HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-10-24, Page 3the; times-advocate, exeter, Ontario, Thursday morning, October w,- 3
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All-in-all, SHUR-GAIN .complete feeds and Concentrates
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Condition Powder
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Guaranteed no Filler
Results considered, you will find
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Your drugs at
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ronto and London and will be
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A combination of valuable vege
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Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills are often
Valuable in the relief of constipa
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They help the eliininatory organs
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Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills are on
Sale at all drug counters, Price 25c
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Tlio T. Milburn Co., Ud., Toronto, Ont.
Hennessey Family Feted
.A very enjoyable evening was
spent in the Lucan Opera House
last Wednesday in honoi' of Mrs.
Hennessey, Cyril and Jim who are
leaving for their new home ,in
London. A very fitting address
was read by John Glavin and a
purse of money was presented to
Mrs. Hennessey by Mrs. James
Hall, to Cyril by Bennedict Regan
and to Jim by Alton Isaac. The
address is as .follows:
Dear Mirs. Hennessey,. Cyril & Jim;
Life is said to be made up of a
series of meetings and of ’ partings.
Sometimes they are joyful and
sometimes not. On this occasion
youi- friends and neighbors are as
sembled ihere to express .by their
presence the deep esteem, high
regard and mutual appreciation
with Which they held your friend
ship in the years that are gone.
All the acts of .kindness, of good
neighborliness, and of helpfulness
of the past (becomes a treasured
memory. Your departing from our
community leaves a vacancy that
is not easy to fill. We are sorry
to see| you go, and we wish you
every success and happiness in the
years to come. But while we bid
you a fond farewell, we cherish
‘the hope that as| the distance is
not too great, you will ibe able to
come back often to visit the
friends who are saddened by your
going and who will always give
you a .pleasant welcome.
As a token of our appreciation
we ask you to accept this 'gift. May
it serve as a pleasant reminder of
the many (happy years we have
spent together in this community.
We Cherish youi' (friendship of the
past, and we humbly pray that
God’s choisest blessings will be
'With you all in the years that are
to come.
Signed on behalf of
the Community.
Main Street W.M.S.
The regular .meeting of the
Main Street W.M.S. was held in
the schoolroom of the church on
Thursday, October 17th with nine
members present. The meeting was|
opened with "What a Friend We
'Have in Jesus,” and the Lord’s
Prayer repeated in .unison. 'Some
business was discussed. No .dele
gate was appointed to attend the
convention at Roy’s Church on
October 25th. It was decided that
anyone Who wished to /do so could
go. The minutes were read and ap
proved and the roll called. A paper
on- the .London Confei'ence resolu
tions were read and 'discussed. It
was moved by .Mrs. Martin and sec
onded by (Mrs. Jacques that we en
dorse these resolutions. Mrs. Camp
bell gave a report for last month.
A nominating committee was ap
pointed. Mrs. Campbell, Miss Hack
ney and Mirs, Lamport. Mrs. Mar
tin read a chapter from the Study
Book. Mr. Woods -gave a talk on
increasing oUr membership. It Was
moved by Mrs. Penrose and second
ed that' the election of officers be
postponed until (December, Mrs.
Penrose had charge of the worship
Service. Hymn 358 Was sung. Two
of the (members read verses of
Scripture. Hymn 28 was sung (and
Mrs. Penrose Closed the meeting
With prayer.
Teacher: “I said the composi
tions oh milk Were to be two pages
long. YotirS is only half -a page,
Betty?* Betty: “But I wrote about
condensed 'milk?*
A double-ring ceremony was per
formed 4u St. Raul’s Anglican
Church, Kirkton, on Saturday,
October T2th, when Rev. Canon
James united in marriage Eunice
Marie,' second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. .Minor Dobbs, of Elimville, and
Ivan Clifford, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Sherwood Brock, of Winchel-
The charming young bride enter
ed the church on the arm of Sher
father wiho gave her in marriage.
She -wore a floor-length dress of
white slipper satin with full skirt
and slight train, (brocaded satin
bodice, cape sleeves and sequin
trim. Her finger-tip veil of fine
white net was held in place with
a wreath of velvet flowers, Her
only ornament was a double strand
of pearls and earrings to match, the
gift of the groom. ILopg lace gloves
completed her costume. She car
ried an arm bouquet , of white
mums and American Beauty roses
and fern. Miss Eveleen Dobbs, sis
ter of the bride, was bridesmaid.
