HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-11-28, Page 4Through the years the records you give this Christmas will be played over and over—surely this is a gift that lasts forever. Choose now from our classical and popular selec­ tions. THE EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28th, 1946 FOR MOTHER ROMEO and JULIET: Overture (Tchaikovsky) Serge Koussevitzky—Boston Sym. Orch. Price $5.05 of VICTOR HERBERT Andre Kostelanety D-47 ....... Price $6.75 SHOWBOAT (Jerome Kern) with the original all-star cast from the 1946 Broadway Production ■Price $8.50Album D-154 , Album ■DM-347 FOR BROTHER MUSIC Album THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERD SUITE (Handel-Bucham) London ‘Philharmonic 9 Album D-82 ....... Price NELSON EDDY SINGS Nelson Robert Armbruster Album D-116 ....... Price $4.75 Orch. $3.75 Eddy FOR FATHER DEBUSSY—PRELUDES Book 1 (1910) E. Robert Schmity, pianist Album DM-1031 .... Price $7.75 MORTON GOULD CONCERT Album D-151 ....... Price $4.00 SQUARE DANCES Carson Robinson’s Old Timers Album A-5 ........... Price SCHUBERT MELODIES Marek Weber and his Album A-33 ......... Price $2.50 Orch. $3.75 FOR SISTER POLONAISE Al. Goodman and his Album P-145 ....... Price BRAHMS’ HUNGARIAN DANCES (Violin) Erica Morini $4.09 Orch. $3.75 PriceAlbum M-1053 .. THE VOICE OF FRANK SINATRA Album A-30 ......... Price $3.75 MY FAVORITES Fritz Kreisler Album M-910 ....... Price $5.05 A COLE PORTER REVIEW David Rose and his Album P-158 JEROME KERN Al. Goodman Price Orch. $3.75 ■and his Orch. with Vocalists ... Price $3.50Album P-157 .... GLENN MILLER Glenn Miller and his Orch. Album P-148 ....... Price $3.75 ESQUIRE’S ALL AMERICAN (Hot Jazz) (Recondrama) (Leonard Feather’s Esquire All-Americans Price $3.70Album HI-8 FOR THE CHILDREN SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS (Walt Disney) As originally sung in pictures Container J-8 Price $2.25 NUTCRACKER SUITE (Tchaikovsky) .Spike Jones and his City Slickers with Chorus Album P-143 ....... Price $3.00 Container BC-6 LITTLE BLACK SAMBO LITTLE BLACK SAMBO AND THE MONKEY PEOPLE ’Paul Wing Price $1.50 LITTLE BLACK SAMBO’S JUNGLE BAND Told by Paul Wing Container B.C-17 .... Price $1.50 Snelgrove Tire & Electric Phone 18 The Times-Advocate NEW POT TYPE QUEEN RANGE BURNERS FOR KITCHEN RANGE Excellent for Summer or Winter. We still have some avail­ able. Dozens of customers are repotting great satisfaction, Installation free. «Queen Range Burners for Furnaces The Queen Range Burners are Very satisfactory and give all the heat needed for medium sized homes. A satisfactory furnace oil burner for one Quarter the cost of the regular Furnace Oil Burners. VFe have one in our own furnace, Come and see it. Queen Oil Burning Brooder Stoves Book your order now for December, January or later de­ livery. The Queen Brooder Stoves have given us great results on our own farms. 100-GalIon and 300-GalIon Oil Tanks 100-Gallon Oil Tanks are jmst the thing to store your oil for Oil Brooder Stoves, Space Heaters or Furnaces. WEIN BROS* Exeter Ontario J Notes From Huron County Council Huron County Council Wednes­ day unanimously endorsed the op" inion of the warden’s committee that tlie matter of purchasing Port Albert airport be laid over for the time being, It was pointed, out that no concrete proposition had been presented by any person or organization desiring the acquisi­ tion, of the airfield,- and it was felt that plans for its use and fin­ ancing should be placed before the council. Reeve B. W*. Tuckey, of Exeter, chairman of the warden’s commit­ tee, stated that no organization had communicated anything to the committee as to why the council should acquire this airfield, or how it should be purchased. The reeve thought it was just a feeling at large that prompted the talk. If the site were used for a county fair, attendance would be drawn from a more limited area than that enjoyed ,by the International Plowing Match, he pointed out. “We felt that instead of its be­ ing a paying proposition it would be a white elephant on the hands of the county,” Reeve Tuckey de­ clared. Actions Praised Reeves Ginn, of Goderich town­ ship and G. N, Nott, of Clinton, commended the action of the com­ mittee on this matter as a “smart piece of business’’’ and praised it also for securing the withdrawal of the declaration of an open season for deer in Huron. More Secondary Pupils The consultative .committee ported that there has been an crease in the enrolment .of second­ ary schools due to the establish­ ment ,of high