HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-11-14, Page 2f! •t I FEED 5ERVIEE1 »«;-wWorms Waste Feedg THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, gXETO. ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMER 14th, 1946 1 » Feed is Searcy Don’t Feed it to Worms Many Hogs are Worm Infested These Hogs do Poorly -—Waste Feed —Cost Money SHUR.GAIN WQRMRID Gets the Worms —Quickly —Completely —Cheaply Worm Your Hogs After Weaning with IO YEARS AGO Reuienibrance Day was fittingly observed In Sxpter on Wednesday. The day throughout was observed as a holiday with all places pf business, closed, in the morning a service of Remembrance was held, in the Trivitt Memorial church. The members of the Exeter branch of the Canadian Legion headed by the Exeter band paraded to the church. The reeve and attended in a body. The remodelling of Oddfellows completed. The been under J. R. Hind. Work on ity building ly. The building is to be principal’ ly of steel. A number of members of the Exeter 1,0.0.F. attended a district meeting in Clinton Monday ning. The guests of honor were the Grand Master, W. stone, of Carling, Opt., and Grand Secretary, Win, S. Brooks, of Tor­ onto. D.D.G.M. Chas. Salter, of Exeter, presided. By application to and being up with pupils in the Exeter will be allowed to leave a half an hour earlier in the afternoon ac­ cording to a new system adopted by the Board of Education Mon­ day evening. The new plan be tried out until next Easter 25 oz pkg. .. Bulk (251bs.) . 50c $3.65 SHUR-GAIN Hog Wormrids and SAVE FEED Whalen wiatM Please return empty beer bottles to your nearest Brewers’ Retail Store or phone for pick-up service. Refund price is 72C for 2 doz, pints, 60^ for 1 doz. quarts. HARPLEY Mrs. Mark Miller and niece, Sally Hayter, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Maria Hayter, Nurse Helen is spending a home hero, Mrs. Bruce Bagleson, of Greeu- way, spent Tuesday with hex’ si$- tei\ Mrs. Newtop Haytex*. Miss Shirley in Parkhill for Mrs, T. Dixon. Miss Elenor tx'oit, spent the parents, Mr,, and Mrs. Fred McLin- chey, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Churchward, of London, visited over the week­ end at the home of Mr. Paul Eagleson. Mr, axxd Friday on Manitoulin Mr, and Mrs, Ross Brown and Mrs. Browns’ brother1, Who is vis­ iting hex’ at present, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Parry Thompson at Lieury. Mr. Max Disjardine went to- ■London Hospital oxx Friday. We hope to see him home again soon. Stephen Council The regular monthly meeting of the Council qf the Township of Ste­ phen met in the council rooms, Cred­ iton, on Tuesday, November 5, 1946 at one o’clock with the following members present: Roy Rata, Reeve Arthui- J. Amy, deputy-reeve; and councillors J, H. Dalton, John A, Morrissey and Elmex* Lawson. The minutes of the previous meeting and the special meeting of October 2let were read and adopted on motion of J. H, >palton and Elmer Lawson. Moved by J. H. Dalton, sec. by Elmer Lawson that the levy of one mill which was levied on Folice Vil­ lages fox1 -the payment of the new gradex- be rebated back to the Police Villages of Centralia, Crediton, Dashwood and Grand Bend,—Carried Moved by J. H. Dalton,, sec. by John A. Morrissey that the Road ■ Accounts fox* the month of October ibe paid as follows; Township of 1. King-»stephen $4(28.04; Grand Bend Police 11 (Village $16.00; total $444.04. Moved by Elmer Lawson, sec,, ,by J. A, Morrissey that the following General Accounts be paid as follows: Roy Rata, selecting jurors 4.00; M. C. Sweitzer, selecting jurors 4,00; L. B. Hodgson, selecting jurors, 4.0d<; Restemeyex- and Miller, relief 4.00, Ernest Guettinger, caretaker of ath­ letic field 13,00; Ernest Guettinger, milk inspection 12.50; Tinxes-Advo- cate, printing, 128.93; County . of Huron, hospitalization, 11.25; H. K. Eilber, premium on burglary insur­ ance, 12.50; Municipal World, revis­ ed statues for 1946. 