HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-04-19, Page 25COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR rent in beautiful downtown Blyth, $550/month plus utilities. Available May 15. Please contact Michelle at 519-523-4448. 16-tfn -------------------------------------------- LARGE TWO-BEDROOM UP- stairs apartment in Brussels, four appliances and utilities included. No smoking or pets. First and last. References. 519-887-6486. 16-tfn -------------------------------------------- COUNTRY HOUSE FOR RENT: Seaforth, Mitchell, Walton area. Large lot. Carpeted upstairs, living and dining areas, three bedrooms, two full baths, propane heat. No pets. Available April 1. Call 519- 345-1333 or 519-345-2317. 15-2 THE 2012 CITIZEN PHONE BOOK is available in our Blyth and Brussels offices. Only $1.00 each. tfn -------------------------------------------- FREE – 2 - 20" VIEWSONIC CRT computer monitors. Call Keith Roulston, The Citizen, 519-523- 4792. 14-tfn -------------------------------------------- TREE TOPS. CALL SCOTT Cardiff, 519-887-9867. 14-3 -------------------------------------------- FIREWOOD FOR SALE – CLEAN, seasoned hardwood. Available by the log or cut and split. Discounts on 10 or more cords. Delivery available. Call 519-887-6219 or 519-291-8642. 13-tfn -------------------------------------------- REPRINTS OF PHOTOS taken by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. All are in colour. 4x6 – $4.00, 5x7 – $5.00, 8x10 – $8.00. Phone to order 519- 523-4792 or 519-887-9114. tfn ANSLEY. Mike and Katie Ansley are proud to announce the safe arrival of their third child. Alexis Olivia Ansley was born on March 28, 2012, weighing 7 lbs., 3 oz. Proud older sister Mikayla and older brother Rodney are pleased to have a baby sister. This is the ninth grandchild for Rod and Debbie Ansley and the sixth grandchild for Fred and Shirley Schilbe. 16-1 -------------------------------------------- DIMALINE. Lillian Marie arrived early and in a big hurry March 15, weighing 5 lbs., 8 oz. Proud parents are Derek and Mandy. Lily’s spoiling privileges go to grandparents Doug and Janet Mitchell of Walton and Don and Diane Dimaline of Miller Lake. Another great-grandchild for Lloyd Heibein of Listowel, Emerson and Phyllis Mitchell of Brussels and Styntje and Arie Peters of Clinton. 16-1 -------------------------------------------- HUBBARD. Nathan, Jen and big brother Benjamin are pleased to announce the arrival of Scott Brandon on March 17, 2012 at 8:48 a.m. at Stratford General Hospital, weighing eight pounds. Scott is welcomed by grandparents Susan Hubbard and Kevin Warwick of Blyth, and Heather and J Jackson of Londesborough. Congratulations to great-grandparents George Hubbard, Peggy Forsyth and Don and Patricia Jackson. 16-1 -------------------------------------------- MILTENBURG. Eric and Jaclyn Miltenburg announce the birth of their first child, a son, Owen Jacob Miltenburg on February 7, 2012 at 1:47 a.m. weighing 8 lbs., 10 oz., 21.5" long. Grandparents are Les and Joanne Stafford of Wingham and John and Angela Miltenburg of Lucknow. 16-1 PRYCE. We would like to thank our friends, neighbours and family who extended their sympathies after the passing of Harold. The flowers, donations, cards and food were greatly appreciated. Thank you to the Cavan Ladies for their delicious lunch. Thank you to the caring workers of One Care Support Services who helped us to have Dad at home where he wanted to be. Special thanks to minister Mary Fletcher for her comforting words; to Jane Kuepfer for saying the 23rd Psalm and Marjorie and Dawn Papple for their music. Also thank you to McGlynn Family Funeral Home for their support. – Naomi and family. 16-1 -------------------------------------------- SMITH. The family of the late Beryl Smith would like to extend their sincere thank you to family, friends and neighbours who brought food, flowers and expressions of sympathy to our homes. Thank you to Aunt Teuni who made us a special meal between visitations, you are so great. Thank you to Mr. Garland and Harry Reid for honouring Mom at the funeral service. Thank you to the Schimanski Family Funeral Home for your compassionate care. Thank you to the ladies of the Presbyterian Church for the delicious lunch after the funeral. As a family we are really at a loss for words on just how to thank the staff and volunteers at Huronlea. Mom moved there 2 1/2 years ago and it became her home. What was even more special was that the rest of us felt like it was part of our home too. Mom had a great sense of humour and became well known for it. She brought a lot of smiles to a lot of faces and I know there are many who are missing her now. During her last few days we could sense from the staff that we were not the only ones losing a loved one. They were too. The compassion, care and dignity shown to Mom and us was truly incredible. You are truly wonderful caring people and we will ever be grateful for the quality of life Mom had right up to the end. – With great respect, Sharon, Kim, Wayne, Joan and families. 16-1 -------------------------------------------- CHAMNEY. I would like to thank family, friends and neighbours for my 80th birthday party – and by the way you are all invited back in 10 years for my 90th. Thanks to all! Everything was great. – Bud Chamney. 16-1p -------------------------------------------- COOK. Thanks to all our friends and family who came out and supported us at our Buck and Doe. Special thank you to our wedding party and parents for all their time and hard work organizing the night. We had a great time. – Kandace and Darcey. 