The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-11-28, Page 1**
Seventy-Third YearEstablished 1873 Subscription, $2,00 per year
Gift Shoppers
paid his o£-
Exeter Lions
meeting at
Monday eve-.
scene. Breaking out late in
Bossenberry, John
Ted Munn, well
farmer, Had the
surged northeastward along
line alone?
Grand Bend parolled ' the
were in readiness should the
break through at any danger
point. The Dashwood brigade
a menace until
Trustees, township
Wellwood. -Gill, Roy
Clarke (aecl. two-
were introduced
Taylor. They were
president *of the
Ttustees — Alvin
John Manore, Law-
gave brief
. Mr. R.
sident of
ranch of the
dressed the
worthwhile address to the
and audience. Mir. |S. 'G.
led in a sing-song. Latex’
was enjoyed to music
Single Copy, $ cept»
Fire Sweeps Seven Miles
Through Marsh Near Bend
of marsh
of Grand Bend Sunday
up the sky with such
that it could be seen
miles and attracted
Fire that swept
through several miles
land south
evening lit
a brilliance
fox* thirty
many firefighters and onlookers to the ■“ ....
the afternoon at Goose Swamp the
the edge of Lake Smith fanned by
a stiff breeze. It skilled the Haig
farm owned by Dr. Haigmeier.
Burning over a considerable area
of max-sh land ,.the fire was not
spread to smaller brush on the
eastern fringe of the Pinery’s tim
bered area.
Fire fighting equipment with
volunteex’ fire-fighters from Dash
wood, Forest, Centralia Airport,
took up their post .at the tourist
camp operated by Mrs. A. E, Prit
chard, adjoining which are three
occupied homes. A goodly supply
of water is stored in the basement
Of the Pritchard property. A small
ditch a half mile to the rear of
the property acted as a firebreak,
At midnight flames were roaring
through the upper branches of
scrub in the marsh area, lighting
up the sky and presenting a very
spectacular effect. The fire prac
tically burned itself out midway to
morning and was completely
checked by an early morning
Residents at Grand Bend were
not particularly alarmed as that
Cprn Picker Injures Map
Lloyd Noakes, Hensail, is .con
fined to his home with a badly
bruised and lacerated leg, suffered
when he was drawn into the mow
er of a corn picker which he was
operating for
known district
machinery been going faster- it is
believed he would have lost his
leg. X-rays taken at Exeter reveal
ed severe injuries, but no ‘bones
broken, Dr. J. C. Goddard was the
attending physician.
Undergoes Operation
Mr. Fx’ed Dawson, of Usborne,
last week underwent an operation
in Victoria Hospital, London. His
many friends will be pleased to
know he is recuperating nicely.
section of land has been burned
over at different times. The dang-
ei* rested on whether or not the
wind would change from southwest
to southeast and carry the sparks
into the heavily wooded area.
Two Federations
Elect Officers
Usborne Fefleration of Agriculture
, The annual pieeting of the Us-
borne Unit of . the Huron Federation of Agriculture was held Nov
ember' '2 2nd in .^Thames Road Unit
ed Church basement.
Mr. Kenneth “Betzner, of Water
loo, President pf the Ontario Fed
eration of Agriculture, brought
greetings froib! 140,‘OVO Ontario
members and also from about 400*
000 Canadian members of the
Federation. This has been accomp
lished aftex* 111 years of striving
for organization?
The Hog producers Association
has saved farmers as much money
as will be paid in fees in the next
ten years. If wp had not this or
ganization hog prices would have
been forced downward this fall.
Attendance at farm forums is
very important as this is the best
>ay to get .farmer's opinions rec-
Rural Co-operator
of letting' farmers
being accomplished
We have never be-
E.H.S, County Riepresexxtative
Dr. H. IL Cowan, of town, at the
Huron County Council last week,
was appointed as county represent
ative to the Exeter District High
School Board. William F. Camp’
hell was appointed to the Listowel
Board; R. J, MacEwen to Goder
ich; A. D, Williams to Wingham;
A, Whitney to Seaforth; A. M.
Knight to Clinton,
Stephen Township to Elect
Full Slate of 1947 Officials
Guide to
A beautiful range of colors and
patterns just arrived at from
$14.95 to $I2i0i. 00 each.
