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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-12-12, Page 11
« THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12tb, 1M6 T Caven Circle Officers were installed at the an nual meeting iq£ the Caven Congre gational Circle held at the home of Mrs. F. Wildman. The president, Mrs. Rose Russell, being returned to office, The Devotional period was taken by Mrs. W. Hatter, Re ports of the several committees were read and the treasurer report’ ed a successful year, Mrs, Whil- smith gave a reading on General Dobhie, Mrs. J. Hodgert sang two solos and Mrs. D. Millar gave a reading “Superstitions”. The slate of officers was presented by Mrs. N., stanlake and copjncted by Miss ers are, president, 1st vice-president, 2nd yice-preident, secretary, Mrs. J. Taylor; installation was L. Jeckeii. Offic- Mrs, R. Russell; Mrs, W. Hatter; Miss E. Brown; ” . ’ ; assistant secretary, Mrs. E. .Johnston; treas urer, Mrs. G. Dow; press secretary, Mrs. J, Taylor; pianist, Mrs. G> Cochrane; Manse committee Mrs. R. ■Russell .and Miss L. Jeckell; flower committee, Mrs. W. Simmons; audi tors, Mrs, W, Sillery and Mrs. C. Cann, Mrs. W, Sillery moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and all those taking part in the program. The meeting closed with prayer, after which the ladies spent a social half ' " ‘ cups, held chell, hour togethei’ over The January meeting at the home of Mrs. the tea is to he A. Mit- or- HENSAL.L (Continued on page 8) distribution to the Protestant pihanage, .London. Miss Saunder- cock read the Scripture lesson af- ter which Miss Gladys Luker led in •prayer. Miss Ellis presented an ap propriate devotional in • keeping with th© Christmas season, “For God so Loved the World.” Misses Shep- ' ~ • .... nom- Mrs, pre- ofifi- o/sr^cr^^ 3.00 Tire & Electrictrove Phone 18 Exeter Remington Shavers Bottle Warmers Portable Heaters Presto Cookers Door Chimes Coffee Makers Hot Plates Record Players Phonographs Radios Radio Combinations $81,95 and up $19.95 3.95 7.50 17.50 to 12.95 2.95 2:95 and Electronic 15.00 to 59.9B $30.25 and up © Table 'Lamps • Pin-Up. Lamps. • Desk Lamps e Bed Lamps • Vanity Lamps • Floor Lamps $2.95 to $35.00 Electric Irons ' $4.95 to $12.95 Elechit Toasters $3.95 to $7.95 a Highest Prices Paid — for —• DUCKS, GEESE AND JACK RABBITS PARKDALE POULTRY Phone 152 Mitchell, Ontario Christmas O—is to remind you to CARE for your cur now. H—is for the HELiP we can give yog with the ©roper lubricants. R—is -to REMEMBER to trade with I—-is for the INTEREST we take ill our customer’s satisfaction, S-—is for the- SAFETY assured by using our lubricants, T—-is for the TIME' you save with our quick service. M—is. .for the MANY ways we can serve you, A—is our APBBB’CIATION' of your patronage. S—-ip for the “Season’s Greetings”, we couldn't wish you more, South End Service Station Russ and Chuck Snell Phone 328 Tlds is BEND IN LADIES WEAR . James Street W. A- Elects 1947 Officers The December meeting of James Street W.A, was held on Thursday afternoon., December 5th, with the president, Mrs, T, Coates, presiding! Mrs, Sharpe led In the devotional period. Rev. A, B. Irwin installed ■the officers for 1947, Business was conducted- Mrs. Dougail and Miss d ou gall then favored with a de lightful piano duet. Mrs, Hodgert gave a solo which was enjoyed by all, The meeting closed by singing a hymn and repeating the Mizpah Benediction, Afternoon tea was ser ved nud a social time enjoyed. The officers for 1947 are as follows: Hon. ------ dent* Mrs, Miss Mrs, Sturgis; assistant secretary, Mrs. H. Jones; treasurer. Mrs, J. Hendry; assistant treasurer, Mrs, W, Allison, corresponding secretary, Mrs, T, Dinney, assistant corresponding sec., Mrs, Forrester; pianist, Mrs. E. C, Harvey; assistant pianist, Mrs, Milo Snell; parsonage committee, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs, Pickard, Mrs. F. Coates; church committee, Mrs, Steiner, Mrs. Bowey, Mrs. H. Jones; floral committee, Mrs. Mrs. Ogden, Mrs. Harness committee, ?4rs. J. Hodgert, Cann; emergency committee, Fletcher, Mrs, Lindenfield, Irwin; press reporter, Mrs, assistant press reporter, Mrs. zer; auditors, Miss Reta Rowe, Mrs. Zurbrigg. president, Mrs. Irwin; presi- Mrs. T, Coates; 1st vice.