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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-10-24, Page 6
Pr.jrc 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17th, 1945 sp SALADA Europe Well Fed and Clothed Declares Farm Minister Gardiner - New Body Tools Mac’s for Pills and Things Now! Build up Resistance to Winter Cold’s VITAMINS WILL HELP YOU many clergy attend REQUIEM HIGH MASS Solemn requiem -high mass for Mrs. Julia Loretto Kelly was sung at St. Patrick’s Church, Biddulph, •by Very Rev. J. C. Kelly, son of the deceased, assisted by Rev. L M, Fogarty, of Mount Carmel, as deacon, Rev. Q, A. Pettit, St, Peter’s Cathedral, London, as sub-deacon, and Rev. J. J. Carrigan, of St. Peter’s Seminary, master of cere monies. The funeral sermon was deliver ed by Most Rev. J'ohn C» Cody, Most Rev, John T. Kidd, Bishop of London, gave the Absolution, Bish op Kidd was assisted by Very Rev. Dean W. S. -Morrison, St. Thomas, and Rev. J. A, Cook, of -London. Rt. Rev. Mgr. A. P. Mahoney, V, G, was present in the sanctuary, as were Rev, L. P. Lowry, Sarnia; the Rev.'s T. J. Ford, A, IL. Latraverse and J. of London; the Rev, nery, J. H, Pocock, Childs, Cod Liver Oil, Capsules or Extract 75c $1.00 $1.75 Horner’s Adacaps $3.00 Entoral Vaccine Caps $1.75 Dr. Bell’s Veterinary Remedies MacLAREN’S PHONE 59r2 XXX GRAND BEND PHARMACY Skin Affections Often Cause For Unhappiness Are you ashamed of your appearance because of a skin rash, boils, pimples or other skin affections? Too few people realize that these affections may be easily remedied. Impurities in the blood may often be the cause for ugly skin affections. To get relief from skin troubles, boils and pimples, try Burdock Blood Bitters. This vegetable compound acts on the bowels, kidneys, liver and stomach. It helps to eliminate wastes from the system. The result may be a smoother, clearer skin. B.B.B, has brought relief to thousands of other Canadians suffering from skin affections. It should do the same for you. Ask for it at any drug counter. Specify Burdock Blood Bitters. Price $1.00 a bottle.° The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. L. Meloche, J. B. O’Donnell, ’s W. T. -Flan- A, Durand, G. F, Childs, E R. Costello, L. J. ■Flynn, IF. J. Laverty, W. S, McCar thy, W. S. Simpson and T. L. Mc Manus, of St. Peter’s Seminary, London; Rev. P. J, Harrigan, St. Marys; Rev. L. W. Power, Ridge town; Rev. A. J. Lucier, Zurich, and Rev, J. A. Mackesy, pastor, Lucan. Pallbearers were William De wan, Francis Mitchell, Joseph Har rigan, Leo Morkin, Arthur Mor gan and Joseph Quigley. Service at the grave was conducted foy Rev. J. M. Fogarty assisted foy Father Kelly and Father Mackesy, Gilmore-Regan At St. Peter’s Rectory, London, Rev. W. Smith united in Rita Genevieve, daughter Regan, of Mount Carmel, late Mathew Regan, to (Chuck) Harvey Gilmore, marriage of. Mrs. and the -Charles , . .. , ... , youngest son of Claude Gilmore, o-f Tillson- burg, and the late Mrs. Gilmore. The bride wore a smart aqua finger tip wool tunic suit with silver musk rat trim, -black accessories and a corsage of Johanna Hill roses. Her sister, Miss Rosemary Regan at tended her wearing a brown suit of wool gaberdine with gold accessor ies and a corsage of Sweetheart roses. Gerald Regan was best man. Following a reception at Longwood Inn, Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore left on a wedding trip to Ottawa. On their return they will live in London. Hon. James G. Gardiner, Can ada's minister pf agriculture, speak ing at the banquet which conclud ed the international Plowing Match at Port Albert Friday evening last, blasted the .theory^ that Europe is devastated by starvation. Actually it has made an “amaz ing recovery,” he told an audience of more than 50Q .persons gathered in the vast drill kali of the former R.AJF. station, at Port Albert, Too Much Propaganda “Th© people of Europe are well fed, well clothed and well housed,” declared the minister. “We have been subjected ip the last six or eight months to propaganda that people outside Canada are suffer ing in a way we never