms would come from the Josephine Street reconstruction budget. “We’ll take the money from the project expenses for Josephine Street,” Campbell said. “It won’t have to come from the councillors’ budgets.” Recently re-instated councillor Archie McGowan said that he had been following the progress of the Wingham Business Alliance for some time and he was happy to help. “I’m glad to move that we donate this money,” he said. “The co- operation they have shown has been remarkable. When you have retailers predicting a worst case scenario and losing a lot of money and then have some retailers say their earnings go up, it shows how well the group worked together.” He continued to state that there had been a number of good things that have come from the “Dig Our Downtown” campaign that was created to keep businesses strong during the reconstruction. When asked how taking $2,000 from the budget for the construction could affect the project, Campbell said that there is a set amount of money and that they will try and work within it. The street party is set to be held at the Foodland parking lot in Wingham from August 31 to Sept. 1 and will feature family activities including an outdoor movie, car and bike show. Adult games will also be held and a beverage gardens as well as live music, will be on site. Lisa Hearnden, who presented the Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. Connect with Ontarians – extend your business reach! www.networkclassifi ed.org EMPLOYMENT OPPS. CERTIFIED BODY TECHNICIAN required at a very busy GM dealership in Slave Lake, Alberta. Experience with water-borne product preferred. Up to $40. per hour flat hour plus ben- efits and relocation allowance. 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Call for free information booklet. 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972- 7366). RemoveYourRecord.com. NEWS FROM BELGRAVE Outdoor church services coming for Belgrave Funding found forNH street festival The community congratulates the graduating class at East Wawanosh Public School, which held its final graduation ceremony on the evening of June 25. Several students were honoured with awards. Congratulations to all those students. The community extends sincere sympathy to Mark and Janice Matheson and all families in the loss of their father David Matheson who passed away at Huronlea Home for the Aged, Brussels on June 26. There is a community come and go shower for Michelle Nixon on Thursday, July 19, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at the Belgrave Community Centre. Everyone is welcome. Summer services at Knox United Church are July 15 – Belgrave Ball Park, July 22 - East Wawanosh Public School grounds, and July 29 - Ken and Lila Procter’s pond. In case of rain the service will be held in Knox United Church. By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED By Denny Scott The Citizen Continued on page 22