2.00 Centralia Farmers Co-Op., -cement, 7.00; T. A. Wiseman, auditor’® fees 150.00; J.H. Dalton, expenses of council to Toron­ to, 31.601; M. 0. Sweitzer,, assessor's salary 65.00; Joe Hartman, bounty on fox, 2.00; Mirs. Wilbux* Mawson, rent, relief, 12.00; total $3736.96. Court of revision will be held Fri­ day, November 15 th. Regular Council meeting Monday, Dec. 2, Final meeting Monday Dec 16, L. B. Hodgsoix Clerk. councillors the Exeter fast being remodelling has the supervision of Mr, Block is Exeter’s new comniun- is being pushed rapid’ eve- their work their lessons public school will 15 YEARS AGO Canada’s first Remembrance was fittingly celebrated in Exeter on Wednesday when the members of the various branches of the Canadian Legion in Huron County gathered at Victoria Park and headed by the Goderich band and the Clinton Kiltie band paraded to the Trivitt Memorial church. A new garage has been erected at the rear of the James Street United parsonage and a new fur­ nace has been installed in the par­ sonage. The first snow of the season fell during the early hours of Sat­ urday morning. It did not last long. Sleet, snow and rain fell at intervals throughout the day. Messrs. Herman Dayman Orville Twitchell and Ezra , Willard, of Hensail, who have spent the past two weeks in. New Ontario hunt­ ing for deer, have returned home. Mr. Fred Huxtable, been assistant at the Chopping Mill for the past six months has been appointed mana­ ger and_will now have full charge of Usborne, Mr, Harding R.R. 3, Mr. Chas. Miller, has been engaged by to act as courier for the winter months. 25 YEARS day who has 'Centralia for A Special meeting of the Council of the Township of Stephen, was held in the ‘Council rooms, Crediton, on Monday evening Oct. 21, at 8 o’clock Arthur J. Amy, deputy-reeve was ab­ sent. The meeting was held for the pur­ pose of deciding on the date for hold­ ing Nominations and Elections. It was decided that Nominations be held on Friday, .November 22, 1946 and the Election, if necessary, be .held on Monday, Dec. 9th, 1946. Moved by J. H. Dalton, sec. by Elmer Lawson that By-Law No. 648, which is a by-law setting the date for nominations and elections having been read a first, second and a third time be finally passed and the seal of the Corporation he attached there­ to. her mother, Mrs,' Love, of London, few days at her Murray is staying a few weeks with McLinchey, of De­ week-end with her Mrs. Wm, Love left on a. hunting trip up to Island. A woman will wear a golf out­ fit when she can’t play, and "a bathing suit when she can’t swim, but When she puts on a wedding dress she means business. It Costs Less in the Long Run To Use Top Quality Feeds Poultry Needs—-Lay mash, g'rQW mash, oyster shell, fortified Pilchord Oil, 3 grades, Howard Poultry Medicine, round feed hoppers, large water cans. Hogs and Calves— Pig starter, hog grower, brood sow ratioxx, and calf meal, Howard’s hog medicine, calvefa calf savers, Pyatt’s Tonics for Hogs, Cattle and Poultry Poultry and Worm x Pel—Easy to administer, effective results. ♦ ment Poultry water warmers and Electropails in two sizes. One tilt-in garage door track. 5 50ft. rolls snow fence and other useful farm equip- Orders Taken for Western Oats off Car Exeter District Cooperative Phone 287 for more IDRI -/ i * .4 I » » A ? t 4 f 4 » m > 4 * •» r * J f 4 This year’s outlay of 38 millions is part of'our 100 million dollar construction programme planned to the end of next year. Practically every^Bell Telephone exchange in Ontario and Quebec will benefit in some important way by the expansion of telephone services between now and 1950. Local Service 4 4 .