HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-12-19, Page 5* THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19th, 1946 Church JAMES STREET UNITED Support Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.-—Christmas Choral service Anthems; “First Christmas Morning”; “Arise. Shine”; “The Heavens Are Telling" Ladies’ quartette; men’s tette, Solos: Mrs. J Hodgert M. Alderson, Melville and B. ■organ Duos: Wein. The Sacrament of Infant Baptism. 3 p.m.—Christmas in the Sunday School. 7 p.m.—C.G.I.T. Candelight Vesper Service. NOTE: All contributions for 1946 are to bp in the hands of the envelope secretary by December 31st when the books are closed. qar- arid M.Duet: Misses Dinney, Piano- G. Koch and L. TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choirmaster, Esme Howard 4th Sunday in Advent Christmas Service 11 a.m.—-Sunday School Suedegraph of the Christmas Story. 7 p.m.—Candlelight and Carol Service, T'hurs., 6.30 p.m.—Turkey dinner ■and social evening for the ladies of the congregation sponsored by the Ladies Guild. Fri., 6.30 .p.m.—Supper and Christ­ mas Tree, Tues., Dec. 24., 11 p.m.—‘Christ­ mas Eve service and Christmas Communion. Just Received Small Shipment of Smooth Surface Roll Roofing Exeter Co-op . ' ♦* * <*» »* • * * * * * Greetings V’s BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter and District’s Most Modem Beauty Shoppe We wish to extend to our many patrons a very Merry Christmas and. a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Thank you for your patron­ age accorded us during the past year. VERA C. FRASER, Prop. Tel. 112 Exeter TT T «!■ The The The Minister Organdy White CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Miss Muriel Whilsmith, 10 a.m.—-Sunday School, gift contributions, 11 a.m,—Public Worship. The Christmas Message. White gift contributions, 7 p.m.—A candle lighting service < by the Y.P.S. The whole ’ congregation is invited. Wed., Dec. 18, 8 p.m.—Prayer meeting in Caven church. Rev. Anthony will speak, MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Christmas Services 11 a.m.—Christmas Worship Serv­ ice and Church School, The Minister, Anthems: “.First Christmas Morn,’’ "The Bells of Christmas" “The Shepherd’s Dream," Open Session of Church School Christmas Story by Flannelgram, p.m.—Candlelight Service. “The Story of the Inn'Keeper" by John Haynes Holmes—The Minister. Anthems: “There’s a Song in the Air," “Blessed Holy Night." Men's Quartette: “Hark the Herald Angels Sing" Ladies Trio: “The Angels Song" Solo and Chorus: “The Song of the Ages.” Fri., Dec. 20—S,S. Christmas Con­ cert. A Merry Christmas to All 7 M. ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist a.m.—Christmas Message. a.m.—Church School. -Annual Christmas Con- 10 11 7.3'0' p.m.- cert. Dec. 29—2nd quarterly session. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Pastor Service. Speaker, School. M. H. T. Kendrick, Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. J. West. Sun., 2 p.m.—Sunday Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 3 p.m.—“A King is Born" The Pastor. Sun., 8 p.m.—“Christ the Saviour of Mankind." The Pastor. Mon., 8 p.m.—Sunday' School Christmas Entertainment. GIRL GUIDES The Girl Guides met at Mc- Knight’s Hall on December l|li at 7 p.m. The meeting .opened by singing “O' Canada.” The girls were divided into groups to prac­ tice plays. Christmas Carols, skits for then* Christmas concert which will be held on December 18 at 7 p.m. a il BOXING DAY Thursday, Dec. 26th The Municipal Council of ■■ the Village of Exeter has pro­ claimed Boxing Day, Thurs­ day, December 26th, 1946, as a public holiday and all citv zens are asked to govern themselves accordingly. C. V. Pickard, Clerk, K< Christmas Greetings CHRISTMAS PEACE The Infant Christ bestows; CHRISTMAS HOPE That ever dearer grows; CHRISTMAS JOY /That deeply moves the heart; These precious gifts May CHRISTMAS DAY impart! Manager and Staff EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES EXETER RURAL POWER DISTRICT THAMES ROAD The wind storm tlmt struck part ■of this district lust Thursday even­ ing did (Jamage to some buildings and, several trees were blown down, Mrs. James Anderson had the misfortune to fall at her home one day last week, on a Piece of glass and had to Save several stitches in her leg to close the wound. The Y.p.U, met in the church basement last Friday evening, A social hour was of the meeting. Don’t forget School concert Thursday evening of commencing at 7.45 p.m, sharp. Lumley School concert will be held in the school house Thursday afternoon of this week. Mrs, Mair and Joanne visited with relatives in