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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-11-21, Page 4
I Page < J#' > • ° THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, PNTAHIO, THURSDAY MOBHW, NOVEMBER 21st, Marshall Repair Shop Having erected a building for the pw-pose of a welding and repair shop on Nelson St. at Willjam I solicit a share of the public’s patronage of Rxeter conununity. My association for the past IS yrs. with job shop, production welding', lay-out and * steel fabrication Ruts me hi a. position to offex* modern tech nique and practical experience Wm. J. Marshall One Block North of Creamery 'S.,.,,,,, .......................... Income Tax Returns, Bookkeeping/ Fina ncial Statements for Farmers, Business Men, Professional Men, Garage Operators and others. Arth ur Fraser Telephone; Exeter 17. P.O. Box. No. 118 Temporary Office at the house of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman, Huron Street, Exeter. Judge J. G* Stanbury Celebrates Ten Years as Lincoln County Judge am a strong advocate of a : Osgoode Hall for his law studies, university course for all boys, it’ Debating was one of his chief possible, and I feel that the bene fits gained from such a course have been illustrated in my own life," said Judge J. G» Stuart Stanbury, looking back upon ten year's as county judge foi’ Lincoln interests at college and indeed, de bating owes much to him for he was one of the prime movers in the establishment of the Intercol legiate Debating Union which has been functioning ever since. He County and 37 years as a practis- had the distinction of being select' ing lawyer prior to his appoint-led, along with Prime Minister ment at St. Catharines. Just ten | Mackenzie King who was one year years ago Oct, 39 Judge Stanbury ahead of him at college, to repres- was sworn in as judge at St, Oath-lent the University of Toronto in an arines, his appointment having i intercollegiate debate. Judge Stan- been announced Sept. 23, R936, by ...... “ Acting Prime Minister Ernest La^ pointe. A member of the University of Toronto gi'aduating class of 1896, which fiftieth Judge Stanbury vantages he felt stemmed university course. 7“ iversity life was purely from the academic stand point but ,for the extra-curricular activities and the personal friend ships which resulted. “One of the great benefits of university is not -obtaining a B.A, or other degree, but the forming of friendships if one takes part in extra-curricular activities,” he says While at university, Judge Stan bury followed out that principle to the full. Born in Bayfield, the son of a doctor, he had gone .to public school there before attending high school in Clinton, Ont., and Jarvis Collegiate in Toronto. At Varsity he took a course in political econ omy and moderns and then entered last reunion June celebrated at Hart recalled He felt ; valuable its House, the ad- from a that un not jiuuuiiiuuuuuuiiiiiiuiiuuiKiiniiiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiixuiiiiHiiitiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiitnnniHiiirii ’,. Large Mums and Poms in all fall shades and Roses at prices to suit every purse. Paper white narcis- us and King Alfred daffodils are the only bulbs we have left. EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 276 Our New Cosmetic Bar Ladies., we are happy to introduce to you our new Cosmetic Bar. We are also pleased to tell you that we now have a complete line of MARGARET LEANDA COSMETICS Once you try these lovely, cosmetics you’ll agree with our enthusiasm in recommending them to you Open Saturday Evenings & Tomlinson’s Hairdressing ’ - “Exeter’s Favorite Beauty Spot” Phone 146 Exeter STRAYEDNOTICESCOMING EVENTS f »• >■ > i j REAL ESTATE FQR SALE-r—Desirable residential property, centrally located, fully modern, oil burner double plum bing, water softener, December possession, Box 76, Phone 89 Exeter, . - 21c HOUSES—Brick house with fur nace, bath, in Hensail. Brick house with conveniences in Crediton, Frame 'House with conveniences in Parkhill, Frame house in Granton. W. CL Pearce Exeter. 