-pres,, W. /Witmer; 2nd vice,-pres., Beta Rowe; 3rd vice-pros;, McGregor; secretary,. Mrs. H. W. Coates, visiting Mrs, Mrs. Mrs. Kyle; Sweit- A w • - IS I ♦ I FOR DAD Power Tools Hand Tools Bazoi’s Fishing Bods Fishing Reels Soldering Irons Wrench Sets DON’T BE CAUGHT WITH YOUR GIFT SELECTIONS ON THE “SOLD OUT” JLIST F0R MOTHER Electric Irons Electric Toasters Pyrex Ware Presto Cookers Mirrors Enamel Ware 4 Aluminum Ware Bread Boxes Cutlery . herd and Goodwin offered to the gifts and ship same. The inating committee, Mrs. Kyle, Shaddick’ and Mrs. Passmore seated the following slate of cers for 1947: Honorary president, Miss Ellis; president, Miiss Barbara Michie; 1st vice-president, Mrs. P. L. McNaughton; 2nd vice-president Mrs. Howard Hyde;. secretary, Miss Gladys iDuker; treasurer, Miss Mar garet Glenn; press reporter, Mrs. Hedden; pianist, Miss Luker; social committee, Mrs. C. „ Passmore; Friendship committee, Miss Luker, Mrs. .Shaddick, Mirs, Passmore, Miss Violet McClymont. Mrs. Hed den, Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Lavery rendered a delightful vocal trio, “Silent Night, Holy Night.” Miss Edna .Saundercock will be hostess at her home for the January meet ing, January 13tli, Mis® Ellis will begin the new Study Book on In dia. The closing hymn was “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” and the Mizpah Benediction. The social hour followed. ‘Sincere thanks is due to Miss iShepherd, Mrs. 'Shep herd and Miss Saundercock their hospitality. W.M.S. Annual Meeting Tire annual meeting W.M.S., of .the Hensall for th e x. of United Church7 was held in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday evening at 8 p.m.i with the president, Mrs. W. B. Cross, in the chair, “Joy to the World” was sung followed Iby the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture Lesson, John 1st chapter wag read by Rev. R. A. Brook, who told the story of what a great change for the better came into a mining camp when a little baby girl was born there, for the men’s lives were so changed, also how the love off Jesus has spread all over the world since Christ came to earth. “Wom anhood” has been always upheld. Rev. Sanderson led in prayer. Miss, Greta Dammie led in the singing of Christmas carols. A reading entitled ‘The Legend -of the Black Madonna’ was given by Miss Mattie Ellis. Mrs. G. Hess, Mrs. M. ILavery, and Mrs. Hedden, sang a number entitled “Silent Night” which was much ap preciated. Following the taking of the offering, Miss Ellis read an ad dress to Mrs. C. Cook thanking her for her faithfulness as treasurer, and also in helping wherever she was needed and Mrs. R. A. Brook presented her with a life member ship certificate. Mrs. Cook, although taken by surprise, thanked the W.M.S. in a few well chosen words. Rev. R. A. Brook presented the fol lowing slate of officers arranged by the nominating committee: past president, Mrs. R. A. Brook; presi dent, Mirs. W. B. Cross; 1st Vice- president, Mrs. E. Geiger; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. E. McQueen; 3rd vice- president, Miss M. Ellis; 4th vice-president, Mrs. C. Ballantyne; 5th .vice-president, Mrs. M, Drys dale; treasurer, Mrs. 0. Cook; re- rording and corresponding secretary-, Mrs. E. L. Mickle; assistant secre tary, iMVs. H. McMurtrie; pianist, Mrs. T. Sherritt; Christian Stew ardship secretary, Mrs. W; Carlisle; assistant secretary, Mrs'. Grace Har- pple; community friendship secre taries, Mrs. W. 'Carlisle, Mrs. J. Passmore, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. N. Jones; supply secretary, Mirs. J. McBeath, Mrs, Turner, Mrs. Steph enson; temperance secretary, Mrs. E. McQueen; assistant helpers sec retary, Mrs. N. E. Cook; assistant, Mi’S: Thos. 'Sherritt; missionary monthly secretary, Miss Katie Scott; press secretary, Miss Violet McCly mont; honorary president Evening Auxiliary, Miss M. Ellis; superin tendents Mission Circle, Mrs. E. Norminton, Mrs. G. Hess; Superin tendent Mission Bund, Mrs. R. A. Brook; superintendents Baby Band, Miss Ellis and Mrs. Hess; Study Book, Miss Aiinie E. Consitt. (Slides wore then shown !by Rev. Brook On “The Other Wise Men”, the story being read by Miss consitt. The meeting -closed by singing “Angels From the Realms of Glory” and the benediction. Nylon Panties Aprons Silk and All Wool Scarves Sheep-skin Moccasins for Daclies and Children •. Children’s Woollen and Brushed Rayon Sweaters • Pillow Cases and Table Cloths •' China and Plaster Figurines • Christmas Cards, Stickers and Fancy Wrapping Paper The Champion D7 Grain Grinder The heaviest, most substantial Grain Grinder, ever offered. Many exclusive and valuable fea-_ tures including 7” grinder plate, Heavy Duty Ball Bearing Grinder operated by a 3 h.p. motor. Yon can enjoy the all-year-round convenience of doing your own chopping on your own farm, with the CHAMPION D7 Wm. J. Thomson Centralia Phone Kirkton 48-4 KIPPEN W.M.S. Hold Christmas Meeting The W.M.S. of the United church held their Christmas meeting in the Sunday School room on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 4th with a good at tendance arid the the meeting open ed by singing hymn 57. Mrs. Wilfred Mills read, the Scripture, Isaiah, 9th chapter. Hymn 65 was then sung and Mrs. Hinton led in prayer after which hymn 132 was sung. The topic '“Christain Youth Brings New Life To New Tasks” was given by Mrs. Harold Jones. The meeting closed with a hymn and the » Mizpah Benediction. A dainty lunch