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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-10-31, Page 7
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31st, 1946 7 Howard Hughes1 ’The Outlaw1 Now Playing at Leavitt’s Theatre At long last it’s hove—Howard, Hughes’ (controversial arid daring ■gold-mine, “The Outlaw”, After two years of battling the censors, Hughes lias won the right to show his picture-—scene for scene—as he originally produced and directed it. The film is now playing at Leavitt’s Theatre. Hughes’ entire two million dol lar epic is marked with outstand ing showmanship. He dared to make a picture that ran the gaunt let of censorship trouble; dared to fight and dared,to entrust the two top starring roles to two unknown, untried youngsters—'Jane Russell and Jack Buetel, Ip all departments the multi-millionaire Texan has won, With a breathless tempo, Pro ducer-director Hughes has crammed his colorful production with sur prise situations, amazing gun fights and t,he most thrilling chase that lias ever been recorded on cellu loid, Economy is alien to this film.-It is as lavishly endowed as its fem inine star. Howard Hughes, who has made a habit of breaking records and setting new ones, will probably run up another one with his production “The 'Outlaw.” In this one, as in the case of Hughes’ fantastic ’‘Hell’s Angels,” you are served up a mighty good dish of super-enter tainment. Hughes has come upon an unknown and daring version of •the legendary saga- of a colorful ibadman, and he gives it to you straight from the hip with six- guns-a-blazing. You’ll need a safety belt to keep you in your seat. In every theatre it has played, “The Outlaw” has smashed every existing record ever established iby any picture in the history of the theatre — including the all-time record made Iby “Gone With the Wind” in its opening world prem iere week in Atlanta, Georgia. The man who brought to the screen four of the brightest stars in Hollywood history—Paul Muni, George Raft, 'Pat O’Brien and the late Jean Harlow—now gives you two more new ones! Jane Russell was a ten-dollar a week dentist’s receptionist in Van Nuys, Oalif., when Hughes picked her picture from among hundreds of others suggested for the role of the sultry beauty, Rio. Jack Buetel was sleeping on the floor of an apartment he shared with four others when Hughes chose him for the title role in the million-dollar spectacle of the old I west. A brpader picture of the com bined talents of Howard Hughes takes hi an amazing panorama of spectacular world-wide achieve ments. Even Hollywood, ordinarily blase to amazing spectacles, has had its eyes opened wider than usual by the newest achievements of this fabulously successful round-the- world pilot, air speed record hold er, industrial, leader, aircraft de sign engineer and builder and movie producer-director. Close ob servers are ready to admit that if Hughes devoted his boundless energy and capacity for study and Work to motion picture production exclusively, he would come up with at least a score of top 'box office hits every year, “The Outlaw,” which returns the rangy airman-industrialist to the top ranks of the film industry's producers after an absence which he devoted to vital war production 'tyork, indicates that the “Hughes touch” for fascinating, exciting, successful screen entertainment is even more alive than when he soar ed into prominence by introducing Jean Harlow in ,fHeH’s Angels”. A man of action himself, Hughes firmly believes and practices the showman’s doctrine that’ sure-fire screen lbox-office elements consist of attention-getting personalities, ■romance, plenty, of action, and spectacular realism. He admits that “pictures with a message,” are not up his alley.. He never has and never will, he says, attempt to beguile moviegoers with laborious screen stories which of fer panaceas or make fantastic excursions into philosophy or pol itical doctrines, The courage of a woman defying all the rules “Of society brought censorial wrath upon Jane Russell for her performance in Howard Hughes’ thrill-packed drama. A newcomer to the screen, Jane real ized that, she'was called upon in her first picture to portray a wo man who violated conventions. “But I understood her,”' Jane tells. “She was a woman who lived by primitive law, far from* civiliz ing influences. What she did in flaunting convention was natural to her and completely forgiveable” Jane was the most surprised act ress in Hollywood when censors descended upon “The Outlaw” in its San Francisco showing and de manded that one of the most dram atic scenes in the picture, one in volving her and her leading man, Jack Buetel, be. eliminated. The, episode involving Jane, as the sultry, vengeful Rio, and Jack Buetel was shown to a special audi ence at a secret showing. In com plete disagreement with the cen sors who pronounced the scene as “immoral,” the film audience un animously told reaction-takers that it was (highly dramatic and a beau tiful, primitive representation of the Jove of a red-blooded woman for her man, But for the determination of producer Howard Hughes to pre serve the full truth of the film for adult audiences, Jane's scenes as Rio, the fiery girl who is ruled by love, would have been lost forever in censorship’s waste-basket. Latest in the titles which have 'been conferred upon the exciting Jane Russell is Miss Sulfanilamide of 1946.” Jane won title from Navy per sonnel stationed at Great Lakes be cause of her acting in one of the highly discussed scenes in • which she cures Jack Buetel, playing the rolq of Billy, a handsome Western (bandit, of the chills. F Jane Russell, who plays the part of Rio, beautiful hut vicious girl Whose attractions stir up stormy gun fights and death struggles among western bad men, has a fascinating sulky look. But Jane herself isn’t conscious of it. An interesting way she has of curling her lower lip and lower ing her long eye-lashes makes Jane’s photographs unusually ar resting. Howard Hughes, spectacu lar producer of the much-discussed epic, caught that look when he first saw a picture of Jane and immedi ately chose her for stardom. Jane has always had the trick of looking beautiful but sultry, ac cording to Jane’s mother, the for mer Geraldine Jacobi, who was once a stage star. Early family photographs portray the same “look” which has made Jane’s pic tures the most popular throughout the world. Hughes, a perfectionist who be lieves that stars should not see pro jection ‘ room rushes while the mo tion picture is still in the making, issued an order that Jane and her leading man, Jack Buetel, were not to see themselves until after “The Outlaw” premiere. It was only then that Jane caught a glimpse of the expression which is unique with her. Now the brun ette star says. “I’m honestly not sulky. ,It’s just that look.” The low-cut blouse, worn by Jane, in several scenes aroused a storm of controversy and. also raised the question of what con stitutes .modesty in clothes. 'Cos tumes worn by Jane in “The Out law” wer$ modelled after the full, colorful skirts and off-the-shoulder blouses worn foy Mexican farm girls in the day and locale which Leavitt’s Theatre Marks Fifteenth Anniversary This week Leavitt’s Theatre is, celebrating the fifteenth anniver sary of the new theatre and their thirty-fifth year in the moving pic ture (business in Exeter, It was during the First Great War that the late Wm. Leavitt sold what was known as the Exeter side at Grand Bend to the late George Eccleston. His first venture in providing en tertainment for Exeter was to erect a skating rink known as the Dome Rink. It was situated at the rear of the present theatre and many a fast and exciting game of hockey was witnessed by local fans. It was in the Dome rink that Mr. Leavitt started the ' first moving pictures in Exeter, Later he purchased and remodelled the building now oc cupied by Rivers' Grocery which served the public until the advent of the “Talkies”, which were un known in the earlier years. It was in his 80th year, long past the time when most men are taking life easier, that Mr. Leavitt under the picture portrays. Applying lipstick is an art ... I definitely. If you idoubt it, next time you are on a busy street or in a store, just look a little longer at some of the examples of “lip stick artistry” around you. Lipstick, properly applied, can add greatly to a girl’s charm, ac cording to Jane Russell, Ibut care lessly manipulated, a lipstick can become a menace to beauty. “The best way to paint the lips, I’ve found,” says Jane, “is to put on a lavish coating, mould it to the line of the lips with a finger-tip, and then take off most of it with a cleansing tissue. Apply a second coating of lipstick, press the lips together, so ithat the coating will be uniform, mold again with lihe finger-tip—and there you are.- This way the lipstick remains on the lips lodger and looks immeasurably better.” ; Jane cares for and dresses1 her own softly-gleaming hair. Iln addi tion to brushing, the luscious and much-discussed star believes in the regular use of lubricants on the scalp. Rev. Ernest Grigg, of town, was guest speaker at the thank-offering meeting of the W.M.S. at Elmwood Ave. Presbyterian church, London. ■Mir. Grigg told of his 40 years’ ex perience in Burma and of (his work among the people. took the erection Of the present building, which at the time was one of the finest theatres to be found outside the cities, and to install the new sound equipment, replacing the silent pictures. The old build ing was long and narrow, with wooden seats, Music from a piano was provided throughout the show* ing. The seats were transferred to the new theatre. About four years ago these were replaced with cush ion seats, A f®w years before that an air-conditioning system was in stalled. Mr. Leavitt was assisted in his undertakings by his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Leavitt’s Theatre has always provided the finest and best of pic tures and never far behind and sometimes ahead of the cities with the pictures of the hour. This week and next they are showing what might well be termed extra special features. The