She chose a floor-length gown of
heavenly blue lace with fitted bo
dice, cape sleeves, full skirt and
long blue net gloves, Her matching
shoulder-length veil was held in
place with pink ribbon and (blue
feathers. She carried a nosegay of
mixed flowers. Little Patsy Anne
Dobbs, niece of 'the bride, was
flower-girl. She wore a floor-length
gown of yellow sil'k organdie with
blue ribbon trim and matching
headdress held in place with yel
low ribbon and blue feathers. She
carried a small nosegay. The
groom was attended by Glenn Dobbs
brother of the bride. Little Bobby
Glenn, nephew of the groom, was
ring-bearer. He carried a white
silk cushion with the rings tied on
with wihite satin ribbon. The
groom’s gift to the bridesmaid was
a gold compact, to the flower girl,
a big beauty doll, to the ring-bearer
a large stuffed blaclj dog, and to
the best man,, a tie clip and col
lar pin set.
Mrs. Harold Davis, of Kirkton,
played soft music during the sign
ing of the register after wiliich Mr.
and Mi’s. Clyne Dobbs ihad their
balby son, Terrance William, bap
lAlfter the ceremony the guests
returned to the (home ;of the bride’s
parents where a delicious fowl buf
fet lunch was served to about 25
guests. For a honeymoon to be
spent in the United States, the
bride donned a powder blue woo’
suit, white silk blouse with black
accessories and a corsage of .red
roses. On their return they will
reside on the groom’s farm in
Prospect Hill ’Circle of the
W.M.S. presented the program in
Granton Church for the circle (meet
ing. Mrs. Wan. Mossey, president
of the (Prospect Hill Circle, presided
during the program. The theme was
“In Christli'ke Lives”. Mrs. Oscar
Metters read the Scripture lesson.
Readings were given by Mrs. Gor
don Peacock and Mrs. Nelson Tate
from t'he missionary program- Mrs.
Archie Chillick gave a summary of
•the book "Healing Hands in India”.
Miss Isabel Bain sang a solo. Mrs.
Warner Hudson read a poem "The
Indian Road.’’
Bride Elect Honored
The ladies of the Centralia United,
Church recently honored Miss Isa
belle Blair, bride-elect, with a mis
cellaneous Bhowejr. Mrs. W. Skin
ner rendered a piano solo. A mock
wedding was enacted with Viola
Atkinson as bride, Hazel Buswell as
groom, Maxine Weiberg as best man,
Alma McAllister as .bridesmaid.
Bonnie .MicSyalls acted as the prea
cher, Doris Skinner, the bride’s
father, giving her away. Florence
Hodgins, soloist, sang “Drink to me
only with thin eyes.” The actors
aroused much laughter with their
comic • attire. Isabelle was asked to
take her - place .in a chair beneath
a decorated parasol after which
Doris Skinner read an address. .She
received a lovely lot Of presents
being carried in in a basket by
Hazel Buswell and Bonnie McFalls
and for which Isabelle expressed her
many thanks. AU joined in singing
"For She’s .a Jolly Good Fellow.”
Mrs. A. McFalls read an appropriate
poem and also conducted a contest
after .which cake and ice cream
were served.
Happiness is a Profit, Too
Many a man is apt to lose sight
of the fact that profits are measur
ed by more than money .alone, Lei
sure time, and tile happiness and
health which comb from relaxation,
are as important as monetary gains.
If ttye time and energies of your
'wife and children are being absorb-
by old 'fashioned methods of living,
your family is being deprived of
.things’ rightfully theirs: time foi'
your wife to relax and conserve her
health; .time for your young ones to
play, to study; time for you to ac
quaint yourself with everyday hap
penings; time to relax and take it
easy now and then. These things
can come only with improvements
on the farm and in the home, through
the use pf time and labor-saving ap
To reap ah increased, harvest of
happiness from your farm may re-
quire an increased investment. That
is where Jim Hendry, manager of
the local Bank of Montreal, comes
into the picture, He Will be glad to
review your plans and needs at
any titne.
