HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-12-12, Page 6i I Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12th, 1945 * HARVEY’S GROCERY Phone 102 We Deliver It’s Here It’ Here FRESH “FROSTED”FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Whole Strawberries Cauliflower Fresh Peas Sweet Cherries Corn Niblets (30% sugar added) Corn on the Cob Blueberries Serios of Talks; A series of interesting and profit­ able talks was given last week .to the staff and young people of the Exeter Pentecostal Sunday School by Miss Beryl Smith, Toronto. There was a study of the child in each department and ways and means were discussed to get and keep the youth in the Sunday School, This is accomplished mostly by the presentation of the story -of "~J—unfolded in the the centre of being in the creation, The to and opens I 5ft ■It Looking for Something? . . .Try the Want Ack j 4 They are read by more than 8,400 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31w for an ad taker t Announcement To Our Many Patrons We are happy to tell you that we are now occupying our new shop. You’ll love the colour scheme and the bright and sunny atmosphere. It is equipped with the very latest in equip­ ment and supplies. Our official opening will be the Sth of Janu­ ary in the form of a tea. e's Exeter and District’s Most Modern Beauty Shoppe Telephone 112 Vera C. Fraser, Prop. Redemption as scriptures. Christ is the story, the cross mind of God before Old Testament points up the way to Christ. The fulfil­ ment is found in the New Testa­ ment, Our redemption will be completed when the Lord comes for His own according to I Thess, 4: 13-18, VILLAGE OF EXETER establishment of BAND FUND No. 9, 1946,. Village of To provide for taking the the electors entitled to vote By-law Exeter, vote of on money by-laws upon the follow­ ing question: “Are you in favour of providing foi* the establishment and maintenance of a Band Fund from which annual or other grants may be made to the Exeter Band. The amount provided in any one year not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars.” GARBAGE COLLECTION By-law No. 1'0, 19 46, Village of Exeter, To provide for taking the vote of the electors entitled to vote on money by-laws upon the fol­ lowing question; “Are you in favor of a regular system of -garbage col­ lection being established.” TAKE NOTICE 1.. That the foregoing are correct statements of the questions to be submitted to the vote of the elect­ ors entitled to vote on money by­ laws at the same time and at the same places as the annual election for the Municipal Council, and the deputy returning officers appointed to hold the said election shall take the vote. 2. That any tenant who desires to vote upon the said question must deliver to the 'Clerk, not later than the tenth day before January 6, 1946, the declaration .provided for by sub-section 3 of section ‘283 of The Municipal Act, that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for Which the debt or liability to be created, 01* in which the mon­ ey to be raised by the proposed ’by­ law, is payable, and that by the lease covenanted to municipal taxes in respect property of which he is other than the local improvement taxes. Dated this 11th day of December, 1946. ,he has ay all of the tenant, C. V. ’Pickard, Clerk. RUNNIN’ WILD SWEET LORRAINE Oscar Peterson piano solo with bass and drums Record No. 56-00191 Price .75c POPULAR RECORDS SO WOULD I MY HEART GOES CRAZY Charlie 'Spivak and his Orchestra Record No. 20-1986 Price »75c Price $3.00 Price $4.00 Album DM-966 Album DM1075 ’ JAMES MELTON—BY REQUEST Album Ml 060 RACHMANINOFF—Concerto No, 2 ’in C Minor, Op. 18 Price $7.75 NBC’s Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street Album P56 JOHN CHARLES THOMAS In Concert Favorites Price $4.00 HANSEL & GRETEL Presented by Junior Programs Opera Co. Album P38 Price $3.75 CHRISTMAS CAROLS with Alexander D. Richardson at the Organ Album P43 FOR