HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-07-05, Page 27THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 2012. PAGE 27.
In honour of
Kurt and Lisa
25th Wedding Anniversary
Their family invites you
to a
Come and Go
Blyth Lions Park Pavilion
Saturday, July 7th
2:00 pm ~ 4:00 pm
Join us as we celebrate
Happily Ever After...
• Parade at 11am • Beef BBQ (ltd tickets)
• Dance to Sheldon Baker (age of majority)
Church Service (Interdenominational & Music by Lee Grant)
History, Log Sawing & Kids games
Come to the
Village with
the Big
July7&8July 7 & 8
Clem & Phyllis
are celebrating their
Wedding Anniversary
Saturday, July 14, 2012
in Lacombe, Alberta
Continued from page 10
bread pizza were the favourites of
the evening.
Next, junior leaders Reba and
Maisy Jefferson, led the club in an
obstacle course on the play
equipment, to work off some of the
pizza. The club then went inside to
clean up and Ellen closed the
meeting with the motto.
Achievement will be held at the St.
Helen’s Reunion on July 7 at 2 p.m.
4-H club follows pizza
up with a brief workout
Continued from page 21the weekly routine of garbagepickup. Albert Einstein once saidthat insanity was doing the same
thing over and over again and
expecting different results. If this is
true, then Mrs. Armstrong must be
teaching a class full of lunatics,
because every time that garbage
truck showed up, she desperately
tried to regain our attention. But tono avail. We were mesmerized bythe power of the infamous garbagetruck.
This year, I personally think that
we were blessed with the fortune of
having the best possible teachers for
our last year. Madame Zembashi
was always there to talk to, no
matter how busy she was, she
always found the time for each ofher students. She’s an amazingFrench teacher and has gained ourrespect as a class. Next came Ms
Clark, who filled in for Ms Badham
for a period of time. As Ms Clark is
very young, she naturally relates
with students very well and
understands them in a way that
makes us want to listen to her.
Although she admits that we arequite the class to try and handle, welove her all the same. Ms. Badhambrought music to our lives and I’m
speaking quite literally: Without her,
we would have no band, talent
shows, musicals, she even taught us
bucket drumming that I know some
of us remember to this day. She is
what I like to call a master-planner.
She gives up her own time to
organize events and make our lives
easier – just as long as
you never turn in your homework
Then along came Mr. Brown.
Although he never actually taught us
a subject, we still learned a lot by
being around him. He’s a really cool
guy and every chance we got, we
would go visit him in the library. We
were all guilty of it, and eventually,
the teachers caught on and banned
us from the library without having
permission. Whoops.
Now Mrs. Watt is an incredible
individual. She has been with this
school for as long as I can remember
and has dealt with the good and the
bad. She always has a handle on
things and is a spirited, funny, kind-
hearted figure within the school.
Although Mr. Gagne has only been
here for our last year, I think he
played a big part in preparing us for
high school. He’s a very serious man
and can sometimes catch you off
guard when he cracks a joke. We all
think very highly of him and we
were honoured to have him at our
school for the final year.
Then there’s Mrs. McDowell. I
don’t know what it is but when she
walks into a room everyone snaps to
attention. Maybe that’s why they
call her General. She has an air of
authority about her and an ability to
have everything under control and
going her way in a matter of
minutes. Her coming to Blyth was agreat thing for the school and she issure to make an amazing principal atthe new school.
Finally, Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs
Armstrong gave us the
encouragement and confidence we
needed to be where we are now.
She’s a phenomenal teacher who
cares so much about her students.
Sometimes it may seem like we are
taking her for granted but I hope she
knows just how much we appreciate
and respect her efforts to care like
she does.
To be completely cliché, I would
like to finish with a quote. So as
Larry Tribe would say, I guess the
only essential “rules” for success are
obvious: don’t be boring, be
insightful, and be as honest as
possible. As I must throw in at least
one platitude remark in order to
make this a valedictorian speech, I’d
like to say thank you to everyone in
this room for preparing us for the
next big steps in life and for
supporting us all the way. The
memories we have made and the
advice we’ve received over the past
10 years are ones we will cherish for
a lifetime. I’ve been talking for a
while now, and maybe I just like the
sound of my own voice, but as a
concluding statement I’d like to say
that no matter what happens in the
future and where we go, our start in
life, that defines who we are, and
who we will be, began as the Blyth
Happy 90th
Elva Armstrong
Family and friends
are invited
to a
Come & Go
Birthday Celebration
Sunday, July 8th
1:30 - 4:00 pm
Auburn Community Hall
Best wishes only
The parents of
Joanne Josling
Michael Dixon
are excited to announce
the forthcoming marriage
of their children on
July 7, 2012
The wedding will
take place in Las Vegas!
Friends and family
are invited to an
Open Reception
July 28, 2012
Blyth Community Centre
Blyth valedictorian remembers those who led grads
SS1 Morris Reunion
Just shy of 50 years after it closed, the students of SS1 Morris school gathered at the Blyth
Lions Park to remember the school and the relationships they made there that have lasted a
lifetime. (Vicky Bremner photo)
The meeting and potluck
luncheon of the Clinton Public
Hospital Auxiliary was held at St.
Andrew’s United Church in
Bayfield on Monday, June 4 with 46
members and guests present.
Guest speaker, Eunice Russell,
told of her 2011 trip to Peru with the
Medical Ministries International
Eye Project. Many people who have
had cataract care at the Clinton
Hospital will appreciate the
excellent care we are privileged to
have here in Canada.
The Auxiliary members who
earned awards are: life member,
Linda Dunford; new member, Janice
Kutasinski; 10-year member, Ann
MacLean; outstanding member,
Ruth Howatt; honorary members,
Margaret Caldwell and Barbara
Lovett. These dedicated volunteers
make the auxiliary such an
important support to health care at
Clinton Public Hospital.
Dates when the community can
support the auxiliary are: hot dog
days, June 15 and 16 and the annual
penny sale, last week in September.
The hospital gift shop is an ongoing
fundraiser. Thanks to all who
participated in the card cavalcades
this spring.
The next meeting will be Tuesday,
Sept. 4 at 9:30 a.m. in the hospital
conference room. Volunteers
continue to work at projects over the
summer months.
Auxiliary holds meeting/potluck