HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-10-24, Page 8hse $the; TOM ONTARIO,.THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER Mill, J94G
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If Baby
The story thus far: Dismissed
from West Point by the perlured
testimony of Curt Sawyer, Bill
Harvey« alius Xerxes Benedict, is
now a lieutenant in the French
Foreign Legion, stationed at Tlaba
Trouble is anticipated from the nat
ives, Constance Barteau, an Ameri
can girl, is in Tlaba with her broth
ex* Raoul. Xerxes sees her with
Sawyer, and she gives evasive an
swers to his Questions about Curt.
Xerxes realizes he loves Constance.
Orders come to Capt. Berouge to
take half the force to El Grimgau,
leaving Xerxes in Tlaba. Next night
Xerxes goes to keep an urgent ap
pointment with Constance. She
warns him of an attack and locks
him in a onud hut when the attack
starts. He takes the remnant of his
force to El Grimgau, and is ordered
to Sidi-bel-Abbes under arrest
"I ask, colonel," the barked.
Lt, Benedict be removed from his
post at once! And that he be sent
back to Sidi-bel-iAbbes until the
present campaign is over. When
there is more time we can deal with
his case with proper thoroughness!”
Col. Duroc nodded curtly. "Youi*
suggestion is excellent, captain,” he
said, "Lieutenant, consider yourself
under technical arrest. You shall
return to -the regimental headquar
ters at Sidi-bel-Abbes by plane at
• "Honor—honor; trust-—-violated
trust.” The words pounded madden
ingly through Xerxes’ mind as the
plane bearing him back to .Sidi-bel-
Abbes winged its way northward.
Duroc had hammered those words
at him relentlessly. Ages ago, it
seemed, a military -court .at West
Point had. hammered them -at him.
"Honor — -trust — honor —
The roaring motor of the
a sickening
(plane blared at (him,
chant of disgrace.
By nightfall Xerxes was hack in
Sidi-bel-Abbes. The regimental de
pot, ordinarily peaceful and quiet,
was buzzing like a beehive. Word of
the Tlaba disaster, radioed ‘ahead
from the -plane, had caused a tre- j
menodus stir.
Two companies of Legionnaires
were expected from the east within
a day .or two. These were to pro
ceed at once to retake Tlaba. Re
cruits were being groomed for their
first campaign, and preparations
were’ being made to accommodate a
battalion of Spahis cavalry.
'So, that (first night in Sidl-bel-
(Abbes, Xerxes was. lost in the shuf
fle. Being under technical arrest,
he required no special attention.
There were other things more im
portant than an officer who had
-been removed from his post because
of misconduct in action.
"Ah, Benedict," a hashing young
French lieutenant greeted him after
mess the next .noon. "I hear there
was quite a mix-up down there in
Tlaba. It seems that you
knowing, cynical smile
. A
across the Frenchman’s face, and
he corrected himself -diffidently,
"It seems that the natives were
pretty foxy down there. Is that so?"
“Yes," Xerxes replied- ‘blandly,
stifling a sudden impulse to smack
his fist against the other’s pointed
chin. "They were very foxy. I trust
you -have better luck than I had.”
"Luck?” -the Frenchman returned
with thinly veiled scorn. "The good
officer never depends upon luck, any
Xerxes made no reply, but turn
ed away, his blood boiling,
"A good officer also leaves wom
enfolk for his furloughs,” the lieu
tenant called after him.
Xerxes turned in a rage, advanc
ing toward the dapper Frenchman.
He controlled his anger sufficiently
to say in a forcibly subdued voice:
“You are well instructed in the
rules of conduct, lieutenant—if not
in the rules of etiquette."
"Yes," the other replied airily, "I
have. always found 'that general
headquarters knows somewhat more
than I do. I have especially had
faith in the rule which specifies that
officers should never desert their
He stepped, back a pace, surveying
Xerxes coolly.
"A pity,
uniform is
lovely spy
Will she find civilian clothing so
attractive? I wonder!”
