HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-11-14, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMER 14th, 1946 FOOLISH TO NEGLECT 5NIFFLES, SNEEZES OF _____ ______ heavers Family Rounds Out 1OO Years, in Blanshard Township W 1 w? A bottle of Vicks Va-tro-nol is mighty handy to have around the house be- cause this double-duty nose drops ... Quickly Relieves speesy,, sniff iy -=-■—rsA's"--:-.Jstuffy distress pf head pold?. Makes breathing easier. Helps Prevent poids from, develop- ———•■ - ing if used at the first warning sniffle or sneeze. This Double-Duty No$e Drops should save you much misery. Try it! Works fine! You’ll like it! ' ' VICKS VA-TRO-NOL M ■ Why Wait till it is wet to get your wintei’ fuel in? Now is the time when we have it in stock. Nut Coke Stoker Coal Alberta Hard Lump (Old Price) Briquettes Anthracite Egg Coal Anthracite Pea Coal Pocahontas (stove size) Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 ■W I K OUR SERVICE IS DIFFERENT. WE SELL YOU A FIT IN OUR PRIVATE TRUSS ROOM. Trusses, Belts, Supports of all kinds, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Over 15 years experience. Your drugs at ROBERTSON'S Phone 50 Exeter HensallCouncil Meets The regular meeting of the Vil­ lage Council was held Tuesday evening, November 5. immediately after the Court of Revision on the 4/947 Assessment Roil at the hour of 945 p.m. with all members be­ ing present. The minutes of the previous meeting also the special meeting were read Fink .and Hyde that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. T. Kyle reported the stand pipe on the wafer tank as being broken at the rear of the Hall, be repaired as soon R, J, Patterson, reported as having sum of ’ * date. J. A. re the part of storage of salt for the winter, al­ so asked about the printing of the Financial report and was instruct­ ed to -make it as simple as possible in line with other -municipalities. M. Moir reported a conversation he had with H. L, Davidson and he stated he had received a ship­ ping bill on pipe from U.S.A, which he will use on our test wells. Correspondence read as follows; Miss C, Mitchell, C.N.R,, Dept, of Travel and Publicity, Meadows, Critoph & Co., Canadian Fire En- ine Co., Dept, of Veterans Affairs, Zurich Lions Club, Mr. F. J. Waud Emergency Shelter Officer, F. L. Davidson, same considered and fil­ ed, Bills and accounts read as fol­ lows; Hensall Hydro, hydro hall, 14,43;. T. Kyle, salary, 73,80; J. Pfaff, teaming park, 3.00; W. O. Goodwin, club bags, 100.00; Brown’s Hardware, supplies hall, 6.97; T. Huddleson, labor streets, 23.00; J. Bonthr-on & Son supplies Hall and wreath, 57.45; J. A. Paterson, selecting Jurors, 1.50; R. J. 1,50; R. E, Jurors, 1.50; repayment of 1000,75. Total, and Moir, that bills and as read be paid. Carried. Kerslake and Fink that we now adjourn to meet again November 15th at 8 p.m. Carried. Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll was held day evening at S p.m. in the as $3483,t28 in same to as possible. Ta'x Collector collected the 1946 Taxes to •Patterson, Clerk reported Dept, of Highways using the church shed for the wreath, 57.45; selecting Jurors, Paterson, selecting Jurors, Shaddick, Bank ’ of loan and 1283.90. selecting Montreal, interest, Kerslake accounts The beavers came to Blan- shard Township one hundred years agm > On April 6 th 1844 a family con­ sisting qt father, mother- and sev­ en children, went on board a steam -packet engaged in the Coast trade -of England ut the town of Gool in Yorkshire. They were on their way to seek out for them­ selves a new home in the then comparatively unknown parts of America. ,They took passage from Hull, in the “Stentor”, bound for Quebec. They sailed round the North of Scotland, met adverse winds and the voyage was prolong­ ed much beyond that for which provision was made for the famil­ ies of the passengers and for the crew. It was three months from the date of sailing to the date of landing. For two years William Beavers and family lived on a farm near Toronto, then called Muddy York. In the fall of 1846 they moved to the Township of Blanshard which was being opened up by the Can­ ada Company. They settled on lot 16 conscession 4, where the fath­ er livqd for only three years. He was a man of sturdy frame who found his strength greater than any demands there had been made upon it, but found many unexpect­ ed demands, which he could not meet. He left the mother whose maiden name was Sarah Clarkson, with a family of 9 children, the youngest only 7 months old, to clear up and pay for a bush farm, and to make their “own way in the world. He was buried in .the cem­ etery where the log Wesleyan Church had been built -on the Mit­ chell Road, Blanshard. ‘ They were devout Methodists and their home was the first to invite and open the