HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-11-14, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMER 14 th, J940 Church Support JAMES STREET UNITED Irwin, B.A. A. Wein Choir Leader School and. Bible Key, A, B. Lawrence Organist and 10 a.m.-—Sunday Class. 1,1 a.m,—Morning Worship. The Minister. “Bringing Bones from Egypt.” 7 p.m.—Evening Worship. The Minister. “Out of the Depths”, in a, series, “Timely Thoughts on Mighty Moments”. Wed., Noy, ’20 th—r-Young 'People’s Banquet. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. N. J. Woods, M,A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Rev. Andrew Thomson D,D., of Honan, 7 p,m.—Public Worship. The Minister*. .Wed,. Nov. 13 8 p.m.—Midweek Prayer ■’service in Main Rev. Down. 9 p.m.—Official Board Thurs.,-—W.M.S. at Mrs. Tues,—Y.P.U. at church. Committee, Street Meeting. Layton’s. Culture PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service, Speaker, Mrs. R. McDonald. Thurs., 2,30 p.m,—-W.M’.S. (Speaker, Mrs. 'Perkins. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School. •Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. " 11 a.m.—Morning Service. The Pastor. 7.30 p.m.—.Song and Testimony. 8 p.m.—“Walking with -God in the Spirit-filled Life” The pastor. CREDITON Remember the bazaai’ being held Sunday Novem- will be in the United church School rooms on Saturday, ber 16th. A detailed ad found in another column. Rev. D. Bright; of London, rep­ resentative of the Bible Society addressed the Evangelical and Un­ ited church congregations in a union meeting at the latter .church on Sunday evening. Rev. A. S. Trueblood contributed a vocal solo Following the service the election of officers took place. Mr. Herb Mitchell was appointed president and Mr. H. K. Eilber, secretary­ treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark visit­ ed a few days this week in Detroit Mrs. A. M. Berry left on Sunday for a Kvisit with her family in Lon­ don, Stratlir-oy and Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hoare and son, of London, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahrner. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Woodall, of These business firms invite your patronage. Dealing with them, gives satisfaction and helps to make this a better community Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop. Exeter Phone 245 V’s Beauty Shoppe The Home of Better Permanents Eugene Machine Waves Cold Waves If your hair is not becoming to you, You should be coming to uS. VERA O. FRASER, Prop. Tel. 112 Eye ter CT Page f Snell’s Taxi Service Phdne 100 Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (one door north of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop; Tel. 7i Exeter DASHWOOD Thos. Hopcroft l‘ with her fath- -The CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Muriel iVhilsmith, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—Public Worship Mon., Nov. 18, 4.14 p.m.- Mission Band will meet in the Primary Room. Thur,, Nov, 2)1' 8 p.m.-—The Aut­ umn Thankpffering of the Caven Auxiliary of the • W.M.S, will be held in. the S.S. room, All mem­ bers of the congregation are invited. TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choirmaster, Esme Howard 22nd Sunday After Trinity a.m.—Sunday School.11 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. “Christian Perfection.” ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist a.m.—Morning Worship, a.m.—Church School. 10 11 7,30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Fri., 8 p.m.