* d n INFRA r For the relief of com­ mon muscular pains * wherever the penetrat- AGO The anniversary services of Main Street Methodist church_ Sunday last were largely attended and most successful in every way. The special speakex* for the occas­ ion was Rev. J. E. J. Millyard, of Sarnia. The Exetex’ Flax Mijl has start­ ed operations this week. The snow which we had with us for a week has nearly all disap­ peared. Quite a large the concert in the Saturday evening Dunbar, the lady Munro children i the Henderson Juvenile Pipe Band pipers, singers and dancers. All were well pleased with the affair. Mr. Byron Hicks left on Satur­ day with 90 head of cattle fox* the British market. Messrs. Hardy and Brock, of Lucan, accompanied him On Wednesday of this week. Mr. William Uoates left for the same market with 85 head. Messrs >L. Woods and Richard Cornish ac­ companied him. . The members of the’ A.Y.P.A, held a most enjoyable Pumpkin Pie and Ice Cream social in the rooms on Friday evening. A pro­ gram was rendered and contests and sports were enjoyed?- . Mr. Hectoi’ Rowcliffe was winner of several prizes in Kitchener Poultry show with Game tlie on crowd attended Opera House on to hear Alice ■comedian, the entertainers and and‘•Red Caps, the the his 50 YEARS AGO Geo. Webber has opened a laundry in town opposite GENERAL HEAT LAMPS A SAft S / HCAT sowws ing heat of infra-red rays is required .• > always trust th6 high quality infta-ted heat lamps made by General Electric. L. B'. Hodgson, Clerk. ~--- -- ■ . OPEN SEASON1* FOB SQUIRREL There will be axi open season for gray and black squirrels ixi Ontario on November 15 >and- 16. A bag limit to five squirrels in one day has been ordered. SHIPKA Service service ’of- the W. A. on evening last was well at- The president iMrs. Jacob On V-J Day, 92,00.0 persons were waiting for telephones. New orders were coming in faster than they could be filled. We have connected 140,000 addi- ( tional telephones since then,, yet there are still 75,000 people waiting for service.■* Mr. steam Messrs. Weekes Bros marble works Mr. "Wes Snell shipped five car loads of stock cattle to Petersburg on Saturday last and three more on Tuesday. Messrs. Wood Bros, shipped a carload of cattle to Mon­ treal oil shipped Montreal Monday. Dr, D. Davis a carload of cattle to on Monday, Mr. Jos. Cobbledick shipped 5000 bushels of barley to New York on Monday Mr, D< DaVis shipped a car of hogs to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. II. Willett, of Dashwood, shipped a car of lambs from Exeter On Tuesday to the Buffalo markets. Warren Ross, son of Mr. D. A. Ross, left Tuesday for Preston where he will serve an apprentice­ ship in a machine shop. The Pt. Rev. Maurice S. Bald­ win, Lord Bishop of Huron deliv­ ered an interesting lecture vitt Memorial day, „ Miss Lavina Brown, of Crediton, is at London playing the pipe organ which to be placed in tlie new church. Several inches of snow fell dur* ing Thursday night and Friday but the warm weather following soon made it scarce. W. A. The Sunday tend. "__ ______ ____ Ratz, was in charge of the service. Miss Pearl Keys read the scripture lesson. The message of Miss Vera Wasnidge on Missions was inter­ esting. The choir of ladies and a duet by Mrs. Ross Love and Mrs. Harry Sheppard undex* the leader­ ship of Mrs. George Love was much enjoyed by all present. Mirs. Arthux* Finkbeiner and Mirs. Cliff received the offering. W. A. Meeting The regular meeting of A. was ‘held on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. Sheppard, r ' v _ The meeting opened with the pres­ ident in Charge by singing “My Faith Looks up to Thee” and pray- er by the president. Reports were given ana adopted. After discussion furthei’ plans were made for the special service on Sunday evening. A ‘box of warm clothes was packed ■to be sent to Mrs. Sloaman in the north. The next meeting will be ■the Christmas party *with exchange of gifts. The meeting