A special line in a plain beacon
cloth, good colors, at $4.25 each,
Gift Pro-
warm slip-
dad, mom.
sister, busband
A really smart gift
the feminine person
your list is one of
handbags. She’ll be
lighted on Christmas
The Always
Welcome Gift
for .
very acceptable for .Christmas gifts
Ladies^ Misses’ and Girls’
Slacks and Snow Suits now in
Solve yoxir
blexn with
comfy, and
pers for
or wife.
Ladies*, Misses’ and Girls’
SPECIAL ... a few coats' carried ovei’ from last
year at greatly reduced prices.
Special Values for Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Post’s Bran Flakes
Large 14 oz. pkgs...................... each 15c
Lipton’s Orange Pekoe Tea
Jn the orange label ........ Vz lb. pkg. 39c
Canned Peas
Standard quality, 20 oz. tins, 2 for 27c
Maxwell House Coffee
1 lb. bugs each 43c
Phone 32
Red Plum Jam
St. Williams Brand, 24 oz. tins, each 35 c
Diced Beets or Carrots
Choice quality, 20 oz. tins
Lipton’s Noodle Soup Mix
With the “chicken” flavor ...... 2 pkgs. 25c
Sweet Mixed Pickles
In bulk. Bring* your sealer crown qt. 48c
each 10c
Jones & May Your
forded and the
is the means
’know what is
by our leaders,
fore prepared the cost of product
ion of farm products and when we
present our findings, some sur
prises will be in store. Mr, Gardin
er has promised to maintain a
sure level of farm products equal
With the price! level
groups. Price levels
groups are rising. Is
being asked to Mid the
He spoke of International ,organiz
ation and suggested that Canada
has a great deai to gain as we are
an exporting nation.
Other speakers were Jas.
son, Archie Morgan, Percy
more and Harold Hunter.
Musical entertainment was
vided ,by the Paul family.
The officers . fox' 19 47 are as
follows; Honorary president James
Simpson; president, Harold Hunt-
Hensall Council Honors
Service Personnel
A banquet and presentation was
held in the Town Hall, Hensall, on
Monday evening for twelve ex-
servicemen and one woman Of the
Canadian Women’s' Army 'Corps
the last group to foe honored Iby th
local council. The banquet w/s
served by the ladies of the BJfve
Hundred Club. Rev. i
and Rev. ip. A- Ferguso
addresses at the foanqu
E. -Pooley, of Exeter,
the Exeter-Hensall
Canadian Legio
servicemen and lady priox* to the
presentation. Those attending were
Miss Lenore Norminton, (S. G.
Rennie, Wesley Jones, Kenneth
Noakes, Allen Soldan, Norris Mc
Ewen. The presentation of vouch
ers for club bags was made by Mrs.
A. D. McEwen, Mrs. Nellie McEwen,
Mrs. Catharine Devlin and Mrs. A.
Foster on behalf of‘ the club. The
recipients replied fittingly. Reeve
R. E. iShaddick, in a brief address,
introduced Rev. R. A, Brook, who
gave a
Murdoch’s orchestra.
Stephen Township voters will go
to the (polls on Monday, December’
9th, to elect a full slate of officers,
there Ibeipg a contest for the reeve
ship, deputy-reeve and councillors.
A nomination meeting was held in
the Township Hall Friday afternoon last at whi$h ThereJwas a good’at
tendance and keen interest was
shown. Reeve Roy Ratz will be op
posed by Elmer Lawson, a member
of this year’s council while Arthur
J. Amy and John A- Morrissey will
contest the depufy-reeveship. For
the council two of the present mem-
schools James Miller; chair-
er; sec-treas.,Delxner Skinner,
School section 11,Joe Ferguson
School section 2.Harold Rowe;
School section 3,Laverne Stone’
School section 4-,Earl Whiting;
School section 5;(Thos.Yellow’
School section 6,Allen Johns;
School section 7,Harry Cole;
School sectioir •9,Ed. Alexander;
Union j " N._ 7__
man. of Hog Pi'oducers, Jackson
Woods; chairman’’ of Cream Pro
ducers, Harold Hern, •
Stephen Federation of
The annual meeting
Township Federation of
was held in Crediton
evening with a record
Mr. Russell Bolton,
of 'Stephen
on Monday
.president of
Huron County /Federation of Agri
culture, gave a resume of the county
Fedex^ation wonk during the past
year. Mt. M. A. Garland of the
Ontario Adult Education Board,
addressed the meeting on Co-
Operative Medical Health Services.