—E.Y.F. Windsor, v^^tted ovei' the week-end at the home of Mx\ and Mrs. Jos. Woodall. Messrs. Aubrey Gaiser, Freder­ ick Haist and Robt. Treibnex’ ar­ rived home oxi Wednesday evening aftei* an extended trip West. The young men left by motoi’ three months ago and travelled throiigh the Western provinces to Vancouv­ er. They returned home by way of the United States, spending some time in Colorado, and report hav­ ing seen some unusal sights. The speedometei’ registered 9000 miles when they arrived home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe, Exeter and Mr. Robt. Wolfe, Sarnia, spent the week-end at_ home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald spent the kerton. Mr. and Mrs. and family, of Detroit, visited of of the Mrs Albert Wolfe W111. Smith and week-end at Wal- Lester Maclsaac __ ___a few days this week with the form­ er’s mother, Mrs. -D. Maclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morlock, of Galt, spent the holiday week­ end at the homes of their parents here. Gerald Smith returned •Friday after visiting with tives at Pigeon, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger and Jean spent the week-end with relatives and friends'in Kitchener and Waterloo. "" Mr. Albert Morlock is still con­ fined to his home following an ac­ cident ..last week which seriously injured his foot. Miss Rosalie Mack spent the week-end in Toronto the guest of 4ier aunt and uncle, Mr. -and Mrs. T. C. Selby. Mir, Eugene Fingbeiner, Mr. Harold ,Amy and Miss Kathleen Brown, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with the former's par­ ents, Mr. and Mirs. Jos. Finkbein- er, Miss Creich visited at her home in Goderich over the holiday. Messrs. Carmen and Grant Roes- zler, Charles Brown and Wilmer Wein spent the holiday week-end in Detroit. home rela- Mrs. Leo Stillwell and daughter, Janet, Mrs. Basil Sunday and daughters, Elva Jean and Carol, and Mrs, Olo Filler,- all of Tillson- burg, spent Remembrance Day at the home of Rev. and Mrs. True­ blood. We are sorry to report that Mrs S. Brown has been seriously ill at the home of her daughter, (Rev.) Burn in wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. of Newmarket, visited over week-end with Mr. and Mrs. : England. Mrs. Dashwood. We WHALEN Burrows, ■ the Lloyd •Mi’, and Mrs. Geo. Arksey at­ tended the funeral of the late Mr, Wm. Thomson in Exeter on Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 'Squire were in Brantford over the week-end and attended the Dhrnes-Morley wedding On Saturday. Messrs. Ronald and Harry squire were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire, of Farquhar, Mr, Wm. Brooks disposed of his farm to Mr. Alton Neil, of Olande- boye. Possession in the spring. Rev. Thompson, returned Mis­ sionary from China, will ibe tilie guest speaker on Sunday next at the WARS. Thank-offering service. Mr» and Mrs. Earl McFalls and family, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 51. K. French. Mr. Pat Walli® is spending this week ih Toronto and Will attend the Royal Winter Fair. MirS. Geo. Lackie and Elsbri, of Waterloo, and Miss Edythe Hod­ gson, Off 'Park-hill, were Sunday Visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley. Mr. and ’ Mrs. ' spent the week-end er in Now Lowell, Mrs. Ireland, who ing with her sister,, left on Saturday where she will make with her sou. Mr. and Mrs. Centralia, Mr. 1 and Mr, Edgai’ Exeter, and Miss Of London, spent and Mrs, Arnold Mr, and Mrs. are spending a week vacation with friends in Meaford and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Merner and Joyce and Mrs, W. Stade and Mel­ vin spent Monday with Rev, and Mrs. Luft in Hanover. Misses Dorothy and Frieda Rad­ er are spending a week holidays in Toronto, Mr. Melvin iBrown, of /Kitchener, spent the week-end with his moth­ er, Mrs. Brown at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Burn. , Mrs. Gill moved to Zurich last week where she intends making her home, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of Windsor were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. D. Tieman, Owing to the housing situation Mr, and Mrs. have moved in Mrs. Tieman. Mr. Fred Shetler, of Buffalo, visited friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan MacGregor and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Nagle and daughter’ Cathern, all of St. Marys, spent Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs, Otto Restemeyer, Mr. .Chris. Andersen has moved into his new house and is now busy getting settled. Mrs. Wm. Musser spent last Friday at Port Huron, .Mich, Church. Meeting The ladies Aid and W.M.S. of the Evangelical church was held Wednesday evening with Mrs. C. Gaiser’s group in charge. The meeting opened with a prelude by