have.” Mr, Gardiner nevertheless point ed out that although th® -people of the European continent may foe in quite a favorable (position, “mys tery surrounds -the plight of mil lions in Russia, China and other Asiatic countries,” These countries he foresaw as potential markets for -Canadian farm produce. To Distribute Surplus Function of the proposed World Food Board, he explained, would be, in a large measure, to distrib ute surplus 'food products to the starving millions of the world, ■thereby stabilizing international agricultural economy. It would also undertake to store until time of (peace non-perishable products in general direct the food products of the world into the channels where they would foe of the most benefit. Return Home For Mr. Gardiner, his visit to the plowing match and banquet was a return to his home county of Huron. Arriving late in the after noon, ihe visited several of the fields and pronounced the whole show “very fine indeed.” -On Saturday, Mr. Gardiner visit ed with his mother, who resides in display in as he ad- and their trophy won In order to take care of our ever increasing body work and to extend the scope of such work we have propur- red two new tools that arc capable of doing some of the tougher jobs. The Jac k aligns badly bent fenders and bump ers as well front axles housings. A new has just been straighten out foodies and fenders leaving Jess filing to foe don® and thus keeping the metal stronger. new Power Pips straightens frames, foodies, straightens as straightening and rear axle air 'hammer bought bumps that will in Ed’s Machine Shop Two Blocks East of Mato Street on John Street. KHIVA A large number from this vicin ity attended the InterpaUppal Plowing Match at Port Albert p» Wednesday pf last week. Mr. Vincent Kenney, Misses Tena McCann, Edna Hufoeart, and Nancy Chaffee, all cf Detroit, re turned home on Monday after spending the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. B, McCann and attending the McCann-Doyle wedding in Mt, Carmel on -Saturday. * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lpining and Patsy, of Detroit, an-d Mr, and Mrs. John Glavin and Edward, of Cent ralia, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, b. McCann, Migs Marie Denomme, of London and Mr, and Mrs. Jerome Denomme 'of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr, and -Mrs. Edward Denomme. Misses Helen an-d Dorothy Ziler, pf London, spent the week-end at the home pf their 'parents, Mr. Mrs. Louis Ziler, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dietrich Elaine visited on Sunday with Mrs. Joseph -Gelinas, of Zur- Professional Cards GLADMAN apd COCHRANE BARRISTERS -r~ SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensail, Friday 2 to 5 pan. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. * BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W« Morley EXETER, ONT. ■w •> * >: 4 t I* EVELAND—DEWAN and ich. and I and Mr. CROMARTY are at present enjoying PR. F. J. MILNER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Corner pf William and Sanders Streets, opposite the residence of th© Jate Dr. J. W. frowning. Phones; Office 29 5 W, Res. 295J EXETER, ONTARIO X r A, •k V’Q, YVALIA ALA.P V¥ JA U&borne Towns-hip. On front of Mr. dressed the plow-men guests was a worn old by his- father at a township match way -back in IS73. “Food production and distribu tion are as vital in peace as they were in war,” asserted the minister. “Never in the history of mankind has there been sufficient food duced to satisfy the needs. “In this task the farmers of ada, particularly the younger have a real responsibility.” Gordon McGavin, of Walton, was chairman of the banquet program, A. -C'arroll, secretary-man- the Ontario Plow-men’s officiated at -the -pres- of trophies .and -prizes top winners in the 20-odd classes match Gai'diner pro- Can men, At St. Peter’s Cathedral the wed ding was solemnized of Ruth Gene- veive, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. -Dewan, Blackfriars street, Lon don, to Norman 'Hartman Eveland, son of iMr. and Mrs. William E-ve- lan-d of