HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-10-24, Page 4Page 4 THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, gXETEB,. ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24th, 1946 Sunday and Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and dur­ ing the evenings throughout the weeh, Open this Sunday and During the Evenings tlirougliout the Week. LAING’S Service Station Lady (to doctor) * “I'm bother­ ed with a little wart I’d like to get rid of,” Doctor: *‘Ypu’re in (She wrong office, lady, the divorce lawyer is next door,” ZION , Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern and Keith visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Myron Culbert, of Lucan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern, new­ ly weds, returned home from their honeymoon on Saturday. We wel­ come Mrs. Hern to our community Miss iR’ancis Hern had her ton­ sils removed at Victoria Hospital London on Saturday last. Don't forget the Bazaar on Wednesday October 30 to be held in the school house. Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Earl, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Miller, of Thames Road. $ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques and Ray visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore, of Thames Road. Want-Ads—the little fellows with the big pulling power, ’ i i i 11* Saturday, October 26th YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO HELP THE SCOUTS AND CUBS OF EXETER Buy an Apple Saturday 4& Announcements BMh, Notices c I*** r^cv., ■U.vimbriii>oiic<‘M SOq for nln^lc verwe, ft&c fi-aftriii. for each tiopul verne. EnitnKi-iw .gjnifH- 30c Benth and. Marriage sire Inserted free of Curd of Tluui.itN 50c. lu BIRTHS — At Mrs. Godbolt’s on Monday, October 21. Mr. and Mrs. Lome DEITRICH Hospital, 1946, to Deitrich, pf Crediton a daughter MOTZ—At Mrs, Godbolt’s Hospit­ al, on Tuesday, October 22» 194J to Mr, and Mrs. Roland Motz, a son. i CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. L. .Sweitzer wishes to thank all the friends who so kindly re­ membered her with flowers, letters, cards, treats while a very sick patient at her home. c ENGAGEMENTS Mr. ’“and Mrs. John Jones wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Hazel Alberta, to Arnold N. Wasnidge, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Wasnidge, of Ailsa Craig. The marriage to take place quietly early in November, * Mr, and Mrs, Frederick C. Clark, of St. Marys, 'have the honor of ■announcing the engagement of their Anna Pfaff, Pfaff, take at St.★ eldest daughter, Dorothy Rosina, to Arthur Murray son of Mr. and Mrs, Horace Exeter, The marriage will place on Saturday, November 2, St. James' Anglican. Church Marys, Ont. IN MEMORIAM in of t i Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 8,400 Times-Advocate readers every week COLLECTION OF REFUSE There will be a collection of Refuse in Exeter Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Citizens are asked tn have their refuse at the curb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—1'00 acres pf pasture With river water, about 80 acres tillable, W. Ct Pearce, Exeter. STRAYED For immediate pos- brown rug on William Street, conveniences, hard- Snelgrove Tire & Electric presents YOUR HIT PARADE on VICTOR and COLUMBIA RECORDS 1 To Each His Own 2.Give Me Five Minutes More Freddy Martin Tex Beneke Frank Sinatra 3. 4. South America, Take It Away Rumors Are Flying 5.Surrender Ray Johnson Betty Rhodes - Perry Como Mart Kenney 6.I Got The Sun In The Morning Al Goodman Les Brown 7. 8. You Keep Coming Back Like A Song Doin’ What Comes Natur’Iy Dennis Day Freddy Martin Al Goodman Dinah Shore 9.They Say It’s Wonderful Perry Como Al Goodman Frank Sinatra VISIT OUR RECORD DEPARTMENT REGULARLY Phone 31w for an ad taker STRAYED —From Hay swamp, a 2-year-old steer, black with some White, 3-corner piece cut out of right ear. Anyone with any in­ formation, please phone Dash­ wood 341’27. 24* FOR SALE session, 1 storey, brick house all modern wood floors and -garage. Apply to Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, John St, FOR SALE FOR SALE—1%-storey brick house modern conveniences; extra lot. This property is located close to business section of Exeter; quick possession. C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter, same with Elmer D, Bell, Solicitor, pt Exeter, (Ontario, by the 8th day pf November, A.D, 1946, utter Which date the estate will ‘be dis­ tributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED the 23rd day of October, A.D. 1946, ELMER -D. BELL, Exeter’, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator 24:31:7 box; 2 sets double harness; 2 sets of collar tops'; 6 collars; set of heavy foritchen harness; scuffier; wagon jack; whiffJetrees and neck- yokes; cutter; buggy; buggy j;’* TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Prop, GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, WM. TL SMITH, Auct. ,FRED 'FINKBEINER, Mgr, pole. Il I 'FOR SALE — Hot water boiler, | suitable for small home one new I radiator. Phone H. Jensen, Exeter 268J. 24* FOR SALE—25 0 Suffolk ewes, 1, 2, 3, and 4 years old. Mitchell Willis, phone 35rl4, Kirkton. 