21* FOR SALE-—,100 acres tillable land, frame house, bank barn, silo, shed, pig-pen, moderately priced. Reasonably situated for school and villages. 100 acres brick house, bank ibarn and shed, driveshed, some bush. 69 acres frame house small barn small bush. Hydro past gate, W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 21* IMMEDIATE POSSESSION — A 5 roomed Insul brick bungalow, 3 piece bath, furnace,, full base ment, hardwood floors, fully modern, insulated throughout, Wm, Sweitzer, box *273, phone 257, Exeter. 21* FOR SALE—1%-storey brick house modern conveniences; extra lot. This property is located close to business section of Exeter; quick possession. C. V. Pickard. Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE — Comfortable. brick house with hydro and 3-piece bath. Small stable; 3J4 acres of productive garden land; edge of Exeter; fall possession. C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE — 120-acre farm, well- located on paved road, comfort table house, good bank barn; hydro and water. Productive soil, 12 acres bush; also 50 acres cul tivated land without buildings, near Exeter. C.* V. Pickard, Exe ter. FOR SIALE—109‘ acres in 'Stephen Township with good brick house and bank barn. Close to village. Possession given when desired. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE OR RENT—101 acre farm, good productive soil for cropping or . pasture, choice spring water,- brick house, slate . roof, large barns, steel roofs. 1,50 acre farm, good for crop ping oi' pasture, forty acres of bush, handy to town. Apply to "*■ Mrs. Andrew Buchanan, HensalL z 3,1*0 WANTED WANTED—A part time 'typist. Apply Box W, Times-Advocate. 21:28c WANTED—-8 yearlings for winter feeding, also a .good used trail er. Apply at Times-Advocate. 21c WANTED—Ten beef cattle to . rough feed.' * Ernest Rock, R.R. 3, Exeter. 2ili* WANTED—A boy’s winter over coat, size 16 or 18. Apply at Times-Advocate. 21* WANTED — Horses suitable for mink feed. Highest prices paid. Norman Hazelwood, R.R. 6, St. Marys Phone Kirkton 16rl2. 4t* I FOUND FOUND—An Airijale pup, nearly full grown. Apply '"at Times-Ad; vocate. MISCELLANEOUS FIRST HATCH January Sth Place your chick -order now. Setting all breeds. ’ NeUhauser Hatcheries LONDON ONTARIO, PERSONAL Lloyd’s Corn and Callus Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50ic at Robertson's and all druggists, VIGORINE — The “pep” Tonic' for men who arp weak, nervous, ex hausted, 15-day treatment $1.00, At Robertson’s Drug Store. ’ SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, Rheumatic Pain, Seiaticft, Lu'm- bago is not necessary. Use RUMACAPS at once for quick relief^ Robertson’S Drftg Store. /■STRAYED —From lot 12, cop 4t Hay Twp., a registered Durham heifer, 2 years old, with horns, white markings pn face. Anyone knowing its whereabouts ptease- conta^t George Armstrong, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 92r5 Zurich. 2 J: 28c; Red Cross Executive, Monday November 25, Canadian Legion Rooms. We are taking orders now for fall whitewashing jobs, with new Power Machine. — Wm. Watson, Phone 35rl9 Dashwood. J9-8tc I bury can’t quite recall jnst who they debated against that time, but he does remember teaming with Rev, C. G. Patterson, now of Cali fornia, to debate successfully ,a- gainst McGill. A tribute to Judge Stanbury’s position in university life is seen in his election as president of the Literary and Scientific Society, which in those days was the stud ent governing body for the entire university. Friendships formed 'have meant much to life, he says. “Out of connections founded ships with such^future men as the leading men of both main political parties, and many others in business and professional life,” he After Hall, he Exeter, years