HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-10-31, Page 3Gef Your Car Ready For Cold Weather . ., THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3M, 1946 Miss Mary Easton of Exeter Heads Presbytery Young Peoples* Society ELIM VILLE Ewart Pym visited You can depend on us to do the complete job when you bring your cai’ to us for winterizing services^ , • Winter Lubricants • Heater Service • Anti-Freeze • Battery Checked • Engine Tune-Up means Quick Starting and Comfortable Driving Huron County Federation News Our changeover service protects the vital parts from attack by Old Man Winter, Sunoco Service Station Tom Coates, Prop. Phone 200 In George Wright’s Shoe Department, certain lines broken in sizes will be greatly /reduced. We can offer bargains at less than1 cost price. Why not pay us a visit in this store from Monday through Friday. GEORGE WRIGHT Telephone 243W Broken sizes in Ladies’ Rubbers — 35c to clear, Over voting Ontario October forming ducer’s ey’s director is Mr. Hairy Gowdy, •of Wroxeter. Mr. W. J. Wood, of .Alliston, was elected President of the Associa­ tion. Cost of production figures were presented .to show that farm­ ers ip Ontario should receive 74c a pound for butter fat, compared with 51tc as now, which includes a 10c Dominion Government subsidy. Secretary V. S. Milburn of the On­ tario Federation of Agriculture said there are 75,00-0/ producers in the province with a .combined out­ put of 77,000,00'0 pounds of butter The organization will ask the Ontario Government for a vote of producers, .under the Farm Pro­ ducts Act to establish a scheme empowering a negotiating commit­ tee of producers and processors “to negotiate and fix agreements respecting minimum .prices, fprms of contract, conditions of sale, grades, weighing, testing and oth­ er matters relating to marketing •of cream.” The President and Secretary of Huron County Federation also at­ tended the meeting in Toronto and Mr. James Simpson, of Kirkton, and Mr. Hume 'Clutton, Colborne Township were voting delegates. Mr. W. E. Tusson, Secretary of the Ontario Hog Producer’s Asso­ ciation spoke to the meeting, in­ timating that some far-reaching and most important regulations pertaining to the marketing of hogs in Ontario would be announ­ ced shortly. .The speaker felt that the existence of the Association would be more than justified these new regulations. 100 County Directors delegates from all gathered in Toronto 24th for ,the purpose a Provincial Cream Association, Huron and over on j of Pro. Coun- by Quality Co-op Feeds Good feeds produce the results you desire . . . try* our Lay Mash, Grow Mash, Breeders’ Ration, Brood Sow Ration, Pig Starter, Hog Grower, Calf Meal. We also have Fortified Pilchard Oil in 1000A..200D3, 1500A...200D3 Potencies, Oyster Shell, Grit, Pratt’s Tonics, Howard’s Hog and Poultry Medicine. Snow Fence, 5 50-foot rools and 1 100-foot roll; 2 Walk Gates, 4 x 4; 2 Cement Mixers. Eiectropail Heaters in two sizes; 4-way Time Switches for poultry houses with dim period for roosting. See us for Sta-Rite Deep-Well Units. Complete water systems. Glen Pump Jack—can be driven by either electric or gaso­ line power. We have available a quantity of good potatoes for sale. Consult us for Home Insulation. Exeter District Cooperative Phone 287 Fall and Winter Dry-Cleaning 10% Discount Baxter-Wuerth Chrysanthemums in fall ’ shades, palms and candelabra made a charming, background at Zion Ev­ angelical Church, Crediton, when Rev. M. E. Reuber united in mar­ riage Doris Kathyleen, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Wuerth to Kenneth Norman Bax­ ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Baxter, of Bell Ewart. Mr. W. R. Goulding, of London, presided at the organ. Mrs. W. R. Goulding and Mr. Lawrence A. Wein, of Exeter, aunt and_ uncle of the bride sang' “I’ll Walk Beside You’’ and “O Perfect Love”. Flowers and ribbons' marked the guest pews. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride was charming in a gown of white slipper satin styled with marquisette yoke and full skirt wearing her mother’s embroidered finger carried a shower bouquet of Bet­ ter Times roses and baby mums. Attending her as matron-of-honor was her sister, Mrs. R. J. Black- well, of Listowel, wearing ice blue corded taffeta with matching veil and carried a bouquet of Talisman roses and yellow mums. Mrs. H. Saunders, of Toronto, sister of the groom and Miss Pauline Faist, of Crediton, cousin of the bride were bridesmaids dressed in peach and deep rose corded taffeta with mat­ ching veils and carried colonial bouquets. Marilyn Goulding, of London, cousin of the bride, as flower girl was in lime green nylon over taffeta and carried a nosegay^of roses and mums. Doug­ las Wein, of Exeter, cousin of the bride, acted as ring bearer dressed in a white suit carrying a white satin cushion. Lance Corporal Ern­ est Baxter, of Brookville, brother of the groom, was best man and the ushers were Glenn Wuerth, of and For Mrs. grey wore were tip veil. She I Dry-Cleaning Picked Up on Monday, 6 p.m. — Delivered on Friday, 6 p.m.* NORM HOCKEY ...... I Local Agent for Dean’s Dry-Cleaners London, brother Ray Kohne, her daughter’s Wuerth chose a . crepe. The groom’s navy crepe. Their roses’and mums. A -reception was ... ____ er’s Coffee Shoppe, Exeter. For a wdding trip to Montreal the bride chose a rose wool dress trimmed with gold nailheads and her Queen’s blue coat was trim­ med with mouton lamb collar and cuffs with black accessories and she wore a corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter will reside in Barrie. Guests were present from Bell Ewart, Weston, Toronto, Brook­ ville, London, Listowel, Hamilton, and Exeter. ■of the bride of Bell Ewart, wedding gown of mother corsages held at Reth- Increase Milk Production The ’modern farmer of today with a herd of dairy cattle is turning to modern milking machines not only to save time but to increase milk production. To you farmers Who are seriously considering tile installation of such equipment we recommend the Co-Op Universal Milker witli its calf nose inflation and claw and dependable pulsator. Sec it on display in our show window. We’ll be glad to give you full particulars, FORMER RESIDENTS HONORED BEFORE LEAVING SALFORD Marking, the end of 25 years of the Salford district, Grant Hooper, 60 neighbors Surprise .party. The their son Lome are London, The couple G. Simmons & Sons Phone 115 Exeter farming in Mr. and Mrs, honored friends Hoopers moving were presented with a bedspread and Smoker by Ernest Haycock and Georgo Smith and ah address was read by Mrs, George Smith wishing the family good fortune in their new home. Mr, Hooper is Well known In this district having been born and raised on the Lake Road a short distance west Of Exeter, by at a with to Were and A successful annual rally of Young People’s Societies of Huron-Maitland Presbytery of Presbyterian Church in 'Canada held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, Friday afternoon and evening, with an attendance of about 200. Gordon Wall, Holyrood, president, presided. The afternoon session was devoted to. discussion groups. “Per­ sonal Life” was led by Rev. Mr, Ferguson; “Home Society” by Rev. G, Milne of Brussels; “Home Mis­ sions,” Rev, A, Nimmo of Wing­ ham; and “Foreign Missions” by Rev. C. H. McDonald of Lucknow, Dinner was served at 6.30' o’clock by the mothers of the members of the Knox Church society in the lecture hall, which was gay with Hallowe’en decorations and flow­ ers. The report of the nominating committee was given, and the fol­ lowing officers w(erfe elected for 1946-7: -president, Miss Mary Eas­ ton of Exeter; vice-presidents, Miss Jessie Little of Brussels, Sam Chin of iLucknow; secretary, representa­ tive from Hensail to be named; treasurer, Miss Janet Cluff of Sea­ forth; worship convener, Dan Wal­ ters of Goderich; fellowship, Miss Jean Dunn1 of Cranbrook; service,. Miss Marjorie Gilmore of Wingham.' The Presbytery banner was awarded to Belmore Young 'People’s 'Society. With 27 members they gave $55 to missions, $4 0 to the local church, and 24 meetings were held with an average attendance of 22. The bannei- was received by "Rev. L. C. Jorgensen, minister at Bel­ more. The evening session opened with a sing-song conducted by thi Gode­ rich group, an,d the worship service was in charge of the Teeswater delegation.' Rev. ,M. ,.B. Davidson, D.D., of Central Church, Galt, the .guest preacher, spoke on the commission of Jesus: “'Go Ye, therefore, and teach all nations.” The Christian church, he said “is a missionary church, and the mis­ sionary task belongs to all of us. It is the first commission handed to us by the great captain of our sal­ vation.” Dr. Davidson was introduced by Rev. Richard Stewart, of Knox Church, Goderich; and the installa­ tion of the newly elected officers was conducted -by Rev. L. D. Mc­ Iver. The benediction was nounced by Mr. 