THE KIDDIES SONGS OF THE ZOO John and Lucy Allison With instrumental accompaniment Container Y-309 Price .50c LITTLE BLACK SAMBO’S JUNGLE BAND ’Paul Wing, with Orchestra and sound effects Container BC-17 Price §1.50 DUMBO From the Sound Track of the Film. (By permission of Walt Disney Enterprises) FOR YOU, FOR ME, FOR EVERMORE (from “The Shocking Miss Pilgrim’’) EITHER IT’S LOVE OR IT ISN’T (from “Dead Reckoning”) Larry Green ’and his Orchestra Record No. 20-2009 Price .75c COMING EVENTS « rcaVictor records KREISLER—Concerto in C (in the style of Vivaldi) Price $3.70Album DM1070 irove WANTED .WORK WANTED—by young girl near town or -a village, ready to start first of the week. Apply before Saturday at Times-Advo­ cate. 12* WANTED—A. colony house. Phone Archie Etlierington, 171rl|li Exe­ ter, 12* WANTED—A number of six or eight week old pigs; also some chunks. Phone 184 Exeter, John Hodgert. 12* WANTED—An oil burner. Apply to Mr. N. Hockey phone (239, Exe­ ter. 12* WANTED —■ Jack rabbits, market price. Gibson’s Service Station. £--4tc WANTED — Shipping turnips. Ed­ gar Cudmore, R.R. 1, Hensall. Phone Exeter 171 r 14. 12c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—100 acres, North Boundary McGillivray Twp., good ■ grass, excellent water supply. Owned by Mrs. C. O’Brien, form­ erly of Centralia. Price $4,00'0; 50 % cash. Apply C. J. Hennes­ sey, 16 Alma Street, London, phone Met. 869R. 12:19c FARMS FOR SALE—The east half of lot )21, concession 5, Township of 'Stephen, and the north quarter of Lot 19 and the south half of Lot 20, Concession 4, Township of 'Stephen. Apply to E. D. Bell, Exeter, Ont. 12c FOR SALE—Lot, 1J blocks west of Main on Sanders Street, 50 ft. frontage. Best offei". Phone 142 Exeter. 12c FOR SALE — For immediate pos­ session, 1% storey brown rug brick house on William Street, all modern conveniences, hard­ wood floors and garage. Apply to Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, John St. Terms if desired. FOR SALE—In Exeter, two houses with modern conveni­ ences. Spring possession. C. V.' Pickard, Exeter. HOUSES—Brick house with fur­ nace, bath, in Hensall. Brick house with conveniences in Crediton. Frame House with conveniences in 'Parkhill. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 12* FOR SALE—TOO acres tillable land, frame house, bank barn, silo, shed, pig-pen, moderately priced. Reasonably situated for school and villages. 50 acres pasture in Stephen, north-west of Mt. Carmel, water­ ed by spring. .Some -bush. W. C. Pearce. 12* FARMS FOiR SALE—In Mt. Car­ mel district, 100 acres ,with good brick house and barn. Buildings in good condition. Hydro passes. Immediate possession. On third concession of Stephen Twp., 50 acres of land. The greater part under cultivation. In Hay Tw-p., 150' acres, all in grass, good water supply, good bush with some timber. Most of land is tillable. C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter. Trivitt Sen ior W.A. Elect Officers for 1947 The annual meeting of Trivitt Memorial Senior W.A. was held on Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Miss A. McTaggert. There were ten members and three visitors present. Mrs. Vernon Heywood, president, conducted the meeting which opened with hymn “The Love of Christ Constraineth” followed by the members’ prayer and the Lord’s prayer. After the minutes of the last meeting, roll call and reports of the year's work were given by the secretary and treasurer Rev. M. ,A, Hunt presided over the elec-, tion of officers for 1947 and gave those present a very encouraging address. The officers are as follows, Hon. president, Mrs. M. A. Hunt; president, Mrs. V. A. Heywood, vice.- ,president, Mrs.