and takin; community life. Board years, election campaigns, he was elected president of the Federal Liberal Association in that district. During his stay in Exeter, he de veloped 'his deep interest in horti culture, an avocation which he has followed right up - to the present. For 16 years he was' secretary treasurer of the Exeter Horticul tural Society. His specialty was glads, he recalls* and one year his entries won seven prizes at the Canadian, National Exhibition. For four consecutive years he won both the professional and amateur ,a- wards- for glads at the London Western Fair. “I finally gave up glads foi’ roses,” 'die smiled, and pointed to the beautiful pink rose on his lapel. From early spring to late fall, the judge never appears with out a dewy-fresh rose in his buttonhole. Made a K.C. in December, 1935 Judge Stanbury was appointed a county judge for Lincoln County the following autumn. The town of Exeter arranged a surprise recep tion for him one evening, and he recalls with a laugh that one of liis most important cases was on that day andzdidn’t. conclude until late at night. The reception went off as scheduled, except that the principal guest wasn't there. Judge- Stanbury was also appoin ted juvenile judge for the city and county when he .entered upon his new duties here, and he considers that ’ one. of the most vital phases of his work. Through the .past ten years he has applied vigor and un derstanding to the task, and he feels that the handling of juvenile delinquency cases here “a great success.” Results prove Judge contention. In 19 38 the he started the program, of juvenile delinquency fore him. This has been steadily reduced until 1945 when there were only about 30. such cases. A firm believer in a strong, Christian family life, Judge Stan bury looks with pride upon his five sons and three daughters, all of whom except one son at Colleg iate, are grown up and away from home now, He is a Presbyterian in religion is a member of the Rotary Club, the Masons, the Oddfellows and the Foresters and was active in the Horticultural Society before its operations lapsed during the war. The St. Catharines. Standard at university him through the personal grew* friend- prominent recalled, graduating started to remaining ‘S He served of Education for Long prominent in Liberal from Osgoode practice there an’ active law in for 37 part in on the • eight has been Stanbury’s year after 1'31 cases came be- FOR SALE FOR SALE—Nqw Idea furnace in good condition. Apply at Times- Advocate. 21* FOR SALE—Shotgun, single bar rel, Iver Johnson, excellent con dition, very accurate, Apply to Wm, Brown, Box 28, Zurich. 21:28c FOR SALE—Collie pups; some cabbag’es. Len Phone 33?18 Kirkton. also Harris, 21* FOR SALE—A two-element hot plate and a single element hot plate, both practically new. Phone Exeter 15. 14c FO.R SALE—Willys Overland 1J ton truck, stake rack, platform 6x9 feet. Apply to Darrell Park er. Cromarty. 0 21* FOR SALE—Just received a car load of baled shavings. Place your order now. Cann’s Mill, phone 35. 21q PULLETS FOR SALE—50 Rock —N.Hamps., 7 months old, .lay ing. Phone 176rl3, Exeter. 211c FOR SALE—Picked cob corn by the ton. Apply to C. F. Miller, Staffa, Ont., phone :,l<lrl3 . Dub lin. „ 14:21c FOR SALE—Beet pulp, 1 car re ceived another to follow end of November. Place your order now Cann’s Mill, phone 35w. 14:21c. FOR SALE—Console Rodgers rad io with aerial, in good condition $25.00.; baby carriage, in good condition, $8.00 solid oak frame wheelbarrows,... $9.00. S. M. San ders-, Exeter. " . 21* FOR SALE—Single bed, new, car ved oak; black cloth coat, Persian trimmed, size 42%; all in good condition. Apply at Times-Advocate. 