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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-12-12, Page 3
* THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12th, 194fi Permanently Ready for Christmas the holidays to A. W. Morgan Resigns as Usborne Township Clerk; Harry Q. Strang Provisionally Appointed You want to look your very best to enjoy the fullest. Make youi* appointment for a permanent wave that will assure good grooming well into the new year, ♦ Tomlinson’s Hairdressing “Exeter’s Favorite Beauty Spot” Phone 146 PARKHILL MEN INJURED WHEN OAR STRIKES CULVERT Alfred Young, R.R. 6, RnrkhiU, and life hired, man, Wallace Neilson, same address, suffeired head. in juries, when Yonug’s car plunged into th© concrete sides of a road side cqlvert in a 'dense fog on the second concession of McGillivray Township about iseven o’clock IFW- day evening. Both men were pitch ed headlong windshield of According stable Archie gated the accident, Young reported that an approaching car’si (head lights blinded him as he -drove south on the concession road, Turn ing to the left to avoid a collision he ran headlong into the culvert side, obscured by the dense fog. The heads of both men went through the windshield of the car. Dr. A. E. Letts, Alisa Craig, was called, and attended the two injur ed men, after which they were al lowed to proceed home, Both suf fered lacerations to the face and forehead. and shattered the the car. to 'Provincial Con- Reilev, who investi- Exeter BRINSLEY of OUR SERVICE IS DIFFERENT. WE SELL YOU A FIT IN OUR PRIVATE TRUSS ROOM. Trusses, Belts, Supports of all kinds, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Over 15 years experience. Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter Canada Year Book on Sale The 1946 Canada Year Book, is now available for 'distribution by authorization of the Hon. James A. MacKinnon, Minister of Trade and Commerce. This publication will be supplied to 'the public by the King’s printer, Ottawa, at the price of $2.00 per copy. By a special concession, teachers, university students and ministers of religion may obtain paper-bound copies at $1.00 each, but the number .that has been set aside for this purpose is restricted and early application for copies by those entitled to purchase them is desirable. Applications for these paper-bound copies should be -ad dressed to: The Dominion .Statisti cian, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa. Done to GIFTS ARE Perfection That’s what the folks will say when they get a treat- of coffee from a cof fee maker. We have them from sev eral leadiny manufacturers and heartily recommend any one of them for a Christmas present that’s sure to please. • TOASTERS • IRONS • HEATERS nsni ELECTRICAL THE LIST Record Players The popularity of records is ' ‘ J . You’ll record collector one of the several have to choose at an all-time high, make your happy with models we from. • LIGHTING FIXTURES • FLASHLIGHTS • LAMPS R. E. RUSSELL 0 Mr. and- Mrs. 'George Chesher, Petrolia, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Morley Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hodgson spent 'Sunday evening with iMr. and Mrs. Ken Tweddle, of West McGillivray. The pupils of School Section No. 5 McGillivray will hold their annual school concert in the schoolroom .Friday evening,, [December 13th, mnder the leadership of their teach er, Miss Lois McCallum, at 8 p.m. Santa will be present. Miss Betty Morley, of Exeter, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Aiken, of Sarnia, who has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. We®. Morley, has re turned to her home. The Young people of Brinsley ‘United Church were entertained by ■the Young 'People of the Ailsa Oral; United last. Miss eral of Friday evening last, it being the oc casion of her birthday. The table was centred with a “Birthday Cake” decorated with candles. The dishes used were hex- great grandmother’s gold banded wedding china. AV .M.S. and AV.A. Annual Sleeting The W.M.'S. -and W.A. of Brinsley United Church held their regulai* annual meeting in the basement of the Church on Wednesday last. The W.M.S. meeting'opened with Croup I convenor, Mirs. Fred Fenton, in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn, “Joy to the World,” after which Mrs. Beatrice Dixon gave the Bible scripture followed by a ‘read ing by Miss Kathleen Morley en titled “Come to Christmas.” An other hymn, “O Come, Let Us Adore Him,” was sung. The president, Mrs. Wilbert .S'holdice, then took the business part of the meeting. The meeting decided to give The War Memorial Hospital a donation of $15.00, also $10.00 to the Child ren’s, .Shelter. Rev. A. S. Trueblood ■then’took the chair for the election of officers for 1947: Honorary president, Mrs. Albert Morgan;’ president, Mrs. Martin Watson; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. Wm. Watson; secretary, Mrs. Walter