16-1 -------------------------------------------- DYK. I would like to thank neighbours, friends and family for their support and comfort on the death of my mother, Hermina. Also thank you to the doctors and nurses at Clinton Hospital and the staff in the emergency department and Home Care workers. Special thanks to Falconer Funeral Homes and Pastor Jack Quartel for their support. – John Dyk and family. 16-1p -------------------------------------------- McLELLAN-PRENTICE. Thanks to everyone who attended and supported us at our stag and doe, and also to those who travelled to celebrate with us. The community’s thoughtfulness and kindness was overwhelming. Thanks for the great night. – Crystal and Dave. 16-1p 140TH HOMECOMING MEETING, Wednesday, April 25 at 7 p.m., Brussels Legion. 16-1 -------------------------------------------- ETHEL COMMUNITY HALL Board meeting, April 30, 7 p.m. Come out to discuss the future of your hall. Everyone welcome. 519- 887-9456. 16-2 ---------------------------------------------- CELEBRATE THE QUEEN’S 60TH April 25, 6 p.m., roast beef dinner, all the trimmings, Queen Elizabeth cake followed by a friendly game of euchre, $10 per person. Hosted by Majestic Women’s Institute. Proceeds to community betterment. 16-1 -------------------------------------------- YARD SALE, BLYTH MEMORIAL Hall, Sunday, April 22, 8:30 a.m. - noon. Rain or shine. 16-1p -------------------------------------------- COME AND GO BRIDAL SHOWER for Shalin Diehl, Saturday, April 28, 1 - 3 p.m. at Ethel United Church. Everyone welcome. 16-2 -------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY BREAKFAST, Blyth Memorial Hall, Sunday, April 22, 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sponsored by Blyth Legion and Ladies Auxiliary. 16-1p -------------------------------------------- SPRINGTIME SUPPER, SUNDAY, April 29, Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Adults - $13, children (6-12) $6, children 5 and under, free.15-3p -------------------------------------------- ANNUAL SPRING FASHION Show at Wingham Columbus Centre on April 23 at 7 p.m. Fashions by Christine’s and Just A Little. Sponsored by Eastern Star, Wingham. Tickets are $12 and available at Christine’s, Just A Little and The Workshop. Doors open at 6 p.m. 15-2 -------------------------------------------- SONGS OF FAITH CONCERT, Belgrave United Church, April 19, 7 p.m. Local talent. Come enjoy music, fellowship and refreshments. Free-will offering at the door. 15-2p PIG-OUT! HAM AND ROAST pork and scalloped potato supper hosted by Knox United Church at Belgrave Community Centre on Wednesday, April 25 from 5 - 7 p.m. Tickets $14 adults and $7 ages 6 - 12, under 5 - free. Call Roger at 519- 887-6712 or Betty at 519-357-3895 for tickets. Gluten-free/takeouts available. 15-2p WANTED TO RENT: STANDING hay ground. Call Scott Cardiff 519- 887-9867. 14-3 STORAGE BOXES DELIVERED to your home or business, ground level access, up to 20 feet long. Phone 519-482-5996. 15-50p 4X4 ROUND BALES OF HAY for sale. 519-357-8896. 16-1 PART-TIME COOK REQUIRED. Growing business is in need of a part-time cook to work days, evenings and weekends. Must be a team player and able to work in a busy fast-paced atmosphere. Call 519-526-7373 or bring résumé to the Auburn Grill. 16-tfn THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2012, PAGE 25.Classified Advertisements – RATES –20 words or less only $7.00 + HST. Additional words 20¢ each + HST. 50¢ will be deducted if ad is paid in advance DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 e-mail: info@northhuron.on.ca Cards of thanks Cards of thanks Coming events Coming events ccommodation for rentA Articles for sale Births BirthsAuction sales Auction sales All word ads in The Citizen classifieds are put on our webpage at www.northhuron.on.ca Auction Estate of Joyce Gardner, Wingham & Furnishings of Laura Johnston, Belgrave at Yokassippi Auctions, 8 Mitchell St., Hwy. 4, Teeswater, ON SAT., APR. 21 - 10 AM PREVIEW AT 9:00 AM - LUNCH BOOTH Check website for complete listing & photos www.yokassippi.com TERMS: Cash, Interac, Visa, MC, Cheque with valid ID. 10% Buyer’s Premium will apply. HST were applicable. Auctioneer: Ken Scott 519-357-8967 cell SATURDAY, APRIL 21 AT 10:30 AM: Used RV stock reduction auction at Morry’s Trailer Sales. 3 miles east of Walkerton on Hwy. #4. SATURDAY, APRIL 28 AT 10 AM: Eight musical instruments, PA, amplifiers, etc. for the Estates of Charlie Cross and Shirley Rutledge Cross of Blyth plus many rare antiques, rocking horse, wooden duck decoys, train set, many power tools, New 3500 generator, antiques, furniture, etc. at Seaforth Fairgrounds Agri Plex Building. See www. lobbauction.on.ca RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 519-482-7898 Farmland For rent Hay & straw Help wanted requires Part-time Bar Staff Weekends. Must be 19 years of age. Contact Comrade Eric Ross for more information 519-887-9940. Send résumé to Brussels Legion Box 128, Brussels, ON N0G 1H0 Att.: Eric or e-mail to legion218@ezlink.ca Brussels Legion Branch 218 Brides In Huron An on-line resource centre for Huron brides Email us your writeup at norhuron@scsinternet.com www.northhuron.on.ca (click on Brides In Huron) We are looking for stories and photos from Huron County couples. For more information call The Citizen 519-523-4792 Send us a description of your wedding (up to 600 words) and up to 2 photographs and we’ll post them on the Brides in Huron website for one year for no charge. Find a job or advertise a job on the Jobs In Huron section of our website at www.northhuron.on.ca