closed with ■a hymn and the Lord’s iprayer in unison. -A very dainty lunch was served iby the hostess. Mrs. Isaiah Teabreau (moved week to the home of hex* son, •Harry Me McAdam®, near (Zurich. Mr. Wm. Dinnin who has been a patient in St. Joseph’s hospital* for the past three weeks returned to his home oxx Sunday last. • Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner, of Grand Bend»and Miss Erma Finkbeiner, of (Sarnia and Misses (Lila and Aud­ rey Finkbeiner, of London spent the week-end with relatives here. Russell the W. evening Harry Fourteen were present. HIBBERT COUNCIL last ■Mr. The regular monthly council meeting of the Hibbert Township Council was held on Tuesday Nov­ ember 5th. Reeve Joseph Atkinson presiding. The Clerk read the min­ utes of the previous meeting which Was adopted as read, Correspon­ dence was read from the Thaxnes Valley Development Project and the Stratford General Hospital, A resolution was passed instructing the payment of seventy-five dol­ lars to Dr. Stapleton for inocula­ tion of the school children, Mr. Allen Vivian was allowed twelve dollai*s for 'sheep killed by dogs, Mr.- James-Crowley Was paid thir­ teen dollars and fifty cents fox* re* ____| pairing what is known as the Scott accidents happen in the kitchen ’ Drain. Road accounts to the than anywhere else?* Hubby: “Yes,‘ amount of $732.80 was paid, deat, and the worst of it is we men Titos. p. Wren, have to eat them!*' 1 Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert in Tri- church on Wednes- taking lessons for is Wifey: “It says here that mote Central Exchange Equipment—At present seven out of ten of Our telephones are dial. Most of the dollars we are planning to spend on local service will be for dial equipment. The making of dial equipment, discontinued during the war, started again last year. Enough was built to connect 20,000 additional dial tele­ phones in 1945. That figure will be doubled this year. After that there will be enough to connect 100,000 dial telephones a year. New central exchange equipment will cost $13,000,000 Local Lines—Cable production vfill provide two billion feet of wire a year to carry local calls. New local cables, wires, poles and underground ducts, will cost $22,000,000 Telephones, Inside Wires, Private Switchboards—This year we will receive over 125,000 telephone instruments. The 1947 output will be over 200,000. New telephones, telephone booths, private switchboards and inside ”re “SC ' ■ $28,000,000 Long Distance Service Out-of-town calls have almost trebled since 1939. We now connect over fifty million Long Distance calls a year. Long Distance Switchboards—100 Long Distance switchboard ”posi- tions” will be built this year. Next year we will install 300 more. New long distance switchboards will cost ~ ___$3,000,000 Long Distance Lines—Our underground cable construction will provide stormproof lines all the way from Quebec to Windsor—with similar con­ nections to the United States. New apparatus to carry twelve telephone conversations at the same time over one pair of wires will be installed between Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and other points. More open wire lines are being erected. New long distance lines will cost Land and Buildings Many of our present buildiiigs will be extended and a number of new build­ ings erected. New building will cost- ± w $11/500/0004 Tools and Vehicles To install this new equipment and look after it we will enlarge our stock of tools, our fleet of motor vehicles and other working equipment. New tools and vehicles will cost „ •_____$5,500,000 Total $100,000,000 The Overall aim of this $100,000,000 construction programme is to provide the best telephone service at the lowest cost. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA i «• •4 < A ■’¥ w . »■ f- J <• ♦ ■4 4 4 I 4 w a n I L 4 •f 1 i * c i *