HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-03-15, Page 7THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012. PAGE 7.
We had a taste of spring again last
week and then a blast of snow to
remind us winter is still here. The
time changed and we jumped ahead
an hour and we jumped right into
spring. The temperatures this week
have been unbelievable. It is March
Break and the children are out and
Not only children are about, many
of the wild animals have emerged to
check out the spring-like weather.
The raccoons never really went away
this winter and now there are even
more to be seen. I have also seen,
and almost hit, an opossum and amuskrat on the road. When I saw themuskrat crossing the road, slowly, Ithought it was a giant rat. Ugh!
The Canada geese looked a little
chilly in the snow, but the rabbit
looked happy. The one thing I have
not seen is the arrival of the robin, so
we will just have to wonder-is spring
really here?
A few folks have been away in the
last weeks. Fred and Teuni Smith
have returned from a two-week trip
to Panama. They report that it was
hot, hot, hot! The temperatures
hovered around 36°C so it was too
hot to sit in the sun. They still
enjoyed their sixth trip to Panama
and the resort.
The Ontario Plowmen’s
Convention was held close by in
Stratford last weekend. Huron
County had great representation
from our area attending. It was held
from Friday to Sunday and there
were great discussions and voting on
constitutional changes being made.
Walton-area folks attending includedNeil, Marie and Brian McGavin,Graeme and Helen Craig, and Don,Maya and Paul Dodds. They report
an interesting and fun time.
We will catch up with those in
hospital and they include Isabel
Armstrong who has had another stay
at Seaforth Hospital and we wish her
well. We wish Maya Dodds
continued improvement in her
recovery from a broken shoulder.
Elaine Nichol was home on the
weekend and she is coming along
nicely and is continuing her physical
therapy. We hope MacKenzie
McGavin is taking it easy as she
recovers from a concussion injury.
Enjoying a five-day trip to British
Columbia were Erin Robinson and
girls, Grace and Emma. They went
to visit with Erin’s sister Jody and
husband Adrian and little Edward in
Vancouver. The girls report that
flying is fun and they had a great
time. Emma reports that skiing at
Whistler Mountain was the best part
of the trip and Grace reports that shehad a crazy wipeout, but wasn’t hurt.They had nice weather and spenttime shopping and have a few new
clothes. They went to Sushi Village
to eat, but the girls report they didn’t
like it. Grace mastered using
chopsticks but Emma reports they
are too hard. The girls said it was lots
of fun and had a wonderful time!
Isn’t it great to have friends that
care. The co-workers of Nicole
Stevenson at Sholdice Insurance
wanted everyone to know that Nicole
was celebrating a special birthday
this past week. The sign out front of
the office said ”come in and give
Nicole a kiss or a spanking – your
choice” for her 40th birthday. I chose
to give her the kiss. Another added
touch was Nicole’s vehicle was
decorated with many birthday
balloons for all to see. Happy
birthday Nicole.
The McGavin sugar bush is
keeping them all busy these days.
The sap is running, but I understand
from them and other bush operators,
that the quality will not be as good
and that it will be a very short
season. The weather has not been the
best and many feel the sap went up
the trees earlier than usual this
Congratulations to a young lady
from the area. Leah Stevenson, the
nine-year-old daughter of Steve and
Veronica Stevenson, and
granddaughter of Bill and Carol
Stevenson and Les and Cathy
Glanville, is a gold medalist. Leah is
part of a girls combo bowling team
out of the Molesworth Bowling
Club. The three girls Leah, nine,
Annie Wyler, eleven and Ashley
Payne, 18, competed against 12
teams from across Ontario in the
Provincial Championships held in
Burlington. The girls captured the
gold medal and now will compete in
Newfoundland in May for the
Canadian Championships. Leah is a
Grade 3 student at Grey Central
Public School. Congratulations and
good luck to Leah and her
The flowers will just not be the
same at Foodland. Agnes Ten Pas
has retired (again) from the flower
business. She managed the floral
section at the store for the last few
years and with another birthday fast
approaching, decided it was time to
sit back and relax. Aggie says she
will keep busy looking after Henk,
(and me) and catch up with her
house cleaning. She also will have
more time for her family and friends.
