HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-11-14, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO/THURSPAY MORNING, NOVEMER 14th, 1946 Elementary If you want to save time, worry and expensive repair bills-—keep your car in shape all the time, Why give trouble a chance to develope. For a first class fune-up, drive into the Sunoco Ser­ vice Station, They’ll make your late fall driving a pleasure Sunoco Service Station Tom Coates, Prpp*■O'Phone 200 Deer Season in Huron is Cancelled Sf. the on SAINTSBURY The mooting! of the Guild of Patrick’s church was held at horn© of Mrs, Clarence Davis Thursday of last week. The meet­ ing was in Charge of the president Mrs. Rd, Dickins. After the ess part of the meeting the. noon was spent in quilting. was hostess busin.- after* After closed serv- FARMERS I See your local dealer For I.H.C. parts and service to tractors and all other farm equipment. FOR QUICK SALE • No. A91, 1 base tractor plow for Farniall A. • Bean Scuffler w • Ten and a half inch feed grinder, Vessot • Used 7 ft. Cultivator V. L. Becker and Sons Sales and Service Phone 60vy, Dashwood which the meeting with prqyer and the a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Sunday with Mr, and Hamilton, of Alisa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDonald and family spent Sunday evening ping with Mr, and Mrs. Tom of^Aiisa Craig, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dobbs pleasantly surprised Saturday ping November 2nd, it being wedding anniversary when a her of friends and neighbors in to spend the evening, prizes for progressive euchre wop. by Mrs. .Helen McDonald and Mr. Harry ’Carroll. Before the lunch was served Mr. and Mrs, Dobbs were presented with >a pair of wall plaques. In a few well chosen words they thanked their guests and a pleasant evening was reported by all. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodding spent Sunday evening with W. Davis and Ivan. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis and ily visited with Mr. and ___ Clarence- Davis Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickins, 'of London^ visited with Mr. and Mrs. Turner spent Mrs. Henry Keey were eve- their num- came The were Mrs, fam- Mrs. . ! Plenty of good light can do much * to protect eyes. Good light means lots of light, dif­ fused so as to z avoid glare. You / can’t be too care-Y ful of eyes especially young eyes. HYDRO . 1500 HOUR LAMPS Will Dickins Saturday evening. Don’t forget the dance Mooresville Friday, November • Mr. and Mrs. W. Carroll, Watford, visited with Mr. Mrs. Clarence Davis last week-end and on Monday they motored to Preston for the day accompanied by Mrs. Carroll’s sister, Mrs. Jas. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Chas Fishery of Exeter. A number from this locality cal­ led on Mr,, and Mrs. Sidney Wil­ son on Sunday last to offer con­ gratulations on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hod­ gins, of London, on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr. and Mrs.* Harry Carroll attended the banquet in honor of Mr. D. Currie at Drumlin on Monday evening. at 8th. of and AT YOUR HYDRO OFFICE* / ' S. . , s •. % . , . ...............V... z mx 464 GIVE LONGER SER VI C| AND COST NO MOREjt. •■.•"-'.J •*’. . - We Pay Best Prices For: CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE, TURKEYS, HORSEHAIR and FEATHERS Better Prices are Being Paid from Now Until Christmas .... •_____——— ---------------- -----------------------------— ■ ...... -------------— - j . .>'■■■ PARKDALE POULTRY MITCHELL, ONTARIO Farmers plant I r' Fz ♦ The six-4ay open season huptiug deer in 'Huron County, with rifles allowed, scheduled tor for the 'period November 18-423 inclusive, hue been withdrawn. Reversal of the. ruling of the Ontario Depaptmen t of Game and Fisheries, announced two weeks ago, came hot on the heels of a formal objection by the Warden’s ’Committee of the County Council, expressed in a telegram sent to the Minister in charge of the Depart­ ment, and objections of various styles and types from lesser bodies and individuals in the County, »M, W. 