21c FOR SALE—Phillips electric razor also Roll razor, both in excel lent condition. Phone 283W. be tween 12 and-1 p.m, 21* FOR SALE—2 7’66x20 truck with tubes. North. End ___ Service Station, phone 321 Exe ter, tires B.A. 21c PULLETS FOR SALE — Leghorns X New \ Hamps; Rocks X 'New Hamps; Sussex X New Hamps. Edgar Cudmore, phone 171rl4, Exeter. " ,21c FOR SALE—Seventeen young pigs 6 weeks old. Geo. Barkner; Exe ter P.O. 21c FOR SALE—White enamel kitch en range, Spencer, almost new. Phone 130, ‘ 21o FOR SALE—Model 5 IM, Moss- burg automacie 22 rifle, with telescopic sight. Phone 18rl3, Grediton. 21c HELP WANTED WANTED — Stenographer, book keeper. Apply in person to Can adian Canners, Branch 100 Exe ter. 21c NOTICE—We have installed a key duplicating machine and are pre pared to make duplicate.keys for most cars and cylinder type ' locks. Beavers Hardware. tfc TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a*meeting of the Electors the Township of Stephen will held in the TOWN HALL, CREDITON on FRIDAY, NOV. 22, 1046 1 o’clock in the afternoon AUCTION SALES Of be forat the purpose of making and receiv ing nominations, for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councilmen and also for Trustees of the Township School Area comprising sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Union 8 and 12—three to be elected. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, DECEMBER Oth, 1946 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with ■ the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by the Township by-law viz: 1. Mrs. Mill’s Shop, Lot 28, Con. 1, W. B. Willert, * Gordon Wilson; 2. ZPenhale’s Kitchen, Lot 291, Con. 2, Preston Dearing, George Walk er; 3. Council Chambers, Crediton, Thos. Trevethick, F. W. Morlock; 4, Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7, Alvin Baker, J. H. Gaiser; 5. O’Rourke’s Kitchen, Lot, 19', Con. 12, Pat Sul livan, Jas. Mawhinney; 6. Koehler’s Store, Lot 23, Con. N.B. E. G. Kraft, Chester Gaiser; 7. Sweitzer’s Kitchen. Lot 10, 1". J ’ Houlahan, M. C. 'Sweitzer; 8. Pol lock’s Store, Lui Mansell .Hodgins, Wm. Hicks; 9. Ravelie’s Store, Lot 1, Con. Bauble, Colin"'Love, Leland Desjardine. hereby re- and govern CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF 100-ACRE FARM, STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Mr. W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell >by public auction on Lot 30, Con 11, Hibbert Twp. 1% miles north of Chiselhurst and 3 % miles west of Cromarty on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1946, at 12 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES — Team of Belgian horses, roan and chestnut, lbs. CATTLE — 4 due in February; due in February; 3400 ■Hereford 2 Durham 2 Holstein cows. 1. Con. 17, John Lot 40, Con. S.B., , Wm. And all electors are quested to take notice themselves accordingly. f . LLOYD R.HODGSON, y Returning Officer. ■Centralia, Novembei' 6th, 1946. 7:14:21 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of NORMAN JAMES DORE, late of the Village of Exeter in the Coun ty of Huron, Gentleman. ALL PERSONS against the NORMAN JAMES DORE, having claims Estate, of the late who died on the 6th day of November, 19 4 6, are her.eby notified to send them to the undersigned, (' verified, on or before the 2nd of December 1946. AFTER the last-named date assests of the said Estate Will distributed among the persons duly day i> > i* Ar (■ * i -3- •> COME EARLY! ROBERTSON’S! </ World’s smoothest writing pen. Rolls the ink on dryl It’s self-blotting. Even writes dry when submerged Under water. Reloads—with a r cartridge—in 15 seconds. at ahi William Denomme Dies FOR RENT __ HOUSE TO RENT—Apply to Frank Taylor, Exeter. . 