dooi- to the Minister of ’the Gospel in that community. The first public school was built on their farm lot con. 4, Blanshard Church on Lot 17, was bought by on< Joseph Beavers. These farms Beavers Name, the school ing but the Church closed moved some years ago. The father and mother also 16, and Salem con 4, which of the sons, are still in the remain- and re- of this all the the last one to depart Massey-Harris Sales and Service Phones: Office 88W; House 88J GRIMM Maple Syrup Evaporators and Supplies. only a limited amount of again this year, so any is interested should get with our representative in Exeter now. We have materials one who in touch lams The young man in the dock was charged with disorderly conduct. Eyeing him coldly, the magistrate asked his profession. “My client is .a -professional foot­ baller," explained the defendant’s lawyer, “he plays outside-right for his team." “He does, ’does he?" said the, ma­ gistrate coldly. “Well, he’ll have to change his .position. .'He’ll be right inside for the next -fourteen days!’’ >1'947 Tues- _____„ ... . __ __ Coun­ cil Chamber with all -members be­ ing present. All members of the Court hav­ ing taken their Oath of Office the Court was declared -open for the transaction of business.. Minutes of the .previous were read and adopted. Stanley Tudor appeared port of his appeal and that ‘ ~ high. assessment of S. Tudor be lowered to the sum of '$650.00'. Carried, Miss C. Mitchell appeared in support of her appeal which was received too late for action, ask­ ing that her assessment he lower­ ed. Motion; That no action be taken on Miss C. Mitchell’ appeal. Carried. R. J. Patterson, Assessor, stated that he had added the Assessment of the Bell Telephone and the C.N.R. Telegraph to the Roll mak­ ing a total added of $3794.00. The Clerk reported received a letter from the C.N.R. ■ Telegraph­ rescinding their appeal. Motion ;That the Court now be closed. his business Tax Motion; That the Court in sup- declared was too business •Carried. J. A. Paterson,Clerk their Due to increased business we are again enlarging our -build­ ing. The present building will be used, for a modern body and fender shop with enlarged paint room to care for an ex­ panding business in this line. To the -present , building an­ other large addition is being erected for the machine Shop. In the meantime business is is continuing as usual. ? Girl Guides held meeting in McKnighfs hall parents honored K. B. and en- bringing 40 ’ mem- who werh were en- Barbara The regular last Wednesday with the present. The Guides were when Commissioner Mrs. Clysdale paid them a visit rolled ten new member the “enrolment to ovei’ bers. The following girls trained by Janet Kestle rolled, ■ Gloria Appleton. Brintnell, Julia Dunlop, Mary Ford Pat Hopper, Dorothy Pooley, Marj orie Taylor, Margaret Thompson Audrey West and Joan Witmer. Mrs. Clysdale gave the girls a few hints and taught them some her and good expressed Company up the them. was then Ed’s Machine Shop Two Blocks East of Main Street on John Street, ❖ TOBACCO new songs. She pleasure in Exeter’s told them to keep work and inspected A short program with the whole Company singing some rounds and Maxine Refeder sang Missourie Waltz; Sheila Bai­ ley and Bonnie Smith tap danced; Joan Witmen sang The Bells of St Joan Not- Marys; Muriel Wells and Hopper sang Anchors Away; ma Knight, who played for the other entertainers also favored the visitors with the Indian LoVe Call, The meeting closed with the sing­ ing The Hing and Taps. The Guides Will please note that their meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings in MoKnights hall from now on instead of Thurs­ days. The parade Chtirch brance the Presbyterian Guides took part In to on Day CaVeh Sunday for Remem- services; family are gone, children, was George Beavers B.A. of Van­ couver at the age of 87 years. The following list was taken from the family Record now in the possession of B. W. F. Beavers Exeter. .William Beavers born 1800 died 1849; Sarah Clarkspn, born 1807, died (1'897 (his wife); the children, Mary'Beavers, born 1830, died 1870 (married Conneille Swit zer); Joseph Beavers, born 1832, died 1909; Benjamin Beavers born 1834, died 11925; William Beavers, born 1836, died 1910; 'John Beav­ ers, born 111838, died 1859: Hariot Ann Beavers born 1841, died 1889 ; Hannah born 1843, died 1930, Samuel Ford) George born 1845, died 1942; (married Thomas Tufts); Beavers, married Beavers, Samuel Beavers, 1865, born 1849, died James McCarthy Dies With a large attendance friends the funeral of James Carthy, one of Biddulph’s .must highly respected citizens, waS held from the residence, lot 23, conces­ sion 10, on November 2nd Patrick’s church. Requiem Rev. ________ ______ four sons of the deceased, ‘Leo, Donald Glynn,. of ..Niagara church. mass was sung by Macksey, assisted by of Mc- to St. high Father grand­ James, and Donald Glynn,. of ..Niagara Falls, N.Y., and James C. McCar­ thy, Granton. Mr. McCarthy spent all his life in Biddulph, having lived mo^t of it on the farm where he died and this farm has the dis­ tinction of having the fourth gen­ eration living on it now. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Alice (Keat­ ing) McCarthy; one son, Lawrence at home; three daughters, Mrs.' J, T. Drea, Buffalo, N.Y,, Mrs. V. E. Glynn, Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mrs. C. F. Holland, Waterloo. The pall­ bearers were John Whelihan, Wil­ liam Mcllhargey,’ Joseph Kennedy, Irwin Carty, Joseph Beatson and Joseph Casey. Interment was in St.. Patrick’s Cemetery, THAMES ROAR Mr* nnd Mro- John Bray cele­ brated their 'twentieth wedding anniversary pp- Wednesday evening pf last week M their heme, Rela­ tives, friends- and the neighbors were among the guests. On Wesnesday afternoon last School Section No. 2, Vsborne with Miss Helen HpwMt as teacher, ob­ served Educational Week by invit­ ing the parents to the school for the afternoon to observe teaching classes and Inspect the work -of the children and the school, The at­ tendance was not large but those who attended were pleased with iboth the effort and work of the teacher and pupils, Mr, anc| -Mrs. Chas, Miller spent a few days this week visiting with relatives In Toronto. They attend­ ed the Royal Winter Fair while there. Mt, and Mrs. Wilfred Sharon 'and Ross visited with and Mrs. Thos Allen, Jr. on day last. Mrs, A* MRehell, °f Exeter, ited this past week with Mr, Mrs, E>d, Coward, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen, Parkhill, visited on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen, Sr. The Mission Circle will meet at the home of Miss Alice Passmore on Saturday afternoon of .this week. Please bring your Thank- Offering to this meeting. Sunday visitors with Mrs. John Simpson were Mrs. Ross Hogarth and Anne, of 'Cromarty, Mrs. Wilson Hawkins, Dpnelda Hawkins, Peggy Trapnell and Ken Berry, of Sea­ forth. The South Farm iForum met at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Chas. Miller on :Mton day evening with a splendid attendance. The North Group met at ILumley School. We are sorry to hear that Mr. B. Williams, of Exeter, is confined to his bed. His many friends from Thames Road wish him a speedy recovery to health again. Miss Shirley Duncan, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex Duncan. Miss- Anne Morgan, of the Lon­ don teaching staff, spent the holi­ day week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. Bea­ ver on Sunday. A surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie on Friday evening of last when relatives gathered in 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Moodie’s fouth wedding . anniversary. Jessie Gardiner, of Toronto, among the guest and brought with (her a beautifully decorated wed­ ding cake for the occasion. An en­ joyable evening was spent by all. Mrs. Jessie Gardiner, of Toronto visited With Mrs. -Stanley Coward last week-end. Miss Ina Harris and Jim Harris spent the week-end in London with Mr. and Mys^E. Harris. Mr. -Charlie ’Harris, of London, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. ana Mrs. Leonard Harris. At the time -of writing Mrs. Geo. Jeffrey is still confined to her -bed. Her many friends hope she soon enjoy better health. Miss Jean Cann, of .London, ited with her parents over week-end. Mr. Bert Gardiner, of Attention Junior Red ClfW A large number of cones, baN sam, pine, spruce and juniper roots are urgently needed for nrts and crafts work in veterans hospit­ als. These cones and roots aye used in occupational therapy work in which the returned servicemen in hospitals participate in an effort to regain physical and mental health.. This is a fine way of helping our returned your Cross, , .............. where /they will he distributed to the DVA hospitals, seryicemen. Please send collection to Junior Red 621 Jarvis Street, Toronto, A a j Allen, Mr. Sun- vis- and of Mr. and Mr. and •Margaret week honor fifty- Mrs. , was (London, The visited of this Miss spent Sunday with her parents. Miss June Coward, of Exeter, spent .Sunday with her parents . Several from this community at­ tended the “Willard’s Ontario Panorama" and Alan Savage in the Arena last Friday night. Sunday services will he usual hour on Sunday. School at 10.15 a.m. and at 1145 a.m. Lumley Farm Forum Meeting The Lumley Farm Forum met in •the school' house with present. After radio groadcast took ‘the chair, formed and on the subject “What About Home Improvement?’’ Re- on discussion for question 1: are main obstacles to. farm improvement? They were at- to income; shortage of school nurse, Miss Falconer, Thames Road school on week, Wilma Borland, of Exeter, “Willard’s with Gordon 'Sinclair Exeter a at the Sunday Church forty-four listening to the Percy Passmore Four groups were discussion took place Farm ports What home tributed to lack of know-how; insufficient income; shv4o.ee v, materials and shortage of h^lp and time. Answer to question 2 waa that (Farm Forum could promote farm home, improvement in our community by competitions in farm home improvement. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of E. J. Pym and seconded "•by Mrs. Jos. Kernick. A report from the delega­ tion sent to Walton to attend the Rural Life Conference was read by Donald Kernck. The election of officers followed. Mr. Percy Pass- more tendered his resignation as chairman and nominated,, Mr. Ar­ nold Cann as the new chairman. Donald Kernick tendered •'his res­ ignation as secretary, Mrs. Wm. Etheringtoir moved that we disre­ gard this resignation and moved that the same secretary -act for an- othei’ year, seconded by Ed. Alexander. It was moved by Mrs, Archie Morgan and seconded by Mrs. Jas. Kirkland that the people from the 'boundary provide the program for the next week. Mrs. W. Etherington will provide cream and tea. Ladies provide lunch. Arnold Cann, chairman of program committee introduced the program by a selection from Thames Road orchestra consisting of Messrs, j Wm. Rohde, Harry Jeffery, Jack Cann and Arnold Cann followed -by a piano selection by Grant Morgan and a violin selection by Leland Webber. Progressive euchre lowed with prizes awarded to winners. Lunch was served -by ladies. NOTICE This store will be closed from Monday, November 4th, until further notice, for alterations and repairs. Watch the Exeter Paper for re-opening. Dinney Furniture Stofe R. C. Dinney Funeral Service as Usual For any enquiries, Phone 20W f Keep Your Car In Service CLEAN SPARK REGULAR INFLATION PLUGS SAVE GAS SAVES TIRES Have them cleaned, regapped Check the air pressure at at least every 5,000 miles least once a week CORRECT GOOD BRAKES LUBRICATION SAVE LIVES SAVES WEAR AND ACCIDENTS Have oil changed every month Have brakes fixed im- or every 1,000 miles wliich-mediately if they become weak. Have linings checked ever is the shorter period regularly GRAHAM ARTHUR Your Red Indian Service Station held Let a Want-Ad be your salesman ■a ‘Go-Gettei- that costs yo..u little. sr- Qi Ml CO " spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner. Mr. Ray Stewart, of University, spent the with his parents1. Mr. Allison’ Morgan, of O.A.C. Guelph, spent the week-end with his parents. Miss Margaret Allison, of don, visited with her parents the week-end. ■Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Simipson Mrs. Fleming are spending a days at Stouffville this week. Don’t forget the ’-Davies Concert’ in the church Friday evening, Nov. 15th .at 8.30 p.m. under the aus­ pices of the W.A. Admission, children 25c and adults 50 c. Mrs. Wm. Elford was a delegate, ■to the Woman’s Institute Conven­ tion which was held in London on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Misses Alma ana ’Ina Dougall, of Atwood, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller over Sunday. Miss Annie Elford, of London, spent the holiday week-end - with ■her parents. The W.M.S. and W.A. met at the heme of Mrs. Percy -Passmore on Wednesday afternoon of this week. During the church service hour on Sunday the service of Baptism was* administered to the following: Floyd Miller Duncan, and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan; Douglas Beaver, son of Mr Mrs. Orval Beaver, Barbara Joanne Webber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lee Webber; .Karon Joyce Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Allen; Sharon Lynn Allen, daugh­ ter. of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Allen, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner, Mary and Bert visited with Mr and Mrs. Fred Long at Atwood on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ thur Ford, Mr. and and family, of Kippen, visited on Sunday with Mr. find Mrs. 'Percy Passmore, Messrs. Fred Dawson, Percy Passmore, Donald Kernick and Arnold Calin attended the Rural Life Convention last Wednesday at Waitoil, Messrs. Chas Miller, Ed­ win Miller, Wm, Elford and Rev, Wm. Mair attended the Convention in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann, Mr. Orville Cahn aiid Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgert, of Exeter, spent a couple of days nt the Royal Whiter /Fair In Toronto this week, Western week-end son of Mr. Garry >’ and of Exeter. Mrs. ROsS Broadfoot will had ; Lon- over fol- the thevis- the Director: “Have you ever any stage experience?" Applicant: “Well, I had my leg in a cast once t Buy, Sei 1, Swap Through Times-Advocate Classifieds