school areas. There is a trend, also, toward the more practical courses, agriculture, com­ mercial, home economics and man­ ual training. The council endorsed the recom­ mendation of the committee that a letter be forwarded to the Depart­ ment of Education asking that definite -regulations be made re­ garding vehicles used in transport­ ing pupils .to school namely, to re­ quire them to be painted a uni­ form color, with “School Bus” plainly painted on them to provide for their .adequate inspection, and to require other motorists to ob­ serve caution in passing busses. Ask Grant for X-Rays G. L. Parsons and H. representing the Huron Tuberculosis committee, in support of a request for a grant to assist in a county-wide X-Ray survey for symptoms of tubercul­ osis. Councilors op the committee who spoke also in support of the grant were Reeves R. B. Cousins of Brussels and B. W. Tuckey. The request was referred to the health and hospital committee on amo­ tion of Reeve G. MacEwan and R. B. Cousins. This committee later brought in a recommendation that $1,000 ferred Praise The by the service health port. The nurses, who were intro­ duced by Reeve E. Nicholson, chairmair of the’ committee, and each of whom presented a report of her activities are Miss Maribelle McKenzie, , supervisor; Miss Jean Falconer, Miss Margaret Roberts, and Miss Mary -Love The total cost of the nursing system in the coun­ ty. from Jan. 1 to Oct. 31 was $6- 79 0.27, of which the government will pay '$2,363.42. No Ammunition. Available The police committee’s report showed that county constables have made a total of 807 investigations and patrols, and covered a (total of 34,710 miles. It had been suggested by High Provincial Constable W. Gall that target practice for constables could be instituted at the target Tange in Wingham town hall, and Chief of Police Pratt would assist in .the practices. The committee had a- greed to purchase the ammunition, but found it was not available. In lieu of purchasing new uniforms, -the committee had increased the salaries of the county constables by $200 per year each. The committee commended the county constables for the capable manner in which they assisted in the control of traf­ fic at The International Plowing Match. Explains Radio Plans Reeve Joan Winter, of Howick, chairman of the police committee, introduced Pr.ov. Constable Gall, who stated that the only serious crime in the coanty had been caus­ ed by outsiders. He spoke of the advantages of vadio equipment in police car® which each district is to ■have. By next summer there will be a three-way telephone system he strongly recommended. Asked to what extent the system was being used, he there would be a receiving station in every county seat. It had been arranged to place, a radio tower on the Masonic Temple -here, over the local police office. There are none in operation yet in rural. Ontario, but .London, Stratford and Kitch­ ener have their own systems, Reeve B. ML Tuckey, in thanking , constable Gall, assured him that Huron county will fee in the fore­ front in adopting any up-to-date facilities. Tf r looking for Something? »,, . Try the V They are read by more than 8,400 Times-Adyoc^te readers every week . ’ ......................... ............................ . ’• •'■■■ "• ’ ................................. Kant Ads Phone 31w for an ad taker LOST WANTEDCOMING EVENTS RED CROSS PACKING DAY, Fri­ day, December 13, at (he Cana­ dian Legion Rooms, Articles to be in by 3 o’clock as the boxes must be at ’the station before 4.30,, 28c LOST—A black’ wallet with several bills and some silver. Reward. Finder please leave at Times- Aidvocate. 28c WANTED—-A limited number of young cattle to feed for the winter. Apply .at TlmefrAdvocate FOR SALE LOST—Around Exeter <m Tues­ day, a logging chain. Finder please phone 47rl4, Crediton, Reward. 28* WANTED—A child’s table, and chair set in good condition, also a rocking horse- Apply at Times- Advocate. 28* re' in- Helstrop, County appeared be granted and this we ve­ to the warden’s committee. For Nursing Service excellent work being done nurses in the county health was commented on in the and hospital committee’s re- which radio stated FOR SALE—Shotgun, single bar­ rel, Iver Johnson, excellent con­ dition, very accurate, Apply to Wm. Brown, Box 28, Zurich. 21:28c FOR SALE—JWingham cook stove, white with (black, burns coal or wood, practically new. Phone ■Dashwood 41r26. c 'FOR SALE *— A man’s dark grey wool overcoat, size 42, in good condition; boy's coat, leggings and helmet, iOiO‘% wool, size 5 years, brown, Al condition; boy’s underwear, 2 ” " preferred, size new. Apply at Times-Advocate. 