21c the be en titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersign ed shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, the 12th day November, 1946. GLADMAN & COCHRANE Exeter, Ontario. Solicitors for Harry O; Schwegler, • the Executor 14:21:28c of UP to 3 YURS WITHOUT REHtUNG (Depen«’n9L On how rnuch you write) does ft> c n' eO"‘ COpiU«'V Al U Cnrtrid^ an Ever Pa»B WERSHAR? CA Set With Repeater Pencil (Pricsi..irt'dudti Tak) (Reload Cartrldge«l|l availablesoon) y $LOO Can’t Luk — at any altitude. gZ Writes in any color, r by changing car tridges. <ZY6u epn’t even shake th<^nk out. Writes on any pa- ■ per or material, linen, textiles, etc. Makes 6 Id 8 carbon r copies at a time. •ff/ 14K gold-filled caps. mis Robertson^ William Denomme, well known retired farmer on the Blue Water Highway near Drysdale, died sud denly from a heart attack 'Sunday, November 17. He was born in Bly th and was in his 8 Oth year. He once lived in ’Stanley Township. He was married to the former Virginia Denomme, who Survives Also surviving are four daughters, k P, Mrs. and six Mrs. Edwin Hartman and Mrs. Bedard, both of Goderich, 1 Peter Ducharme, Bayfield, Mrs. Fred Papineau, Detroit; sons, Isadoye, Omer, Dennis Gerald and Urban, all of Detroit, of Windsor; one brother, Detroit; 48 grandchildren en great grandchildren.* high mass Was sung in St. Peter’s Church, ’Drysdale on Tuesday, Nov. 19 with Rev. W. Bordeau officiat ing and Rev, H, Fallon, of Goder ich, Deacon and Rev. Lucier, Sub Deacon. Interment was in St. Peter’s Cemetery. Emery, Alex, Of and sev- Requiem Mr. G. L Dow accompanied a couple load of horses to Montreal last week, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerftick were in Toronto for several days taking in the Royal Wiftter Fair as well as the hockey match Sat- urday evening at Maple Leaf Gar dens. They were lit the city for the visit of Santa Claus, but the line of parade was so thronged *with spectators that it was almost im possible to secure a good vantage point. FOR RENT—Webster Paint Spray Outfit. Apply Beavers Hardware, tfc EXETER COUNCIL (Continued" from page 1) have it installed in Town Hall. Mat tei' left in the hands of Reeve Tuck- ey and Property Committee. The following accounts were read and ordered paid on motion of Councillors Dignan; and County Treas, zation 51.82; cate, printing Voters’ List, etc., 154.87; Exeter P.U.C., lighting, T. Clock, T. Hall, County of Huron, hauling 27.45; PrOv? Treas., Dept. Of insulin, IU79; A. Easton, Treas. of Can'. Legion, wreath, 9.00; Twp. Usborne, grading streets, 51.001; Guenther Transport, freight on tractor, 15,25} Bell Telephone, J. Norry act,, 2.54; C. Fisher, Treas. Exeter Agric, Society, grant, 150.00 C. V. Pickard, Prem. Casualty Co, of Canada, 39.16; Time sheet, Rd, Davis, labor cleaning streets 24.40 All motions were carried, Adj. by Council tof Allison. C. V. Pickard, Clerk Dignan;, and Hern: re refund Hospitali- Exeter TimeS-Advo- notices Street 242.95 gravel, Health NEW STORY , . < "Voodoo Moon*’ by Joseph Chad wick is the title of a hew iSerial Story etatting this week in the Times-Advocate. Do not miss the opening chapter if. you are interest ed hi a Well-balanced fiction diet, NO, IT IS NOT difficult to start in at business at time. PULL gladly Write Familex, Dept, imler, Montreal. business at the present If you can deVote your TIME to selling, we will be '.your to-day tdr •D, SUPPLIERS, full details. 1600 DelOr- PILES generally from a eongeS- are caused (blood) tion. Try Bnnicers HOrbal Pills to treat the cause at its source, Mbney back if the first hottie does not satisfy. At Drug Stores. In the Estate of ARTHUR WEBER, deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Arthur Weber, late of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron Farm er, who died on or about the 30th day of October, A.D. 1946, are re quired to file particulars of the sain© with Elmer D. Bell,. Solicitor of Exeter, Ontario, by the 28th day of 'November, A.D. 1946, after which date the estate will be dis tributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED the Sth day of Novem ber, A.D. 1946. ELMER D. BELL Exeter, Ontario, Solicitoi’ foi' the Executors'^ 14:21:28 In the Estate of JOHN HENRY ANDREW, deceased, ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of John Henry Andrew, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron Gehtieman, who died on or about the 2nd day of November, 1946 ae required to file particulars Of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Sob loiter, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 28th day of November, A.D. 1946 after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, DATED the 8th day of Novem ber,A.D. 1946. ELMER D. BELL Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for the Pxecutors, 14121:28 cows, cows, . ’z due in Feb.; 8 2-year-old Hereford steers, 6 yearling steers and heifers. Her efords; young calf. HOGS—6 Yorkshire Ibrood sows, bred; 12 hogs, about 160 lbs.; 35 shoats, 12 weeks old; Yorkshire •hog, 8 months old. 'FOWL — 200 purebred Bussex pullets; 175 .purebred New Hamp shire pullets.1 FEED AND GRAIN — 30 tons good mixed hay; 390 bus. Cartier oats; '2910 bus. 'barley; 400 bus. mixed feed; 12 bus. seed peas; quantity timothy seed; 500 Ibus1. mangolds and turnips; 12 ifeet of ensilage, IMPLEMENTS — Deering W 30 tractor and rubber tires; McD 3 furrow tractor plow nearly new; Massey- Harris 6 ft. one way disc; M.H. 3 section spring tooth cultivator; M.H. 7 ft binder; Frost and Wood 6 ft. mower; steel hay rake; M.H. fertilizei* drill, 11 hoe; McCormick Deering 13 hoe seed drill; 3 drum steel roller; Model A Ford truck in good shape; Allis Chalmers 5 ft. combine with pickup; bin and platform* complefe;‘v'Xi.ev,’7;v bii'ck Climax manure totrack sleighs; set 4 section harrows, stone boat, 2 hay car, 2 ropes, pulleys, hay fork set of slings, set of scales, hog crate and scales, metal ‘turn ing lathe, sugar beet loader, heavy tractor, trailer, root pulper, posts, telephone posts, quantity -of lum ber, ladders, barb wire, oil drums, -hog self feeders, 9 steel troughs; set double harness, set single har ness, 3 ton hydraulic hoist for truck, robe, grain bags, sacks, Viking cream separator, pails whif fle trees pump jack and motor, gas engine, chains, forks, hoes etc. FURNITURE — single bed and springs, folding' cot .and mattress, iron bed, wardrobe, 2 rocking' chairs, arm chair, drop leaf table, 6 dining chairs, back kitchen stove, power washing machine and engine, churn, 3 small tables, odd dishes, gas. lantern, coal oil lamps. FARM—100 acres, more or less of choice land; well drained- and’5* fenced, 5 acres wheat, 25' acres plowed for spring crop, 10 acres of bush land, balance in hay and grass, abundance of water, IB stor* ey -brick house, good cellar, hard and soft water, kitchen and wood shed, L-sh’aped barn, 64x40, shed 60x30, good roofs, cement floors, water basins, hog pens, drive shed 2i8x40, hen house, telephone, hydro available. This is a good farm in first class cultivation. The ladies of the church will provide sandwiches and coffee. TERMS—Chattels Cash On farm 10 per cent on day of sale, balance arranged. Sold subject to reserved, bid. Positively no reserve on chat tels. Reason for selling, ill health. roy t. McDonald & son, Proprietors. W E. -Nairn, P. C. Wright, Auctioneers. McCormick with steel cutting box and pipes; spreader, International au- tractor on rubber; set of truck wagon; flat rack; AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE z The undersigned has received in structions to sell by* public auction on Lot 21, COn. 14, Stephen Township on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1946 at 2 p.m. Tire Estate of the Late Charles Stephan. 100 acres of land, 8 acres of .fall wheat, all fall plowing done, bank barn, 40x70, with straw shed, 'drive1 Shed, brick. house• with /Fame kit chen, plenty of water, well drained. TERM'S—10 % 6n day of sale, balance in 30 days. For further particulars apply to PRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer,. CHARLES STEPHAN, Jr., Administrator, R. 3, Exeter. 14:21:28 To make your social functions a real success use these columns. » + is > * 4- &■ ■Qr A * f V 4 4 i A y ■ $ v A h « il t 1 X 'I I*. J i •f. >■ r« 43 i r *♦ ! ■ /' V / 'W. ■ V * * t V £ * V n