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CANA- DIAN AUTO GROUP INC., 250 Springbank Dr., London, ON, Toll-Free 1-888-474-8815 / 519-472-8815. Network Classifieds:Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! • It’s Affordable • It’s Fast • It’s Easy • It’s Effective • One Bill Does It All • All Ontario $475 • National Packages Available! www.networkclassified.org For more information contact Your local newspaper Tenders Tenders Tenders Country of Huron Homes for theAged Request for Proposal: HA-2012-01 170 ton Chiller Unit Removal & Replacement at Huronview Sealed proposals, addressed to the Environmental Services Manager, Tracey Seymour, Huronview Home for theAged, 77722A London Road, Clinton, Ontario, N0M 1L0, will be received by the Business Office until: For the complete removal of existing chiller unit an installation of one new 170 ton chiller unit at Huronview Home for theAged. Request for Proposal documents may be obtained at: Huronview in Clinton (519) 482-3451 or go online at http://www.huroncounty.ca/tenders/ The County of Huron reserves the right not to accept the lowest or any proposal 12:00 p.m., Wednesday February 29, 2012 The Sky’s the Limit! The Citizen CLASSIFIEDS The “employment” section of the Classifieds can help you reach new heights. Whether you’re looking to recruit qualified personnel, land the right job, or train for a new career, your opportunity is waiting in the Classifieds. 519-523-4792 519-887-9114 After discussion regarding the upcoming unveiling of the Stantec Consulting Firm’s plans for the Blyth Streetscape on March 1, the Blyth BIA decided to make their first quarterly social meeting after the meeting. The unveiling of the streetscape will be held at the Bainton Art Gallery in the Blyth Centre for the Arts and will be open to the public. It is set to begin at 7 p.m. *** The replacement of a flagpole in front of Blyth Memorial Hall is still in the budget according to North Huron Deputy Reeve and council representative on the Blyth BIA David Riach. Riach stated that North Huron Council is still debating the budget but that the replacement of the flag pole in the courtyard at the hall had not been removed from the budget. The flag pole is a problem according to members of the BIA as North Huron doesn’t have a bucket truck capable of adjusting the height of the flag to fly it at half-mast or replace it. During the January meeting the BIA requested that council consider replacing it with a model that could be operated from the ground or retrofitting the existing model to make that possible. *** The Blyth BIA’s website is one step closer to becoming a reality as a domain name has been secured for $12.99 annually. The first year’s price was covered through North Huron’s Community Development department as Director Connie Goodall set up the service. The final form of the website, who is designing it and who will be maintaining it are yet to be determined. *** The first steps to refreshing Blyth’s branding are being considered by the Blyth BIA. Chair Rick Elliott suggested that the lightpost standards that have been used for several years to be replaced. The group decided that using symbols to represent the stores nearby the standards, vertical banners, in hopes to pique the interest of passing shoppers. The BIA also discussed, during their Feb. 2 meeting, putting up a sign advertising the services and groups available in Blyth. Previously such a sign had existed but it was taken down due to neglect. *** The Blyth BIA will be researching the idea of fundraising concerts. Members discussed several different acts and options, but no decision was made during the Feb. 2 meeting. Blyth Festival General Manager and representative on the BIA Deb Sholdice explained that with some shows they might not make much of a profit margin, but with others they could raise significant funds. Presentation of streetscape coming