Mrs. M. Klumpp. Hymn ,3 61 was sung followd by prayer by Mrs. G Wildfong. Nancy Tiernan delighted the audience with a piano solo. A short reading by Mrs. Snell and a very interesting story by Mrs. Har­ old Kellerman. A duet by Mrs. J. M. Tieman and Mrs. M. Klumpp. The study book was given by Mrs. Link after which the president took charge for the business. There were 26 visits made, 1 bou­ quet and 9 dainties sent to the sick and shut-in friends during the month. The thankoffering ser­ vice is to be held November 2 4th when Mrs. Emery Desjardine, of Grand Bend will be the quest speaker. Library Board Formed A meeting was held in Tieman’s Hall Thursday November 7th of the citizens of Dashwood to form a Public Library. A board of five members was elected which includ­ ed, Mrs. Elgin Merner, Chairman, Harold F. Taylor, Sec-treas., Mrs. R. H. Taylor, Edgar Restemeyer, Mrs. Mervin Tieman, Mr. Currie, Miss Helen Nadiger. The board is canvassing for members for the library. The fee is one dollar for adults and fifty cents for child­ ren under seventeen. Membership cards are now available and may be obtained from Harold F. Taylor. ’ expects to ' be in operation with books from- the Association very be .located in Tieman’s Store. Hours open will be announced later, is hoped when people are has beep stay* Mrs, Tiernan, for Stratford her home Brown, of Mawhinney of Otto Thos. Mawhinney, i Euolpen Kuntz, Sunday with Mr. Kuntz, Kenneth McCrae 'Garnet Wildfong With her mother, l the sec-treas., The new library County Library shortly. It will Furniture the library will be It canvas­ sed to become members they will assist the canvassers and worthy cause in every way possible Kleins tiver-Williams Decorated with yellow and fus- chia chrysanthemums and ever­ greens, St. Paul’s United Church, Bowmanville, was the scene pf the marriage on Saturday, October 19 of Helen Elizabeth Williams dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil­ liams to Lome William Kleinstiver son of Mrs. William Kleinstiver of Dashwood, and the late Mr Klein­ stiver. Rev. G. Gameron Quiqley performed the ceremony. Given in marriage by her fath­ er, the bride was lovely in a mod­ el gown of pear tone satin, fash­ ioned .with a portrait neckline outlined with a bertha of 'Carrick- macross lace and a tightly mould­ ed bodice. The full skirt was scal­ loped to the hem as was the form­ al chapel train. Her headdress formed of pouffs of satin caught her long bridal veil, and she ried an ivory Bible, Rev. George Mason. Williams was matron for her sister-in-law, Norman Scott, sister of aiuL-Miss Jean Ramsay, were bridesmaids. All comingly gowned alike peacock faille, styled heart necklines and ices. The full skirts With biased folds and matching feather headdresses and lace .mittens, and carried nosegays of fuschia chrysanthemums. Mrs. Reta Dudley played the wedding music hnd during the signing of the register Mf. Donald Williams brother of the bridt^ sang “For You Alone”, Mr. Geo. Goheen act­ ed as groomsman and Mr^ Donald Mason and Mr.- ushers. For the receptioii held in the Sunday School room of the church the bride’s mother was charming in a beige .crepe gown Studded with gold nailheads, a corsage of bronze chrysanthemums attd brown accessories. She was assisted by the grbom’s mother In ,a black crepe and sequin frock wearing a this _ i car- a gift of the Mrs.Donald honorof and Mrs. the groom of Oshawa Were be- in China* with sweet- draped bod- were made they chose Jani OS Scott as CENTRALIA Mr< Steve Molnar, of Toronto, spent the week-end at his home, Mx*. Leonard Abbott, of Detroit, was a week-end guest with his aunts, Mrs. Parsons and Kershaw* Mrs. George Walker and Clara Beayers wore visitors Mrs. w. Bawden °n Thursday- of last week, Miss- Margai’et Cook, of Kitchen,* er, spent the week-end at hex* home, Miss Doreen Proctor visited with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Skelton in Lu­ can over the weekend. F.O» J. L. Andrew and Mrs. An­ drew, of London, spent the week­ end with (their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Spring and Gail, .of Aylmer, were Sunday visit­ ors with Mr, and Mrs, H. Tripp, Mr. and