Dashwood. Rev. Father C. A. Pettitt officiated and J. D. leMay was at the organ. The bride wore a pretty gown of white lace over satin in flooi’ length with finger tip veil of net. She carried a shower bouquet of Better Times roses and wore the groom’s gift a double strand pearl necklace. She was attended foy her sister Kath leen who wore pink -net over satin With -pink finger-tip veil held in a headdress of blue ostrich tips. She carried Queen Elizabeth roses. James Dewan, -brother of the bride was best • man; ushers were Jack Dewan, also a -brother of the bride, and Thomas Brockett. The bride’s mother wore a blue with black accessories and corsage of yellow roses. The groom's moth er <was in -navy, also with yellow roses. After a reception at -the Eastern -Star Temple, Mr. and Mrs. Evelan,a left to. spend their honey moon in the United States. The bride traveled in brown gaberdine with brown accessories and corsage of yellow roses. They will live on Egerto-n street, London, on their return. We . _ _ beautiful weather after having a fin© shower which greatly changed the appearance of vgetation and enabled the farmers to get up a good deal of the roots. Some jhave already all of thejr mangels up. Mr. . Stephenson, of Varna, ac companied by Miss Mossip and Mrs. Beatty were visitors one day last week with Mrs, S. A. Miller, of Cromarty, also Mrs. W. F. Batten, of Winchelsea. Mrs. Jas. Scott is improved enough to be able to be out and. about having a very bad cold. Colds are prevalent just at present in this neighborhood. •Mr. Thos. Laing, who has been ip the West for some time, has ar rived -home, also Will Harburn. Mr. anj Mrs. Sorsdahl also are ex pected very shortly. Notice will be giveii la'ter of a •Fowl Supper to foe held in the near future. DR. R. H. DOYLE PHYSICIAN and X-Ray MAIN STREET, Telephone SURGEON EXETER 60 Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.DJ5. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Office 3 6.w Telephones. Res. 36J Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON BELL BUILDING, EXETER Telephone 273 C. E. ZURBRIGG t < » r > k if ■k I * crepe gown ELIMVILLE and Mrs. Nelson Coultis at- the funeral of Mrs. Mary of London, last Tuesday. Sheerer, of Varna, ^Mrs. Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday I ¥ featured in which himself HENSALL Ontario. presented tile hor.se- the concluded a Girl Guide and Cost-of-living data is from Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Electricity costs are overage for Hydro in -------------j----- GUIDE ’ASSOCIATION FORMED AT and J. ager of Association, entation awarded plowing four-day Friday. T.he minister1 the challenge trophy in shoeing com-petition. -be at Chiselhurst Anniversary ■Chiselhurst anniversary will held on Sunday, -October .27t-h, 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Refoa Hern, B.A., of Varna, will be the -guest speaker. A new 'heating system has (been installed and the church .audi torium is -now in the process of be ing redecorated. Girl ' x108 u> o 1104 x ,00O “5 i 88 u. 84 ° 80 S O --<76 U 7-i 72 ■H 6S I The regular meeting of the Guides was held Thursday, October 17th, at 7 p.m. The meeting open ed by singing “O Canada.” A sing song was enjoyed by all the mem bers. T-he meeting closed by ing “God Save the King” “Taps.” sing- and of MISS ROSETTA M. COOK Miss Rosetta M. -Cook, daughter, of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook of Colborne -township, died Wednesday, October 16, in her 76th year. Born in she -had lived past 65 years, of the United Surviving are liam and Oliver, Herbert, Woodstock; and three sis ters, Mrs. Maud -Horton, Exeter; Mrs. Karry .Freeman', Hamilton; and Mrs. George Freeman, Col-borne. The funeral took .place from the Brophey funeral home with inter ment in Colborne cemetery. Goderich tpwnship, in Colborne for the 'She wag. a member Church at Leeburn. three -brothers, Wil- Goderich, and AUTUMN Have they got you worried? Well, here is one price to feel good You can buy more Hydro energy for one cent today than at any time in history! Compared with the dips and peaks