Happy retirement!
The London Farm Show was held
last week and many area folks
attended. McGavin Farm Equipment
had members of their staff down at
the show helping to man the various
company displays of lines they carry.
Rick and Scott were down one day
and others such as Murray McCall,
Brian Pryce and Neil and Brian
McGavin, to name a few, went to
look around.
The Cranbrook Dart Club had 18
players at the boards and they are
now into their last month of darting.
Winners were: high, Jose Kuijpers,
114 and low, John Gillis, 110. The
darts will wind up at the end of the
Surprise. There was nearly 100
family and friends gather at the
Kinburn Hall to surprise John and
Karen Braecker for their 25th
wedding anniversary on the
weekend. The group gathered for a
potluck meal and social evening.
The party was planned by
their children Adam, Holly and
Allison. Congrats to the happy
A close-knit group of friends
gathered at the Walton Hall to
celebrate a special occasion. About
30 friends gathered to wish Jeremy
Phelan “Happy 30th Birthday”. They
enjoyed fun, food and a nice social
evening together.
Enjoying a two week getaway in
Florida were Pat and Don Dalton.
They drove to Florida and spent time
the first week at windy Daytona.
They had a visit with Pat’s sister and
they ran into Bill and Sharon
McClure and had a visit with them.
The second week they rented a
house at Kissimmee and were joined
by daughter Carla and husband Eric
and children Jordan and Brody. They
went to Disney World for a day with
them and the younger generation
went back a couple more days with
the kids. Don and Pat explored the
area and dropped into visit with
Margery Huether one day. They had
great weather with temps between
80 and 90°F. It was a nice get away
but it’s always nice to get home
Ruth Lowe spent a week in
Florida. She was soaking up the
sunshine at her sister Kathy and
Keith Schaefer’s place. She reports it
was great to get away and had a nice
Grey Central student achieves bowling gold
Locals attend Plowmen’s convention
Walton to be busy
on March break
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By Jo-Ann
It’s March break and many
grandmas and grandpas will be
having company. Travelling from
North Bay to visit is the Kelso
family. Brian, Jared and Hayden
Kelso arrived to visit with Neil and
Marie McGavin for the first few
days of March Break. Brian returned
to North Bay and Heather, Jessica
and Ella arrived to take their place
for the visiting. Jared, Hayden and
Jessica are staying a few days at
Uncle Brian and Aunt Shelley’s and
Heather and Ella are catching up
with Neil and Marie.
Neil McDonald was home for the
weekend from B.C. He was
checking up in his house renovations
and celebrating his birthday with
some old friends.
Duff’s United Church had a
service of special music this past
week. Delighting the gathering of
over 40 was the talented Mitchell
family. Phyllis and Sean Mitchell
played the violins for the arrival of
the congregation. During the anthem
time, Sean with the flute and Emily
and Claire with the clarinets, played.
Marion Godkin was the guest
organist for the service. Phyllis and
Sean played a second time during
the service. Thanks to the Mitchell
family. Breakfast was held following
the service with the meal being
supplied by Pearl McCallum and
family. Thanks to the McCallum
The UCW held a meeting on
Wednesday evening. They discussed
the normal business of the group and
the annual turkey supper. It was
discussed whether they felt we
have the numbers to continue having
the supper. They decided they
would continue the supper one more
year, but with a few changes in
place, to help with the decreasing
number of members to help. It was
suggested to try and get more
students needing volunteer hours to
come out and help, members or
Celebrating birthdays this past
week included Carali McCall, Alex
Melady, Allison Baan, Colton
Hastings, Victoria Williamson,
Joanne Black, Joanne Workman,
Parker Grobbink, Lisa Gingerich,
Jim Humphries, Ross Mitchell,
Cassandra Banks and Edward Clark.
Happy birthday to all.
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