12 Sc suits Penman’s 28, practically FOR SALE—A. Quebec heating and cooking stove in good condition. Apply Times-Advocate.28* FOR SALE—Large heavy duty coal heater in good condition. Apply to Bierling’s General Store, Exeter North. 28c FOR SALE — Guaranteed singing canaries. Apply to Mrs. Ernest (Kennedy, No. 257, Lucan. 28* FOR SALE—10 choice ‘ pigs. Apply to .Chas. S. phone 9'8rl5, Zurich. Stocker Bedard, 28* FOR SALE—19134 Chev car. serial number *6461(19, 2 spare tires, $4*0’0. Apply to Mr. Bergie, Box 28, Exeter. 28* FOR SALE—1 only 650x16 casing, : new; 1 only half H.P. motor, used; 1 only quarter H.P., H.D. motor,, used; 1 only quarter H.P. washing machine motoi", used. W. J. Beer, Grand Bend. 28c FOR SALE—Motors, quarter, half 1 and -2 HJP.; Gas Engines, half, one and a half, 2 H.P.; 1 steel wheel wagon; 2 rubber wagons. R. B. Williams, Exeter. FOR SALE CHEAP—A muskrat fur-lined overcoat with Persian lamb ■ collar and Persian lamb cap. Apply .to A. L. Case, phone 30, Hensail. 28c FOR SALE—Dressed ducks. Edgar Cudmore, R*R. <1|, Hensail, phone Exeter 171rl4. 28tfc FOR SALE'—(Cabin trailer. For par- ticulars, phone 327, Exeter. 28c STRAYED STRAYED —From lot 12, con 4, Hay Twp., a registered Durham heifer, 2 years old, with horns,’ white markings on face. Anyone knowing its whereabouts please contact George Armstrong, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 9 2r5 Zurich. .21:28c STRAYED— (From Lot F, Conces­ sion 8, Usborne, 1 light red steer with white face and markings, •two-year-old in spring. Morris Hern, phone Kirkton 4-9. 28* STRAYED — Three Hereford heif­ ers from Lot 19, Con. 3, Bid- dulph. Phone Ltican 42i‘4. Hir­ am Thompson. 28c STRAYED—From the grass farm of John Bell, Hay Township, a steer around 1200 pounds, mark­ ed in left ear and branded. Will anyone knowing the whereabouts of this animal kindly notify J. R. Murdoch, S6rl.l, Hensall, collect. 28c STRAYED—From lot 19, con. 4, Stephen Twp., yearling heifer, slight tag mark in top of left ear. Anyone .with any informa­ tion please phone Lawrence Hirtzel, 30r2<3 Crediton. , 28* NOTICES WANTED — Shipping turnips, Ed­ gar Cudmore, R,R. 1, Hensall, Rhone Exeter 171rl4. 28tfc CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Lot 30, Con Hi Hibbert Twp. 1^4 miles north of Chiselhurst and 3 % miles west of Cromarty on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, ROY T. MCDONALD & SON, Proprietors. W, E. .Nairn, P. C. Wright, Auctioneers, We are taking orders now for fall whitewashing jobs, with new Power Machine, — Wm. Watson, Phone 35rl9 Dashwood. ‘ l'0-8tc NOTICE—We have installed a key duplicating machine and are pre- ' •*P<y’ed to make duplicate keys for most cars and cylinder type locks. Beavers Hardware. tfc REAL ESTATE FOR 'SALE — session, 1 brick house all modern uunvemeuves, um/xu.- wood floors and garage. Apply to •Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, John St. Terras if desired. 28c For immediate pos- storey brown rug on William Street, conveniences, hard- HOUSES—Brick ^ouse with fur­ nace, bath, in Hensall. Brick house with conveniences in. Crediton. Frame House with conveniences in Rarkhill. Frame house in Granton. W. C. Pearce Exeter. - 21* FOR SALE—,1.00 acres tillable "land, frame house, bank barn, silo, shed, pig-pen, moderately priced. Reasonably situated for school and villages, 100 acres brick house, 'barn and shed, driveshed, bush. 6>6 acres frame house small small bush. Hydro past gate. 50 acres pasture in Stephen, north-west of Mt. Carmel, water­ ed by spring. Some. bush. W. C. Pearce. >28* bank some barn IMMEDIATE POSSESSION — A 5 roomed Insul brick bungalow, 3 piece bath, furnace, full base­ ment, hardwood floors, fully modern, 'insulated throughout. Wm. Sweitzer, box -273, phone 257, Exeter. - 21 * FOR SALE—1% -storey Frick house modern conveniences; extra lot. This property is located close to business section of Exeter; quick possession. C. V. Pickard. Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE — Comfortable (brick house with hydro and 3-piece bath. Small stable; 3% acres productive garden land; edge Exeter; fall possession. C. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. of of V. FOR SALE — 120-acre farm, well- located on paved road, comfort­ table house, good bank barn; hydro and water. Productive soil, 12 acres bush; also 50 acres cul­ tivated land without buildings, near Exeter. C. “V. Pickard, Exe­ ter. FOR SALE—10F acres in Stephen Township with good brick house and bank barn. Close to village. , Possession given when desired. C. V. Pickard, Exeter, MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—A 'garage or a building suitable for a garage, Apply at Times-Advocate. * suitable forWANTED — Hprses mink feed. Highest prices paid. Norman Hazelwood, Marys Phone Kirkton 16rl2. 4t* R.R. 6, St. HELP WANTED WANTED — Stenographer, book­ keeper. Apply in person to Can­ adian Canners, Branch 100( Exe­ ter. 21c WANTED—Girl for typing and gen­ eral office work. Apply to Wein Bros. 28:5c WANTED—Clerk for part time of­ fice work. Experience preferred but apt student with ability may qualify. Apply Cann’s Mill, Exe­ ter. 28c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of NORMAN JAMES DORE, late of the Village of Exeter in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Gentleman. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the late NORMAN JAMES DORE, who died on the 6th day of November, 1946, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly day them verified, on or, before the 2nd of December 1946. AFTER the last-named date assests of the said Estate will distributed among the persons titled thereto,* having regard only to claims of which the undersign­ ed shall then have notice. DATED at. Exeter, the 12th day November, 1946. GLADMAN & COCHRANE Exeter, Ontario. Solicitors for Harry C. Schwegler, ' the Executor 14:21:28c the be en- of In the Estate of - ARTHUR WEBER, deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Arthur Weber, late of the Township of Hay in the ^County of Huron Farm­ er, who died on or about the 30 th day of October, A.D. 1946, are re­ quired to 'file particulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor of EXeter, Ontario, by the 28th day of November, A.D. 1946, after which date the estate will be dis­ tributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, DATED the Sth day of Novem­ ber,A.D. 1946. ELMER D. BELL Exeter, Ontario. Solicitoi* for the Executors ’ 14:21:28 STRAYED—On or about Sept. 1st, from lot 9, concession 6, Bid- dulph twp., a black and white heifer about One Year old with two pig rings in -right ear. Any­ one knowing of its whereabouts please contact Clare Brian, Whalen. 28* STRAYED—From lot 21, Con. 4, Stephen, a 2-year-old red Here­ ford heifer with horns, mark in the right ear. William Stanlake, /phone Crediton 17r5. "3tp NEUHAUSER’S ( First Hatch—January 5th—Setting all breeds — Ordei" now —<• Barred Rocks; White Rocks; Light Sussex; New, Hampshires; Rhode Island Reds; White Wyandottes; .Black Australorps; Silver Gray Dorkings; Black and White Giants; Buff Orpingtons; White Leghorns; Mot­ tled Anconas; Black Minorcas; Red x Rocks; Rock x Reds; Leg. x Rocks; /Leg. x Hamps.; Legorcas; Sussex x Rocks; Sussex x Hamps.; Australorps—AU chicks guaranteed NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, LONDON, Ontario. Guides met at Mc- on November 20 at meeting opened by singing ”0 Canada”. Songs follow­ ed which all the girls "enjoyed, The meeting was closed by singing ”God Save the Ring” and ’’Taps”. Knight’s Hall 7 p.m, The PERSONAL In the Estate of JOHN HENRY ANDREW, deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of John Henry" Andrew, late qf the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron Gentleman, who died on or about the 2nd day of November, 19 46 ae required to file particulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Sol­ icitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 28th day of November, A.D. 19 46 aftei’ which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED the 8th day of Novem­ ber, A.D. 1946. ELMER D. BELL EXeter, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. 14:21:28 ber, JUST have keep ary? Reaping the benefits of your ef­ forts? This opportunity is yours if you will only inquire as to. how to proceed from: Familex,- Dept. F, 16 00 Delorimier, Mon­ treal. THE OPPORTUNITY you been waiting for! Why working for a small sal- Why not be your own boss? AUCTION SALES J IF BACKAOIIES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the flr$t •dose. Robertson’s Drug Store. Slender Tablets are effective. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ $5, at Robertson’S and ail druggists*. PILES generally from a conges- are caused (blood) tion. Try Buiikcrs Herbal Pills to treat the cause at its source. Money back If the first bottle does not satisfy, At Drug Stores. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot Bi, Con, 14, Stephen Township on TUESDAY? DECEMBER 3rd, 1946 at 2 p.m. The Estate of the Late Charles Stephail. 1(50 adfrds of land, 8 acres of fall wheat, nil fall plowing done, bank barm 40x70, with straw shed, drive shed, 'brick house With frame klt- chen, plenty of water, well drained. TERM'S—10%. on day of sale, balance in 30 days. For further particulars apply to FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, 2HARLES STEPHAN, Jr», Administrator, R. 3, Nxeter. !X... 14:21:28 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell Iby public auction on John Street, Exeter on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1946 at one o’clock, the following: Three-piece chesterfield suite, 2 pedestals, 3-section oak bookcase, oak dining-room suite, table, 6 chairs and buffet, fernery, • 2 bed­ room suites, springs and mattresses, one single bed, springs and spring- filled mattress, feather tick, couch, den table, odd chairs, card table, Singer beater, screen, Wicker scatter drapes, . , _ . , . 8-day clock, paper rack, small cup­ board, .kitchen table and chairs, meat grinder, hand washing mach­ ine, wringer, copper ’boiler, alumin­ ium roaster, sprinkling can, dishes, pots and ...pails1, etc. TERM'S—CASH JOSEPH MAY, Proprietor, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, G. W. LAWSON, Clerk., sewing machine, electric quilt box curtain stretchers oak arm chair and rocker, rocker, stand, floor lamp, rugs, pictures, ’’ cushions, hall mirror, .carpet sweeper, AUCTION SALE OF BUNGALOW AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE in EXETER The Property of the ' J. Dore. There will -be offered public auction on the WEDNESDAY, DECE5IBER lith, 19.46, at 1’2 o’clock noon, the fol­ lowing: REAL ESTATE — The red brick bungalow on the south west corner of Victoria and William Streets, having a frontage on William iStreet or approximately 75 feet by a depth on Victoria Street of about 132 feet. The dwelling house is modern in every respect and contains a large living room, dining room, sunroom with fireplace, 2 bedrooms on the ground floor, hardwood floors throughout, -bathroom and kitchen, besides a large room and a storage room on the second floor; soft and hard water; a good basement. It is covered with Brantford roofing and insulated The house stands in the midst of a -beautifully laid out lawn and flower garden in which there are many ornamental trees and flowering shrubs. There- is a good garage in -keeping with the house- with an entrance to it from Victoria Street. The property has -been much admired as an ideal modern dwell­ ing. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND .FUR- >arm- late Norman for sale, by premises, on or- NITURE—Reed desk; reed chair; reed rocker; bridge lamp; table lamp; 2 upholstered arm­ chairs'; birch mahogany double bed and mattress; Singer sewing mach­ ine with motoi' attachments; 2 cane­ bottom chairs; -baking table; elect­ ric stove; oak wall rack; folding bed and mattress; antique living’ room table; reed settee; 2 kitchen chairs; reed sewing basket; dress­ maker’s form; folding ironing board; fern stand; rustic table; ■reed magazine stand; electric wash­ ing machine; hand wringer; plat­ form scales; and coal oil stove. ■China: French Limoges hand: painted bonbon dish and fruit, bowl; china sandwich trays and cookie plates; glass cake plate; 3‘ china flower pot containers; china fruit bowls; Chinese rose jar; namental vases; china table setting; candle sticks; and other dishes. Silverware: 'Pah* Dutch silver- candle sticks;-set low silver candle sticks; dish and silver nut Brass: teakwood pair Indian head book-ends; brass­ urns; brass asli trays; table lamp,, brass, with shade. -Several glass -dishes. Brooder stove; fire-basket. Coffee maker; alarm clock; hor­ izontal dial mantel clock; Westing­ house electric heater; electric per­ colator. Hand carved match -holder; nut turned candlesticks and bowl; several picture frames; hogany framed wall mirror; mahog­ any floor lamp. ** TERMS—Real Estate: 10% on day of sale -and balance in 3'0s days* without interest. Chattels: Cash. Further partieuldrs and terms and conditions of Sale will be made- known on the day of sale or may­ be had on application to the under­ signed. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer,. ■George lawson, clerk, GLADMAN & COCHRANE), Solicitors for Harry c. Scliwegler, Executor, silver vase; silver butter­ cover; silver comports; dishes. (Chinese brass dish on base; brass' candlesticks; Wai— ifruit ma­ O