24c FOR SALE — Comfortable ibrick house with hydro and 3-piece bath- Small stable; 3% acres of productive garden laud; edge of Exeter; fall possession, C. V. ‘Pickard, Main St„, Exeter. Joe FOR SALE—No. 5 George White grain thresher with clover can­ vass and recleaner; George White .bean mill; McCormick- Deering tractor, W.D. 6, on rub­ ber; all in good condition. Ap­ ply to Fergus Turnbull, R.R. 1, Dashwood. 24c FOR SALE — 120-acre farm, well- located on • paved road, comfort­ table house, good bank barn; hydro and water. Productive soil, 12 acres bush; also 50 acres cul­ tivated land without buildings, near Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Exe­ ter. BAKER—In loving memory Baker who passed away October 26th, 1940.. We think of you in silence, Ana oft repeat your name, We who sadly miss you. But trust in God to meet again. —Sadly missed by Mother, Father, Sisters and daughter Joan. * FOR SALE—A limited number of feeder cattle, also 2 Durham springers. Clinton Sweet, R.R. 1, Centralia. 24c FOR SALE—100’ acres in ..‘Stephen Township with good brick house and bank barn. Close to village. Possession given when desired. C. V. Pickard, .Exeter. NOTICES ’FOR SALE—C.C.M. bicycle, a good • buy, §28.00. W. Martin, Exeter j South. 24* FOR SALE—Carrots, §1.00 a bus. Apply to Wm. Walters, R.R. 1, Woodham. 24* We are taking orders now for fall whitewashing jobs, with new Power Machine. — Wm. Watson, Phone 35rl9 Dashwood. 1'0-Stc HIRTZEL—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John T. Hirtzel, who passed away one year ago, Nothing but ey on, Longing for gone, None knows regret, But we remember when others for­ get. 3 —Ever remembered by his wife ,_ ___x.anH f-amiiv $ ; IFOR t>A-LE—Eddison phonogiaphanQ Ianiuy~__________ with 75 records, §12.00. W. Mar- , tin, Exeter South. 24* 7 October 27th. memories as we journ- a smile of a loved one the depths of our deei FOR SALE—Weavers and chunks. Allan Westcott, phone 176r32, Exeter. ’ 24* NOTICE—We have installed a key duplicating machine and are pre­ pared to make duplicate keys for most cars and cylinder type locks. Beavers Hardware. tfc FOR SALE—Used electric washing machine. Apply to Tom Walker, Exeter. 24* | FOR SALE — Iron cistern pump " with 8 to 10 feet of pipe. Apply at Times-Adyocate. 24c HAVE . YOUR Christmas photos taken now in your home. Phone Miss Anne Tate, 58-12 Hensail for appointment. 17:24* In the Estate of HENRY L. KRAFT, All persons (having claims against the Estate of Henry L. Kraft, late Of the village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, who died on or about 10th April, 1935, will de­ liver particulars thereof to the undersigned solicitor on or before the 1st day of November, A.D. 1946, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only <to -those claims of which notice will then have been received. Dated at Exeter this seventh day Of October, A.D. 1946. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executors. 2 10:17:23c In the Estate of WILMAM LUKER, deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of William Luker, late of the Village of Cent­ ralia, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 21st day of .February, A.D. 1941, are required to file particu­ lars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of 8 th day of after which distributed, those claims of which notice has been received. DATED the 23rd day of October, A.D. 1946. ELMER -D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrator 24:31:7 Exeter, Ontario, by the November, A.D. 1946, date the estate will be having regard only to AUCTION SALES WANTED IMUHWIATE POSSESSION AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD effects Being the property of the late Miss E, J. Hogarth, Waterloo St., Exeter on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1946 at 1.3'0' p.m. The ‘property consists of 1% acres of land with 7-room brick house and attached woodshed, small barn, good well; located south side Waterloo (Street, 'just outside the Village of Exeter. HOUSEHOLD tique bedsteads; dresser, bureau, felt mattresses, toilet sets; leaf table; EFFECTS—3 an- 2 wash stands; 2 feather ticks, springs; 2 white 2 small tables; drop- 2 kitchen -tables; kit­ chen chairs; rocking chairs; cook stove, wood or coal; 3-burner oil stove with oven; 2 glass kitchen cupboards; antique clock; sewing machine; odd dishes; some cooking -utensils; new Wear- ever aluminum canner and roast­ pan; scales; fruit sealers; valise; trunks; Fuller brushes; lamps; load ^liay; scythe; coil springs; kit­ chen scales; books; hymn books; and numerous other articles. TERMS — Household effects, cash; real estate, 10% cash, bal­ ance in 30 days. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. W. F. GLADMJAN, Solicitor for Executors. dishes and Tires, Vulcanizing and Household Appliances Andy Snelgrove, Mgr. Phone 18W, Exeter, Ont. is easy to achieve if you have a new coiffure designed express your personality. You will find our service both expert and reasonable. Be wise and get the sort ‘of a per­ manent wave that will do the most for your beauty. Fletcher-Blair Tall candelabra, fern and baskets of bronze chrysanthemums made an effective setting at Centralia United Church -on Saturday, Oct. 19th, when Rev. G. Weir united in marriage Lillian Isabelle, only daughter of Mrs. Blair and the late James Blair, and Ronald C. A., only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher. To the strains of wedding music played .by Mrs. G. F. Penwarden, of Centralia, the bride entered the church on the arm of her brother, Donald, who gave her in marriage. She looked Jovely in a floor-length gown, of ivory satin and sweetheart neckline and sleeves pointed at the wrist. Her floor-length silk embroidered veil fell from a velvet headdress, carried a bouquet of red roses and white baby mums tied with wide white ribbon and white streamers knotted with red roses. Her only ornament was a double strand of •pearls, the gift of the groom. Her maid of honor. Miss Helen Pfaff, of Exeter, wore a floor-length gown of pink corded taffeta with sweetheart neckline and full skirt. Her headdress was pink ostrich feather and blue velvet ribbon. She wore long pink lace mitts and car­ ried a nosegay of pink roses and pink chrysanthemums with streamers. Her bridesmaid, Norma Fletcher, sister of groom, wore a gown of blue net over taffeta with sweetheart neck­ line and full skirt. Her headdress was blue ostrich feather and pink velvet ribbon. She wore long blue lace mitts and carried a nosegay | of pink roses and pink chrysan- j themums with Mr. Charlie supported the were Mr. Bob bride, and Mr. chener. Mr. tralia, was soloist and sang beauti-J fully, “O Promise Me.” and during^ the signing .of the register, “Thdj Lord’s Prayer.” . | Following the wedding a recep­tion was held at the "Avalon” in j Exeter where a bountiful meal was served. The table was decorated I with pink streamers, pink tapers and silver baskets of baby mums]*, and centred with the wedding cake. The bride's mother received in a black and turquoise dress with black accessories '.nd corsage of Better Times roses and pink chry- FOR SALE—About 50 Hybrid pul­ lets; also “10.Rock .pullets. These are not culls. ’ Gordon Pear­ son, Dashwood, opposite Geo. Link’s, .24* FOR SALE-—50 cord dry wood, 14 ins long, -white ash and soft maple, mixed; §4.00 a coTd at the pile. Phone Glen Bell, Hen­ sail 92r3. 24* 4 Tomlinson’s Hairdressing ^Exetef’s Favorite Beauty Spot’* Phone 146 Exeter lace, long She WANTED TO RENT —■ Rooms or house, furnished or unfurnished. Would like to get possession be­ fore winter. Anyone having same please see Geo. M. Taylor at the Co-Op. Store. 24c WANTED — 25,000 B.M. feet of basswood. Jensen & Co. (suc­ cessor to .S. M. Sanders). .24* wa-Nted — An •young people child. Apply Station. apartment for and 4-year-old Sunoco Service FOR SALE — Weanling pigs and chunks; 2-5 mixed pullets, some laying. Edgar Cudmore. Phone 171rl4 Exeter. 24:31c I WANT TO BUY a number of good springer cows or heifers close up. G. J. Dow, Exeter. 24* FOR SALE—1250 Rock and Red x Rock pullets, laying, Roe strain. Phone William Kyle, 91rl4, Hensall. 24c FOR SALE—Girl’s three-piece win­ ter outfit, blue, size 5, -good con­ dition, reasonable. Phone Exeter * 259. 24c MISCELLANEOUS blue I Miss j the i HEN SPECS—STOP PICKING Prevent cannibalism in its worst forms including pickouts and feath­ er eating. Fit your leghorn pullets with specs and safeguard against picking. Easy to >put on. §4.00' per 100. Neuhauser Hatcheries, LONDON, Ontario. and pink chrysan- j pink streamers. 1 Harris, of London. | groom. The ushers J Blair, brother of the ; Alan Coward, of Kit-1 Allan Elston, of Cen- Jamesway Egg Candlers §1.65 and §4.75 Jamesway Egg Scales §1.55 and §3.60 Neuliauser Hatcheries, LONDON, Ontario. WANTED—10 0 horses, any kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good ^prices for them. Frank Taylor, Exeter tfc HELP WANTED WANTED — Girl or woman for steady work, good wages. Apply to Mrs. Maybee, Mayfair Bakery. 