Mrg. Lorn© Hicks visited with relatives in Ripley on Sunday. They were accompanied home fay Mrs. Hick’s neice, Miss Bertha Walden, of Kincardine, who is- re­ maining for a visit. There will -be choir practise in the church o,n Friday evening. There will be a guest speaker at both the morning and evening ser­ vice in the church on (Sunday, .Nov, 17’. The morning service is (the annual Thank-offering of the W.M’.S. It is hoped that there will •be a good attendane at both of these services. Special music will be provided by the choir. MJiss- Rachel Wilson has’ returned home having spent a few days with Mir. -and Mrs, Fred Kerr at Oredi- <ton. .Mr. ILorne Hicks is confined to .home owing to illness. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery Y.P.U. Hold Banquet The Centralia YJP.U, held a very successful banquet on Tuesday ev­ ening of last week. The president, Jack Hepburn, was in the chair. A toast to the King and Country was proposed by Bill Elliott; a toast to the Church by Sam Skinnei- with Rev. Weir responding; a toast to the Y.P.U. by Hazel Buswell with Jack Hepburn replying. A vote of thanks to the guests, to all taking part in t'he program and to the ladies was moved by Miss Urqu­ hart Miss' Mountain was the guest speakei’ and gave a very interesting address. A duet was sung fay Doris ana Sam Skinner. Joanne McCurdy •favoured with an instrumental. Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell, of Exetej, were present and conducted a -play period with never a dull moment. W.M.S. Hold Meeting i The November meeting of the W.M.S. was 'held at the home of .Mbs. Wellington Skinner on Tues­ day evening with 19 members and 3 visitors present. Mrs. Weir led the worship service and gave a very interesting talk on a recent meeting held in Goderich with Mrs, iSelf, president foipf the Dominion Board, as guest'speaker. Mrs. Pen­ warden sang an Indian Hymn. The chapter in the study book was tak­ en by Mrs. F. Bowden. A splendid report on the convention at Roys church was sent in by the delegate ■Mrs. Lorne Hicks. This was read by Mrs. Geo. Hicks.,- All officers were returned to office for the coming year by motion. Mrs. Weii* invited the Society to her (home for the December meeting. A very dainty lunch ’was served by Mrs. Penwar­ den and Mrs. Wickwire. Annual AV.A, Meeting The annual meeting of the W.A. was held in the (basement of the church on Thursday, Nov. 7th with 27 members and 4 visitors present. The president was in the chair, op­ ening the meeting with a hymn after which all repeated the Lord’s •Prayer. It was decided to donate $5.0'0.' to the Navy League. The Society, having been divided dur­ ing the year into -two groups, brought in the results which were, Group 1, 232 points and $120.00; Group 2, 190 points and $221.60. The winning side have to , provide the lunch for the Decembei’ meet­ ing and the losing side the pro­ gram- Rev. Mr. Weir then took the chair for the election of officers with the following Results: presi­ dent, Mrs. Gerald Godbolt; 1st vice-president, Mrs. O. Brown; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. L. Hodgson; secretary, Miss IF. Davey; treasur- ei*, Mrs. H. Godibolt; pianist, Mrs. A. Essery; assistant pianist, M)rs. W Essery. The meeting was closed with a hymn and all vepeating the -Mizpah Benediction, Mrs, Miss with When in town on Saturday night get filled up with ANTI-FREEZI'J at Snell Bros* & Co. We will have a mechanic on Saturday nights from now on. corsage of gold and maroon chry­ santhemums. The room was dec­ orated With autumn leaves and chrysanthemums and the guests were seated for the wedding sup­ per at tables graced with pink tapers and silver baskets of pink roses. Following the reception the bride and groom left on a wedding near bride with but* belt, I trip to LixnberlOSt Lodge, Huntsville Fox* travelling the wore a grey wool suit styled round turn-down collar, jet tons and a patent leather and black poke bonnet feather hat black accessories and a corsage of fUSChia chrysanthemums. Among the out of town guests present were Mr, and Mrs. John Cudmore, of Toronto, Mrs. Gerald Murdoff, of Brighton, Mrs. J. F. Blair, of