Weston and Tor­ onto from Friday i ' ' ' ‘ until Monday of this week. i Miss Jean Cann, of London,{ spent the week-end with her par-J ents. Miss Anne Morgan, of the Lon­ don teaching staff, spent the week­ end at her home. Miss Annie Elford, spent the week-end at Mr. Bert Gardiner, visited over the week-end parents. Funeral services- were Wednesday afternoon of this week for the late Mrs. Jrhn Morgan, of Roys, Service was from her home and interment in Roys Cemetery. Special Christmas services will be held on Sunday morning at the usual hour. Sunday School at 11'0.15 a.m. with special music Church service at 11.15 a.m. We hope everyone will come worship together for these Christ­ mas services. Christmas Greetings to Times-Advocate and Staff. Sunday School Annual Meeting The meeting of the teachers and officers of the Sunday School was held at the Manse Thursday even­ ing of last week with a- good atten­ dance, General business was dis­ cussed and the election of officers took place which are as follows: Honorary Superintendent, Mr. Wm. Moodie; Supt., Charlie Jeffrey; as­ sistant Supts., Arnold Cann, Jack Miller; secretary, assistant sec., June urer, Glen Stewart; _ Bray; assistant pianist, Alice Pass- more; Librarians, Leslie Robinson. Roberta Duncan, Mrs# K. X Sims The funeral service of the ltd© Mrs. K. J, Sims was held from her late residence bn William Exeter, on Saturday last pan. conducted by Rev, Woods. Deceased was born Gillivray Township in 1880 her maiden name being Elizabeth Ann Appleton. In I960' she was united in marriage with K, J, Sims and resided in Crediton for a number of years. For the past 22 years they resided in Exeter. She was a faithful member of Main St. Unit­ ed Church and the Women's Mis­ sionary- Society. She is survived by her husband, one son,-Melvin, of Windsor; four daughters, Mrs. C. Dayman (Verda), of Usborne, Mrs. R. Turnbull (Hilda), Mrs. T, Walker (Merna) and Mrs. F, Hat­ ter (Dorothy), all of town; her father Mr. Thos. Appleton, in his of last week; 92nd year, and two brothers, Ernest -'-“’A land Gordon Appleton, of town; also 'five grandchildren. One son, Garn­ et, predeceased her in '1927. The pallbearers were Frank Taylor, Alf Wuerth, Jos. Davis, Wm, Marshall John Caldwell and Fred Cornish. Interment was in the Exeter Cem­ etery. Friends and relatives present from London, Lucan, Ailsa Craig, Crum.' lin, Centralia, and Usborne. spent pt the close the Thames' Road in the church on, this week of London, her home. of Londoni with his held on and and the Wilfred Hunkin, Stewart. Edwin Jack Stewart; Borland; treas- pianist, Agnes to in GRAND BEND Mrs, Grieves left this week spend the winter with friends Saskatoon. Sask. Mr. Wm; Bossenberry, wife and family have gone to spend the winter* in Florida and California. Mr. and Mrs. Eric McIlroy left last week by motor to spend the winter ‘ Miss was a W. A. Miss home has been visiting for th© past few weeks. Mrs. Gibb Statton visited her brothers in Sarnia the week. Mr. Weatherspoon visited London Saturday. You will want to attend church Sunday night to hear and help to sing the Christmas carols. Mr. Morris Quance, of Exeter, is visiting with his sister, Wm. Beer. Mr. and Mrs. Adams visited Mrs. H. Devine on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ulens Shirley were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt. A new book by Dr. Fox. presi­ dent of Western University, entitl­ ed “T Aint Runnin’ No More" just been published. It is a tory of Grand Bend and the Aux Sable River, particularly the old Aux Sable and Brewster’s dam. it in- Florida and California. Muriel Saturday Mollard. Doris from Fallis, visitor Ravelle Win ds oi* well illustrated. of Sarnia, with Mrs. returned where she with past in Mrs, Street, aft 2,30 J. Me- N. in were Windsor, Denfield, CHICAGO MEETING (Continued from page 1) part of a Farm-All M tractoi’ a 6-inch square piece of iron completely made tractor. One tor comes off the assembly every two minutes. They from to a trac- Jines also viewed Chicago from a 47 storey building, the highest in Chicago, Some of the places of interest which they attended included Sunday church service held for all members in the Studebaker Theatre. The Sunday Evening Club entertained them for then* evening service, from Hotels Other Chicago .Museum of Natural tory, Edgewater Beach Hotel, Institute, Merry Garden Ballroom, Don McNeil’s Breakfast Club, In­ ternational Live Stock Exposition Building, Eighth Street Theatre. 