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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-11-14, Page 8
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMER 14 th, 1946 Davies Fri., Nov. 15 Previews Its Coming Attractions FIRST SHOWING at 6 p.m. SATURDAY — Two Features ® MONA FREEMAN MONDAY and TUESDAY — Nov. 18th and 19th I “The Chint” ® LAUREL and HARDY Coming Attractions and were on Mon- is .a, dty spending at Strat- 1 I of and .When in town on Saturday night get filled up with ANTI-FREEZE at Snell Bros. & Co. We will have a mechanic on Saturday nights from now on. and other rela- George Geddes and Mrs. Aidworth are visiting with in Stratford this week. T. J. Wilson, of 7 Bruce ‘No Leave, No Love’ ‘Holiday in Mexico’ Mir. > the When by Toron- Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Gale spent the week-end visiting in Detroit. Remembrance Day a quiet holiday in ■Gardiner and Wednesday for in 'the Winter Mr, cently deuce Mr.Beauty’ Story by Anna Sewell ® J. M. KERRIGAN ®. EVELYN ANKERS mother, iMfrs. Four Stays in a Four Star Concert Thames Road .Church States. On their return they reside in Exeter. Program, 8:30 Admission 50c & 25c J. B, Creech, of in Exeter over J. Chidley, of visited with ‘Anna and the King of Siam’ ‘Return of Frank James’ 'Home Sweet Homicide’ • RANDOLPH SCOTT • PEGGY ANN GARNER • LYNN BARI G. S. Howard. Mrs. Wm. Kress, Visited with Mr. Francis Tuesday. FRIDAY and SATURDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE November 15th and 16th 'Two Fisted Stranger’ • CHARLES STARRETT ® SMILEY BURNETTE % ' • The first show commences at 7.30 Phone 135 Exeter, Ontario The Members of Usbome Unit of the Huron Federation of Agriculture will hold theirBazaar Under the auspices of the Crfediton United Women’s Association Annual Meeting and Supper THAMES ROAD CHURCH on Sunday School Auditorium Sat., Nov. 16th commencing at 3 o’clock There will be an apron, and fancy work booth; also a farmers’ and home baiting booth and a fish ” pond. —Afternoon Tea Will Be Served— Mr. and Mrs. Lome Elford Sponsored by the Evening Auxiliary Hensail United Church Sunday School Rooms at 6:30 p.m. Guest Speaker Kenneth Betzner, of Waterloo, President of the Ontario Federation James Simpson, Kirkton President Delmer Skinner, Centralia, Sec’y-Treas. BAZAAR EXETER OPERA HOUSE FLANNIGAN’S ORCHESTRA Admission 50c November 16th Commencing at 3 o’clock Home BaJdng and a lovely display of aprons and many other attractive and practical gifts, reasonably priced will be shown. The Mission Circle girls will provide a showing of goods. A tea will be served under the auspices of the W.M.S. Dorff Forget to hear the Mathers-Larkin Sacred Heart Church, Parkhill, was the scene of a quiet wedding when Rev. J. A. Paquette united in marriage Mary A. Larkin, of Parkhill and Harry Mathers of Exeter. The bride wore a smart beige suit of gabardine with black accessories and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Harvey Lockrey, of Thedford, was her sister’s attend ant, wearing a brown gabardine suit with matching accessories and corsage of red roses. Harvey Lock rey attended the groom and the usher was Joe Larkin, brother of the ibride. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. John Larkin, after which. Mr. and Mrs. Mathers left on a wedding trip to the United will Rev. Thomson to Speak This Sunday Rev. Andrew Thomson, a United Church missionary who served in China and who during the war was subject to internment conditions by the Japanese military, will address •three district congregations this Sunday, tin the morning at 11 o’clock Rev. Thomson will speak in Main St. Church, Exeter. In the afternoon he will be at Whalen and in the evening at Centralia. In the autumn of 1906, Thomson was appointed to Honan Mission in China. 1 the Missionaries were forced’ the Japanese Army in the Fall zof 1938 to leave Honan, Mr. Thomson being somewhat away from the central cities, remained at Taokou. Finally, however, the Japanese authorities forced him out. From then on he was Professor in the Theological School of Cheeloo Uni versity at Tsinan until Decem'bei’ 7th, when *he was, along with oth ers, ’ * ‘ ’ tions June, other from leave Japanese. subject to internment condi- by the Japanese military. In Mr. Thomson and fourteen United Church Missionaries North Asia were allowed for Canada in exchange to for Mrs. Herbert George Following an illness of four days Mrs. Laura Jane George, widow of Herbert George, died at her home at Clandeboye on Nov ember' 3rd. Mrs. George was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson and born October 24, 1877, on the 2nd concession of McGillivray Town ship, where she resided until 19 04 when her parents moved to Clan deboye. In T/921 she married Her bert George who predeceased her fifteen years, prominent in ■organist for church, McGillivray and St. James Clandeboye. She was also president of the W.A. at the time of hei’ death. The funeral service was held at St. James church. Clande boye, on