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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-11-14, Page 6
Sleighs Roller Skates Scooters Tricycles Roll Buggies Part Boards Mechanical Cars Russes Racers Locomotives Noma Tractors Trains Waggons Stuffed Toys Bingo Games Croquinole Boards Blackboards Kiddie-Kars BRANCH OFFICE SANYA’S TOYS You are invited to Come in and See Our Large Selection FOR SKISWATCH OUR STORE which are arriving shortly BEAVERS HARDWARE Phone 86 George White - John Deere These two great names in the Farm Machine Industry have been well known to Ontario farmers for many years’. ® John Deere Tractors • George White Threshers © Complete line of John Deere Farm Equipment Good equipment means more profits for Ontario farmers. That’s why you should look over the products of these two great names before you buy. We advise you to order your farm equipment now for next spring. You’ll have it then when you need it. W. G. Simmons & Sons THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMER M&, 1946 OBITUARY MRS, AUSTIN G. GAY A great sorrow has come to the home of Rev. Austin G. Gay of Hastings United Church in Van* .convex, in the sudden passing of his beloved wife, Beatrice, on Tues day, October loth. She had been in her usual health and on the prev ious evening, Thanksgiving night* had taken her turn in entertaining the weekly sewing Circle, and it had been a "very ‘happy evening. Following a severe cerebral hem orrhage she died within a few hours without regaining consciousness. Rearice Louise Gay was the only daughter of Mr., and Mrs. William Howey of Exeter, Ontario. There were three brothers, Wesley (dec eased), Melville of Cereal, Alberta and Elmo, now living in Killarney, Manitoba. 'Her girlhood home was at Exeter Where she attended school. )She was a member of Main Street Church, and had many friends in the com* munity. She was much in -demand for readings' which she gave to a great number in the 'district Ip 1928 she Austin Gay in with him on various charges in Al berta and at Parkswille on Van couver Island, Clayburn and Agassig in the Frasei’ Valley, and at Chase, B.O, They came to Hastings Church, Vancouver, in July. Sihe wag a faithful helpmate to her husband and an indefatigable worker among the women’s organ izations on -then* charges. She will be remembered for.her sincere kind liness and patience and unselfish service. Her loss is mourned by her husband and son 'Grant, now seven teen, at High School in Vancouver, and ’by many fine friends. Funeral services were conducted in Grandview Funeral Chapel in Vancouver on Monday, October 21st with Rev. R. W. Moses in charge. He spoke of her as a loyal wife and helpmate, a loving mother and a conscientious church worker. In terment was in Forest Lawn Ceme tery, on a sunlit knoll looking out to sea. ■She lived a beautiful life of lov ing, unselfish service for her Mast er. The sincere sympathy of many friends goes out to the home which has suffered a great loss, yet it is blessed with so many happy mem ories and with the faith that “Love never faileth.” of church concepts around. was married to Rev. Calgary and served G. R. MARRIOTT Phone 115 Not Prevent Sorr ow Lighten the Burden it Leaves Win Will 'George R. Marriott died at his residence in St. Marys on Novem ber 11th. ‘He had been in poor ■health for some months. Born in Blanshard he was ,the son of the late Arnos Marriott. He had farmed in Blanshard \mtil 1920 when he' retired to St. Marys,. His wife, the former Alla 'Creighton, prede ceased him. He was a, member of St. Marys United Church. Surviv ing is one son, Jolin., of Galt, one daughter, Elizabeth, Mrs. Thomas Constable, St. Marys. The illness or lose of life—nothing in the world n cojne-ns sttG for them. But if you have the responsibility of a family, your first duty to them is insurance protection which will make it possible for them to build property or health anew: or which will make it possible for them to carry on alone . . . fire which, destroyed a home: the accident which causes Phones: Office 24 Residence 162J Exeter. Ontario W. Herman Hodgson If it’s Insurance We Have it WINCHELSEA Mrs. W, F. Batten and 'Gladys spent a few days the forepart of the week in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denham. Harold is in the hospital. Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thom as, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mrs, Fred Walters and Mrs, Don Penhale were in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Alf Collier and Grace, of Kirkton, Visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey. Misses Leona Davey, of Crediton and Wanda Stephens, of Elimville, spent Sunday with Miss Gladys Batten. Sunday visitors with Mrs. George Davis were, Mrs. Harold Davis, of Mr. and Mrs. HRNSALL Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton spent the week-end In Hamilton, Miss Goldie 'Cross, R.bL of Lon don, is convalescing following her recent operation.Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. J, w. Ortwein. