HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-07-05, Page 21THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 2012. PAGE 21. Continued from page 12kicked our butts into gear after theleisurely pace of Kindergarten. Afterevery weekend, we wrote in journals
and on the following Monday, we
had to read them in front of the class.
If it was finished we got a sticker in
the back of our book. One Monday
morning, Jordan got up in front of
the class to say his piece as Ward
was receiving his sticker. After he
finished telling his story, he walked
over to join Ward at the ‘sticker
table’. By this point, Jordan wasn’t
looking too good and gave one last
look to the class before he threw up
over everyone’s journals... including
the sticker book! I will never forget
the absolute horrified expression on
Ward’s face as he gazed down at his
now ruined journal and began to
look a little green himself.
‘There was a man named Michael
Finnigan, he had whiskers on his
chinnigan...’ It’s songs like these that
hold a special place in our hearts
after Grade 2. Besides learning cool
songs, Mr. Gole introduced us to
culture when he brought in sushi and
taught us that ‘Gung Hay Fat Choy”
which is not what it sounds like, it
means happy new year in Chinese.
Mr. Gole kept us entertained and
well-behaved, for the most part
anyway. Mr. Gole showed up at
every one of our ball games, soccer
practices, piano recitals... I could go
on. He has so much faith and support
for his students and I admire the fact
that even with a family of his own,he never ceases to be there for them.And for all the moms out there, weknow that you had a secret crush on
our Grade 2 teacher.
Ahhhh, Grade 3. The year when
we all discover the whole
‘boyfriend-girlfriend’ routine and
hypothetical ‘dating’. You know, the
whole passing notes, holding hands
and giggling like there’s no
tomorrow? We all went through the
phase. But when Dawn and Tiffany
came to the school, it was like a
mass competition for their attention.
They started out as the two shy,
timid girls in our class but when we
all became comfortable around each
other, I’ll be darned if they were ever
called ‘timid’ again! I distinctly
recall a point in the year when
everyone was fighting to ‘date’ each
other. Justin and Dillon fighting over
Aaly Broda, Dawn and Tiffany
obsessing over Brennan, Jacob, we
all know you were pining over Ally.
Even Kathryn, Zoe, and myself all
crushing on Hunter. That was quite
the year and I must give thanks to
Mrs. Moir who helped us along the
way when we all got caught up in the
drama of our delusive relationship
We’ve arrived at Grade 4. Halfway
to the top. Because Mrs. Decker was
away on a maternity leave, we had a
substitute until Christmas. Mrs.
Gregoriadis turned out to be our
teacher and along with introducing
ourselves to a new teacher, we were
introduced to a new student:
Jonathan. Or ‘Johnny Boy’ as we
like to call him. Mrs. Gregoriadis
welcomed him to our class by
discreetly tossing ‘realfruit’ candies
at him. When someone mentions
Grade 4, our whole class is likely to
think ‘Medieval Times’. Which is
due to the fact that we had a
Medieval Day where we all dressed
up as different characters from that
time and had an old-style dinner.
Every royal family needs a dog so
when everyone showed up that day
dressed as kings, queens,blacksmiths et cetera, Dillon stolethe show dressed as just that: A dog.It had to be the highlight of the entire
day watching him imitate a dog by
running down the hall on his hands
and knees. Mrs. Decker was back to
school by this point and I don’t think
she found it as amusing as we did.
It was our first year being
separated into two different classes.
It was Grade 5 and no one really
knew what was going to happen. It
may not seem like a big deal, but
seven years of being with one class
and finally getting split apart can be
hard. Fortunately we all adapted,
made new friends and still managed
to have a great year. As I was put in
the Grade 5/6 split, I had Mrs.
Middleton as a teacher. Mrs.
Middleton was witty, funny and
great at teaching, but still serious
when need be. Our seating groups in
the classroom were called ‘Pagodas’
and the group with the best
behaviour after a period of time got
to host a movie in the classroom. I
remember when we watched a
karate movie and ate popcorn for the
last two periods of the day. It was
great, but when the movie became a
little boring, Brandon had the bright
idea to sneak up on Mrs. Middleton
and dump an entire bag of popcorn
on her head. Well that just caused
complete chaos and lo and behold,
we wound up having a minor food
fight that consisted of throwing
pieces of popcorn at your friend next
you. The great thing about it... Mrs.
Middleton even cleaned the whole
room afterwards while we watched
the end of the movie.
Grade 6 was the year we joined
forces again after being split up.
With our own personal experience,
we became more like individuals.
