HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-11-28, Page 9their R. B. Williams We have ft good supply of machines and piping oh hand* There is no raise in prices, Gas*------ ------■ outfits. Is functioning properly, you will lose your anti-freeze 1, 7ft, cultivator, 1, tractor plow for Farmall A tractor 1, 7ft. mower for IF. H. Get your car and tractor filled with Pyro Anti-Freeze „ before it is too late If Tour Nose mb Spoils SleepTonighf Surprisingly fast, Vicks Va-tro-nol—a few drops yp Each nostril—works right* ’ where trouble is to open up, yoyr nose—-relieve stuffy transient conges­ tion that makes it hard to get to sleep. You’ll like the way it brings relief. (NOTE: Va-tro-nol is 'also grand for relieving sniffly, sneezy distress of head. L colds.) Follow directions in folder. Mak® Brc invites VICKS? VA-TRONOL THE TJMES’ABVOCATE, EXETER,ONTARIO, THVW5PAT MOHNBW NOVEMBER », 1946 !T! FARMERS If you want to save time and expense in the .spring have your tractors and farm machinery repaired now! FOR QUICK SALE—- 14? F 11 I. H. O. tractor with bean cultivator attachment. 1 3 - section spring - tooth harrow V. L Becker and Sons Phone 60w, DashwoodSales and Service Let us Ed’s Machine Shop Two Blocks East of Main Street on John Street. Massey-Harris ‘ Sales and Service Phones: Office 88W; House 88J James Street Auxiliary Thursday, Nov. 21st > ft warm sunny day greeted the Afternoon Auxiliary as they met in the east room of the Sunday School for their November meeting, in the absence of the president, Mrs, M. Sout'hcott, Mrs, Irwin took the chair opening with hymn 362 and prayer, Mrs. Zurbrigg read the minutes of the October meeting, Words of sympathy were given to two of the members in the passing of their loved ones, A communica­ tion] was read informing the rl,ate Mrs, Chas ed $200,00 to The roll call thirty-six members, reported that th date $190,00 had 'been contributed at our Thank-of­ fering services and more was being handed in, Our. givings for the year thus tai' are $542,00 exceed­ ing already what was contributed last year. A report of the morning program of the sectional meeting 'held in Roys church was given toy Mrs. M., Heywopd and was very in­ teresting. Mrs. Zurhrigg gave some 'thoughts from the afternoon' ses­ sion. Mrs. V. Armstrong’s group was in charge of the study pro- ‘gram opening with hymn 16, silent prayer and the Lord’s prayer in unison. Mrs, H. Shapton sang in ft splendid voice “*Be Happy in the Lord.” Several members of the group then gave a short dialogue on “Stewardship”, Mrs. L, Taylor 'and Mrs. H. Perkins giving the main’ parts assisted by Mrs. Mc­ Gregor, Mrs. A- Hicks, Miss N. Keddy and Miss H. Monteith. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Benediction, by Mrs. ESurbrigg meeting that the Perkips had donat- our W.M.S. funds- was answered by The treasurer The late Charles Tuffin SAINTSBURY The members of St, (Patrick's church and A.YJP.A. were delighted with the address given .by Miss L. Powell, an Anglican missionary on furlough. She showed some very interesting pictures of Northern Canada where she worked among the Indians and Eskimos for five years. The A.Y.P.A. group of St. .Paul's group, Kirkton, provided a short program. A vote of thanks was given Miss Powell and the Kirkton A.YJP.A. Miss Alice Black- ler replied. Lunch closed a delight­ ful evening. Mr,. add Mrs. H. Carroll visited with Mr. ond Mrs, Cecil M-cFalls, of London, on Sunday. Mi; and Mrs.’ E. Atkinson wisited with Mr. and Mfrs. F. Davis .Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dav-is spent one day last week in London. Miss Joyce McDonald- is holiday­ ing in Aylmer. There will be practice for the Christmas concert Friday'at S. The entertainment will take place Fri­ day, Dec. 21. Welcome everyone. Friday last was ft very busy day for the farmers in this locality rounding up the cattle. ‘ Mr. and MrS, 'Earl Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Heber DaVls visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Garrett* of Edgewood, (Saturday evening,. Tom Dobbs, of London* spent tht week-end with his parents. The senior W.A. will Wold annual meeting Wednesday* Dec. Huron County Plans Anti’Warble Fly Drive to Commence Next Year 1 SHIPKA The regular Ghristmas meeting of the Women’s Association will be held Thursday afternoon, Dec- 'ember 5th at 2 o’clock „at the home of Mrs, Arthur Finkbeiner. Mr, Simon Ratz has been confin­ ed to his home= the past week on account of illness. Miss Mildred Lamport, of Strat­ ford, spent the week-end at .the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Lamport Mr Tom Lamport returned home on Thursday last from Molitia, Man,, where he visited with rela­ tives for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keys, of Hay township, visited on Bunday with relatives here. - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, of Kirkfon, spent