24c W A NT ED — Stenographer-book­ keeper. Apply in person to Can­ adian Canners, Branch 10<0, Exe­ ter. 24c FOR RENT t FOR RENT—Webster Paint Spray Outfit. Apply Beavers Hardware, tfc VIGORINE — The “pep” Tonic for men who are weak, nervous, ex­ hausted, 15-day treatment §1.00. At Robertson's Drug Store. IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. Robertson's Drug Store. VILLAGE OF EXETER COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of- Exeter for the year 1946 will hold its first 'meeting in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, the» 4th day of Novem­ ber, 1946, at 8 o’clock p.m. C. V. Pickard, * Olcrlc Dated at Exeter, October '22, 1946. TENDERS WANTED Lloyd’s Corn and Callus Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50c at Robertson’s and all druggists. PILES are generally caused from (blood) conges- _ BunJcerg Herbal Pills to treat the cause at santhemums. The groom’s motne^ !ts, *our?h?Ion^ chose a black dress with black ac-P)<)tt e not' At g cessories hpd corsage of chrysan­ themums. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Fletcher left by motor on a honeymoon trip to the United States. The bridd wore a green suit with brown ac­ cessories and corsage of Talisman On Us- roses and chrysanthemums, their return they will reside in borne township. A Idol and his money arc seme party. Stores. KUMJOINUS CLASS AUCTION SALE Strathroy, Saturday, Oct. 26th: 180 mixed stock cattle. Truck to deliver. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer 'has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction at Lot 7, Con. 4, Stephen Township 1 % miles east of Crediton and 1 mile south on the farm of the late Jack .Edwards, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1946 at 1.30 o’clock, the following: Brown mare, 9 years old; ’black horse, 8 years old; gray team; 1) black driving mare; 2 two-year- old Polled lAln-gus heifers. Rubber-tired wagon; bean culti­ vator with puller attached; riding plow; 2 walking plows; gravel CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS on Lot 31, Hay Township 2 miles west of Hensall on Highway 84, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER at 1 p.m, CATTLE'—32 purebred cattle, Shorthorn and cows; 31, 1946 and grade Hereford roan hull, 9 .months old; 5 steers and heifers, 2 years old; 6 - -- - 9yearling heifers and steers; spring calves. 10 pigs, 90 lbs. 300‘ Hybrid pullets, laying. IMPLEMENTS — W. C. Allis Chalmers tractor row crop on rub­ ber, with. ’scuffier and cultivator attachment; Bissel tractor disc; Oliver 2-furrow plow; 13-disc fer­ tilizer drill; manure spreader; hay loader; also mixed grain. TERMS—Cash. No reserve as farm is sold, LORNE LUKER, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, ED’. CORBETT, Auctioneers, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. Dispersal Sale of Aberdeen-Angus CATTLE Sat., Nov. 2nd, 1946 at 12 noon at the farm of T. Clayton Edwards WATFORD, ONTARIO Tenders will be received by** the undersigned for the office of Tax Collector for the Township of Mc­ Gillivray for the year 1946. Tenders will close at 12 o’clock J noon, October 25th, 1946. a , Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily 1 accepted. OLIVER AMOS,- • Clerk Twp. of McGillivray, R. R. 8, Parkhill, Ont. 17:24c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cows, 3 Herd Sires, 30 Heifer Calves, 6 Bull Calves.[ 68 Cows, 3 Herd Sires, 30 Heifer Calves, 6 Bull Calves. | Recently purchased from the estate of the late Howard « Fraleigh. Many popular families:—Flora, Pride, Morning J Call, Lucies, Blackbird, etc. Herd Fully Accredited for Tuberculosis. Farm located on No. 7 Highway, 6 miles north of Watford, 2i/2 miles south of Arkona; midway between London and Sarnia. The first social gathering for the season was held by the mem­ bers of the Kumjoinus Class of Maia St. Church at Riverview Park Tuesday evening. There was $ splendid attendance and .every­ one enjoyed the camp fire, sing song, worship service and last but not least, the eats, In the Estate of ROBERT LUKER, deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Robert Luker, late of the Village of Exe­ ter itt the County Of Huron, Gentle- man, Who died on or abdut the $rd day of March, A.D. 1940, are required to file particulars of the PROPRIETORS: T. Clayton Edwards, O. Zimmerman. AUCTIONEERS: Dunchn Brown, Shedderi; W. S. O’Neil, ♦ Ilderton. , s. FOR CATALOGUE WRITE TO T. C. EDWARDS