HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-02-09, Page 11THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2012. PAGE 11. Continued from page 3 services, concerts, dinner theatre and even sang the national anthem at a Toronto Blue Jays game. John DeJager began his music career as a member of the Stratford Boy’s Choir. More recently he has sung with the Goderich Harbouraires, the “A Cappella Chamber Choir”, based out of Port Elgin and whenever possible he enjoys performing with his daughter Meghan. Tickets for the Feb. 17 concert are available at the “Gift Cupboard” in Blyth, Per-Fect Designs in Clinton and Radiant Life in Goderich Local talent showcased at faith-based concert Hullett students participate in volleyball tourney The Happy Gang Seniors will hold a euchre party at the Londesborough Community Hall on Friday, Feb. 10 at 8 p.m. They are also making plans for a card party in April as part of the Clinton Public Hospital’s annual card cavalcade. The Londesborough United Church Women are currently taking orders for homemade bake of freeze fruit pies. There is an order list at the post office or you may call Joan at 519-523-9021 or Marg at 51-482- 9826 by Feb. 12. Pies are $8 each and you can order as many as you think your family would enjoy. The official board of Londesborough United Church met on Jan. 31 and a couple of items need passing on to the community as a whole. Mary Ann Drost, who has beenlooking after the nursery – lists, etc.for 15 years, wishes to retireeffective the end of June 2012. A volunteer is needed to replace her for September 2012. If you think this is a way you could contribute to church life, give Mary Ann a call for details or contact the church office. On Feb. 19 Knox Church in Auburn will be holding its annual meeting following the morning service. Consequently, the time for services that morning will be reversed. Londesborough United will gather for worship at 9:30 a.m. and Auburn will worship at 11 a.m. The following week, Feb. 26 Londesborough United will hold its annual meeting. Worship will be at the regular time of 11 a.m. followed by lunch and then the meeting will be called to order. Congregants are asked to bring along finger foods to share for lunch. Londesborough United offers coffee and muffins before the morning service on the first Sunday of every month in the narthex. It is an initiative that came from the rural cafés held a few years ago. It is not the responsibility of just the UCW members to serve this treat. Anyone/couples can volunteer to providefor a Sunday. Volunteers are neededto fill this year’s list. If you are in the habit of enjoying this treat please consider volunteering for a turn. The senior choir of Londesborough United will gather for practice prior to the service this coming Sunday, Feb. 12. February is the love month thanks to St. Valentine’s. There is no more wonderful Valentine’s gift you can give your loved ones than good health. Because the heart is the symbol for that love, the Heart and Stroke Society has made February heart awareness month. One advertisement running on television currently is a little scary. Heart attack and stroke takes one in three persons before their time. The Heart and Stroke society obviously wants to shock us into action to protect ourselves. There will be plenty of literature available this month to educate us on heart health so pick some up, study it and, pardon the pun, take it to heart in adopting a healthier lifestyle. With the gift of love in mind here is a quote by Henry Drummond – “You will find, as you look backupon your life, that the momentswhen you have really lived are themoments when you have done things in the spirit of love.” Two community folk have been having a difficult time health-wise lately. Arnold Riley is home from hospital and recovering nicely but would welcome a short visit. Your time would give Bev a short break as well. At last report Robert Radford is still holding his own in the intensive care unit in Stratford Hospital. Your thoughts and prayers for him and his family would surely be appreciated. The character attribute receiving attention at Hullett Central Public School this month is “preseverance”, the ability to stay purposeful and committed. The children may be hitting you up for pennies in the next week as they stay committed to collecting same for the Easter Seals Society. Pennies, the least coin, continue to make miracles happen. The volleyball teams from Hullett, made up of pupils from Grades 7/8, recently took part in a regional round-robin tournament. The boys’ team won every match and brought back first place. The girls’ team had to participate in a tie-braker and wonthird place. The teams were coachedby Mr. Caldwell and Mrs. Gilroy.The student advisory committee has chosen a NASCAR theme for this year’s carnival and silent auction on Friday, April 13. So, all you race fans, start thinking how you might get involved and what you might donate. It doesn’t seem likely the Easter Seals Snowarama will find folks snowmobiling on Saturday, Feb. 18. However organizers say there will be car/truck rally that day