30 minutes ride on the' electric train, Museums of Science Industry, Aragon Night Club. They were guests of the various panies in Chicago. The food in Chicago Men’s white $13.’OP up. many souvenirs from the Companies. The trip was a ous but wonderful one. KIRKTON A White Gift service was ob­ served in the United Church Sun­ day School Sunday morning. The 'basket was filled to overflowing showing the interest taken among the children for p there who are in need. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Burgin and little daughter, of London, and Mrs, Frank Prid'ham, of Russeldale spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, G. H. Burgin. Miss Betty Doupe, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, *M(r, and Mrs, Garni© Doupe, Mm and Mrs, Wm, Switzer, of Stratford, were week-end guests with Mr, and M'rs. Reuben 'Switzer. Miss Mary Hanna, of London, visited at her home with her par? ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hanna, this week. The Kirkton Public School held their annual ’concert Monday night in Aberdeen Hall. Miss King, the teacher, directed a very fine 'pro­ gram with Mrs. H. Davis as accom­ panist, Mr, Wein, the -music- direc­ tor, took the second ipart of the •program wihch was very much en­ joyed. Santa delivered the .presents off the tree. Mr. Truman Tufts acted ns chairman. A Candle Light Service Sunday evening, Dec, 15, a very lovely candle light service was held in the United Church at which time a good congregation attended The Church choir under the lead­ ership of Mrs/ Fred Switzer led in the singing of carols. A junior Choir consisting of over twenty voices took their places in the gal­ lery of the church which made a very lovely echo choir accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Dr. C. A. Campbell. (Solos were taken by Mrs. Rev. Goodger and Miss Mary Urquhart. Rev. W!. D. Goodger gave a Christmas message. — M' ——•*< niirwMi>wwn TUNE UP YOUR ENGINE and Jceep it tuned yp-. < » fpr with. and has his- it ELIMVILLE Charles and Stanley from the West, are a few days in the com- Messrs. Cudmore, spending munity. Mrs, Launce Battersby and dau­ ghter, Lola, of Hamilton, spent a JohnwithMr.few days last week Ridley. — i Sunday visitors Mrs. ’Harold Bell Mrs. Kenneth Johns Thames Road, and Harry Murch and -family, doh. On Sunday Decembei* 22nd there Will be the special Christmas vice in the Elimville church special music by the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch ited on Sunday with Mrs. Veal, of Exeter. The Winchelsba school Christ­ mas concert was held in the El- with were and Mr. Mr. Mr. family, of and Mrs. ■of Lon- and and ser- and vis- Wm. Page 5 Fuel Savings Smooth Power Quiet Running W Efficient Operation Longer Engine Life Sparkling Performance There’s no other service operation that pays sp great a divi­ dend at so small a cost. In fact, a tune-up often pays for it­ self in fuel and oil savings, > We Wish All Our Friends a Merry, Merry Christinas Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, Case Tractors and Implement Sales •i EXETER PHONE 1Q0 •P KHIVA and Mrs. Tuesday r All members the Stevens and to the 'Orchestra places of interest marched Harrison Hall, were His- Art. and were terribly shirts were They also com­ prices high, from received various , strenu- Miscellaneous Showers 'For Bride-Elect Miss Doreen ' 'Campbell a to was much feted bride-elect previous her marriage last week to Mr. Leonard Nelson Smith. On Tues, evening, Dec. 10th, the neighbors and friends gathered at the home of hei’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl •Campbell, of Hay, and presented her with a miscellaneous shower. A 'beautiful array of gifts, 'conveyed in a into Mary read Doreen thanked the ,_____ __ _____ them to visit her in-her new home. Music and cards ifor the rnen were enjoyed during the .evening. The singing of “For .She’s -a Jolly Good ■iFellow” was followed by a dainty lunch. The address was as follows: Dear Doreen: We, your friends and neighbors, have gathered here tonight to hon­ or you on your approaching mar­ riage. You have always been will­ ing to help with anything you were asked to do, and we could not let this occasion pass without remem­ bering you. Even though you are leaving , our community, you are not going far away so we will look forward to you coming 'back often. May we wish you a joyous and hap­ py wedded life and .may all your troubles be little ones. We ask you to accept' these 'gifts with loads of good wishes.—Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors. The following evening a 'miscel­ laneous shower was held at the home Of Mrs. Roy Campbell, Exe­ ter, in honor of her sister-in-law, Miss Doreen Campbell. During the evening a mock wedding was per­ formed, Mrs. H. Mitchell acting as groom .and Mrs. Mary Patton, the bride, Mrs. Harold Beaver took the part as minister, The .bride-elect received many useful gifts. After several contests lunch was served. decorated basket was brought the room by Margaret and 'Campbell and an address was by Miss Audrey Campbell, in a suitable manner donors and invited GREENWAY and' Mrs. Russell McIntosh,Mr. of Ferndale, Mich., spent the week­ end with relatives here.. Misses Mary and Reta'Bullock, imville church on Monday evening I of London, spent the week-end With a large crowd. The program j with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, consisting of contata, dialogues, j Ed. Bullock, monologues and choruses Was well’ — - acted by every one of the .pupils, Santa called at the close With bags of cahdy for the children. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth HOgg and son John, of Thorndale. Visited on Sunday With Mr, add Mrs, William Rqutly. MrS. Vernon Drake, of Shelby- Ville, Ihdianna, attended the fun­ eral of Mrs. WeSlbjr Heywood. Hardware Open Evenings r The following hardware stores have agreed to stay open Monday anti Tuesday evenings of next week until 9 o’cieelt; Reavers, Hawkins, Lindehfield and Traquair. Mrs, Wm, Eagleson Jro visited last Week with relatives in Detroit, Miss Viola Chrts, of London, spent the week-end With her par- ents, Mt. and Mrs. Chas, Curts. Mrs. Aiinie Hicks • • • - Friday with her sister, ert Pollock. Little Misg Hether spent last week with parents. Mr, and Mrs, Gregor, of Exeter. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Arthur Curtis is a patient in Vic­ toria Hospital. We wish ispeedy recovery. The Christmas concert School west of Greenway (held on Thursday evening*. Visited on Mrs. Rob- McGregor her grand- J. H, Mc- hef a in will the be DASHWOOD NOTICE *The Trustees of the Police lage of Dashwood declare Dec. 26 th, 1946, Boxing Day, a public holiday. (Signed) Dashwood Trustees Vil- Mr. spent London. The weekly meeting was held at the home -of Mrs. dance cided until meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clement McCann. Mrs. C. O’Brien, of Centralia, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Rourke, Clement McCann of last week in discussion club L. Dietrich with an atten- of 21 members. It was de­ not to hold any meetings January 12 th when the Mrs. Milford Mason, of Palmer­ ston, visited foi* a few days with Mrs. Edith Mason and Dorothy. The Evagnelical Christmas enter­ tainment will be held on Monday night, December 12 3rd and the Lutheran entertainment will ibe on Tuesday night, December 24 th. Don’t forget the dates. Mr. Ohestei* Gaisei* left last week for Westminster Hospital, (London, where he intends spending the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Hauser, of Rodney, .spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Wiegand on the 14th 'concession, Mir. ana Mrs. John Kuntz intend celebrating their 50th wedding an­ niversary on Sunday. We extend our heartiest congratulations. Mrs, Witz el, who has 'been con­ fined to ’her home for several days with- the flu, is improving. Quite a numbei- from here at­ tended -the Weyburn school concert on Monday night. The Dashwood Businessmen's Club have arranged to bring Santa Claus to Dashwood on Christmas Eve after the church service. All children of Dashwood and the sur­ rounding community are invited to come and meet .Santa on the -Main Street. All are invited to join in the carol music. Swap it! Sell Rd Rent it! Buy it! Use the Want-Ads. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE also Changes in Train Service account Christmas and New Years There will be certain changes in train service between December 23rd and January 1st. Consult your local C.N.R. Agent for full information. Canadian National Rail’ys \--------------J Gilson Oil Power Burner for Furnaces. Immediate installation by expert servicemen. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FOR SALE —i , 1 10 cu. ft. Home Freezer 1 17 cu. ft. Reach-in Kelvinator, suitable for farmer, restaurant or hotel. Queen Range Burners, for domestic use. a i L Domestic Refrigerators completely overhauled and work , guaranteed. Opposite Cann’s Mill Main Street, Exeter G. K. CROCKER Authorized Kelvinator Sales and Service Phones 299, 59w ■a * * * The Star of Bethlehem which guided the Three Wise Men to the manger where the child-Jesus lay, still casts its gentle beams on this troubled Earth. Let us lift up our eyes unto this beacon— this symbol of Heavenly guidance. Let us enrich the lives of our fellow-men this Christmas with a new understanding of the brotherhood of Man. Traquair’s Hardware Your Purina Dealer ♦ w ;