HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-03-08, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2012.Stennett to continue on to regional public speaking The community wish Helen Stonehouse of Braemar Nursing Home, who is patient in WinghamHospital, a speedy recovery.The community extends sinceresympathy to Raymond and Lucy VanCamp, Jonathon Van Camp, Joel and Julie Van Camp, Johanne Van Camp, Jacqui Van Camp and Ben Everly and Dave and Kathy Kane in the loss of a dear sister, Brenda Huffman who passed away at Braemar Retirement Centre on Feb. 25. Emily Stennett, Grace Caldwell and Emily Bieman represented East Wawanosh Public School at a public speaking competition at theWingham Legion on Feb. 18. Emilyplaced first in her division and willcontinue on to a regionalcompetition. The community congratulates each of the students on their endeavours and wish Emily all the best at the regional competition. The community extends special birthday greetings to Murray Scott, March 7 on his 70th birthday. Congratulations is extended from the community to Michelle Nixon and Tyson Glassier on theirengagement. The wedding is to takeplace on Sept. 1.The community extends sincere sympathy to Jack and Mary Taylorand families in the sudden loss of adear great-grandson Ryan Wood andhis father Tim.By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 PEOPLE AROUNDBELGRAVE The Belgrave United Church Women hosted the World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 2 at 2 p.m. They were welcomed to the service which was led by Muriel Coultes and everyone took part in the greeting as given in the booklet “Peace and Welcome”. The women of Malaysia prepared the material for the day of prayer and readers throughout the program were Sheila Nixon, Ruth Gordon, Nancy Folkard and Nancy Jardin. The Bible readings were from Habakkuk and Luke 18. The DVD presentation on Malaysia was very informational, inspiring and enjoyed by everyone. Elly Dow closed with the Intercessory Prayer after which the closing hymn, “We Shall Go Out” was sung and Mrs. Coultes gave the benediction. The group enjoyed a social time after the meeting and the Malaysian Pineapple Tarts (the receipt was included in the booklet) prepared by Mrs. Coultes. Belgrave UCW hosts World Day of Prayer Have A New Addition? Call for prices and details 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 Let everyone know about your new bundle of joy! The Citizen Jesus aims to guide actions Jim and Pat Barnes greeted worshippers and handed out the service of worship at Knox United Church on the Second Sunday in Lent, March 4. Steve Coultes went over the announcements as printed in the service of worship. Rev. Tom Murray will be on vacation March 7-21. Urgent pastoral matters should be directed by Richard Hall, Wingham United Church during that time at 519-357- 2961. The Presbytery Youth Group (high school students) meet the second Friday of every month. The next meeting is in Seaforth at Northside United, Hwy. 8 from 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. It is led by Kathy Douglas, Huron-Perth Presbytery Youth Minister (519-523-4380). Birthday greetings were extended to Austin Bieman on celebrating his sixth birthday. Rev. Tom Murray welcomed the congregation. The senior choir of mixed voices sang the introit selection “O Love How Deep” (verse two). Rev. Tom Murray extinguished the Lenten candle to acknowledge the darkness and pain of injury done to the earth and its ecosystems. The singing of “Great Shepherd of Your People” was followed by the morning prayer and The Lord’s Prayer. “As the Sun with Longer Journey” was sung by the senior choir accompanied by Ann Clark on the chime bars. Rev. Tom invited the children to come to the front of the church for story time. He asked the children if they had ever been up to the top of a mountain. As none of them had, this is something for each of them to look forward to some day climbing up a mountain. Saint Bernard dogs were used in the Swiss Alps to help save people’s lives. Rev. Tom gave the children pictures of mountains and Saint Bernard dogs. Jesus enjoyed going up to the mountain top. He took James, John and Peter so they could get closer to God. We need to go to the mountain tops in our lives. As we continue our walk we pray together for peace. The children adjourned to Sunday school. The scripture lesson was taken from Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16 and Mark 9: 2-13. The singing of “We Have Come” was followed by God’s word entitled “Selective Hearing”. We have all been accused of selective hearing at some time. It’s not just our ears that are suffering from too much, too loud. Over the past two decades, research has discovered that excess noise has more impact on us than just hearing loss. It also contributes to high blood pressure, elevated death rates from diseases of both heart and arteries. Exposure to loud sounds stimulates free radicals throughout heart tissue causing injury to our cell DNA. Too much noise is truly bad for us. The message and mission of Jesus is clear. Guide the disciples and inform their actions and be an influence. Followers of Christ today need to listen to Him. The offering was taken up by Doug Walker and John Nixon. The offering praise, offertory prayer and the pastoral prayer were followed by the closing hymn, “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”. The Sending Forth read alternatively and the singing of “Go Now In Peace” concluded the morning worship service. THANK YOU After 39 years of dedicated client service and commitment to our profession, Alan Reed has announced his retirement. He will continue to work with us on a consulting basis. BDO partners and staff would like to thank Alan for being a valuable member of our team and our community for the past four decades. Assurance | Accounting Taxation | Advisory Services 47 Alfred St W, Wingham 519 357 3231 www.bdo.ca BDO Canada LLP, a Canadian limited liability partnership, is a member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. BDO is the brand name for the BDO network and for each of the BDO Member Firms. By Madelaine Higgins We’ve had two superb weeks at St. Anne’s Catholic Secondary School in Clinton. During the last week of February, Grade 10 students began preparing for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test by participating in the school’s second, “Literacy Blitz” of the year. The blitz reinforces literacy skills in every class reminding everyone that literacy is everyone’s responsibility. The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test will be held later on in the year and is a requirement for graduation. Course selections for the 2012-13 school year also began this week, with presentations occurring each day. We are very excited about the new courses being offered for next year. Following another fantastic year at WOSSAA, the swim team had a practice to prepare for OFSAA. Winterfest, which was to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 29 was cancelled due to the weather and will be rescheduled for a new date in the spring. On Thursday, March 1, the concert band headed to St. Michael in Stratford and on Friday, the midget volleyball teams travelled to Exeter for games. Second semester is passing quickly, as interim reports go home on March 8, marking general progress levels, and March Break will begin on March 9, lasting until March 18. Coming up in March are Lenten Reconciliation, Purple Day for Epilepsy and the OSSLT. Hands up St. Anne’s. 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