'Stewart. the ■the the was ' Mr. and Mrs. Loretta, of Exeter, Mr. ano Mrs. Samuel Pym on day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, of Ed­ en, visited on Sunday:' with and Mrs. Melville Skinner, Several women frony- -this com­ munity attended the W.M.S, con­ vention last Friday at Roy’s church Mr, and Mrs, Maynard Margjson of London, spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs, Delmer Skinner, Miss Irene Johns, of Exeter, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Mr, Carman Herdman, of Inger­ soll, spent the week-end ... parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Herd­ man, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Cooper vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge, of Winchelsea. Mr, Clarence Hendry, of worth, visited last week with and Mrs, Charles Stephen. t Anniversary services were on Sunday with a large crowd, at both services. Rev. Trueblood, of Crediton, preached to a large con­ gregation in the morning. Special music was rendered by the choir assisted by Rev. Trueblood singing a solo during the offering. In the evening Rev. Daynard,, of Staffa, conducted the sermon assisted by Rev. Mair. The choir again rend­ ered special music with Mrs. Har­ old Bell and Mr. Kenneth Johns singing a duet, The music for the day was under the direction of choir leader and pianist, Mrs. Wil­ bert Batten, Flowers added lovely attraction to church. Anniversary munity were Johns. with hi? Mr. with Sun- FLAVOR-SAVER” FIE PLATE Sh r dish ever introduced! Deep with fluted edge to keep all the juice and flavor' ta your pies. Lovely design with clear glass handles.. 10 "size 67c 4-PIECE FLAMEWARE "GIFT SET” Kv Sf? rTrti makes a W >dle,18. interchange; f aU /hrpe ‘dishes’ Can be ing~NpX °f St°Ve and oven cook’ mg—iNest to save space, Complete Set................only $3.55 D it ■ Hep- Mr. held the front of the visitors in the com­ as follows:' Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffd, of Anderson, with Mr. and Mrs, Allen Johns; Mrs. William Veal, Wilma, Ross and Norman, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. William Elf ord; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pooley, Dorothy and Bobby and Miss E. Francis, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. William Johns; Mr. land and Road, with Routly; Mr. Donna and Launie and Mrs. Esth er Clinton, of London, Mr. Mrs. Norman Jaques, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch; Kenneth Hern with Mr. and Everett Skinner; Mr. and Mi’s. Ar­ thur Kerslake and family, of Eden with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kers- lake; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, and and Mrs. James Kirk- Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. William and Mrs. Harry Murch of Thames and with Mr. Mrs. Why Wait till it is wet? to get your winter fuel in? Now is the time when we have it stock. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Come in and see our display of Pyrex Ware PYREX COLOR BOWL SET 128 oz,—72 oz.—40 oz,-—16 oz. A new set of four heat-resistant howls in four beautiful permanent colors. 2% times stronger than ordinary bowls. For mixing, baking, serving and storing, Complete set of 4 bowls..only S3.70 HARDWARE Phone 86 Some of our Services FLOWERS—Orders taken for Weddings, Funerals, Anniversaries, Special Occasions. C.N. TELEGRAPH—Wires ,or Cables to Anywhere, Anytime. TRAVELLING—Tickets and Information for London * and Greyhound Buses. Inquire for prices to London, Sarnia, Windsor, Detroit, Florida, New York. PRESCRIPTIONS — AS YOUR DOCTOR ORDERSpro- j Lenore and Floyd' with Mr. ' Mrs. Harold Bell. The Elimville North Farm um met at the home of Mr. Mrs. William Elford with a good number present. The subject for discussion was “Are Farm Living Standards High?” There was a good discussion after which the ejection of officers was held with results as follows: president, Wil­ liam Elford. vice-pres. Allen Johns sec.-treas., press sec., committee, ford, Mrs. Allen Johns. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Leslie Robinson. The subject for discus­ sion will be “What About Farm Taxes?” OB For­ an d MacLAREN'S PHONE 59r2 in Nut Coke Briquettes Stoker Coal Alberta Hard Lump (Old Price) Anthracite Egg Coal Anthracite Pea Coal Pocahontas (stove size) Mrs. William Johns, Wesley Johns, program Ola Johns, Doris El- Lorne Elofrd and Mrs. Section of Huron X GRAND BEND PHARMACY Jas. P. Bowey Meets at Roy’s Phone 33 55 Winterizing Service Our pre-winter service includes thorough check-over of cooling system, anti-freeze, lubrication, battery, heater and engine tune-up. These points assftre you of depend­ able comfortable winter driving with the best of economy and per­ formance. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW! AVe have a few used tires and reliners in stock. new South End Service Station Russ and Chuck Snell Phone 328 The Woman’s Missionary Society convention, (south Huron Presbyterial Roy’s United Church, on Friday last with afternoon sessions. The theme was “The World Christ.” Welcome at the noon hour extended by Roy’s Auxiliary, sponded by Mrs. T. Brintnell, of Chiselhurst. At the sion the convention by Mrs. L. C. White, of Talbotville, London Conference dent. Miss M. gave a leaders held at Alma College, St. Thomas. The discussion hour was in charge of Mrs. Emery Desjar- dine, Grand Bend. The 'president, Mrs. C. Tavenor, Holmesville, presented a message. Thames Road and Crediton Auxili­ aries contributed music fol' the morning and afternoon sessions. Delegates and guests were enter­ tained to dinner by Roy’s Auxiliary. section), of was held at Thames Road. morning and for was re­ afternoon ses- was addressed branch >presi- Wilsie, of 'Clinton, report of the school for The Champion D? Grain Grinder The heaviest, most substantial Grain Grinder, ever offered. Many exclusive and valuable feat­ ures including 7” grinder plate, Heavy .Duty Ball Bearing Grinder operated by a, 3 li.p. motor. You can enjoy the alt-year-round convenience of doing your own chopping on your PWii farm with the CHAMPION 1)7 WE ALSO HAVE ON HAND Gem Oat Roller witli 1 h,p. motor One used Connor .Hand Washing Machine with Wringer, In good condition. Wm. J. Thomson Centrhiin Phone Kirkton 48-4 CREDITON EAST Mrs. Win. Bender, who was tak­ en to London last Monday for X-ray, was rushed by the .Hopper- Hockey ambulance to Toronto Gen­ eral Hospital on Thursday for a very serious operation. Latest re­ ports are she is as well as can be expected. Mr. Bender is remaining with her for a time. Mr. Charles Anderson and Mr, Mark Mitchell, of Exeter, spent the week-end in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Homey, of Exeter Mr. Gordon :Coddle Romph, all of Sarnihi day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz Mrs. Alec Hamilton Barry, of Grand Bond, week-end with her and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mr. '■ and Mrs. J. Brokenshire, London, spent Sunday with the latter’s father, Mr. Eli Lawson. Mr, mid Mrs. Cliff Kenney and daughter, of Khiva, spent Sunday with Mr, and .Mrs, Eli’Sims. Mrs. Gordon Hunter, of London, spent a few days the past week with her sister, Mrs. Murray Neil, and Mrs, and Miss Birdie Wilson, and Mr. A. Spent Sun- and son, spent parents, the Mr. ■of ini.stiiflinintiniftnMtHiifiisnitiitiiHfffimtiiitinuiniiBiiiiiKiiu iiiiiniitfinftifiii Set Money Working for Yon 1WTO A Million Ct UM!AMS Whenever motley is needed for any sound purpose, that is the time to come to the BofM. See your nearest Bof M manager today. Ask or write/or our /older: “Quiz for a Go-ahead Farmer.’’ Bank or Montreal working with Canadian! in every walk of life since 1817 Many People Suffer From Rheumatic Pain There are people Who suffer from rheumatic Paine year in and year out regardless of the Season or the weather. These pains, whether they be in'the joints or the muscles, may be induced by Uric acid. Burdock Blood Bitters may bring relief from rheumatic pain for it helps to cleanse impurities from the body and. tones up the digestive organs. It has helped thousands of Canadians who suffer from rheumatic pains, dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousness, headaches or minor complaints of the liver or kidneys. It Should do the same for you. On sale for more than 60 years, Burdock Blood Bitters is available at drug counters everywhere, Price $1,00 a bottle, t Tho T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,