Morley; assistant, Mrs. David Morley; re cording secretary, Mrs. Roland NeUj- treasurer, Mrs. James Trevethick; assistant, Miss Kathleen Morley; pianist, Mrs. Jack Trevethick; con vener of Group I, Mrs. Jack Hodg son; of 'Group II, Mrs. Karl Picker ing; of Gi'oup HI, Mrs. Clover Lewis; of Croup .IV, Mrs. Mack Allison; auditors, Mrs. Cecil Ell- wood, Mrs. Thos. Lee. The president, Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice, then, thank ed the ladies for their work throughout the past year and also for raising the allocation which amounted to $112.'0i0. The president of the W.A., Mjrs. Geo. Hodgson1, took the chair for the business parts oif the meeting. It was 'decided to give $i25.00 to the iM. & M. Fund. were Fred Mrs. president, secretary, __ assistant, Mrs. Earl Mbrley; treas urer, Mrs. WeS. Morley; pianist, Mrs. Clover Lewis; James Trevethick; tee, Mr®. Neil; Fred .hick, l Church on Monday evening Ida Hardy entertained sev- Iher friends to a dinner on The officers as follows: president, Mrs. Fenton; 1st vice-president, James Trevethick; 2nd vice Mrs. Karl Pickering; secretary," Miss Kathleen Morley; The Municipal Council of Usborne Township met in roguiar^sessioii in the township hall Saturday, Dec, 7th at one o’clock p^; Reeve Berry pre sided .and Councillors Duncan, Eller ington and Tuckey were present, Ab sent, Councillor Brock. Minutes of Noy. 9 th as printed wert adopted on motion qf Ellerington and Duncan. The correspondence was read follows; Ontario Health, quarterly insulin, bill and accounts; Department of Education, requesting that Elemem- tary and Secondary School reports, be properly audited by the Munici pal Auditor and forwarded as early as possible in .1947. Huron Lumber Company, stakes for Elimyille Drain $12.00; Municipal World, suggest ing that dog tags be ordered; Ap peal for funds from the Hospital for Sick Children,' Toronto, no ac tion;1 Appeal from the War Memor ial Children’s Hospital, London, Grant already made; Dept, of Mun icipal Affairs, re authorization for destruction of old Books and Rec ords, filed; County of Huron, In- dingent Hospital .Account, $15.20; Bills and Accounts; 'Village of Exe ter, Usborne’s share of Ration Board expense, $3 0.00, bills and accounts; A. H. Erskine, Collection of Registered taxes, $21.31, bills and accounts; The Exeter District Co-Operative, Letter of thanks for grading done by Township; Exeter- Hensall Branch, Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Wreath for Cenotaph, $9, bills and accounts; Request from secretary treasurer Exeter High School Board; N. W. Miller, Huron County Clerk; Dr. R. O. Staples, Inspector of Public Schools that at the last Council meeting of the year, a member be appointed to the New Exeter District High School Board from Usborne Town ship. This matter was tabled until the 16th December meeting. By-Lay No. 9-1946, providing for Nomination and Election in Usborne Township for Reeve and Council for 1947 and also for the 5 mem bers required to fill the positions, of Trustees on the Township School Area Board, Nomination to be on. Monday, December ,30th and Elec tion on Monday January 6th, <1)947, was read three times and finally passed on motion by Tuckey and- Duncan. The tentative resignation of Municipal Clerk was received by Council and was provisionally cepted on the understanding that he will complete the work of 1946 and hold office until his successor may be prepared to take over the duties. > Moved by Tuckey and Ellerington that Harry G. Strang be provision ally appointed Mupifcipal Clerk of Usborne Township .ttA&ay and he be requested to become acquainted with the work so ‘ that the appoint ment can be made’ absolute early in the new year; carried; A delegation was present from the Wurm Drain Scheme, consisting of A. Wurm, H. .Love, A. Dougall, W. Selves and C.‘Faber to complain that they felt unjustly used in be ing assessed for a drain on which no work has been done. It was ex plained to them that the Council had called for tenders at the same time the Clerk was instructed to levy the assessments on the tax roll but that no tenders had been received; in veiw of the resulting injustice it was moved by Ellering ton and Tuckey that the Clerk con tact the remaining ratepayers and find their reaction in this matter and that a by-law be prepared for submission to the next meeting pro viding for a full rebate to all those desiring that; Carried. Owing to a change in the refer ee’s report on equalization of the Sections, entering the Township School Area, it was moved by Dun can and Tuckey that ,10 per cent of the levy for School Section No. 7 be rebated to the ratepayers in this Section an the remaining 90 per cent be paid to the Secretary Treas urer of the School Board of this Section; Carried. ( The complaint of Jas. W. Gardin er on the Stewart Drain sidered an the Clerk vwas to secure the services Archibald to bring in