He turned insolently and strode
from the mess hall,
Xerxes was not allowed to forget
that he was in 'disgrace. None of
the other officers hurrying to -and
fro were as blunt as the young lieu
tenant. They said nothing, but their
unifriendly, sidelong glances needed
no Words to interpret them.
Ho stood it as long as he could,
then slipped out of a side door and
left the barracks. By leaving the
barracks, to which technical, arrest
confined him, he was -breaking his
arrest, but the tacit scorn of his fel
low officers had become unbearable,
Once away from the Legion en
campment* Xerxes -made his way
down toward the native quarter
of the town. There, at least, he could
be alone.
Head bowed, he sauntered slow
ly, turning over in his mind the
irlddlo that was Constance Bartoau.
The whole sceme was obvious to
him now. Her deliberate luring of
him to the palm grove outside of
Tlaba; her intentional ‘disclosure
that the shots tired that night were
aimed a him, not her,
Bitterly ho reviled himself again
’The’ he murmured,
vastly becoming to the
too. I’m sure a
must have found it so
for bis stupidity at the rendezvous
the night of the attack. How easily
he had fallen! If only the girl hao
not seemed so sincere, if only—if
only he had not believed her pro
testations of love. For the hun
dredth time he smiled sardonically
at his defense of her before Captain
Berouge. As if -anyone who was
friendly with Curt Sawyer could be
, less a renegade than Curt himself!
His thoughts palled. The irrevoca
ble past stood like a leering spec-
ter before him. He was no longer
Xerxes Benedict, honored lieuten
ant, but Bill Harvey—the man who
the world, was convinced had twice
violated a trust.
Entering a dingy native cafe, he
seated himself in a corner. "Cof
fee!” he snapped at the greasy na
tive who advanced to take his order
"And bring a bottle of cognac.
Cognac, do you hear, you dog-faced
son of a camel? Not gutter-water
like you serve to the men in the
The native proprietor stood
scowling uncertainly a moment.
Like all the other merchants in Sidi-
bel-Abbes. he made his living off
of the Legionnaires, and, like all of
the others, he detested them heart
"Get!” Xerxes snarled at him.
"Or would you have me fill your
carcass with lead?”
He reached toward his holster,
and the native vanished like
strand of morning fog,
amused grin twisted Xerxes'
He naturally hadn’t intended using
his gun. In the first place, he had
no gun. Technical arrest prohibit
ed him from carrying one.
Turning to face the street, Xerxes
froze stiff. Not fifty feet from
where he sat, Constance Barteau
was pushing her way hastily through
the jostling crowd of natives fill
ing the street.
to his
in his
out of the 'door,
way through the
smelling throng.
A sudden jam in
checked his forward 'rush for
meat. Craning his nedk, he caught
one fleeting glimpse of Constance,
then she was gone, turning to the
right around a twist in the narrow
passageway. Why She was in Sidi-
bel-Abbes or how she had got there
so quickly caused Xerxes no con
cern. All he wanted was to get ‘his
hands on her. (Bowling a swarthy
Arab out of his path, he darted up
the street to the corner around
which Constance had disappeared.
When >he arrived she had vanished
completely. Xerxes swore angrily.
She couldn’t have continued on or
she would still be in sight. She
must have entered one of the houses
lining the street—but which one?
Xerxes glowered at the line of
whitewashed buildings. She could
have entered any one O;f a d’ozen.
Then he spied a doorway cleaner
than the others and some sharp in
stinct moved him toward it.
Reaching the door, he pushed
against it and it swung open. Ahead
was the deepening gloom of a long
passageway. Xerxes didn’t wait.
He prudently kicked the door shut
to prevent his being outlined
against the glare of the sunlight in
the street, and strode forward.
When the door closed the thick
gloom turned to utter darkness.
His elbow against one wall as a
guide, he shoved forward rapidly.
Suddenly his elbow seemed to shoot
straight through the wall. His oth
er hand shot out, pawed around an
instant, then closed on
a ‘heavy drape.