Tuesday afternoon, con ducted by the rector, Rev. L. C. Harrison. Three brothers survive, Rev. ‘ Canon C. 0. Simpson, of Parry Sound, Albert and Edwin, of London. was Mrs. George was church work, being 50 years at Christ Farewell Party for M iss Helen Dixon Miss Helen Dixon, who Items of Social and Personal Interest Ip and Around Town The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish, items of personal interest. We and our readers are interested In you and your friends . , Phone 31W Mrs. Ed. Westcott and Doris spent the week-end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W, man, of Detroit, Mich,, and George Mitchell of Strathrpy the week-end .with Mr, and Charles Schroeder. Gopd- Mrs. spent Mrs# Mr. Wm, Dunqford, of the Mar ket Branch of the Bank of Mont real, has moved to Bendon, having, purchased residence that pity* Monday was and observed as Exeter,. Mr. and Mrs. London, visited the week-end. Mr. and Mrs- Wesley Ryckman and daughter were in Detroit for the week-end. Owing to the holiday day the Times-Advocate late this week* Miss Ruth, Wildfong is this week with friends ford and Toronto. Mrs. Pat Motz, of Toronto spent the week-end with her mother, Mi’s, Rose Russell. • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzei’ and family spent Bunday and Monday visiting in Detroit. and Mrs. B. M- Francis re moved into their new resi- on John Street. and Mrs. B. W. Tuckey and Mr, and Mrs. R, E. Russell spent the week-end in Detroit. Miss Evelyn Howard, * of Toron to, spent the week-end with hei’ father, Mr. ■Mr. and Wingham, Mrs. B. M. Mr. Allan Hobbs, of Galt, visit ed over Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Mr. 'Phillip Johnson, of Fonthill, spent the week-end with his sister Mrs. E. Frayne, tives. ' Misses’ Mary Betty Coates left Toronto to take Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clark and Burdene visited ip Clinton on".Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter. •Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sims and family have moved to the home of the former’s Jonas 'Sims. .Mr. and Mrs. •Denyer, Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. ,F.. Forrester a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Jean and Jeanette and iMrs. Chas. Box visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford, of Detroit, and with Mr. Jack Taylor, of St. Clair ■Shores, Mich,, ©ver the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green have returned home after, visiting fOr a week with their /grandson, Wm. Stewart, of Toronto. They also spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E'd. Hawkins, of Seaforth. Mrs. Thos. Pryde, who has been in Victoria Hospital, about her and and day. ., London, for five months, returned ‘to home in Exeter on Sunday is now recuperating nicely is able to be -up a little each Her many friends will wish for her a speedy and ■ complete re covery. Congregation ' Circle monthly meeting at Mrs. R. G. Seldon Russell’ presiding, singing exer-. Caven Congregational Circle The Caven met for their the home of with Mrs. R. The meeting opened by hymn 109. The devotional cises were taken by Mrs. Fuke. The roll call and minutes were read and adopted and the meeting! opened for business. Members de-1 cided to hold the election of of ficers ' at the December meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. F. Wildman. During . the program which followed Miss Anna Brock gave a recitation, “The Lost Op portunity” which -everyone enjoy ed very much. Miss Jeckell gave a very interesting talk on the His tory of Transportation. Mrs. F. Simmons moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and all taking part in the program. The meeting clos ed with prayer after which an en joyable time was had during the serving of lunch. Saturday Night DANCING OPERA HOUSE, EXETER * BOB MOORE and his 1-piece orchestra Dancing 9 p.in, to 12 p.m. Admission 50c UhO Canadian Legion, Exeter- Hensall Braficli 147 Dancing Friday, Nov. 15th MOORESVILLE HALL Music by the Hill Billys Bandog di SO till ? ADMISSION 50c ■ Sponsored by -—* • Maguire and Barker Turn penfiles into dollars#, Sell what you don't need through a Want-Ad. until recently, was stenographer at Can adian Canners. having accepted a similar position with the* Rural Hydro in Clinton, was the guest at a farewell party given in her honor just previous to her depart ure. A number of her girl friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Shel don Wein for an evening of Hal lowe’en fun Miss Alice prizes Were contestants making kisses, the court ours house until gift., a comb, brush ahd mirror set that she realized the party was Es pecially for her. Mrs. Harold Stur gis expressed to Helen the good wishes for her future extended by all the girls present. About mid- hight everyone was seated before a gaily decorated table where lunch was served by candlelight# The oftice staff of the Canadian Cattners Limited honored Miss Helen, Hixon prior to her leaving for Olinton by presenting ‘her with a lovely suitcase. and frolic, planned by Pfaff. Little awarded the for throwing jack o’lanterns, tossing peanuts etc. last game before whist, tiny Hallowe’en fav- had been hidden about the for each guest, It was not Helen had discovered her novelty winning darts, chewing For playing Red Cross Notes The Exeter Branch of the Can adian Red Cross Society is again undertaking a women’s work pro gram for the winter months, al though on a much reduced scale. Only one quota of knitting and sewing will be accepted this fall. The quota is as follows Knitting: 50 girls sweaters, Size 8; 50 girls knee sox, size 8; J50 infants jack ets; 50 infants bonnets; 100 in fants bootees. Sewing: 100 boys combinations, no. 2; 100 girls un- dervests, no. 8; 10.0 infants nigh ties no. 1; 100 infants vests, no. 1. Workers are needed and anyone desiring wool for any of the above knitting please contact Miss L. M. Jeckell or Mrs. VernOii Heywood. The sewing will he allotted next week. The Exeter Red Cross is very grateful to th© Canadian Leg ion for the use of the Legion Rooms three afternoons a month. ■Quilts are again needed# Any Red Cross units with quilt tops on hand ate urged.’ to finish and send them in. ^here will be a Friday, December ion Rooms-. Next executive, her 25th. packing day on 13 th in the Leg- Monday, Novem- A number of important have next to be ‘ crowded ever weelL Mrs. Jessie Gardiner, of to, spent the week-end with and Mrs. Andrew Campbell, Mr#. and Mrs, H. L. Sturgis Mr. and Mrs, Art Campbell in Toronto over the week-end, Mrs, Charles friends Mrs. St, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs, James Lawson on Sundpy. Mr, Louis C. Mangus is visiting for a few weeks with relatives and friends in Chicago and Racine Wis Mr, Millar Campbell, of London spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Camp bell. Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Berry, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs Charles Harris over the week end. Miss Hazel Prouty is spending a few days with’ her niece, Mrs. Roy Alderson and family at Thed ford. Dr. W. L. and Mrs. Lawson and Jimmie and Karen spent the week end ' with Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson. S. J. 'Sweitzer, your ’Hobby Pal, •returned home at ten spending a week in Detroit, U.S.A., where he attended an Antique Show. Mrs. D. A. Anderson left Thurs day of last week for Ottawa to visit her son, Wing Commander Norman and Mrs. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sweitzer and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brenner, of Grand Bend, visited with friends in London for few days last week. Visitors with Mrs. Alice Mitchell were her nephew, Frank Gleason and his wife, of Detroit, Mich., Mr and’ Mrs. Alex Johns, of London, with daugher Betty and Bill Sal mon, Mr. and Mrs. Bud McDonald of Windsor, and she also received a beautiful box of flowers from her daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, of Charlotte, Mich., in memory of her son W. G. Mitchell who passed away two years ago. All enjoyed themselves. Main Street Young People Mr, Ted Pooley was speaker at the young Tuesday night, The topic membrance Day. thoughtful speech and I people will remember and the sacrifice they us. Also the things enjoy and appreciate us. He told us , “.They served It was i. guest people’s was Re- a very am sure the young the soldiers made for Which we and was won for i the Legion’s Motto, till death, why not we” Paul Balk will was in charge of the worship service assisted by Bill Armstrong, who read the scripture., Tlie poem “In Flander’s Fields” was read by Dois Sweitzer. The closing hymn wag “Abide with Me”. The Mizpah Benediction was repeated by the members.’ Weather Can’t Last It’s November and one of these nights it’s going' to freeze, If you haven’t got anti-freeze in the old. rad you’ll be sorry, Bring your car in early for a thorough check’-up of your battery, electrical system and. cooling system —- as well as pre winter lubrication and engine tune- up. It costs less to prepare than to repair. South End Service Station Russ and Chuck Snell Phone 328 Kna Electrical Appliances Remember! The more kilowatts you buy the less each one costs. It costs less to operate a radio when you have a re frigerator and both cost less when you have an electric range,- When you buy an electric water heater down goes the cooking costs and all the appliances and lamps in the home operate at a still lower cost. Later on when you buy a home freezer or electric blanket or clothes dryer in your all-electric home your ap pliances are going to operate at a still lower cost. .E Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. In a variety paisleys. Just your late fall of plain colors and what you need for wardrobe. Exeter Markets Wheat, $1,26 Oats 51c Barley 68c Creamery Butter, 45c. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, ’ Eggs, A Large 42c. A Medium 38c. Pullets 33c. B 33 c. C 24c. Peewees 12c. ■1 aman items until j