Girl Guide Hike On Wednesday, October 23, the nature class of the Girl Guides went on a hike to Riverview Park. Muriel Wells and Joan Hopper laid a trail which led to the river. They found a spot that became their eating place, The menu con sisted of half-cooked eggs, rather raw potatoes, burnt .bacon and fried twisters which tasted like half-baked pancakes. Into the fire went fouu eggs and several slices of bacon. Also .Muriel’s potatoes after Joan stepped into the frying pan. Helen Sweet spilt her jam all over everything. Marie Jensen. Sheila Bailey and Nancy Arm strong were the only.ones who had a real supper from their cooking. Shirley and Lorna Taylor were al ways picking up the knocked-over can of twister dough. Some girls went after water to put out the fire and it was so dark that .they couldn't see ( the river. The girls went home hungry, tired, with wet feet and not longing to go again too soon. Orval McDowell, of Denfield, has been successful in securing a posi tion as teacher in a school near Ilderton. Orval is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vale, of town. He is 20 years of age and was out of school for a year owing to illness. Announcements Birth, Death and .Marring;?! Al*,* inB.ei-fgji, free "At charge. Card of ThankH 50c. In Memdrlaiu Notlcea BOe for single verse, 25c extra for each addi tional verse. Kngagemeats 50 c BIRTHS BELL—At Mrs. Godbolt's Hospital, on Saturday, October 26th, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Bell, of Elimville, a daughter; bower—At Mirs. Hunter’s nurs ing home on Wednesday, Octo ber 23, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Bower, a son, Wayne. SNOW-—At Mrs. Hunter’s, on Wed nesday, October 30th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Snow, of Hen sail, a son William Thomas, DEATHS DAVIS—In London on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 1946, Rosina M, Davis, daughter of Mary and the late Thomas Davis, 8th line Blan- shard, in her 44th year. KYDD—At Owen Sound and Marine Hospital on Tuesday, October 29, 1946, Robert Kydd, of Shallow Lake, formerly of Usborne, in his 80 th year. HODSDEN—'Suddenly at her home in London on Sunday, October 27, Edna Charlotte Dearling, be loved wife of Christopher Thomas Housden and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. (Dearing. WILSON—In Parkhill on Monday, October 28, 1946, Eliza J. Wil son, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wilson, in her 85th year. The funeral Wednesday ” was held from the home of her sister, Miss Margaret Wilson, Parkhill, with interment in the Sylvan cemetery. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. E. ‘S. 'Hawk, of Ray mond, Alberta, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Lois, to Wallace Stanley .Fahrner, son of Mr. and Mrs; Everett Fahrner, of Crediton, the marriage to take place quietly, early in November, c IN MEMORIAM 'HICKS—(In loving memory of our loving son, Fit. (Lt. Donald Elliott Hicks, who was killed in action over Germany, Nov. 3rd, 1943. “Asleep in a far-off land.” —Lovingly remembered but sadly 1 missed by this mother, father, 'brother and sisters. c 'Centennial Summer1 The master production, “Genten- j UiaJ Summer/’ is coming to Leavitt’s Theatre. Greater than the great “State Fair,” it is based on. the •story of the marvelous -'GeuBwlui Fair. Twentieth CemturyUFox, -the studio of wonderful musicals, in present ing th© wonders of its most wonder ful ‘show, has set a celebrated best seller to Jerome Kern’s music, All through America, “All Through the Day” is one of the nations hit songs. “In Love in Vain,” is- on the way to the top! While all America is singing and dancing to “Railroad Song,” “The Light Ro mance,” “Dp With the Lark,” “Centennial,” “Long Live Our Free America” and “Cinderalla Sue,” The late Jerome Kern’s en- during genius shines in “Centen nial Summer,” Photographed in technicolor, it is enchantingly (beautiful! Seven top-name stars portray the leading roles in Albert E, ildell’k novel of that joyous summer — Jeanne Crain, Cornell Wilde, Linda Darnell, William Eythe, Walter Brennan, Constance Bennett, JlOrp- thy Gish. See one of the most enchanting musicals ever filmed—»even (before London or Toronto audiences thrill to its alluring magnificence, --------.------J......—.—, 'A Kid From Brooklyn' As Burleigh Sullivan, apathetic milkman turned prizefighter in Samuel Goldwyn’s new Technicolor filmusical, “The Kid From Brook lyn,” Danny Kale stars in a roman tic adventure that ranges from the squared arena to high society. Virginia Mayo, Vera-Ellen and the 1946 edition of the Goldwyn Girle are featured in this RKO Radio re lease at 'Leavitt’s Theatre Thursday, Friday and 'Saturday of next week. FAMILY REUNNION A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs A Maurice Coates recently in honor of' ,Mrs. Wickert when about forty relatives and friends partook of a sumptu ous chicken supper. Guests were present from Elora Mitchell, Strat ford, Mt. Pleasant, Kippen, Sarnia, London, Detroit, Mich., Taurs, Mich., Exeter and surrounding community.