Musical numbers were provided by
Claire Swartz and Joe. White, otf
Crediton. .
The election of officers resulted
as follows. Honorary president.
Earl Shapton; president, Edmund
Hendrick; vice-presidexxt, Herman
Powef directors, Edward Lamport,
Edward— Chambers, Wellington
Haist, . Emmerson Wein, Russell
Finkbeiner, Walter Weber, Roy
Ratz, Edward Gill, Paul Eagleson,
Russell Webb, Roy Mason, Hiltoxx
Ford, ‘Coopex’ McCurdy, Oscar Mil
ler, Melvin Stade, Hai’r.y Isaac,
Lyle Woodburn, Joe 'Glavin, Jr.;
secretary-treasurer, Mrs.. L. Taylor;
auditors, Wilfred Shapton and
Arthur Amy: social committee, Mrs.
Johxx Quinlivan, Mrs. Earl Shapton,
Mi’s. Nelson Schenk, Mrs. Arthur-
Finkbeiner, Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Ross Love, Mrs. Edward
Mjrs. Joe Finkbeiner.
Real Estate Transfers
There have been three important
real estate changes in Exeter dur
ing the past week. Mr. Garnet
Flynn has purchased from Mrs.
Delbridge the fine . brick residence
oxi Andrew street. Im. turn Mr.
Flynn has sold his own home on
Gidley street to Mr. H. C. Rivers,
We understand Mr. Rivers has
purchased the property for a third
party, a returned veteran and that
a matrimonial knot is in the .pro
cess of being tied in the near
future. Mi’s. Delbridge has pur
chased from Mr. James Grieve -the
residence on Gidley street now
nearing completion. In this connec
tion we can. hardly refrain from
putting in a plug for advertising.
A small classified' was inserted in
last week’s issue of the Tiines-Ad-
vocate by Mrs. Delbridge. that
started the ball rolling and before
the end Of the week the
transfers had been made.
Birthday Celeibratioii
Last Monday evening
sailed at the home of
Mrs. Silas Stanlake to
Mr. Stanlake’S birthday, After Sat
isfying the inner-man a very pleas
ant and profitable social time was
spent by ail in music and singing
after which the gathering dispers
ed,- all singing “For We’re a lot
of Jolly Hoople, Vos wo are” and
wishing that Mr, stanlake bo spar
ed to enjoy many nlore happy
Mr. and
Annual Meeting of H.O.B.
The forty-sixth annual meeting
of Huron Old Boys Association of
Toronto will be held at Jesse Ket
chum Hall, Davenport Roadj>. (be
tween Bay and Yonge streets) on
Monday, December 2nd.
The election of the Executive
Committee will be at eight o’clock
Euchre and Bridge will commence
at nine o’clock and there will be
many valuable prizes.
^Members are asked to bring’ ,a
box lunch , for themselves and
friends. Coffee .wilL-'b'A^ .supplied.
All Huronites1 will . be made Wel
Deputy District Governor
Pays Visit to Lions Club
Deputy-District Governor
Palmer, of London,
ficial ’.visit to the
Club at a suppei’
R ether’s Restaurant
ning. Two new members, Eric Mc
Ilroy an(j Fred Walker, of Grand
Bend, received their initiation and
were presented with buttons by
Mr. Palmer. Mr. Palmei’ described
his recent yisit to International in
Chicago and of his meeting with
Secretary Melvin Jones. He comp
limented the Exeter Club on their
Hallowe’en frolic and of the work
they have accomplished. A vote of
thanks to Mr. Palmer was expres
sed by Lion Dr. Dunlop. Several
visitors from London accompanied
Mr. Palmei’ and
by Lion S. B. •
Harry Marshall,
London Lions; Bill Manns,
tary of the London Club,;
Art Harris, Harold, Scott and Ern
est Clark. Art Harris thanked the
Exetex- club for their hospitality.
