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" " ""  ) +   ,) )*% "    00" Directors’ meeting held The Huron Perth District Women’s Institute held its winter district directors’ meeting at the Gowanstown Hall on Jan. 23. The roll call asked “Where do you see the Women’s Institute in five years?” Many members felt that there would need to be some restructuring of the organization as membership decreases. However, they felt that the enthusiastic members would find a way to keep the organization strong. A $500 donation was given to the Huron Perth Agriculture and Water Festival to be held in Seaforth on April 11 and 12. Donations of $100 each were given to food banks in Wingham, Listowel, Stratford and Milverton. ROSE co-ordinator Ria Stewart gave a report on the Ladies Night Out that was held in November. The theme was “Sweet and Sassy” and was attended by 134 ladies. Plans are underway for another such event for the fall of 2012. Darlene Harding reported on the November board meeting. There are 380 branches in the province with 5,070 members including 60 new members. Women’s Institute Day is Feb. 19. All members are asked to sit down at 3 p.m. to have tea, alone or with a friend, and think about what the organization has achieved and what they have learned by being a member. During the third week of February, Women’s Institute is celebrating its 115th year in existence. Each member is asked to continue doing random acts of kindness, especially during that week. Winnie Trachsel reported on the membership workshop held in November. The membership needs to take ownership for the Federation Women’s Institutes of Ontario (FWIO). It was suggested that members change the name. Some name suggestions were Women Informed, Women Involved and Women Inspired. The Associated Country Women of the World church service is scheduled for Sunday, April 29 at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Gadshill at 7 p.m. The speaker will be Bill Hazen from Vets Without Borders. It will be hosted by the Hampstead and Kuhryville branches. The Huron Perth District Annual will be held on May 23 at the Listowel Agricultural Hall with the theme “Back2Basics – The Modern Way”. The 2012 FWIO Provincial Conference will be held in Ridgetown June 8-10. The theme is “Yes We Can”. The Federation Women’s Institute of Canada (FWIC) Triennial Conference will be held in Sidney, B.C. from June 12-16. The conference will be promoting “Heart Health”. Raffle tickets will be sold on a quilt that was made by Donna Henderson from Listowel. The Guelph Area Convention will be held on Oct. 12 at the Alma Hall with the theme, “Changing our Tune”. Each district has been asked to submit a song about Women’s Institute written to the tune of a familiar song. These will be performed at the area convention and judged. Each branch is to submit their programs for 2012-2013 to Mary Hall no later than March 30 so they can be included in the District program book. These will be distributed at the District Annual. Bonspiel returns The Wingham and Area Health Professionals Recruitment Committee is reviving the Healthcare Rocks Bonspiel after the event was discontinued several years ago. “We had a board member who was involved in curling and he ran the bonspiel for a couple years,” Recruitment Officer Jan McKague- Weishar said. “We’ve tried to get it going for the past couple years but it just didn’t work out.” With the change in municipal council last year several committees, including the recruitment committee, were changed putting some new blood on the board. This enabled to bonspiel to be scheduled for Feb. 25 at the Wingham Curling Club. “Now we have [Morris-Turnberry Councillor] John Smuck, who has organized the tournament,” Weishar said. “He has been very successful at getting teams together to get it By Denny Scott The Citizen Continued on page 23