'H. Cantelon, Wingham, Gamp and '-Fisheries overseer for Huron 'County, has announced that the original regulation had 'been rescinded with reference to Huron •County, hut that it still stood with regard to Bruce and Grey Counties Mr, Cantelon pointed out tihat the ordinary deei‘ license bought from any issuer is valid anu Grey. In its telegram to the of Game and Fisheries, den’s Committe of Huron County Council strongly protested the an­ nouncement of an open season for deer in Huron, County, felt •have been consulted open season was declared, particu­ larly 'as council had notified the Department’ of its opposition. in Bruce Minister the War- ■, as it was the County Council should before the Usborne Council I ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS This course consists of three months* classroom instruction and six months’ practical instruction in hospital. Central schools are located at Toronto, Hamilton and Kingston. On successful completion of the Course graduates receive a certificate from The Department of Health. Students receive $60.00 per month less maintenance. Uniforms are provided. Transportation is paid for students from their place of residence to the central school. . Applicants should apply immediately to the DIVISION Oft NURSE REGISTRATION Patliameiit Buildings, Queen’s Park, Toronto. /jj) the scheme contemplated by the provisions of The Milk Control Act, R.S.O., 1937, Chapter 76 as amended, and the administration thereof by the Milk Control Boarcl. had con- Mc- the ON MILK■Wr BW n H* A. W. Morgan, Hensail of and Mrs and of in- on ROYAL COMMISSION under the Wells has Chairmanship been directed of the Hon. Mr. Justice Dalton to enquire into and report upon (<?) the producing, processing, distributing., transporting and market­ ing of milk including whole milk and such products of milk as are supplied, processed, distributed or sold in any form; the costs, prices, price-spreads, trade practices, methods of financing, manage­ ment, grading, policies and any other matter relating, to any of them but not as to restrict the generality of the foregoing, the effect thereon of any subsidies or taxes paid or imposed, To facilitate the work of the Commission it is requested that written submissions by interested persons be submitted to the undersigned NOT LATER THAN 21st NOV. 1946. Sub­ mission may be in the form of briefs, but in any event shall be furnished in ten copies. of Us* regular Hall on at 1 _____ __ ____ presided and Councillors Brock, Duncan. El* lerington and Tuckey were all present. The minutes of regular meeting of October 12th and the special meeting of November 1st were adopted as printed .on mot­ ion by Tuckey and Brock. The correspondence was read as follows: Clerk of Hay Township, com­ plaint on the Cann-Mitchell Drain of over assessment on the farm of Nelson Stanlake. The Clerk was instructed to ask the Engineer to review the boundary of the Water­ shed at this location. County Clerk/ copies of June Minutes of Huron County Council. Clerk of Hibbert Township, a report of reorganization of the McTaggart Cemetery Board. Whillier & Co., promoting of Municipal supplies. Jas. W. Gardiner, presenting a complaint on the Stewart Drain in Usborne Townssip. Dept, of Municipal Affairs. Re-; port t forms. Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, 'report of proceed­ ings at Annual meeting. Ontario Municipal Ass’n report ■of Resolutions. •The Clerk reported that he been successful in securing a tract with Messrs. Yundt & Cann of Stratford to excavate open work on both the Wurm Drain and the Cann-Mitchell Drain this fall, (weather permitting) at the estimate provided ’by the En­ gineer of 30 and 35 cents respec­ tively per cubic yard. Wilson Allen, Esq., of Hensail, was present and signed a contract with the Council to provide a truck- with snow-plow and wing to assist in keeping Usborne roads clear of snow in the coming win­ ter time; rate of pay to be $4.50 per hour for time employed and all work to be performed on the authority and under direction of the Township Road Superintendent On motion by Brock and Tuckey the petition of Ross Marshall and others for the opening of a .Muni­ cipal Drain was accepted and the Clerk was authorized .to requisi­ tion the services of S. W. Archi­ bald to bring in a report, plan and estimates on the work. The report of the Road Suner- intendent on the program for the current month was approved. On motion by Duncan and El- lerington, the Public Liability Bond was renewed with The Gen­ eral Accident Assurance Co, Canada for another year. • Current accounts were paid eluding expenditure of $915.83 Township roads. It wasf decided to hold the next regular meeting on December 7th because the Statutory meeting will be on December 15th. Council adjourned. A. W. Morgan, Clerk. The Municipal Council borne Township met in session in- the Township Saturday, November 9 th o’clock p.m, Reeve Berry PFAFF—CLARK Yellow and white chrysanthe­ mums decorated the altar of St. James Anglican Church, St. Marys on .Saturday, November 2nd for a charming ceremony when Rosina Dorothy Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Frederick Clark, Church street became the bride of Arthur Murray Pfa'ff, Kitchener, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pfaff, of Exeter. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. G.' P, Parson. Given away by her father, the bride wore a gown of white lace over satin, with a train and sweetheart .neck­ line. A three-quarter-length veil was worn and she carried a bouq­ uet of red roses and white garden­ ias. The bridesmaid, Jean Clark, •sister of tlhe bride, wore a gown of jblue net over satin with round­ ed -neckline, pink gloves and head4 •dress. She carried .a bouquet of pink . and yellow roses. Harvey Pfaff, Exeter, was t'he 'best man. Howard and Harold Holtzmann, of Exeter were the ushers. The organ­ ist was J.N. .Robinson, St. Miarys, who played Ave iMiarie and Because. The 'bride’s mother 'chose a grey .pinstriped wool idress with cerise and 'grey hat, black accessories and silver fox furs and a corsage of red roses. Mrs, 'Pfaff wore .a Iblack dress, embroidered witih- sequins with black accessories and a cor­ sage of red roses. Following the wedding luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff left op a honeymoon in the United States, the Ibride traveling­ in a beige -two-ipiece suit, with fur trim and brown accessories. They will reside in Kitchener, • ELIMVILLE Mr. James Sinclair and Mr ’Lew­ is Woods, of London, spent) the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack- son Woods. - ’ MA and Mrs. Wellington Skin­ ner and Arleen, of Centralia, vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Heywood. Mr.’ and Mrs. Delmei’ Skinner and children visited on Sunday with Mrs. E. Johns, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs .Reginald McDonald and Barbara, of Fxeter, and Mr. .Elgin Skinner, of London, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,* Everett Skinner. Miss Bessie Bell, of Long Island N.Y., visited the past her parents, Mr. and Bell. Miss Dorothy POoley, visited over the Miss Aldeen Pym, Mrs. L. McFalls, of. Exeter, is spending a few days with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Weston Horne. Mrs. Harold Bell and Mr. Ken­ neth Johns attends the Armistice service at Hoy’s cliurch on Sunday and sang a very lovely duet, Mrs. L. C. White, of Talbotville visited a few days last week with with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routiy. Mr. White] visited with them on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis, 6f London, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and. Mrs week with Mrs. T.hos. of Exeter, Week-end with sale Details of the times and places of public hearings will be announced in the press at an early date. Donald A. Keith, Secretary, Royal Commission on Milk, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Kirkton Well-Diggers Tap Rock Get 50-Foot Depth of Water With the water table in this part of Ontario several feet Ibelow what it was 4'0' years ago, farmers and others who need plenty of water have been going deeper into the earth ana rock for a supply. Mlany wells now go down beyond the 2'0i0-foot level before adequate supplies of water, are struck. John Butters, who lives on a ■farm two miles north of Kirkton on No. 23 highway, got a real sur­ prise last week when he and his two sons dug a well .down to a 61%-foot level with a diameter of four feet four inches, and struck a glassy smooth flat limestone rock which covered the entire floor of ithe well like a piece of flawless marble. * At first they thought they had, dug in vain. But they only had to •go through the rock eight inches and water spurted through. They made the .hole bigger and in 15 hours the water was 50 feet deep P. Ij. McNaughton, Hensail Applications are invited for a NURSING ASSISTANTS5 COURSE commencing November 19th. Nelson Coultis. Mrs. Clarence Hawkins of Wood­ ham, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mi’S. Clifton Brock. Mr. and Mi’S. Hubert Heywood and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bibby, of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Horne Hanking, of Londes- boro. Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Alvin Pym were Mr. and Roy Johns and Lofne, of Zion, Mrs. Gougeon Brampton. We are sorry Sidney Wilson . . .. Joseph’s Hospital oh Friday and We hope for a speedy recovery. Farm Forum Mooting The Eiimviiie North Harm Por­ um met at the home of Mt, Chas. Miller with -36 present. The sub­ ject for discussion being "Farm Home Improvement**, This subject provoked a good deal of discus­ sion after which there wore games and lunch. The mokt meeting is to be at the home of Hot. William Mair and there will be a discus* sion of the .month-s topics. and family. to report that was taktm to • Age—18 to 40 years • Grode 10 Education • Good Health DEPARTMENT OF HEAL FOR THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO