HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-10-31, Page 10J# Page W THE TIMES-ADVOCATS, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31a, 1946 HALLOWFEN PARTY SPONSORED BY TH® EXETER LIONSCLUB Tasty Treat Pleases the Palate Mr* Peter Bertram, on Sunday last picked from his raspberry bushes a good helping of ripe, red raspberries that were, pleasing to palate at this season of the year. Town Topics Mrs. J. Leary, of Munro, is visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jos, May, £X£TER ARENA Hallowe’en Night AU children years of age and under are invited to be guests at the above party. Parents will please arrange to pick up snudl children at nine o’clock. School Project Continues After being held up for several days owing to a lack of nails work­ men are again busy erecting the building, at the school that is to be used as a classroom in connection with the high school. Items of Social and Personal Interest . , . In and Around Town The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish items of personal interest. ' We and oar readers are interested in you and your friends - ■ Phone 31W Parade from the south end of Exeter at seven o’clock. Headed by tbe Exeter Rand. ADMISSION FREE Opening Dance CROMARTY HALL Tuesday, November Sth 9.30 to 1 James Street W.M.& The Women’s Missionary Society of James St. United church obser­ ved their anniversary on Sunday when Rev. E. R. Stanway, of Brucefield, was the speaker for the day. Mr. Stanw^y was for a number of years a’;-mission ary in China and he gave an interesting account of some of the work being- accomplished there. Mrs. H. Stur­ gis sang a solo at the morning service and a quartette was sung by Walter Cutbush, A. E. Wuerth, Lawrence Wein and E. Linden­ field.1 Modern and Old Time Music Norm Carnegie’s Classic Sextette Prizes for Couples for best waltzes, step dances and spots ADMISSION 40 cents Grand Concert WOODHAM ORANGE5 HALL Convention at Greenway The 36th annual convention the district Council will be held in Greenway United Church Friday, November 1st, at two and seven-thirty p.m. The Council includes most of the Sunday Schools of the Exetex- dis­ trict. Rev. Rev. .MTS. and Exeter. The president is Mrs. Emery Desjardine, of Grand Bend, The ■convention theme is “Nsw Methods for an Old Message.” of Religious Education Among ’ the speakers will be W. T. Cleve, of Grand Bend; R. B. Cumming, of Salford; M. A. Hunt, Rev. A. B. Irwin Rev. Kenneth MadLean, of Tuesday, November Sth at 8 pan. FEATURING: Favourite Four Entertainers of London, assisted by Archie McCullough, scotch comedian, Jean Harris, piper and » dancer. ADMISSION: Reserved Seats 50c Rush Seats 40c Children 25c Plan of ihall at Mill’s Store. BfX3 Dies in London •Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor and Mrs. Wesley Dearing were in Lon­ don Wednesday afternoon attend­ ing the funeral of Mrs. Christopher Thomas Housden (nee Edna 'Char­ lotte Dearing), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Dearing, of London. The deceased passed away suddenly at hex- home, 270 Grosvenor street, on Sunday. Besides her husband and parents, four sisters and one brother survive, Mrs. Gotleib, of Detroit; Mrs. E. (Fuller, of Wat­ ford; Mrs. Howard Down, of Lon­ don; Mrs. Marsh, of Arkona; and 'Philip, of Oakville. The family were former residents of Stephen township. Interment took place' in the London Memorial Park- Saturday Night DANCING NEW and OLD TIME OPERA HOUSE, EXETER EXETER OPERA HOUSE BOB MOORE and his 7-piece orchestra Tuesday, Nov. Sth Dancing .9 p.m. to 12 p.m.Music by < FLANNIGAN’S ORCHESTRA Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter- Hensail Branch 167 Admission 50 cents Sponsored by the EXETER FIREMEN Rev. E, Grigg was supplying at Goderich on Sunday. Miss Anne Whittan spent the week-end at her home in Goderich. Mrs. Hugh McDonald, of Essex, called on Mrs. T. McCurdy on Sun­ day. ‘Douglas Pryde has taken a posi­ tion on the staff of the Times-Ad­ vocate. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allison spent a few days last week visiting -Gra venhurst. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hodgins, Ailsa Craig, visited with Mrs. Harness On Sunday. Mr. J. W- Powell, who is em­ ployed at Wallaceburg, is spending a week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Carroll visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Atkinson, of Saintsbury. Mrs. John McCullagh spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann and family, of Thames Road. Mrs, Lillie Greenlee visited her sisters, Mrs. R. Hedden L, Harness, of town, on Misses Hazel, Phyllis Kerslake, of London, week-end with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Waltex- Grieve and family, of Strathroy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Beavers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wenger, of Mildmay, were the guests- of MT. and Mrs. R. M. Southcott over the week-end. Mr. G. Wonkle and sister, Irene, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Taylor have returned to Dartmouth, N.S., where he will continue his duties R.C.N.V.R. Mrs. T, McCurdy and McCurdy attended the McGill wedding in Granton Church on Saturday last. Mrs. Gordon Emmett (nee Ruth Fraser), of London, is in Victoria Hospital this week inent for her back. Gerald McFalls went an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, and is expected home shortly. Mrs. Wm. McDonald, Mrs. Frank Smale, of visited on Sunday with McCurdy and Miss T. McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie, Mrs. Coward, Mrs. Fletcher and Douglas visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Field at Stoney Greek on Sunday. Ernest (Hap) Wells underwent an operation for appendicitis at Westminster Hospital Thursday’ of last week. He is recuperating nice­ ly. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper visit­ ed for a few days with relatives in Exeter and community last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper observed their 54th wedding anniversary on Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoggarth and Arlene, of Hibbert, spent Thursday evening, Oct. 24th at the home of Mr. John R. Duncan, in Usborne. where a chicken dinner was served the occasion being Mr. Duncan’s 80th birthday. at of L. and Mrs. Saturday, and Ilene spent the with the Miss T. McLean- receiving treat- recently under- for appendicitis Mr. and Seaforth. . Mrs. T. Mr. Nelson Winer and son. Gil­ bert visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Winer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hodge, of Goderich, "were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Loupe, This lovely autumn weather of the past week has enabled some of the village men to step out in their shirt sleeves and enjoy the sun. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Hedden and little daugher, 'Carol, of London, visited the former’s parents, MT- and Mrs. Russell Hedden during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marney and Marilyn, of London, and Miss Free­ man, of Nova Scotia, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Davis this past Sunday, The Fairfield Farm Forum is going to meet November 4th at the home of Mr,, and Mrs. Ed. Lamport. A 'good attendance is requested. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong returned home the latter part of last week ........................ ' with and Member of Seed Delegation Mr. Chas, MacNaugliton is in .Ottawa with a delegation of seed men that is waiting on the govern- men with the view of establishing a seed laboratory in London, Mrs. Gao. Hunter, Mr. Hubert Hunter and • Mrs. Wilson Hawkins and son, Edwin, were in London last week attending the funeral of Mr. Wm., Hudd\ The deceased lived for many years with the late Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Hawkins in Us- borne. after visiting for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doherty relatives in Toronto. Mr, W. R. .and Mrs. Cooper Mrs. Wm. Cooper, of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. and and __ __ ___ James Lawson, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Lawson, of Listowel. Mr. W. G. Medd, Mr. and . Mrs. W. A. Reaman and Carol ‘Anne visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd at Napanee, Mr. Reaman is remaining on a visit in Toronto. Mr. S- B. Taylor was the lucky winner of a pair of fog lamps at a recent meeting of the London Lions Club af which several of the brethren from Exeter were present. Mrs. L. Harness, who has been in a critical condition at the home of her sister, Mrs. Russell Hedden, is much improved. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. John Andrew, who has been ill for several weeks at the home of Mr. W. C. Keddy, was taken to Hospital, London, an ambulance for St. Joseph’s Wednesday, in treatment. „ Mrs. Lenore York City, and Miss Margaret Lukie, of South Amboy, N.J., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson, the former being a niece of Mr. Ferguson. Cpl. R.’C.AF., Rockcliff e, : a few days on leave, and sons, returned with her P.E.I. Mrs. J. Mrs. E., - - Mich., spent the week-end with the former’s daughter, Mrs. J. P. San­ ders and Mr. Sanders, of London. Mrs. Wickert was enroute to her home after visiting for two months ■with her mother, Mrs. Mary Will­ ard, and other relatives. Mrs. Percy McFalls and Mrs. Wm. Murdoch were at Brucefield Sunday and sang a duet at the morning service in connection with the anniversary of the Brucefield United church. In the evening they were joined by Mrs. Thos. Coates and Miss Reta Rowe and they sang a quartette. Rev. Mr. Irwin was the guest speaker for the day. P. Defoley, of New and Miss Arthur Quinn, .of the is home for . Mrs. Quinn Arthur and Bobbie have to Exeter after visiting relative®- /.at Summerside, L. ,Kydd and her sister, A. Wickert, of Taurs, Undergoes Operation Laura May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Greenwood, of Munro, un­ derwent an operation for appendic­ itis at the Stratford Hospital, She is progressing favorably and pected home this week. Auction. Sale Pays Well Good prices were realized auction sale held by Mrs, J. of Stephen. Thursday of last The farm was purchased by Yearly, the price paid $4,00'0.00. is ex- at the Wein, week. Harry being added mech- i Two New Mechanics Snell Bros, and Co, have two additional men to their apical staff. Mr, Glen Bonnallie, of Toronto, and Mr, Wm. Triebner, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnallie have‘moved to Exeter to one of the Broderick apartments. Guests of London Chapter Members of the Exeter Chapter O.E.S. were iguests at a meeting of Forest City Chapter, O.E.S., London, last Thursday evening and put on the opening and closing ceremonies undei* the direction of Mr. and Mrs, J. Ferguson. A social half hour followed the degrees. ....■.. Mr* George Ragshaw and daugh­ ter, Betty, of Birsay, Sask., are -visiting with the former’s brother- ' in-law, Mr, Fred Hogarth, and, with other friends and relatives in this community* It is 44 years since Mr. Bagshaw left this district for the West and he has been hack several times since that. All players interested in trying out for either the Midget, Juvenile or Cyclone hockey teams in Exeter’ are requested to leave their names at The Times-Adyocate as soon as possible. A conditioning program will begin at the Arena next Wednesday night. EjT’* Enjoy yoqr favorite recordings on one of the many popular record players at our store. We have units such as the one pictured above that merely is plugged into the outlet; units that attach to your radio and also an automatic record changer for radio attachment that holds twelve records. Paper Phone 109 Collection R. E. RUSSELL In a variety Men's Wear iiiniiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiitiiiiiitiniintr paisleys. Just your late fall i of plain colors and what you need for wardrobe. The Boy Scouts will collect paper ■Please have your bundles tied and in a conventient place for pick-up. Exeter Markets Wheat, $1,26 Oats 51c Barley 68c Creamery Butter,,45c. Eggs, A Large 45c ‘ Eggs, A Medium 41c Eggs, Pullets 32c Eggs, B 34c Men*s Winter Overcoats vkox* Exeter, Ont. k A Taman’s Scarves 4 Beautiful ALL WOOL Check Blankets I Fleeced-Lined ■ Penman’s fleeced shirts and drawers in a good weight material, sizes 34 to 46. Shirts and Drawers $1.25 Combinations $2.00 Make your selection, early while we have a good assortment of styles and materials. The better coats will go quickly, and we cannot secure more. Good values at $25.00, $30.00 to $37.50 Children’s Snow Suits Willard’s ‘Ontario Panorama’ Alan Savage Hear Local People Interviewed Over the CFRB Radio Broadcast Direct From the Exeter Arena Gymnasium with Gordon Sinclair and Alan Savage Advance Sale of Tickets at High School, Robertson’s and R. C. Dinney’s Exeter Recreational Council from 10 to 1 Fred Funk and his Band Popular Prices Spo nsored by the . Exeter Agricultural Society Gordon Sinclair Ladies’ White Flannellette Gowns In medium and large sizes,- in a fairly good quality material. Two styles. Each $1.75 In a large size, 72” x 90”. These are all wool and launder well. Colors: yellow, mauve, blue, pink or green. Let us lay one away for you for Christmas. Each $10.00 These are made from excellent cloths and will give splendid wear. You will like the new styles. Sizes 4 to 16. Priced at $11.50 and $12,95 * Shirts and Drawers ALSO COMBINATIONS Men’s Penman’s 95 Shirts & Drawers Our first shipment for years. This is fine quality underwear and gives real satisfaction. Per garment $3.00 Phone 16 at Exeter