plans, etc. -■ , The Collector reported as Department of $4.92; N.W. the the ac- was recon- authorized of S. W. a report. The Collector reported $13,671.10 in taxes collected to date, Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, December 16th, 19 46 at 1 p.m. A. W. Morgan, Clerk Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. Worry Often Causes Loss Of Sleep , Worry is probably the most common cause of ' restlessness. Anxieties and fears, worries over finan cial and other matters, all take their toll of hours of restful sleep. ■■’ Such a condition may eventually result m nerv ousness and irritability, IdsS of appetite or fatigue. If you suffer from a nervous condition or restlessness, why not try Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills? Over the past fifty years, thousands Of Canadians have found Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills beneficial as a general tonic io help build Up the System and thus help promote refreshing rest and Sleep. „Ask your druggist for Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills, identified by the “Red Heart” on the box. Price 50c. J Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. assistant, Mrs. flower commit convenor, Mrs. Lin1 Craven, Beatrice Dixon, Mrs. Roland parsonage committee, Mirs. Fenton, Mrs. James Trevet- Mrs. Wes. Morley. THE HURON ODD BOYS ASSOCIATION OF TORONTO The forty-sixth annual meeting the Huron Old Boys Association Toronto was held Monday, Dec. ANNUAL MEETING CROP ASS’N The Huron County Crop Im provement Association was organ ized last January and during Its one year has been responsible for all experimental plants and dem- tlie new and mix- all experimental plants and onstration County in varieties also our Cures. It types of similar type of program will be car ried out only on a larger scale with more work oh the eradication of weeds in the county. The annual meeting will . be held Thurs day, December 12th, at 1.30 p.m. in the Agricultural Office in Clin ton. Prof, it, Keegan* of IFleld Husbandry Department, O.A.CV is the speaker. Ail farmers ’ of ■ the county are considered members and it is hoped they will be pres ent. area® throughout connection with of oats and barley permanent pasture also supervises certain fertilizers. Next year a of of at Jesse Ketchum Hall, Davenport Road, The following members were elected for the 1947 committee: Blyth and iLondeshoro, Mrs. W». D. Sprinks, Mrs. Brussels, Miss Eva Bryans, Miss Vera Gardiner, cheon; Clinton, Mr. F. Floody, Mr. E. W. Hunter, Mr. T. C. iN. “Mike” Cook; Exeter* MiSs Sadie Walker, Mr. K. C. Stanbury, Mr. Cordon Fowler; Goderich, Mr. B< H. Mc- Creath, Mr. Ralph Sheppard, Mr. H. B. StoWe; Hehsall* Mr. Kaye Patter son, Mr. W. Buchanan; Seaforth, Mrs. J. A. Brodie, Mr, Robert Mc Kenzie, Mr. Gerald Stewart; Wing ham, Mrs. Geo, E. Young, Miss Mary McGregor, Mi*. Ralph Carr, Wlroxeter & Gorfje, Mr. D. W. Dane, Mr. M. Jackson; Zurich, Mr. McDowell, The Executive will be elected by this Committee at. a later 'date. Tho winners of the bridge and euchre held after the meeting were: bridge, Mfrs. C. Sherwood, Dr, <T. G. Fergu son; euchre, Mrs. Gordon Fowler, Mr. David Thompson- C. Hollingshead; Mr. West McOut- E. R. Hopper to Represent Board The regular mooting of Board of Education was held in the office of the Secretary Monday evening, December 2nd, at 7,30 with all members present. The min utes were read and adopted on mo tion of W- E, Middleton and S, B, Taylor. J, H. Jones reported that the new 'building was progressing fav orably. It was moved by E. r. Hopper and seconded by J. N". Willis ‘ the matter of a radio be left for the first convenience of new Board. Carried. Intervening correspondence read by R. N. Creech, 'Per R. N. Creech and J. H, Jones that E. R. Hopper be .recommended as representatvie of this Board to the H.S. Area. Carried, It was moved by iS, B. Taylor, seconded by H. Strang and carried that the first meeting of the Exeter H.'S. Area Board 'be held on Wed nesday, Jan, 8th, at 8 p.m. Carried. Principal Blowes reported for .the Public School: numbei' on roll 19 School was closed November 29th for Teachei’s’ Convention at Go erich. P.'S, concert will be held Dec, 6 th. A share of the proedfed^ will be 'devoted to the work of T-B/JS ■Campaign in Huron Co. A request for $30.'0'0 for agricultural pur poses was made. A few • supplies were needed. 