Sunday with Mr. ■and Mrs, Wray Sweitzer. Mrs. Hary Sheppard and David and „Mrs. Ed Lamport spent Sun­ day with Mr, and Mrs, Walter Baxter, of Denfield, Mr, and Mrs. Roland Neil, of Ailsa Craig, spent .Sunday with and Mrs, Kenneth Baker. Injured in a fall Sunday, Nov­ ember 17 and removed to Stratford General Hospital at that time. Charles Tuffin, died there sudden­ ly early Saturday November 23rd, although he had shown earlier signs of improvement. He was born at Staff a on Janu­ ary 12, 188'3, residing .there until March 1922, when he took up res- ' idence on lot 9, con. 9, Hibbert township and was ,a member of Staffa United church. His parents were the late 'Charles Tuffin and Jocephia Amelia Oliver, ’ of Staffa. Surviving are his wife the form­ er Evelyn Gertrude Shute, whom 'he married on May 23, 1914 at, 'Kirkton; two sons, Clarence J., Grimsby, C. .Harvey, at home; four daughters, Mrs. D, B„ Warren (Dorothy), Toronto; Mrs. K. E. Scott (Evelyn), Mitchell; Mrs. J. H. McNichol (Laura), Hibbert and Laura, .at home, one brother Fran­ cis Tuffin, Staffa, two sisters, Mrs, Arthur Mitchell, Exeter and George Suhr, Stratford and grandchildren, Joyce Scott, neth and William Warren Ronald McNichol. He was prede­ ceased by one son in infancy, two brothers and two sisters. The remains rested at his late home where Rev. A. H. Daynard conducted the service, largely at­ tended by friends and relatives from Grimsby, Toronto, Sarnia, Vanessa, London, St. Catharines, Exeter, Varna, Harriston, Mitchell, Kirkton, Stratford, and Fullarton. Beautiful floral tributes bore testi­ mony to the high regard in which the late Mr, Tuffin was held. Dur­ ing the service Mrs. O. W. Reed pre­ sided at the piano for' the singing of “Safe in the Arms of Jesus” and the duet “I’ll see Him Face to Face sung by Mrs. Henry Harburn and Mrs.. Kenneth Drake. The remains were laid to rest in Staffa cemetery with Wilbur Miller,. Roy Balkwell, Lome Hodge, Ernest Templeman Arthur Kemp and .Samuel Norris as pallbearers.. Flower bearers were James Norris, John Templeman, K. Miller, Robt. Sadler, John McKellar J ohn and Russell Miller. New Telephone Directory Some 57,500 copies of the new telephone directory for London, St. Thomas ahd district are now being distributed. 723 of them slated for subscribers in. Exeter. Buff-colored, the new book Son- tains nearly 14,800 new arid changed listings a number of them lit the Exeter section, J. M. Good­ win, Bell manager here* said this week. miuir .Lucre is no , a ala Gasoline or motor c^r' | subscribers to consult the new dir- ' ectory carefully before placing (tolls and stressed the Importation Of bringing memo and desk puds tip'-tO-dftte, thus avoiding unneces­ sary calls to wrong numbers. A lengthy debate on the control, of the warble fly was introduced in a report*1 from the Agricultural Committee at the Huron 'County Council session Tuesday, Goderich Township was used as a test area last year and the committee has been assured that should Huron County ./desire to have this* control spraying extended throughout the whole county, It would have first priority On -machines and equipment, Leroy Brown, Agricultural rep­ resentative, stated that the cam­ paign in Goderich Township was as yet in the experimental stage, The whole county would be more interested if the campaign were conducted 'by the county and the cost would 'be cut in half. The prov* ince will lend support and the Fed­ eration of Agriculture has been as­ sured the rnachinery would 'be available, The Department, he said, intends to require spraying of all cattle brought in from other prov­ inces, to eradicate -the warble fly The livestock in Huron county that would be sprayed would be 130,000 cattle. Reeve George Ginn, of Goderich Township, when asked regarding cost, gave it as 30 cents per head; 50 per cent of which is paid by the municipality, and 50 per cent by the Department. It would require an enormous amount of equipment, and work to cover the county. There were two machines used in the township, and 6,300 ’cattle sprayed. In his* opinion, it would cost the county a lot of money but it would be well spent. The people were well satisfied and only three ■ farmers had refused the spraying. Leroy Brown cautioned against shelving the important question. He stressed that the county-wide basis is the only way to get 10'0' per cent, eradication. Warble flies spread from herd to herd. Spray­ ing on a county-wide basis would give greater results than the in­ dividual application.. <ladt boy that the -n- Gifts for h us bands, friends, even small boy in cradle .» . , - Gifts for moth­ ers, wives, sisters, girl friends, some­ thing feminize ope , . . — Gifts ELIZABETH ARDEN Bath. Salts $2.75, $7.00 Blue Grass Perfume ...........