instead. Registration will be at the Londesborough Community Hall from 9 a.m. to noon where anyone can enjoy a breakfast served by the Londesborough Lions Club. The event has a 50/50 draw as well and ends with a barbecue. By BRENDA RADFORD Call 523-4296 PEOPLE AROUND LONDESBORO NEWS FROM LONDESBORO For the eighth year in a row the North Huron Trail Groomers will hold Snowarama to raise money for Easter Seal Kids come rain, shine or, hopefully, snow. “It stays on, “ said Chair of the North Huron Snowarama Adrian Salverda. “We won’t cancel it.” The event, which will be held on Feb. 18 at the Londesborough Community Hall, serves as the only fundraiser for Easter Seals Kids in the area and Salverda and the trail groomers feel it’s important to continue even if it means this year’s event may be focused more on the car show and meal instead of the snowmobiling. While the event has been held in Ontario for more than 25 years it only began being celebrated locally eight years ago when Salverda decided to spearhead the project. Originally inspired by the birth of his daughter, Marita, who was born with a brain stem ailment, Salverda believes that Easter Seals for Kids provides an important service to people in his situation. The organization helped him and his family and have continued to help them through caring for her. Salverda’s wife Dorothy explained that Easter Seals helped get equipment in their home and that they are now set to help Marita but that it’s good to know they will have help in the form of Easter Seals and Snowarama if it’s necessary. “It’s pretty stable here,” she said. “We have the equipment we need, but other kids need the money too.” Breakfast and registration for the event will begin at 9 a.m. and run until noon at the community hall. The breakfast will be sponsored by the Londesborough Lions Club and the trail ride, if it happens, will take snowmobilers throughout North Huron. In 2011 the event raised more than $11,856 and the group hopes to top that this year. Money raised through the event benefits children in Huron County that depend on Easter Seals’ support. Changes to the event may not all be due to the weather as Salverda stated that every individual gathering pledges has a chance to win a Skidoo MX7 Sport 600 snowmobile. “Every time an individual raises $370 they are entered into a draw against people raising money through all of Canada,” he said. “They could win the snowmobile. It’s a high-end machine.” He said that anyone who raises $100 also gets a toque to commemorate the event Aside from raising money for Easter Seals, the Snowarama group is also asking visitors to bring food for the Goderich Food Bank. For more information contact Salverda at 519-482-9113. EnteringSecondarySchoolinSeptember2012? ConsideraCatholicSecondaryEducation at  St.MichaelCatholicSecondarySchool 240OakdaleAvenue STRATFORDONN5A7W2 Phone:5192710890 TimDoherty,Principal(ext.1231) http://smcss.hpcdsb.edu.on.ca OpentoallPerthCountystudents.  St.Anne'sCatholicSecondarySchool P.O.Box490 CLINTONONN0M1L0 Phone:5194825454 JodiKuran,Principal(ext.108) http://sacss.hpcdsb.edu.on.ca OpentoallHuronCountystudents.   TheCatholicsecondaryschoolsofHuronandPerthCountiesoffer:  ReligiousEducationandSocialJusticeopportunities,basedonCatholicChristianteachingsforall students.  Afull,richprogramofacademics,thearts,FrenchImmersion,CooperativeEducation,andOntario YouthApprenticeshipopportunities.  Adiverseprogramofcocurriculuropportunitieswith"latebuses"runningthroughoutourcounties aftertheregularbusroutes.  Modern,wellequippededucationalfacilities,includinguptodatetechnologyeducationfacilities.  GovernmentrecognizedHighSkillsMajorsinGreenEnergy,ArtsandCulture,ConstructionTechnology, AgriculturalTechnology,andmoretocome.  AcademicachievementwhichisnearthebestintheprovinceinGrade10Literacy,coursepassrates, andgraduationrates.   OursecondaryschoolsareopentoallstudentsdesiringaCatholicsecondaryeducation.Please checkusoutthismightbeforyou!   Foryourcopyofour"EnteringSecondarySchool"Guide,goto www.huronperthcatholic.caandclickon"GettingReadyforSecondarySchool".          BernardMurrayMarthaDutrizac ChairpersonDirectorofEducation BOARD MISSION STATEMENT We are a Catholic School Board. We serve our students, working with the home, parish and school community to:  Nurture a Christ-centred environment;  Provide student-focused learning opportunities;  Support the growth of the whole person. Snowarama to go ahead snow or shine By Denny Scott The Citizen WHAT IS ASTHMA? Asthma is a chronic breathing disorder affecting both children and adults. It is characterized by: • Asthma symptoms can include cough, severe shortness of breath, chest tightness and wheeze and usually occur after exposure toe allergens, viral infections and exercise, or exposure to irritants such as fumes and cigarette smoke. • Exposure can cause inflammation of the airway wall and abnormal narrowing of the airways, which may lead to asthma symptoms • An asthma attack can be frightening with feelings of suffocation, breathlessness and loss of control and can be potentially life threatening • Asthma can develop at any age, but is common in childhood.