A draw was won by Bruce Fields.
bets are standing, j. H, Dalton, and
Henry C. Beaver, while standing
for the first time are Willis Gill
Wellington. Haist ana Wm. Stan
There is to be an election fox* the
Village Trustees of Grand Bend
with four in the field, three to he
elected. This is the first election
to be held at Grand Bend since
1943, A nomination meeting was
held Friday in fhe Town (Hall.
Ladies made their appearance at
the meeting for the first time, The
candidates in the field are Alvin
Manore, Law
rence Mason and Herbert Pfile.
and Wil-
Others nominated hut
were W, MacLaren, E1.
Thos. Love, Harmon -Gill
fred Ravelle.
In Hensail Alvin W.
was elected reeve by lacclamation
succeeding R. E, Shaddick, warden
of the county during the present
year. There will Ibe an election for
councillors. School trustees and the
•hydro commissioner were elected
by acclamation.
(Nomination results were a$ fol
Hears “Cancer” Talk
of the Trivitt Memorial
Taylor was
the Tuesday
in the Parish Hall
There was a good attendaxxee and
Dr. Taylor’s talk on 'Health was
greatly enjoyed. His subject was on
"Cancer” and in a frank and in
teresting mannex' told those
ent of the current need fox’
control. The club mexnbers
lunch at the close.
w. c.
that he
a heart
Confined to Bed
The many friends of
Keddy will regret to know
is confined to his bed with
"Condition, his physician having or
dered a complete rest for several
weeks. Mr. Keddy was taken ill
on Sunday and a heart specialist
from London was consulted and
reported conditions more favorable
than were considered at first. His
brother Mr. E. N. Keddy and wife
arrived the same day from Detroit
and are visiting here.
Move to Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. Geddes have xnov-
ed from their farm in Hay Twm,
to the house recently purchased
from Mrs. Jas. Brintnell, Huron
Street West, We welcome Mr. and
Mrs. Geddes to oux* midst and may
they -be spared many years of hap
piness and contentment for a well-
earned rest.
Huron Schools Revive
Athletic Association
Four members of the Exeter
High School staff, Mr. H. Sturgis,
Miss Kay Taylor,
and Mr,
The schools entering) this group
ing are Goderich,
ton, Seaf-orth and
sports entered will
home games.
The Association
brace the following
start. Basketball ?
ths present time. In early spring
an invitation badminton and volley
ball tournament also Public Speak*
Ing contest, This will hot conflict
with the Lions contest but will be
In addition to it. In the fail an an*
nal track meet and a twelve man
Rugby schedule and maybe a soc
cer1 schedule If it can be arranged.
All schools agreed that they
may enter as many activities as
they wish ox* they may withdraw
from any activities and not be pen
alised. All schools are members ill
good standing In the W.O.S.S.A.
“B” group and Winners of this
group wmtld continue en In all
W.O.S.S.A. “B” play-offs.
Mr. C. Wilson
A. Campbell attended a
meeting of the Huron
Athletic Association on
afternoon at Seaforth.
Mitchell, Clin-
Exeter and in
play home and
hopes to em-
; activities as a
and hotkey at
Died in Regina
Mrs. Violette Florence Martin,
64, wife af Chief Justice W, <M.
Martin of iSaskatchewan died at
Regina Sunday after a long illness.
•She was a native of Mitchell, Ont.
First provincial president, and an
honorary vice-president of .the na
tional organization of the Imperial
Order of Daughters of the Empire,
Mrs. Martin presided at Official
receptions at the legislature in
Regina when'her husband served as
premier of Saskatchewan.
Survivox-s besides her widower
include a son, Walter, of Toronto,
and a .brother, W. 'H. Thompson, Rodney’ Ont.
Chief Justice Martin is an Exeter
Old Boy, son of the late Rev. Wm.
Martin, for a nuxnber of years min
ister1 of 'Caven Presbyterian Church.
The Late George Thomson
Several from Exetex’ were in Lon
don Wednesday afternoon attend
ing the funeral of the late George
Douglas Thomson, who died sud
denly at his home, 54 Beaconsfield
Ave., Sunday, in his 45th year. De
ceased was a former resident of
Exetex* and several years ago while
employed with the Hydro depart
ment he xvas Ibadly burned from an
electric shock which left him with
one hand' crippled. He was a form-
ex' member of the Exeter-Hensall
Branch of the Canadian Legion.