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MaeLaren, of Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Drysdale. Miss Ruth Mcllvenna and her friend, of Collingwood, spent the week-end with Miss Fayme Logan. Mm Carey Jeynt B.A., student at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, was a week-end visitor at his home here Mr, Don Bell, of the London Normal School, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bell. Miss Goldie Cross R'.N, spent a few days this week visiting in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Millie. Miss Marion Dougall, R.N., vis ited during the past week_wi£h her parents, Doungall, Mr, and Mrs. J. Dale and Mr. and Mrs, M. Dale, of Wilton Grove were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Meidinger. Mrs. Eva Carlisle visited during the past week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. lert; in Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook daughter, of Windsor, spent week-end with the former’s ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton and family, of Pt. Dover, spent the week-end at the home of Reeve and Mrs, E. Shaddick. Miss Mae McNaughton and her friend, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with the former’s. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Miss Amy 'Lammie, of London, spent, the week-end holiday at the home of her mother Mrs. Lammie and her sister, Miss Greta Laminid Rev. P. A. Fer.guson conducted Remembrance Day services in Car mel Presbyterian church ,on Sun day. Miss Alma Bell was soloist in the Anthem rendered by the choir Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett, Ross and Connie were guests at the re ception held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Leslie Adams in London on Saturday in honor of Miss Blanche Elizabeth Morenz, daugh ter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Albert Morenz Whose marriage to Harry Edward, son -of Mrs. Harriet Chapman and the late James Chapman, of Spar ta, took place at Colborne street United urday, Stuart. Rev. Remembrance Day services in Hen sall United church on Sunday. The choir contributed an anthem at the morning service. Guest ar tists contributing to the musical portion of the evening service were a male quartette composed of Messrs. Delb,er.t. ,;Geigei:, Newell ■Geiger, Urban Pfile and Clayton- Pfile. showing pleasing—harmony. They rendered the following selec tions “Tell Someone About Jes- ” -an/i "That Beutiful Land” much appreciated by “ " pia- by ad- A. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wil- Swine Club Winners The following are the prize win ners of the Exeter Swine 01ub» 19 4 6 together with their total score: Bruce Shapton 1047; Ronald Ker* nick 1034; Malcolm Kirkland 102? Gerald Isaac 896; Earl culbert 793. Professional Cards GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS « SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO church parsonage on Sat- November 9 by Rev. M. R.A. Brook conducted “Tell Someone About us” ’and which was i the large audience. Excellent no accompanist was provided Mrs. C. Pfile. An equally fine dress was given by Rev. Brook. Mr. Conrad Huisser Mr. Conrad Huisser well resident of this district away Saturday in Victoria Hospital London in his . 76th year. He was a native of Shakespeare. Surviving is his widow, two sons, Conrad , three Bender, Mrs. A. Hensall, Funeral R. known passed MINERAL It is good business to be cer- tain that your pigs have access to a mineral supple ment with which strong and properly ed frame. Then you duce »good hog. at Hensall, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. to build develop- can pro Hog Mineral calcium, ' phosphorus, Mr. and Mr. and Kirkton, Lloyd Hern and Helen, Mr, and Mrs. Don Penhale and Sheridan. Co-op tains salt, iodine, iron, manganese and cobalt — all essential to proper development and health. Increase returns by using Co op Hog Mineral. Buy From Your United Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd SlOpsneeZ'M “ “’rf.’S”®! and forehead.^ BOotheB, checks pra,ins. niuscl* Bandy f°r pams. •°Tene?t a^e today. <ndkeep« GRAND BEND and Mrs. Rebt. Gault turned home after spending months in the West. They report a good trip and. good crops hut a lot to harvest yet, • Mrs. E. Grieve and Miss iMary Yeo visited in Bridgen and Sarnia on Sunday. Mrs. W. P. ILovie, who has been Visiting her sister, Mrs, J. W, Holt, for a week, left for London where she will spend the winter With her daughters, Mrs. Arnold Ravelie has been on the sick list but is improving. Mr. and Mrs, Sol pollock have been visiting in Lansing, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey and have returned home from where Mr. Dewey carries on fishing business and will be stay ing for the winter. Mrs. -Geo, Eccleston left for California where she will spend ithe winter, Word has been received from Mr, and Mrs- Cecil Stewart that ■they have arrived in California. They had a good motor trip going by way of St. -Pauls, Minn, Mrs, Myrea returned home Sat urday aftei' visiting for a couple of weeks with friends in Michigan. xMr. and Mrs, Mark Wild left for Florida where they will spend the winter. ■re* two Mich., family Hudson- a where they will spend the KHIVA weeks discussion club was ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONT. DR. F. J. MILNER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Corner of William and Sanders Streets, opposite the residence" of the late Dr. J, W. Browning. Phones; Office 295W, Res. 2951 EXETER, ONTARIO DR. R. H. DOYLE PHYSICIAN and X-Ray MAIN STREET, Telephone surgeon EXETER 60 Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., DJXS. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36J Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S. . DENTAL SURGEON BELL BUILDING, EXETER Telephone 273This held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziler with an ■attendance of i25 members. Miss Eileen McCann was in charge of the meeting'. Lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Noah Dietrich. Miss Lena McCann, Mrs. Joseph Lerning and iPatsy,, of Detroit, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B,. -McCann. Messrs. Billie Willext and Lome Ziler .were among the pupils of Blackimish school who accompanied their teacher to Toronto on Suhday Cpl. spent of his Mr. Elaine at Zurich. ■Mr. Joe McCann spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann. Miss Theresa Sullivan spent the week-end at her -home -here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lippert and ■Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert left last week on .a’^ hunting trip to Manitoulin Island. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke on the arrival of their baby -daughter at Hunter’s Nursing Home, last nesday. H. J. Ziler, of London, the week-end at the home parents. and Mrs. Earl Dietrich and spent Sunday with -relatives C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist dt Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday ARTHUR WEBER - LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY . PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R.R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 as the .fifteen boys and girls who graduated from the Baby Band to the Mission Band marched through the gate. They were to the Mission Band dan. Audrey Walsh The .guest speaker, quidale, told a story and. girls about a Mission Band in Toronto sent to a Missionary’s daughter. She also spoke a few words to the mothers The offering was received and the meeting closed by singing “Tell ■Me the Stories of Jesus, and Bene diction. Refreshments were then served by the ladies. The follow ing are the names of -those who graduated, Annie Jean Noakes, ■Glenn Arthur Kennings, Donald G Smale, Ruth Richardson, Donald C Kyle, Connie L. R. Corbett, Jane Horton, Gwendolyn Chapman, Jas. R. Smale, Evelyn "EL Hyde, Ronald R. Broderick, Margaret Ann Smil- lie, Margaret Ann Smith, Marie Marilyn Smith, Beth Goddard. Evening Auxiliary The monthly meeting Evening Auxiliary of the Hensall United church .was home of Mrs. Carl Passmore Monday evening with Mrs. B. Kyle in the chair. Miss Margaret Glenn ably assisted .the hostess. Follow ing the use of- the Theme Song, the hymn “Blest .Be the Tie That Binds” was sung. Mrs. J. Corbett had charge of the Devotional ex ercises consisting of an interesting paper on “Peace” and the offering of prayer. The minutes were read answered by to welcomed in- by Ruth Sol- sang a solo. Mrs. McCor- to the boys doll that the Mrs. Wed- A fool and his money are party. some WM. Hi SMITH LICENSED For Huron Special training property’s true Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 AUCTIONEER and Middlesex assures you of yohur value on sale day KIPPEN , •Mrs. Little visited recently relatives in Detroit. Mrs-. Archie Parsons and Donald spent a few days recently with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. J. ILinden at Denfield. Mrs. W. Horney, of Exeter, is spending a couple of weeks with her neice, Mrs. A. Gackstetter, who is -confined to her room through illness. Don’t forget the Bazaar and Home Cooking sale to be held in the Sunday School room of iSt. Andrews United Church on Satur day, Nov. 3'0th, afternoon and evening, sponsored by the.. W.A. of that church. Mrs. Wood, of Seaforth, visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson, of Chiselhurst. W.M.S. Meet The W.M.S. met in the Sunday School room of iSt. Andrews United church -.on Wednesday afternoon, November 6th, for their Birthday meeting with a -good attendance. The meeting opened with the theme by Mrs. Allan Johnson who presided. A hymn was sung and the 23rd' Psalm was repeated in unison fol lowed by silent prayer. A short hymn taken ’ frqm the Missionary Monthly was then sung. The topic on “The Women of India” Was given by Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mrs. J. Hyde then led in prayer. Mrs. Harold Jones ahd Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter sang a Soul.” peating the Mizpah Benediction in unison. with sons, of Michigan, Mrs. Wm. of Clinton, ; (Mary), of of Windsor, held on Monday from Bonthron & . Son Funeral Home with interment in the Lutheran cemetery, Zurich. Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary The November meeting of the Arnold was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Roy MaeLaren with Mrs. the and * Abie, daughters, (Kathleen) Hildebrandt and Annie, service was Coming IN PERSON for ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 of the held at the on E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7 ■Circle Evening Auxiliary USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY THE GREAT * CONCERT REVUE Featuring THE DEEP RIVER BOYS ★That Intriguing Harpist OLIVETTE MILLER A 2^2-Hour Show Packed Full cl Miisic, Dancing and Songs The Young Rich Voiced FRANCIS PALM SPONSORED BY ARMY, NAVY AND AIR FORGE VETERANS UNIT NO. 227 ■■■■‘■* l..;.;; .....u— f $2.50 » $155 - $155 T3X Inc.-—All Seats Reserved! ■ Enclose starriped self-addfessed envelope 1t>t return of tickets’. Out dt i town Checks muct triciudd excise taX« Box Cfflce opens Frl.»- Nov* 16. J. Name Bands and Great Attractions Play Mrs. Glenn Bell, co-hostess. Melvin Moir presided and meeting opened by singing “What a Friend We Have In Jesus.” Mrs. Glenn Bell read the Scripture les son. Matt. 6, 19-3 4 after which Miss Jean McQueen led in prayer. A hymn was sung and Mrs. Chas. Forrest played a piano instrumen tal. It was decided to hold the Dec ember meeting in the school room of the church in the form of d pot luck Supper on Monday, Dec. 2nd. The topic from the study book on Africa was most capably given by Mrs. P. A. Ferguson, illustrated with maps. The meeting closed by singing ”Jesus keep me the Cross” after which Mrs. led in prayer, Refreshments served. W.M.S. Entertain Baby Band The W.M.S. of the Hensall ed church had as their .guests the Baby Bend and their mothers at their November meeting on Thurs day in the schoolroom of the church which was beautifully dec orated with .mums for the occas ion. The president, Mrs. W, B. Cross, presided and the meeting Opened by singiiig "What a Friend We Have in Jesus” after which the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. David Kyle read the Scripture from Matt 18:1-6, Matt. 19:13-14, After singing “Jesus Loves Me 'This I Know”- the child ren were asked to come forward and deposit their Missionary boxes while Mrs. Cross called their names, Mrs. Jack Corbett led jn prayer Audrey Walsh favored with a, piano solo. Recitations were giv en by Gwen Chapman, Evelyn Hyde and Connie Corbett. Miss Florence Welsh played nnd sang R. R. Vice-Pres. .... neai’ Moir were Unit* and roll call was naming “Our contribution Peace”. .The program portion of the meeting featured an excellent review on the life of Currie, be loved Missionary by Miss Ellis. Collection was taken. The next meeting will take place at Miss Margaret Shepherd’s home on Dec ember 9th with Miss Edna. Saun- dercock assisting. Miss Ellis will present the Devotional Christmas. Social committee, will be Margaret Shepherd, Edna Saundercock, Mrs. R. Drysdale and Mrs. Peter Mc Naughton. The next .item discussed was the Bazaar, Baking Sale and afternoon tea taking place in the Suhday School room on afternoon, o’clock when for holding Were handed pointed to booths. Money for Christmas Cards sold was received. Miss Ellis then looked after tile distribution of Red Cross knitting and sewing. Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. 0. Passmore and Mrs. E. ShaddiCk were the noftlhi- atiiig committee appointed to pre sent the new’ slate of officers, 'the closing hymn was *‘I am Thine 0 after Which the Benediction social being Glenn, There of the R. 1 R. 1 Ont. R. 1 duet “Jesus, Lover of My The meeting closed by re* Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres............... WM. A.’ HAMILTON 1, Cromarty ■ ... WM. H. COATES Exeter directors JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, ANGUS SINCLAIR .... Mitchell JOHN McGRATH ...... Dublin, MILTON McCURDY .. Kirkton, AGENTS ALVIN L.' HARRIS ......... Mitchell THOS. SCOTT ............... Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE: Woodham secretary-treasurer W. F. BEAVERS ..........Exeter F. W. GLADMAN Solicitor, Exeter B. Saturday ■November ,16th at 3 plans were completed this event. Supplies in. Members were ap- attend the .various Lord” was repeated. An enjoyable hour followed the hostess assisted by Miss Margaret Miss Michie, Mrs, Shhddick. was a splendid attendance members who are grateful ,to Mrs. Passmore for her hospitality. .CROMARTY Mrs’. Lloyd Sorsdehl has return ed home from Filmore, Sask., where she visited her parents. #Mrs* Tom Lang and Mrs. liam men’s don, Mr. . . Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Eldon Allen is convalescing af ter a tonsillectomy In Stratford General Hospital, MerVin Bow is in the hospital in, Stratford for an appendectomy. Baby Houghton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Left Hoifghtoft, has arrived home from the hospital.' Highland Cedar FENCE POSTS Houghton attended the Institute convention at Wib Wo- Lon- and Mrs. Alvin Garnish, of ALL SIZES TO SUIT ANY PURPOSE A. J. CLATWORTHY We Deliver f*hone 12 Granton opt: “Ufa -play Air Mail?’ She: “What’s that?” Opts “That’s Poet Office oh a higher plane.”