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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-10-24, Page 10
a. * Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIQ, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24th, 1946 Misa Blanche Zaphe, of Bruce- field, spent the week-end with Miss Helen Shapton. The Exeter Recreational Council Mrs. Robt. Brooks, of Toronto, was visiting' in Exeter last week. Messrs?' William, Homer and Elroy Metz and Miss Verla Motz, of Elkton, Mieh,> were week-end guests of the foiinier’s niece, MA and Mrs. Cecil Skinner and attend ed the Golden Jubilee pf >Qreditpn Evangelical church. The Times-Advocpte is always, pleased to publish items of personal interest, We and our readers are interested in you and your friends , . Phone 31W Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Town Misses Matilda and Madeline Bertrand, of Detroit, Mich,, and Miss Ella Link, of Sarnia, wore week-end visitors with Miss Doro- thyt Kuntz and hei* father, Miss Margaret Dougall was guest soloist at the Sunday. at the anniversary service Staffa United Church on presents Johnny Downs Grand Concert WOODHAM ORANGE HALL anil his music in the Opening Dance of the Season Tuesday, November 5 th at 8 p.m, FEATURING: Favourite Four Entertainers of London, assisted by Archie McCullough, scotch comedian, Jean Harris, piper and dancer. Broadcast DIRECT FROM EXETER ARENA Willard’s ONTARIO PANORAMA ADMISSION: Reserved Seats 50c Rush Seats 40c Children 25c Plan of hall at Mill’s Store. EXETER ARENA Leavitt s Previews Its Coming Attractions • IDA LUPINO • OLIVIA DeHAVILAND Now on Sale and 10c 'Devofion' WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — October 23rd, 24th Warner’s present four great dramatic stars in a new dramatic triumph ... DANCE Following the Broadcast from 10 to 1 Fred Funk and his Band Popular Prices Sponsored by The Agricultural Society with Gordon Sinclair and Alan Savage over CF R B Dancing 9 to 1 Dress Optional NOTE ■— This Program will ORIGINATE in the Arena and will be Relayed by Telephone Toronto EXETER RECREATIONAL COUNCIL ® PAUL HENREID ® SIDNEY GREENSTREET Opening Dance FRIDAY and SATURDAY — October 25th, 26th — Action Drama — 'O. S. S.’ CROMARTY HALL Tuesday, November Sth 9.30 to 1 Mr, apd Mrs, Dave Lippert, of Melbourne, spent Sunday home of Mrs. L, Sweitzer. Mr, Winston Shapton, year student of O.A.C., spent a few days at his home. Miss Doris .Skinner, of V's Beauty Shoppe, is. confined to her home with an attack of mumps1, Mr, Frank Mackenzie of Luck now, visited at the home of Mr. and Airs. Cecil Rowe on Sunday. •Mrs, R, 'C, ] Bob, of Detroit, the 'home of Mi* Westcott. Mr. and Mrs. and Carolyn visite^ over the week end with Mr. and MI’S, Chas. Schroeder. Miss Evelyn Sippell, of Kitchen er, formerly of Crediton, visited over the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Whyte, Jack and David, of Lucan, visited in Exeter on Sunday and attended Caven anniversary. at the secqnd Guelph, Marshall and son, spent Sunday at and Mrs. Ed. H. Harvey Schroeder tan Zion W.M.S. will hold a BAZAAR in ZION SCHOOL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30th at 8.30 p.m. A good program will be Free Lunch. Admission: Adults 25c; Children under 12, provided. Mr. T. 0, Southcott was in To ronto the forepart of the week, Miss Doris Skinner, of town, and her mother, Mrs, G, Skinner, at tended1 tlie Johnston-Mason wed ding Jn Brick 'Church, Belgrave. Mrs, G. Hockey returned to her home Sunday after being ill for several weeks in Victoria Hospital following an operation on her eye. Representatives of the Main St. and James St. Y.P.U.’s attended a young people's officers congress in the Hensail United church last Friday evening. MT, and Mrs. C. McAllister and little son, of Owen Sound, were re cent visitors with the brother, .Mr. and Mrs. Allister, Eden line. Mr, Reuben iSliwantz, ey, of Dunnville, and , Young, of Welland, spent a couple of days last week with .Mr Mrs. Ed. H. Westcott. Air. Nelson Stanlake has chased from B. Hunter-Duvar a lot on South Sanders street with the intention of erecting a new 'house some time in th^ future. Mr. Ronald West, an employee at Ed’s .Machine ;Shop, fractured some ribs when he fell from the roof of a building being erected by Wm. Tyson, south Sanders street. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Anderson and Carole spent Sunday as, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. IFeddefy, of St. and attended the Sunday at the United Progressive Bridge The Ladies’ Bowling Club held a veiiy successful progressive bridge in the new club house Friday eve ning last. Eight tables were in play. Prizes for ladies’ high were won by Mrs, Fraser and Mrs. Chas Snell and-, for gents’ high by W. G. Cochrane and J, A. Traquair. A lucky draw was won by Dr, Doyle. A delightful lunch was served by the ladies at the close, and en- Legion Social Somo twenty-six veterans their wives and lady friends joyed a social evening in the Opera House, Monday night, The fore part of the evening was spent in progressive euchre. Prizes went to the following: Ladies’ high, Mrs, Vera Mason; gent’s high, Wes. Ryckman; lone hands, Ray Hig gins; booby prize, Lev Wells. Al ter the euchre a tasty lunch was served. former’s John Mc- Mr. Feen- Mr, Don, We Know That Ounce of Prevention School and Dance for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair Modern and Old Time Music Norm Carnegie’s Classic Sextette Prizes for Couples for best waltzes, step dances and spots ADMISSION 40 cents EXETER OPERA HOUSE 29th To obtain dependable, economical household appliances, let us take over your repair lews. We will give your appliances a thorough and make all needed adjustments. service from all going your prob- over, Mr. Marys, School anniversary ■Church. Mr. and Mrs. K. Thanksgiving with .daughter-in-law, Mr. vin Sims, of Windsor. They also at tended the Calvary United Church in which their granddaughter, Helen Cathern, was baptized foy Rev. Hanes. Thanksgiving was also the 11th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sims wedding day. They both expressed the visit as a very pleas ant surprise. Rev. A. B'. Irwin was the guest speaker at the 6 9 th anniversary of the Northside United Church, .Sea forth, on Sunday. Special music was rendered by the choir under the leadership of Mir. and Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart with Miss Ruth Cluff, Miss ,M. Turnbull, J. A. Stewart as soloists. The minister, Rev. H.’ V. Workman, conducted the services at James St. 'Church for Mr. Irwin. Mr. Workman was a former stud ent at the Exeter High School. He delivered two splendid sermons. J. Sims spent their son and and 'Mrs. Mel- • ALAN LADD FLANNIGAN’S ORCHESTRA MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — Oct. 28, 29, 30 Admission 50 cents— M.G.M. Feature — • LIONEL BARRYMORE• MARGARET O’BRIEN • EDWARD ARNOLD♦ LEWIS STONE OPERA HOUSE, EXETERMITCHELL• THOMAS ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON Coming Attractions Friday, Oct. 25 Dancing 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. 4 Admission 50c MURDOCH’S ORCHESTRA Admission 50c The Canadian Degion, Exeter- Hensall Branch 167 'Three Wise Fools’ ‘THE OUTLAW” — October 31, November 1, 2 (Adult Entertainment) BOB MOORE and his 7-piece orchestra © GERALDINE FITZGERALD The Paisley VERA HENDERSON DAVIE Musical Director “The accompaniments were sympathetic and skilful”. — The Chesley Enterprise. NOBLE DAVIE, Baritone “Noble Davie’s resonant bari tone was at its best in ’Largo al Factotum’.” Advocate. Saturday Night DANCING Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.26 Oats 51c Barley 68c Creamery Butter, 45c. Eggs, A Large 45 c Eggs, A Medium 43c Eggs, Pullets 35e Eggs, B 36c The first show commences at 7.30 Phone 135 Exeter, Ontario THE DAVIES" are Coming to EXETER! Four Stars in a Four Star Concert “The Davids’1', Canada’s newest .concert personalities, who tri umphed in their recent Ohtatio tdur, are now coming to Exeter undef the auspices of the Main Street W.A, “The Davies” have been acclaimed by critics everywhere, Including Edward Wodson of the Toronto Evening Telegram, who wrote of their Georgetown appearance: “Three beautiful individual voices, not a forced or quavering tone amongst them. A mezzo-soprano mellow as the thrush ahd limpid as the nightingale. >A baritone of John Charles Thomas tango and sympathy. A basso cavernous as Paul RofbeSoh’s, with tenor timfofre in topmost register. Vera Henderson Davie, at the .piano, was <a miniature orchestra without orchestral dietrac- tioil.” FRANCES DAVIE Mezzo-Soprano “Miss Frances Davie, mezzo- soprano, sang most 'beautiful ly ih the different numbers in which she took part, showing great talent and ability”. — The Harriston ^Review. NELLES DAVIE, Bassd. “Nelles Davie’s rich basso voice was heaM with won derful effect in a variety of songs. He completely capti vated his audience”. —- The Hanover Post, These Four Talented Artists Will Appear at Main Street Church, Exeter Admission 50c and 25c Program 845 ’ Tuesday, October 29th, 1946 R. E. RUSSELL Exeter, Ont. • TOPCOATS Phone 109 ATTIRE • GLOVES • SCARVES See these smart, new fall lines now ♦ on display.