Taking a good hold,
■the ‘drape to one side,
was a large, dimly lighted room.
He stepped through the arched en
trance and stopped in his tracks.
Directly across the room stood Con
stance Barteau. Her back was to the
wall and she held a (heavy revolver
tightly in her hand.
from the girl’s set face to the re
volver in ber hand, then
her face again.
"Well," he said hoarsely,
like I’ve done it a second
you intend to use that gun,
They’ll at least give me
military burial and I’d prefer that
to being planted in some prison
yard.” '
Constance swallowed jerkily,
■her lips remained pressed tight,
most deliberately she turned
tossed the revolver onto the divan
behind, her.
Color shot up Into Xerxes' cheeks.
"That’s right," he said. "You don’t
need a gun when you’re dealing
with me! You handed me a line and
I fell for it like a green yokel from
the corn natches." I trusted you—-
because I’d been out in that God
forsaken desert so long I'd forgot
ten how conniving and cheap a
woman can be! You said you loved
me—and I trusted you!" Xerxes
laughed until the mud walls of the
building shook. “I
You—a mean, desnic-
throat, chest, back
with VapoRub. Re-
lief-bringing action
starts right away.,.
while child sleeps.
Often by morning
most distress of
thbcQld Is eased.
Best-known home remedy
you can use to relieve
distress of children’s colds is
comforting Vicks VapoRub. “
Even while you rub it on,
VapoRub starts to work to
ease distress,. .and it keeps
on working during the night.
No wonder most mothers do
this when a® cold strikes. W | C K S
Tonight,try W VapoRubVapoRubJ
lA cold,
an instant Xerxes was too
back to move, then he sprang
feet, knocking the table over
haste. In two bounds he was
Shouldering his
-the street traffic
a imo-
the folds of
he yanked.
Before .him
glance traveled swiftly
■back to
"It looks
time! If,
go to it.
a semi
trusted you.
able spy!"
Constance „
face, white in the dim light, seemed
carved from milky marble,
hand - crept up to her throat
froze there.
“So?" Xerxes snarled bitterly.
offends your delicate ears to have
the word ‘spy’ spoken aloud in your
presence, does it? Well, it should!
You've sent a score of men to a hor
rible death: scores more will go .to
started violently, iter
Mr. and M'rs. J
Joanne, of Grand.
Sunday guests with Mr
Harris West.
Mrs. 'Clara
Thursday of last
ited last week with her aunt, Mrs.
J. Essery at the home of Mrs. B
Group II of the Woman’s Asso
ciation are holding a bazaar and
afternoon tea in the schoolroom of
the church
Oct. 30 th,
Mrs. W.
end with
and Mrs. Andrew Hicks were
day visitors with Mi’
Henry at. Listowel.
Henry returned home with them
after spending a week with her
A number from ‘here attended,
the International Flowing Match
held at Port (Albert last week.
There will be no church serv
ices here on Sunday on account of
the Whalen anniversary services
Sunday School service will be at
10.30 a.m..
Miss Audrey Powe,
spent the week-end 11
ents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. G,
and Mr. and Mrs.
attended the Parade of Quartets
in the H. B. Beal Technical School
auditorium, London, on Saturday
Choir practice will be held in
the church on Friday evening of
this week.
Mrs. W. Bowden had the misfor
tune to fall on Sunday fracturing
her arm at the wrist.
Miss 'Helen Essery, of London,
■spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Essery.
Miss Gates, of 'Chicago, is visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs, R. Gates.
the winter
Mrs. F. J.
J, Smale,
with her sister.
. Fairhall.
of California, vis-
for Pasa-
she will
on.Wednesday afternoon
commencing at 3
is welcome.