was served by Circle No. J1L Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother Ml’S. I. Jarrott. Mrs. G. Dalrymple spent Sunday with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Dalrymple in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Keyes and Marlene, of Varna, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Mr. James Jarrott underwent a very serious operation in Scott’s Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, last week. We are pleased to report his condition is favorable. We. are pleased to report Mr. Jambs McClymont is improving from a recent heart attack in St. Joseph’s Hospital in London. Mr. Norma.n Jarrott ‘visited re cently with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm visit ed recently wth their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J, Wood, of Seaforth. Mr. Wilbert McBride, of Kitchen er, visited on Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc Bride. i Quite a number of Odd Fellows from this vicinity .attended the ban quet in Clinton. on Tuesday night. Vocal teacher (ito pupil)—:If you want to make that song successful, you- must sing louder. Pupil-—I’m singing as lou,d as I can. Wlhat more can I do? Vocal Teacher—Be more enthus iastic. Open wide your mouth and throw yourself into it. Carefully selected re ligious programs are offered on the day of test . . . filling out a Week of BALANCED broadcasts on CERB. Church Services 11.00 anrrt. 7.00 p,FlK Sundays wKereyowaI FAVOURITES KIRKTON Mrs. Howard Balfour, of London, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hazelwood this past The Kirkton Public Library held a special meeting in the Library rooms Wednesday evening with 7 members present. ’ chased a number be placed on the of the new* year. . Mr. and Mrs. spent the past Wednesday in To ronto, and attended; the Ice Frolic. Long Distance Gall to England Mrs. R. Humphreys talked by telephone to her sister, Mrs. N. Speede, of Bristol, England, Tues day of this .past week, Mrs. Hum phreys states the reception was very good and was much pleased to hear liis sister’s voice so well. They both talked from their own homes, Miss Viola Gilfillan, London Normal School student, spent Fri day in Toronto. W|hUe there Viola and the other London Normal students toured, the’ Royal Ontario Museum and the Ontario Parlia ment Buildings. iMr. John Robinson, of Carling ford, visited, with Mr. .and Mrs. John Williams this week. * iMiss Joan Parker, of London, was a webk-end guest with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Hall. MT. and Mrs. Bucher’ Hanson, who spent the past five months in Langham, Sask,, returned, to their home in Granton this past week. They spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. I. N, Marshall, Mrs. Wm. Lan kin returned .home to Granton to spend the winter with them having spent the past two months in Kirk ton. Miss Greta Harmer and Miss Heinbuck, Stratford, were Sunday guests with Mrs. Ross Marshall. (Mr, Robert Atkinson, formerly of Anderson, hhgi moved to his home in the village. The Public School teachers of this district, also the Sunday Schools of the ttnited and St. 'Paul’s Churches are preparing concerts1 for Christmas times, also the United Church choir is preparing a Christmas Cantata for Sunday evening, December 15th. They have pur- of new books to shelves the first Floyd 'Pridham, FOR THAT BOY Jack Knives Skiis Hockey Sticks Shin Pads Knee Pads Fishing Tackle Scooters Engineer Sets Tool Sets FOR THAT GIRL Mantel Radios Metal Waste Baskets Rogers Silverware Damps and Shades Serving Trays Hammered Copper Pressed Aluminum t We have a large selection of Toys, Games, Sleighs, 'Rocking Horses, and many other gift articles < . . come in when you are down town. BEAVERS HARDWARE Phone 86 T.f/P.P?.Vi ■^A^A'iA^A^A'iA^A^i W-A *A *A mtA^A'*.^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A'^A'^ a A BEAUTIFUL WAY TO SAY .... ;$S Christmas” Either on your own Christmas table or as a welcome Christ mas present. For deep in the heart of everyone lies a wish , for those things which enrich life . . . that make a home more lovable still. For flowers that say “Merry Christmas” with simplicity and good taste ... for beautiful traditional plants that will bring pleasure for weeks and months Plants Azaleas Cyclamen Poinsettia ' Pans Lady Mack Begonia Cut Flowers Barge Mums Baby Poms Carnations Boses “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” from the EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 276 Till Christmas ■Dorie and Elco WATCHES make a very desirable for one and all. WE ALSO HAVE — Tie Clip Sets —* Waldennar Chains Pen-Knites Billfolds Razors Emblem Bings Stone Bings and Signets In Adorna Jewellery We Have . . . Lovely Pendants Lockets Brooches and Rarrings Flatware and Hollow-ware “Bridal Wreath” and “Forget-me-not' » DIAMONDS COLE'S JEWELLERY