‘Surviving are his widow whose
maiden name was Grace Chambers,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chambers, of town, and i
. John
Elect Officers
At a meeting of the
Hookey Club held at the
Office on Novexnfoei' 25th, the fol
lowing officers were elected: Hon.
President, H. <M* Corbett; 'President,
H. B. Langford; 1st Vice-President.
Geo. Ward; .2nd Vice-President,
Wes. Revington; Secretary-Treas.,
■L. Laxigs; Manager, Jack Baynes,
It was decided that Lucan would
entex’ a team in the Cyclone League
for the 19 46-47 season.
Narrowly Escapes
Plunging into Thames
Two London .girls and an Exeter
man narrowly escaped .plunging
into the Thames Rivei* off the
Wharaeliffe road bridge last night
wlxen a cax* in Which they were
riding went out of control and al
most crashed through the bridge
Treated in hospital for minor
juries were Jack Weber, 23
Exeter, bruised left knee,
Armstrong, IS, of 181
street, brush burns to
and lacerations to
left leg
Weber, 18, of
Chalmers avenue, a sister of
driver, bruises to the head,
face. *
Hospital authorities
that the trio’s ear spun
or. three times and crashed
the bridge failing. One Of the
jutod said the cat was prevented
from plunging into the rivet by a
single iron bar, An investigation
into the mishap Ms being made by
P.0. Frank Christie —- Free FreSs
For Reeve —— Roy Ratz, Elmer
For Deputy-Reeve — Arthur X
Amy, John A. Morrissey.
■For Council—J„H. Dalton, Willis
Gill, William Stanlake, Wellington
Haist, Henry O. Beaver (.three to
he elected).
For School
school area —
Mason, George
year term).
For Village
rence Mason, Herbert -pfile (three
to be elected).
For Reeve —. Alvin W. Kerslake
For Council—(four to be elected)
William Brown, Edward -Fink,
Howard Hyde, Robert Middleton,
Melvin MOir^ William Parke, Or-
Ville Twitchell," ’ ’ <
For School Trustees —*■ Robert
Drysdale, Joseph Flynn, W. O.
Goodwin (accl.).
Hyro Commissioner
Moore (accl.).
For Council (four to be elected)
—J, B. Watson, Stuart Robinson,
George Radford, Lewis Whitfield,
’George McNall, H. Vodden, H. Me-
Foi’ Reeve—W. H. Woods, (accl.)
For Council—G. N. Underwood,
R. A. Powell, John V. Fisher, Percy
J. King (accl.).
School Trustees — Jack Willetts,,
James Walpole (accl.).
For Reeve—J. Dustin Beecroft,
Norman McDowell.
For Council -
Harvey Black, Louis Ruddy,
Ireland (accl.).
For Reeve—Alex Watson,
ley Snyder.
For Council—'Ross Fisher
McCreath, Howard squires,
Horton, Harold Montgomery,
■to be elected).
For School Trustees — Terence
Hunter, John Kernighan, Orville
Blake, (accl.).
For Reeve — George <J. Ginn>
James R. Sterling.
Foi’ Council—Dan Rathwell, Gor
don Orr, Robert Smith, W. R.
|Lobb, Bert Harris, Alfred Warner
yeax’ terms).
McGillivray township .
Reeve—David Morley.
Deputy-Reeve—Albert Steever.
Council—John W. Morgan, Har
vey Ovens, Freeman Hudgins.
School Trustees — Norman Mol-
lard, Wilbert Young, David M.
Henry, Peter J. Doyle and Rea
Neil (all elected by acclamation)k
Alex Robertson,
to be elected).
, 'School Trustees—Edward R.
Graham Johnston, (accl. two-
Let it Snow, Let it Snow . . .
High winds and gales Friday of
last week brought with them the
first snow of the season. It was
the first real cold snap. It lasted
only a day, however, and ideal
weather prevailed again. Snow fell
again on Tuesday cqyering the
ground with a mantle of white,
In Victoria Hospital
Mrs. John Rowe is at present in
Victoria Hospital, London, suffer*
ihg ifrorn a ifractured shoulder
which she sustained at her home
Friday of last week when she had
the misfortune to fdll, Owing to the
swelling which made it difficult to
determine the extent of the injury
she 'was taken to London in the
Dinney ambulaxtce. Her (ttiany
friends ‘will hope for a. speedy re