Hodgert spent the
relatives in Exeter,
and Mrs. Lome Hicks
and Mrs. S:
Miss Jane
Hello Homemakers! During this
fruit season, the apple is inestim
able. It was not enough to realize
the lack of apples last winter and
spring, but every day the song
apple pandowdy" tantalized
us. Now wq can use apples in Pan
dowdy and many other ways. Let
us proeess some in jars too,
CANNED applesauce
Wash and
Put in large
much water
cover on 15
sieve, and to
strained apple pulp add %
sugar. Bring to boiling-point
boil 3 mins. Fill hot sterilized
to within ¥2 inch of top and
at once.
N,B, If desired, pack the sweet
ened applesauce into clean jars
filling the jars to within 1 inch from
cut unpeeled apples,
kettle with half as
as apples, Boil with
■mins. Push through
each quart (4 cups)
Adjust cover and partially
■Process in oven or hot water
for 18 mins. Then complete
if necessary.
and slice 6 or 8 medium
and place in a long shallow
dish. Add % cup water,
if they need additional tartness
about 2 tbsps. lemon juice. Sea-
with 1 tsp. cinnamon. Then
% cup flour, % cup ‘brown
% Cup butter and 1-3 cup
sugar. x.
peanut butter. A pastry blender is
good 4or this. Sprinkle the crumbly
mixture over apples and bake in an
electric oven, 375 begs, for about
20 mins. Reduce heat to 350 degs.
and bake until apples are tender.
Serve warm or cold with or without
whipped cream. iServes 8.
2 cups flour, % cup shorten
ing, 1- tsp. salt, % cup cold
3 lbs. green apples (7-8
medium size), 1 cup sugar, 1
tsp. cinnamon, % tsp, nutmeg,
1 tbsp, butter,
Roll dough out on cold bread
board. Line 9 inch pie pan with
crust, Peel, core and cut apples
into very thin pieces. Mix sugar
and spice and sift into apples. Place
in pie shell and dot with butter, If
apples lack flavour, sprinkle with
1 tbsp, lemon juice. Put top crust
oil pie, prick, and brush with 1 egg
(beaten in % cup water, Bake in
electric OYen 425 degs, for 50 mins.
1 cup flour, 2 tbsps. shorten
ing, 1-3 cup milk, 14 tsp. salt,
2 tsps, baking powder, sliced
Bift dry ingredients, work in
shortening with the finger tips,
stir in milk, knead and roll out as
biscuit dough keeping in rectan
gular shape. Spread with the sliced
apples, and roll as jelly roll. Wrap
in piece of cheesecloth. Bteam for
45 mins.
2 tbsps. gelatine, % cup cold
water, ¥2 cup boiling water,
Vi cup lemon juice, 2 tbsps.
sugar,. ¥2 CUP grapes (Mal-
agra), 1 banana, 2 apples, 1
orange, 1 cup ginger ale, % cup
chopped nuts.
Soak gelatine in cold water
mins.' and dissolve in boiling
Add lemon juice, sugar and ginger
ale. Cut grapes in halves and re
move seeds. Slice banana. Peel and
chop apples. Separate orange into
sections ana remove membrane.
When ginger ale mixture begins to
thicken, fold in fruit and
Turn into moulds and
ric refrigerator.* *
Mrs. C. M. says:
julienne style (that means in long,
thin strips), and dice the whites of
hard-cooked eggs. Combine with
celery cut in strips, capers, sprig
of chicory and minced parsley. Toss
together with tihick french dressing.
■g water.
chill in elect
Cut meat in
French dressing is thickened by
beating in yolk of raw egg.
Mrs. A« Ws :says». Try a fish spag
hetti dish for a change. In a cas
serole put alternate layers of 2 cups
cooked spaghetti minced with U
cup chopped parsley, 1 cup leftover
fish and 2 cups white sauce. Add
eup chili sahce; heat in oven
until hot; sprinkle with cheese and
let it melt.
Mrs. <L IL says.: Tomato sherbet
is delicious on a salad. Scoop out
pulp of tomato and crush through
sieve; acid dash of curry powder
■and salt. But in freezing tray of
refrigerator and freeze to mush,
Take out and 'fill tomato, shells to
serve on lettuce with potato salad.