Toronto, Mr. and' Mrs. Gefell Ellwood, of Toronto, Miss Theo. Williams, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goyne, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. williams Mary Ruth and Jolhfa of Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mi*, and Mrs. Harold Carr, of Pott Credit, , her the Mts« and par* Was- -and Sun- Mrs. BRINSLEY Rev. Penney Bright, of London, occupied the pulpit in Brinsley United ohprch on Sunday lust on behalf of the Bible society. Congratulations tp. Mir* and Mrs* Arnold Wasnidge on their recent marriage. The Ladies Guild of fit, Marys Anglican Church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Levi Whiteon Wednesday last, '*'•’ “ ■' Mrs. Harry Pretchard and daughter, of Norwich, spent week-end with her sister, Newton Wasnidge. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rosser Jack, of Ailsa Craig, spent Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs. doe Amos, Miss Vera Wasnidge, of Toronto, spent thp week-end with her ents. Mr, and Mrs, Newton nidge. Messrs, Gordon Craven and aid Watson returned (home the West on Wednesday last, Mrs. Gordon Rock and children, of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. J. L. Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Young daughter, of Parkhill, spent day with her parents. Mr. and Bishop. The community will be glad to know that Mr. Roy Glenn, who has been confined to a London Hospital, is improving, Mr. and Mirs; Wm. Haskett, of Denfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cevil Ellwood, Miss Violet Dundas, of Detroit, spent, the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mirs, Wm, Darling, of Clandeboye. W.M.S. and AV.A,’ Meeting The ladies of the W-M.S. and W.A. of Brinsley United Church held their regular monthly meeting in the basement of the church on Wednesday last with Group 4 in charge of the program with Miss Gladys Neil in the chair. The meet­ ing opened with, hymn 14 6 follow­ ed by prayer by MPs. Cecil Hartle. Readings were given fay Mrs. Mac Allison and Mrs, Harvey Tweddle. Rev, Trueblood gave a chapter of the study hook. A duet was ■by Mrs. Roland Neil and Gladys Neil entitled “In the den.” Mrs. Newton Wasnidge a reading ‘, God were you,” The president of the W.M.S., Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice took the business part of the meet­ ing after which Mrs. George Hodg­ son, president of the W.A., took the chair. Hymn 220 was sung. It was decided to sell sandwiches; pie and coffee at the sale of Mr, Merton Shildice. The meeting clos­ed wilh the Mizpah Benediction CREDITON EAST Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bullock Spent the week-end in Toronto with their daughter and son-in* law, Mr. and Mrs- Edward Parbey, Mr. ^nd Mirs. Charles Glanville and two sons left Saturday for a weok’s visit with the former’s par* ents in the Manitpulln. Island, Master Barry Hamilton of Grand Rend, spent the week-end with- his gx’andparpnts, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, * Miss Betty Bender spent the week-end in Exetex- with her aunt ■and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Leopard Bender. Mr, Wm, Bender, who has beep in Toronto with faie wife, spent Friday at his hpme here. Mrs. Bepder is (getting along as well as can fap expected since her ppex’ation Mr. and Mirs, H, Appletop, of 'ParkhlH spent Saturday with Mr. J. Appleton. Mr, and Mirs, Alee Hamilton, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. L. Wein and Mr. and Mrs, H. Lewis. Mrs, Gordon Hunter, of London, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Murray Neil, Mirs, Chris, Rau returned home •Saturday aftex’ receiving treatments ip St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, for the past seven weeks and we are pleased to report she is im­ proving. On All Makes of Cars and Try&k$ At our modernly equipped, Department you will • find expertly staffed Service EVERYTHING UNDER ONE ROOF for prompt, satisfactory car and truck servicing'. Whatever your vehicle needs — save time and trouble by seeing us first for one-stop service! Snell Bros. & Co. EXETER Thrifty buyers