'Per E. R. Hopper and W. Ek Middleton that Mrs. Armstrong’s room be fixed up as suggested by the Principal, the Property Committee to look 'after same; carried. Visit of Mounted -Police as proposed to be left over for next meeting. Per S. B. Taylor and E. R. Hopper that supplies for room be purchased;the nurse’s carried. Principal on the H.S.. Roll. In keeping with the best principles of supervision, heads of departments have been asked to arrange to teach for their teachers and vice versa. At the staff meeting it was moved by Mr. Wat son, seconded by Mr. Jones and un animously supported that “Teen Town” be affiliated with the schools and sponsored by the Board of, Edu cation and be administered by it through the staff. Radio broadcast scheduled to emanate from Exeter, Jan. 16th, on Educational Topic. At a meeting in Seaforth recently representatives of Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and M’itchell agreed to sponsor certain inter-school activi ties. All agreed to Exeter WOSSA, Basketball and schedule to begin, after holidays. Games to be played at 3.3 0. Rugby, Soccer, Badminton, Volley Ball, Public ‘Speaking, Field Meet, were included among activi ties. Schools have the right to re ject any. A film had been .shown at school on the topics—Care of the Eyes, How ±o Paint a Building and the Fur Trade. The H.S. inspector had paid a visit to the school, look ing over accommodations. He had promised to attend the new Board’s first regular meeting in February. A system of a staggered noon-hour was. being tried out. Per E. R. Hopper and R. E. Rus sell, adoption of reports. Blinds' for Arena td be looked after by Prop erty Committee with powei’ to 'act. Per J. H. Jones and J. N. Willis that seats available be purchased from Crediton as specified; carried. Applications foi’ position on H.S. staff were read and left with teach ers and supply committee. E. R. Hoppers reported on the amount of insurance carried. Per S. B. Taylor and R. N. Creech that the committee be empowered to carry on and increase the insurance to proper coverage; carried. Per R. N. Creech’ and H. Strang that the rent of $400 be paid to the Arena; carried. Per H. Strang and R. E. Russell that a four section steel filing cab inet be purchased; carried. Moved' by J. N. Willis, seconded by R. E. Russell and carried, that the .following accounts be paid: Globe and Mail, advt. 3.51; Under wood Ltd., supplies 10.75; A. Ham ilton, labor 9.00; W. E. Middleton, trips to Dunnville and Camp Borden 53.24; blower 10.00; P. Mollard, labor 2.7'Ot E. Lindenfield, supplies 2.70; Robertson’s, supplies 4.i0'l; Times-Advocate, supplies 11.61. G. Hawkins, supplies 4.05; E. J. Wethey, rental 6.00; Vocational Guidance, supplies 15.3 3; Grigg Stationery, supplies 77.43; Re- 152.50; Toronto 173.80' 298.35; ■Public basement Sturgis- reported 294 was that over the SALADA a Tip FLOOR LAMPS TABLE LAMPS MIRRORS END TABLES. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS i COFFEE TABLES CHESTERFIELD SUITES BEDROOM (FURNITURE MATTRESSES. AND SPRINGS CEDAR CHESTS supplies rental 6.00; supplies supplies ceiver-'G eneral, uniforms Hood Co., supplies 53.25; Radio and Sports, supplies Huron Lumber Co., supplies J. T. Donnelley, shop 1.82 Library Board, library rental $.120; Jones & May, supplies 5.40; Southcott’s, supplies^ 1.45; Cook’s, supplies 11.03; S. “ “ lor, supplies .60; Traquair ware, supplies 72.4'01 The meeting adjourned motion of J. N. Willis. K. M. MacFaul, Sec’y B. Tay- ’s Hard-' on the WINCHELSEA Keep Monday, December 16th op en and attend the Winchelsea School concert in Eliniville Church. Bring your friends with you. Mr. and Mrs. W« F. Batten en tertained a number of friends in Ellmville Hall .on Friday evening, the occasion being Mrs. Batten’s and Gladys’ birthdays. All reported a good time. Mrs. Ivan Brock .visited on Satur- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs/ of Elimville. Mr. and Mrs; Miltoil Brock, of 2ion, spent Sunday with Mt. Mrs. joe Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters Margaret visited on Sunday Mi*, and Mrs. Nelson Clarke of quhar. ahd and with S'hr* 10 ■ng U Till Christmas If you have a few names on your list that haven’t been attended to as yet wipe that worried look off your brow and drop into the store. You’ll find many fine gifts of lasting pleas ure. Here are just a few. HAMPERS SANIBOY DISPOSAL , UNITS EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS SMOKERS WHAT-NOTS Hopper-Hockey FURNITURE STORE Winter Plays Havoc With Unprotected Cars Every winter thousands of motorists wake up on a cold morning to find a sick cai* in the garage. And in most cases it’s because its owner has neglected to prepare it for the cold weather. If the guilty finger points at you don’t let your car suffer any longer. Bring it in to us today. We’ll do a thorough winterizing job. GRAHAM ARTHUR Your Red Indian Service Station Eternity is a Long Time To Spend in Judgement ■ ■ * . ..It is not the will of the Lord that any should perish but , that all should come to a saving knowledge of Christ. i “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Hom. 10:18 Tune In: PILGRIM’S HOUR 7 - 7*30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evenings Local Station — CKLW, Windsor Old-fashioned Revival Hour—rebroadcasts on many station at various times. P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles .53, California “drms world needs christ” Chas. E. Fuller