This was the first time we had Ms
Badham as a teacher and were
introduced to community circle. We
took community circle very
seriously and for some reason every
time we had it with a serious topic of
conversation, everyone wound upcrying and or laughing. Either way, alot of emotion went into that circleand it was nice to hear everyones
thoughts and feelings on subjects
regarding the school. It brought us
closer together and gave us the
opportunity to get to know our
fellow classmates.
Grade 7 was definitely an...
interesting year. Unfortunately, it
was the year that Bryce left, but what
came out of his going away party
turned into a mass of dance
revolution and obscene amounts of
candy. But in losing Bryce, Sam
came to our school the same year
and automatically made friends
within the class. Ms Badham helped
make that year fun. We had lots of
good memories in that classroom but
one that sticks out for me the most is
the creation of Wanda Peabody. For
those of you who don’t know what
I’m talking about, I’ll give you some
background. Last year, Ms. Badham
organized the Oliver Twist musical.
The play was amazing and everyone
had a great time. In one scene,
Oliver is being teased about sleeping
in a coffin with recently deceased,
‘Ms. Peabody’. Well to add effect,
we needed some sort of body-like
prop and someone was kind enough
to bring in a life-sized doll. Once the
musical was finished, the doll was
no longer needed and Ally somehow
got hold of it. I don’t pretend to
understand what goes on in Ally’s
head, but after she named the doll
Wanda, coloured its hair, and drew
on its face you can understand our
worry. This horrid creation was
named the class mascot. Isn’t that
just what we wanted to represent
ourselves! That... thing, wound up at
my house over the summer and now
she is barely a pile of burnt, chewed,
muddy plastic. You can now addWanda Peabody on Facebook.And finally, Grade 8. The top ofthe food chain and the glorified last
year of Public School. With all of the
Grade 8 students together again, it
was a given that we were going to
become as close as we have. Each of
us is unique in our own way and we
all have our differences. But this is
what makes us close and able to
work in an efficient, and effective
manner... until garbage pickup day.
Our classroom window happens to
be conveniently placed so that the
whole class has a perfect view of the
school dumpster. This may not
sound like a very good thing, but to
us it was like hitting the jackpot.
Over the course of the year, we
developed a fascination with the
garbage truck on pickup day. We got
into the habit of dropping
everything, no matter what lesson
and running to the window to watch
Continued from page 9
trail system too, he said.
Councillor Jamie Heffer also
opposed the idea, saying he’d been
involved with other abandoned
railways before they were
eventually turned over to the
adjacent landowners.
“My experience is there are too
many negative aspects,” he said.
Gowing said there are many more
details to be discussed before
decisions have to be made whether
or not to participate.
Blyth valedictorian spans through the grades
left to
on trail
Worship Service & Sunday School at 11 a.m.
Rev. Gary Clark, BA, M. Div.
All Welcome
Floyd Herman, BA, M. Ed.OFFICE: 519-523-4224
JULY 8 ~ “Building a Future” Habitat For Humanity
Faith In the Festival, Through the Eyes of the Blyth Festival Plays
JULY 15 ~ Dear Johnny Deere
JULY 22 ~ Having Hope at Home
JULY 29 ~ The Lonely Diner
AUGUST 5 ~ The Devil We Know
You’re Invited To Join Us In Worship
Hwy. 4, Blyth 519-523-4743
Morning Service 10:00 am
Evening Service 7:30 pm
Rev. Elwin Garland
Wheelchair accessible ~ Nursery care available
10:00 am - Sunday Morning Worship
- Sunday School
Pastor: Ernest Dow ~ 519-523-4848
Living Water
Christian Fellowship
July 8: 2 Sam. 7:1-17
10:30 a.m. ~ Worship & Sunday School
See website for location
of this week’s service
Mobile God
who Plants
Evangelical Missionary Church
Community VBS July 16-20 -
info/register: tinyurl.com/blythvbs2012
Youre Invited
to come worship
with us
Sunday, July 8
Brussels Legion at 10:30 a.m.
and in various homes at 6:30 p.m.
Sunday School for children
4 to 11 years of age at 9:30 a.m.
Childcare provided for infants and
preschoolers during the sermon.
Coffee & cookies after the morning service
For additional details please contact Pastor Andrew Versteeg 519.887.8621
Steve Klumpenhower 519.887.8651 Rick Packer 519.527.0173
119 John’s Ave., Auburn
Rev. Mark Royall, Sr. Pastor
10:30 a.m
Morning Worship Service
Register on-line at
Vacation Bible
School ~
“The Silver Chair”
July 9-13th
JK - Grade 6
Sandra Cable, Worship Leader
Church Office 519-887-6259 E-mail - beunitedchurch@gmail.com
Celebrating our Christian Faith together in worship
Brussels United Church
is closed for holidays in July.
Continued on page 27