of general living costs, the cost of Hydro service to Ontario consumers has come down constantly since 1914 . . . even dropping during war years. Today one cent buys about twice as much as in 1923 . . . almost five times as much as in 1914. Think of the work that one cent’s worth of electricity can do today, in an average Ontario home. It will give electric refrigeration for 24 hours . . . cook a full meal for two people on an electric range . ; . operate a washing machine for two hours, an electric iron'er for half an hour, a hand iron for an hour .., light a lOO-watt lamp for 10 hours, or run an average radio all day. '. Few people in the world have electricity available to them at such low cost as prevails in Ontario and as d result, electricity is extensively used. Present demands tax supply facilities to capacity since Hydro construction and expansion'were restricted by wartime necessity. Present shortage of materials and equipment makes it impossible to rapidly carry out expansion already planned. Until these conditions are relieved, use this economical servant wisely Prices! about. A meeting in -the interests formation of _ __ ____ Brownie troop in Hensail was held in the Hensail town hall Thursday afternoon of last week. An associa tion w-as formed with Mrs. T. Lav ender as chairman and Mrs. Stew art Bell as secretary-treasurer which will be known as the Hensail Local -Guide Association. Mrs. Keith Clysd-ale, of St. M-ar.ys, divisional Guide com-missionei' for Huron and Perth, was present and discussed details of the 'plan. A committee of Mrs. Lavender, Mrs. Bell and Mrs. .Laird Mickle was named to appear -before Hensail Chamber of Commerce ask its co-operation. MRS. E. DICHERT ■the and , died heart 15bh, in THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARI Mrs. Elizabebth Dichert, Sr at her home in Zurich of a attack Tuesday, October her 77th year. -She was the former Elizabeth Bloch an-d in 1888 mar ried Teter Dichert. who predeceas ed her two years. Surviving are six sons, Peter Dichert, Jr., and Victor Dichert, of Hibbert Township, Jacob Dichert, Hay Township, Harold And Albert Dichert, both of (Zurich, and Theodore Dichert, at home; daughters, <1__ __ Mrs. Ei. Wagonist, Stratford, E. Kellar, Hay Township, and Mrs. W. Eiokler, of New Hamburg; 29 grandchildren and six great -grand children, Funeral was held -from the home Of Jacob Dichert to -the Evangelical Church, Friday. Rev, E.‘ Helmrich officiated stud (Inter ment was in st. Peter’s (Lutheran Cemetery;, _____, „„ ____, four Mrs, Alfred Bfalf .and Mrs. A tree in the autumn is a lovely sight. One tree alone can concen trate the beauty of a whole wood land, leaf by leaf and branch by branch, as one flower can give the essence of a whole garden. (For the beauty of the turning woods is not alone in the scarlet of a mapJe grove or the sungold glow of a hillside stand of beeches. It is in the subtle change that creeps along the leaves themselves, from -point to ipoint and vein -to vein. A wonderland in -full color is awesome as a a forest fire, is mag nitude at least; but a single tree is like a dancing tongue of flame to warm the heart. Watch even a single branch out side a certain window and you are watching the color of change. One morning there is a spot Of yellow on a certaiii leaf, yellow which has not yet quite achieved the glow of gold. Another .day and the glow may be there. It spreads. The Spot becomes- a splash of gold, edged perhaps With a thin line of scarlet, It Creeps down the leaf between the veifts, and then across the veins; .the scarlet edging 'ividens into a band -and then a border. And hieanwhlle other leaves have -begun to turn, some to blood red beauty. Ail on the same branch, yet not two alike, either in pattern dr coloration. And finally it is a branch as-ifull of color as the .whole woodland. Thus comes autttmn, leaf by leaf, and ,-tree by tree* thus- the woods become* a hooked rug, flung across the hills with all its folds ana all its colors as they came to hand. But. pause beside on® tree and look, and you can see autumn on all the hills. Pick up one leaf of those already cast adrift and you hold autumn in your hand.