watch the Want- Ads for bargains, Service for Women a sung Miss Gar- gave “If you were God and TAii ’’ rrVhri tnvacnHoTif nf WOODHAM and Mrs. David 'Parkinson,Mr. and Mrs. David 'Parkinson, of Trenton, - are visiting with the former’s father, Mr. Harvey Park­ inson. Mrs. Doris Shier, Ronnie Larrie, of Ingersoll, spent week-end with hei’ parents, and Mrs. Frank McNaughton. ■Mr. John Thomson and Robert, of Toronto, visited ovex* the week­ end with Mrs. John Thomson. Mrs. Oiwille Steckley, of Toronto is spending -a few days with hex’ mother, Mrs. John Thomson. Mr. and Mrs Norman Johns Miss Marion -Stephens, of London, and Miss Muriel (Stephens, of St. -Marys, spoilt the week-end with theii’ par­ ents, Mi’, and Mrs. Dave Stephens Mr. and Mrs. James Squire, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson. Miss Fern Rodd, of London, spent the week-end with liei’ par­ ents, (Mr, and Mirs. Edgar Rodd ■Miss Jean Copeland attended the Vyles-Pringle wedding in London ■on (Saturday. •Miss Diane Dykeman, of Galt, visited with her grandparents, and Mi’s, Frank McNaughton the week-end. and the Mr. Mr. over Remember when you visit Tomlinson’s Hairdressing you are availing yourself of a professional service. The hairdressers of today are trained to give your hair the proper attention it needs. They know how to arrange it into a beautiful coiffure suited to your individual needs. We know what to do, when to do it and how to do it. inson s Hairdressing “Exeter’s Favorite Beauty Spot” Phone 146 Exeter This year we are very proud of our large selection of toys and games. We invite you to visit our toyland for your Christmas shopping. It includes: Wooden and Steel Toys Games of all kinds Dolls Sets of Dishes Guns Airplane Kits Blackboards Fold-away Doll Houses KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. John Williams spent part of the past week with ■theii’ son, Wilbur, neai* St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Allan. Berry left Saturday morning to spend a week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ander- soxi in Toronto and also attend the Royal Wintei* Fair. Mrs. C. A. Campbell has return­ ed home from a 10-day visit with hex* sister, Miss Proctor at Sarnia. Mrs. W. ;S. Cluff, Don and Paul, of Guelph, spent the week-end with •the former’s mother, * Mrs. I. N. Marshall. Misses Grace Collier and June Walters, Ross Dobson and the 'Paul Bros., accompanied fay Mrs. Harold Davis, provided the program at the Holstein Banquet at past week. Mrs. Robert Hazen, er, and MrS. Harry Port Roweii, spent part of tlxe past week with Mrs. Floyd Pridham. Miss Agnes Greason attended the Mooney-Dwyer wedding at London this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ryckman, of Exeter, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff. Hold Bazanr The Ladies’ Aid and W.A, Pauls Anglican G'littrch held annual Bazaar in Aberdeen Kirkton, Friday, Nov. Sth. There was a wonderful showing of the ladies’ .handicraft *and their hard W0x‘k produced vbi'y satisfactory results, A short program of local talent with Rev. Canon James as Chairman was enjoyed. The lunch counter was well patronized hnd was received graciously by the visitors. The proceeds amounted io $194.0(0, much higher than last year. Clinton this of 'Port Dov- Greason, of of St. t h Oil’ Hall, Christmas Tree Lights and Decorations We Have a Large Shipment of Steel Posts Story Books Jig Saws Wagons Kidtlie-Kars Sleighs Table Tennis Candid Cameras Crokuiole Boards Finish Turkeys for Don’t let your, turkeys go to market improperly finished. You can’t make mon­ ey that way, About four weeks before market time, if you switch to Purina Turkey Chicken Fatena Checkers you’ll have birds with a smooth plump finish when you come to sell them. This feed contains special fattening ingredients that turkeys really like. You’ll get top market prices by finishing them on Purina. If so, bolster up your ration for layers, pullets, broilers and turkeys Supplies Gerierous Quantity Tonic and Conditioner Unable to Get Enough Good Feed? USE Purina of Extra Vitamins—Acts As Traquair’s ......■....' ;;—-Hardware One Door South of Post Office v