$3.50 up Velva Bath hUts Blue Grass Gift Hand’O-Tonic $1.25, $2.25 Hath Box $2.50 Busting Powders $1,25, $1.85 Eau de Toilette $5.50, $8.00 Mrs, Kenneth Baker. pays Dougall* week-end flattering* for every* It by ■front seats of the church ■that they might the 'better minister.Mrs. four Ken- and London, Mr. and president, Mrs. 1st vice-pres., Mrs. that run the range of prices, that are easy to find and choose, that they’ll be glad to get . . . $2.75 , $3.75 Classified Advertising Results.—Others Have benefited it, why not you?v (jive EVEkSHARP and you give the FINEST See the , New CA Model Mr. Robertson’s Drugs as her type and we’ll you her Scent-iinents to thrill feminine hearts CROMARTY .(Intended for Iastwepk) The weather has taken a change and is somewhat colder. We have much to be thankful for as we have had plenty of rain Which makes it so ..much better for fall work and for the cattle as some of the farm­ ers had not enough water to supply the cattle. We are sorry to mention that a few of the old time residences -are being torn down. Large spacious homes where large families .have been reared are being demolished to be 'rebuilt into smaller homes for the extra population. One of them is Mr. Neil M;cKellar*s beautiful home. He took great pride in beau­ tifying the home and the surround­ ings. The house was set back from the roads about the depth of twenty acres and the driveway was a lovely avenue of beautiful trees, none nicer except those laid out 'by an artistic gardener. Some of the trees are still standing, a monument to the one who has gone. Every morn­ ing he used to -take a delight in walking about the grounds to see the sun come up through the trees. He was also faithful to his church and rarely mipsed being in his pew on the Salb.bath day. He and his brother and old Mr. Hogarth were seen almost every Sunday in the in order hear the Whalen Church Meeting The ladies met in the church parlors on Thursday afternoon last for a quilting bee. Following this Mrs. Geo. Squire was in charge of the W.M.S. The meeting opened with singing and Rev. Weir offer­ ed prayer. Roll call and of last meeting were read, time Rev. Weir presided election of officers which follows; Squire, Johnson, 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. elwood, secretary, Mrs. G. Arksey; Treasurer, Mrs. Harry .Khlare, cor­ responding sec., Mrs. Wm. French, pianists, Mrs. Milne Pullen and Mary Johnson. A short business meeting was held for the W.A. with Mrs. Wm. Morley chair. Lunch was served. minutes At this at the are' as Edgar Ear] Haz- Make Someone Happy with Gift Stationery •... Yardley •_ Seaforth • Sutton •: Colgate® • Palmolive •/ Guardsman Beautiful Vanity Sets ZION and Mrs. Melville Hern several days during the past in Toronto attending the Winter Fair, and Mrs. Harold’ Hunter and visited Mr. spent week Royal Mr. and family, Mr. Jack Hunter Mrs. E. Hunter, of Eden, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wel­ lington, Brock. Mr. and Mrs.- Ross Hern) and family ’ visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Hector Taylor, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jaques spent Sunday With friends and relatives in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell and Mrs. John Parkinson, of spent” the week-end with Mrs. Epli, Hern. Misses Ina and of Atwood, spent with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Elitoville, Visited „„„ Mr, and Mrs. James Earl. Mr, and .Mrs,. Robert Kew, of Granton, Visited oh Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern. Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques, of Exeter, visited oh Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; Melville Hern. Mr. Harvey Parkinson and Ken, Of Woodham, Mr. and’ Mrs. David Parkinson, of Trenton, Visited Saturday evening with Mrs. Melville Hern. Alma the . E» Miller. Phil Johns, of on -’Sunday with They (had heed sitting in swing ih the moOnllght alone, word btokd the stillness for half da hour, until: “Suppose you had money,” she said, “what would you do?” lie threw out his chest, in all the glory of young manhood, and said, “I'd travel I” He felt her young, warm hand slide into his. When he looked' up, she was gone » . ■» In his hand Wari ft ilioitoll Remember that cold sleeting day last winter when your car wouldn’t start? Well, this year, why not profit by past experience? Ride out the winter safely, comfortably, conveniently, and economically by having us “winterise” your vehicle now. No matter what make of Car or truck you drive, our skilled service-men are equipped with the "know-how” arid experience to make it weather-worthy—to put its cooling and lubri­ cating system, its battery, engine and acces­ sories in perfect runhirig shape for the icy months ahead, Be prepared! Be protected! Make an appointment today for an all-round winterizing job. DEALERS’ WINTERIZE .. a system service doohnQ - llniing W4'efn;.*,r, for wear- ln^onned’ons. pump- 0 W’in9ate thermostat ChangjnO cngine 0,t .upand Tostjrig a fhorouGl1 ch*56*6 electric1