- H. Bierling; secre­ tary, Mrs. John Luxton; treasurer, Mrs. Alt Andrus; Dorcas secretary, Miss A. McTaggert; Little Helpers secretary, Mrs. W. Middleton; Lit­ erary secretary, Mrs. G. Leslie; Social Service secretary, Mrs. H. Bierling. The meeting closed with Benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess and several contests were enjoyed. RED CROSS .PACKING at Cana­ dian Legion Rooms, Friday, Dec. 13, All articles to be in by 3 p.m. 12c LOST AND FOUND LOST—On Main St., Exeter, Satur­ day night, a single strand of pearls with jewels in silver clasp. Reward. Phone 15 Exeter, 12* LOST—-One bag of Fattening Pel­ lets between Coates’ Gas Station and Hurondale School, (Saturday night. 'Finder -please get in touch with Edgar Cudmore or leave at Traquair’s Hardware, 12c FOR SALE FOR (SALE—19129 Pontiac coupe, 3 new tires, serial number 138827, price $175. E. Ducklow, ■Huron St. West. 12* FOR SALE'—A girl’s sand tweed coat, size 12; girl’s yellow ski jacket, size 14; also man’s navy blue overcoat, size 42. Apply at Times-Advocatq. T2* FOR SALE—Electric rangette, Can­ adian Beauty, white enamel with chrome top. Phone 43 Exeter. 12* FOR SALE—C.C.M. bicycle, .good tires, $20.00. W. Martin, Exeter South. 12* FOR SALE'—3->piece Kenwood -girl’s ‘ outfit, size 3, blue. Apply to Mrs. C. E. Boyle, Exeter. 12* FOR SALE—iPhilco cabinet battery radio in excellent condition. 'Phone evenings’, 83rl8 Zurich. 12:19:26c FOR SALS'—Large heavy duty coal heater, in good condition. Apply to Bierling’® General Store, Exe­ ter North. 12tfc FOR SALE—4-inChJ tile and new M.H. six-foot binder. .Steve Clark, Lucau, phone 8Or2. 12c FOR SALE—'New Zealand and pedi­ greed Angora rabbits, the ideal Christmas present. iPhone 33rl8, Kirkton. 12* FOR SALE — 2-piece snow suit, size 4 or-5; 2 suits boys’ under­ wear, new, size 6; 'Singer sewing machine, -round shuttle, drop head; 2 21-inch inner tubes, good. Apply to Mrs. N. Hockey, phone 239.,Exeter. 12* FOR SALE—Grey tweed overcoat, size 40, in excellent shape. Phone 136. . ' 12c FOR SALE—A small girl’s 3-piece winter outfit, rose shade, size 3, good as new. Apply to Mrs. J. B. McLean, Exeter. 12* FOR SALE—Wooden wagon, De­ Laval cream separator, both in good condition. Phone Lloyd Rey­ nolds 177r4 Exeter. 12* FOR SALE — HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES — We have baby bull calves sired by our son of Montvic Renown ($14,|l|0'0i) and from some of our better families. These are . reasonably priced for grade herds. Ross Marshall Kirktop •63h3. 12* FOR SALE — Jacket heater, used .part of on§ year. Apply to Cliff. Brintnell, Huron St., Exeter. 12* IFOR SALE-—Two bunches of pigs, one at 60 and one at 90 pound®; good 'Durham bull, 11 .months old. Jas. Glavin, Crediton, phone . 29r32. 12c FOR SALE1—One new 1% h.p. elec­ tric motor, two Woods oat roll­ ers; one 3 h.p. Woods grain grinder with triple B belt 'drive; on oil bath pump. Morris Hern, phone 4r9 Kirkton. 12* FOR SALE—Kingsway ’Special coal or wood cook stove in good con­ dition. S. Ducklow, Huron St. W. 12* FOR SALE—Dressed ducks. Edgar Cudmore, R.R. 1<, Hensail, phone Exetei’ Il|71rl4. . 12c FOR SALE—Hard maple, oak and elm tops, by the top or on share basis. Phone Harold Cudmore, 171r3 Exeter. 5:12* FOR SALE—Set of light in good Condition for horse. Wesley Hackney, North. sleighs single Exetei’ 5:1,2* FOR SALE—Nine Hereford lings, mare, horse Ford CA86303, $2'010; nearly new, * skates, hearty new, size 7, $4.00» Cromarty. Phone 5:12c market price; iron rising 3, clippers, roadster, year- grey Stewart Model A number $100; $8.00; serial Ross 303 rifle, $75; Ladies* tube 0. J. Walker, Dublin l,2ri3. MISCELLANEOUS FUR REPAIRING, re-lining and sewing Of all kinds. Mrs( Taylor, Nelson Street. 12* PERSONAL BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER, WHITE ROOKS Pure Holtzapple strains; bred for egg production; sired by pedigreed Males direct from Holtzapple Farms Ohio; Dams egg records from 206 to 311 eggs. $16.00 per hundred; pullets $26.00. First hatch off Jam 5 th. Send in your order now and get them on the date you want them. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, LONDON, Ontario. NEUHAUSER NEW HAMPSHIRE'S Pure Forest Hill ‘Strains; all pedi­ greed sired; .dams records from 269 to 307 eggs. Wonderful color and size. $16,0'0 per hundred; pul­ lets $<26.0'0. First hatch January 5. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, LONDON, Ontario. “GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR CHICKS” says Mrs. W. ,F. Grinyer, Caledonia, Ont., of her BIG-4 CHICKS. With the heaviest demand in ’history for good chicks we recommend you or­ der your KITCHENER BIG-4 now for 19 47 delivery, especially Jan­ uary-February. Wide choice breeds, crosses. CANADA APPROVED breeders pullorum tested, time, contact agent here— J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood Phone collect Dashwood 32r4 Save “BEST CHICKS EVER RAISED” That’s what Robt. Luscher, Thed­ ford, Ont., says of his Big-4 Chicks. “I MUST CONGRATULATE YOU” You should order yours now for 1947 delivery, especially early in year. They’re Canada Approved, breeders pullorum tested. Get the “good” chicks that give you the “extra” profits. Agent here J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood Phone collect Dashwood 32r4 NEUHAUSER CHICKS Our first hatch will be off January 5th. Hatching twice weekly there­ after. This year under our flock improvement program we can of­ fer you more than ever exception­ ally fine chicks. All our 3A chicks are from Special matings with pedigreed males, from high egg record dams. The finest we have ever had. Our hatch calendar is made up and we are booking orders now. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, LONDON, Ontario. 12c ■See the grand array of beautifully illustrated Christmas cards at The Times-Advocate. We will personal­ ize them if you wish. STRAYED STRAYED—From Lot F, 'Con. 8, Osborne Tw.p., sometime between Nov. 19 and 22, one red steer with white face. Morris Hern, phone 4r9 Kirkton. 12* STRAYED—Onto the grass farm of Mr. Jack Mousseau, 2% miles west o*f Hensail, a two-year-old heifer. Owner may have same by proving propery and paying ex­ penses. Phone 10 Lesam Desjardine. Dashwood, 5:12:19c STRAYED —.From grass farm of (Mr. Jack Mousseau, 2% miles west of Hensall, a small red, 2- year-old steer, mark on left ear. Finder please phone ID' Dash­ wood, Lesam Desjardine. 5:12* STRAYED—Yearling heifer, coming 2. Owner may have same by prov­ ing property and paying for advt. Phone 178rll, Exeter. Chas. Prout. 5.3tc STRAYED — Onto lot 16, con. 7. Hay, 1 yearling steer, red with white head. Apply to .Bruce, or Oscar Tuckey, phone 174r4 Exe­ ter. 5-3 tc NOTICES WATER USERS VILLAGE OF EXETER Due to the continued dry weather our water supply is very low. We would ask all consumers to kindly conserve on water, and please do not waste it. ThUnk you. Exeter Public Utilities Commission NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS ' Exeter taxes may be paid to the Collector in the Town Hall, Decem­ ber 13 add 14, hours 9 to 12 a.m and 1.30 to 5.00 p.m. W. C. Pearce, Collector ___5:12 Ont on the target range Tex was rapidly acquiring a puffy cheek from the recoil of hig rifle. 'Ser­ geant (instructing him) j “Just handk the gun the Way you would your igirl back home, Hold firmly and squeeze gently,” PILES NOTICE—-We have installed a key duplicating machine and are pre­ pared to make duplicate keys for most cars ahd cylinder type lobks. Beavers Hardware. tfc are Caused (blood) tion. Try Bunkers Herbal Pills t6 treat the cause at its source, M'onejl- back if the first bottle does hot satisfy. At Drug Stores, generally front a conges- VJLLaGH OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that meeting of the Electors of the Village of Exeter Will be held in THE TOWN HALL. EXETER on a * ------------- MONDAY, DECEMBER 30th, 1916 at the hour <?f l>2,00 o’clock noon for the purpose pf making and’ re­ ceiving nominations of Candidates for the offices of Reeve and 4 Coun­ cillors, Public Utilities Commission and for six member® of the Public School Board. And further Notice is hereby given that in the eyent of more candidates being proposed and qual­ ifying foi’ any particular office, than required to be elected, the proceeding will be adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1947 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by Village 'by-law, viz; Polling (Sub-Div. No. 1 at the residence of Wm. Baker, Main St. Edward Treble, D.R.O., and Earl Parsons, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. Town Hall, Main Welsh, D.R.O., and Poll Clerk. Polling fiub-Div. Town Hall, Maia'Street, John Camp­ bell, D.R.O., Alta Hennon, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. No. 3 at the resi­ dence of Mr. Roy Webber, Main Street, George Jaques, D.R.O., and Mrs. Webber, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. No. 4 at the residence of Mr. William Webster. John L. Kydd, D.R.O., and Frank Mathers, Poll Clerk. And all electors are hereby re­ quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. C. V. PICKARD, CLERK Exeter, December 10th, 1946 No. 2A at the Street, Richard Gerald Lawson, •No. 2B at the o t * A » »• NOTICE TO CREDITORS t Ill the Estate of JOHN T. HJBT- ZEL, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate off John T. Hirt- zel, late of the Township of Ste­ phen in the County of Huron, far­ mer, deceased, who died on or about the 27 th day of October 1945, are required to file particu­ lars of the same with the ’under­ signed executors by the 21st day of December 1946 after which date the estate wjll be distributed hav­ ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 5th day of December, 1946. LAURA M. HIRTZEIL, HERBERT K. EILBER, Executors, Crediton, Ont. Iff: 19c 4 P 9 4 I t AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF. FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18th 1946, at 12.30 p.,m., on Lot 28, Con. 9, Hay Township ¥2 mile east of Zurich, and north. REAL ESTATE—Consists acres, being composed of q-/2 «o, N% 27 and E pt. 26 and E pt. of SXA lot 27, lands all adjoining, comfortable frame house, large drive shed, barn 40x56, straw shed 40x60, all shingled with steel, ce­ ment silo, good orchard and fruit trees, plenty ,of water, colony houses, fall plowing done, choice, clay loam in good state of cultiva­ tion, 25 acres of bush. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. -binder, 7- ft.; M.H. dump rake; M.H. hay loader; M.H. mower; M.H. cultivat­ or; 1-horse scuffler;' 2 wagons, 'bob sleighs; 2 sets 4-sectioh drag, harrows; land roller; in-thr.ow har­ row; Deering grain drill, 13-r.un; 4 sling ropes; ladder; blower pipe; 20010* lb, scales; Beatty pump; water trough; 12 cutters; root pulper; speed Jack; 20' grain bags; 50 good sacks; ’16 ft. hay rack; quantity lumber; 2 bunches shingles; circu­ lar saw; X-cut Saw; grind stone; buggy; cutting ibox; cradle; fan­ ning mill; Cyclone grass seeder; ditching spade; . 20 steel posts; walking plow; forks, rakes, hoes' and numerous articles. HOUSEHOLD -EFFECTS—Cream separator, almost new, 25 cord of - wood, an undetermined amount of household articles. HAY and GRAIN—4Ab out 10 tons of mixed hay; 1100 bushels of Er- ban seed oats; 75 bushels of Wheat. LIVESTOCK — Aged team; bay gelding, 7 years .old, 1800 lbs; roan cow due in December; fat heifer; roan coW due Jan.; Brindle cow, fresli; 2 boan cows, fresh; 2 red) cows, fresh; roan cow, fresh; roan cow, not bred; all young cows; 2 'heifers, rising 2; Hereford bull, 3 months old; steer, rising 1; heifer rising 1; 5 fall calves1; 3^ doz. yearling hens; 2 doz. 'pullets; 20 I’bostefs. TERM'S—Chattels, cash. Rbal Es­ tate, 10 % day of sale, balance in 30 days, When possession will be Sjyen, sold Subject to a reserve bid1, otherwise no reserve as everything must be sold to close estate. OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer, GEORGE HEiIcHeRt, VICTOR DEiCHERT, Adminis­ trators off Mrs. Klizal.^th Ddlchert Estate. 2 miles of 150 S¥s 28. V * € f a ft # % 4 < f- t «■ ?• t * t 4 c t •» f i