—-Contribut ed. Mr! tended Jones, Mrs. Arthur Hurd and Douglas, of'An derson, visited with Mrs. Harry Sparling on Thursday. Several from this community at tended Match week. Mr. and Mr. Barrie last week on a Mr. Kenneth Johns and Mr. Franklin Skinner attended the banquet of the International Plow ing -Match at 'Port- Albert on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning and -Muriel, of Whalen, 'visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper. Mrs. Jackson Woods and Bobby s-pent a -few .days with Mr. atad Mrs. Jas. M-clLaug-hlin, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 'Coultis. Several from this community en joyed the EPkardt Bros. Bell Ring ers at Exeter last Wednesday ning. Mr. and iM'rs, William Johns, and Mrs. Jackson Woods, June Bobby visited on -Sunday with and Mrs. IFred Long, of Atwood. ■Mr. and. Mrs. William Routly, Anna an-d Grace visited on -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkland of Thames Road. The 'Fall anniversary church services will be held Sunday morn ing with Rev. Trueblood, of Credi ton, as guest speaker and in the evening Rev. (Daynard, of Staffa. There will foe no Sunday School until the following Sunday. Mr. Silas M'cFalls and Mrs. M. McFalls, of London, visited on Sun day with Mrs. and Mrs". Weston Horne. •Mrs. E. Johns, of Exeter, Mrs. Delmer Skinner and children spent a few days with Mr. and 'Mrs. Mayn ard Margison, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell visit ed on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. -Samuel Hannah, of Seaforth. Mr, and M|rs. ‘Charles Stephen and Betty Ahn visited on Sunday Mrs. Hawkins, of Seaforth, Mr. Donald Stephen visited Mr. David Bradshaw. ’ the International Plowing at Port Albert during last ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone $57-13 Dashwood R.R. No. 1, DASHWOOD William •Minor Dobbs, Dobbs of Langton, motored to __ ____ ___„ trip. Kenneth Johns and attended FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 13# i 1 J I eve- Mr. and .Mr. WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you Of yon/ property’s true value on sale day Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or- Phone 48-2 t 4 i- I With /jan-d "with MOUNT CARMEL Don’t forget the social and drawing to foe held in tihe Parish Hall on Friday night. Mrs. D. F. gate to the C.W.L. Convention in Chatham last week. Mr. and Mrs. H,. McKeever daughter Visited in Detroit Week. Mrs. Dr. Hagan and family, of Traverse City, Mich., visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jas. Boland last week. Mrs. M. Regan and Mr. -Gerald Regan attended the Gilmore-Regan Wedding in London on Monday last. The many friends of Mr. Tommy Ryan will regret to know that he is confined to his bed and under the doctor’s care, having suffered a heart attack. We all wfeh him a speedy and complete recovery. Mr. Eugehe McCarthy, of Delhi, visited ’his father and other rela tives here on Saturday, , MisS Jean .Voisin, of Lohdon, s'pen thd> wdek^end with her par-' ents here, A.number from here attended the -plowing match at Port Albert last week/ ’Coug-lilin was a dele- held and last E. F. CORBETT LICENSED auctioneer Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction. Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres............ WM. A. HAMILTON ' R. R. 1, Cromarty Vice-Pres........... WM. _H. COATES Exeter directors JOHN HACKNEY..... kirkton, R. 1 ANGUS SINCLAIR ...» Mitchell R. 1 JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY .. Kirkton, R. 1 ■ AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS ........ Mitchell THOS. StiOTT ............... Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE: Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ......... F. W. GLADMAN Solicitor, Exeter Exeter taa\ Highland Cedar FENCE POSTS * ALL SIZES TO SUIT ANY PURPOSE A. J. CLATWORTHY We Deliver Phone 12 Granton Olassifled Advertising pays io Results.—Others have benefited by1"' it, why oct you? t i- k I t 1 » r * it J-’ ► » 4 1 4 < t- *