For common
ordinary sore
Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup is a prompt,
pleasant and effectual remedy for coughs, colds,
hoarseness, sore throat, bronchitis, spasmodic croup,
asthma and bronchial troubles,
Safe, effective, inexpensive and dependable, Dr.
Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup helps to loosen phlegm
and mucus, clear the air passages and bring quick relief for coughs and
Get a supply of Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup today. Price 35e a
bottle, or the big family size, 60c. •
The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont.
■m a
Your Local Newspaper is
read by every person, in
Exeter and Community
that is interested in it and
its welfare. Each week we
are receiving new <sub-
‘ scribers to our list of read
ers—yet few drop from
oui’ list. We don’t say this
boastfully but to give our
readers yes, merchants
and country people alike
information which they are
vitally interested in if they
are going to put an ad. in
this newspaper. Of course
you want people to read it.
They will if you put it in
your local newspaper.
Your Local Newspaper is Your
Best Advertising Medium
hadn't uttered a
had entered, th a
of Belmont,
with her par-
Herman Powe.
F. Penwarder
Lloyd Hodgson
I have—I love you,"
'You what?" he bellowed.
.she replied.
thud of a footfall
.gloomy passageway
He half-turned, but
he choked. "Can’t
The close companionship of two-
year-old Wesley Hudson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Hudson, R.R. 4, Mc
Gillivray Township, and his ‘dog led
to the safe recovery of the little
■boy from the creek on their farm
■on October 15th. The dog, a collie
pup, was given to the child this
summer and was .promptly named
Bobbie by the little 'boy. From then
on wherever Wesley went Bobbie
was sure to igo. Mr. and Mrs. Hud
son knew that. So, when they saw
the collie running toward the house
from the creek, they looked
Wesley but couldn’t see him.
mediately Mr, Hudson ran to
water and found the child had
en into the creek. He waded
and picked up the child wiho
nearly drowned. The child' soon re
God know,s what kind of a ‘death
because of you! That I’m in dis
grace doesn’t matter so much. I’m
only one man . . ?’
Xerxes stopped short,
that Constance
word since he
"Mon dieu!"
you say anything in defense of your
self? You’ve lied to me, you’ve
hoodwinked me, you’ve made a
■damned fool of me, Ibut as heaven
is my judge, I’d like to hear you
utter just One miserable little alibi
in your own behalf!" His face was
miserable. "Haven’t you anything
to say?" •
Constance Barteau’s hand drop
ped away from her 'throat,
she said.
Xerxes’ shoulders convulsed with
"I love you,"
The muffled
sounded in the
behind Xerxes,
he was the fraction of a second tort
slow. Something struck him a stun
ning hlow on the back of the head.
The room seemed to >go 'dark; he
made one feeble attempt to Teach
his hidden assailant, then wilted
slowly to the floor,
(Continued Next Week)
'Next tVdoicj Has Constance Bar
teau once again played on Xerxes’
ready affections to lead llini into
danger? What did her last Speech
mean ?
Bottles, jars, all sorts of glass containers are MISSING ! The
warehouse shelf, the wholesaler's storeroom, your retailers shop . . .
they're all feeling the bottle shortage. The shelves that used to be
packed with full bottles, jars and containers are now empty—very
Your manufacturer and dealer are depending on you toempty.
return these empty bottles so that he can refill them again,
depend on him to deliver the goods you need. DoesnT it seem
reasonable for you to help each other out ? Remember, no bottle
means no refill. Please gather up and return to the dealer ALL
your empty bottles today
Canadian glass factories normally pro
duce MILLIONS of hotties every month.
The vital ingredient in bottle making is
soda ash. The only big Canadian soda
ash factory was strike-bound for months.
Stocks of soda ash have been used up
.., bottle factories arc closed down .
bottles are not being made today. Beverage
bottlers and hl! producers of
/w bottled liquids must have
your bottles back to keep go
ing. Bottling plants Will
close down too * . * if your
empties are not returned.■<
* • < • « * • • « if • ««»••*« • « • • 4'4 4'.4 4 4 4