HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-06-07, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2012. PAGE 19. Whooping cough cases on the rise in HuronThe Huron County Health Unit isconcerned about the number ofconfirmed cases of pertussis, orwhooping cough, in Huron County so far this year. There have been 10 people with the highly infectious disease. There were no cases of confirmed pertussis for the same period last year. The cases are spread around the county and in people of all ages. Most of the people affected had not been immunized. “Pertussis is most serious for young children, especially those under one year of age. For infants and young ones, pertussis can lead to pneumonia, seizures, brain damage and occasionally death,” says Public Health Nurse Shirley Chalmers. The concern has prompted the health unit to offer free immunization clinics in June. Chalmers says they are particularly encouraging adults who have contact with children to get the booster shot. Pertussis is spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It can also be spread through contact with an infected person’s saliva or mucous, such as by kissing or sharing drinking cups. Most cases begin with symptoms similar to a cold. These can include: a runny nose, congestion, mild cough, sneezing or a fever. The cough will become worse after about a week and can last for weeks after that. During a coughing spell you may hear a “whooping” sound, especially in younger children. Older children and adults may have coughing spells that lead to vomiting. The Huron County Health Unit is encouraging parents, grandparents,child care providers, anyone withchildren in their life to get the free pertussis booster.The clinics will be every Tuesdayafternoon for the month of June at the health unit in Clinton. One clinicwill be held in Wingham. Call tomake an appointment at 1-877-837-6143.You can also get the vaccination atyour health care provider’s office. 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