The B of M’s farm improvement
loan plan can be your opportunity
to make your farm yield greater
profits , . . and enjoyment,
With Canadian Editors at
the Imperial Press Conference
By C. H. Hale
To return, briefly, to another as
pect of British World Policy discus
sed at the Imperial Press Confer
ence, which had special interest for
It was evident 'during the Con
ference that there was wide appre
hension throughout the Common
wealth lest the Imperial -Preference
should be abandoned, at. the dicta
tion of the United States. An as
surance given by the Rt. Hon. Her
bert Morrison, President of the
Council, in his address on the Trade
and Resources Of the Empire, -that
“'there can he no question of (Im
perial 'Preference being given up”
without countervailing advantages,
drew hearty applause from all sec
tions of the Conference. And Lord-
Altrincham, on his part, declared
that “Imperial Preference is the
Ark of the Covenant for the party
to which I belong,” He frankly re
sented the American attacks on the
preferences, and expressed the
opinion that “in this respect the
JAImerican drive tor American pros
perity has dangers for other
peoples. “I am sure,” he added,
“that the Americans do not realize
that the campaign upon which they
are set against reciprical arrange
ments between kindred or neigh
bouring countries is not at all cal
culated to produce the great expan
sion of international trade Which
they desire. If the world is to con
sist of two vast economic blocs, the
American and the Soviet Union,
with a welter of weaker states- for-
The neighbors and friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Desjardine, of Grand
Bend, who are leaving shortly for
their new home, met at the ’home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Desjar
dine Monday evening. A social hour
consisting of contests, singing and
music was enjoyed after which Mr.
and Mrs. Desjardine were called
forward and an address was read
■by Miss Gilfillan and a beautiful
chair was presented by Mr. George
Walper. Mr. and Mrs, Desjardine
•both made a very fitting reply. All
joined in singing "God Be With
You ’Till We Meet Again.” Follow
ing is the address:
Dear Mr. ana 'Mrs. Desjardine:
We are gathered here tonight,
friends of long standing, to spend
a few hours of fellowship with you
on the eve of your departure from
our community. W6 wish to ex
press to you our regret that you
are leaving our community (but we
are glad your son, Cecil and his
bride, will carry on where you are
leaving off. Residents of this com
munity for the major part of your
lives you have both ably filled your
part as a family unit in our circle.
We wish for you years of health,
happiness and prosperity in your
new 'home. We are happy that your
new home is so near that the close
ties formed here will not be 'brok
en entirely. As a small token of
our abiding friendship for you both
we ask you to accept this small
gift with our assurance that you
■will always 'be welcome guests in
our homes and that you will al
ways have a corner in our hearts.
—Signed on behalf of your
neighbors and friends
A large representation of young
people attended the Fall Rally of
Huron Presbytery Y.P.U., held in
the Hensall United 'Church Friday
evening. The registration at 7.30
p.m., was in charge of Miss Bar
bara Michie and Miss Dorothy Mc
Naughton. The worship period
commenced at 8 p.m. Rev. Hugh
C. Wilson, of Blyth, was the spec
ial speaker, delivering an inspira
tional address. At the conclusion
of the meeting refreshments were
served and a social hour enjoyed.
The Woman’s Missionary Society,
(South Huron), Huron iPresbyterial,
will meet in Roy’s Church, Thames
road, Friday, October 25, with
morning nnd nftornoon sessions*
The welcome will -be extended by
Roy's United Church Auxiliary and
Mrs. Thomas Brintnell, of Chisel
hurst Auxiliary, will reply.' Mrs. L.
C. White, of Talbotville, London
Conference branch president, will
bring a message.
•bidden to come together as co-oper-
ativp economic groups to stimu
late their own recovery, the pros
pect for trade expansion is not .a
promising one.”
The 'delegates from the West In
dies were emphatic in declaring
that Imperial Preference was the
very foundation of their -commer
cial system and was essential to the
prosperity of the Islands, They re
curred to the subject in these terms
again and again. Mr, Michael de
Cordova, president of the Jamaica
Press Association, circulated a
memorandum on the subject among
the delegates, in which (he said;—-
“British West Indies exports—-
mainly agricultural—cannot com
pete in the open market against
the production of other tropical
countries where wage rates and liv
ing conditions are almost impossibly bad—far, far worse than Those
in our own islands. Without a sys
tem of Imperial Preferences, we
cannot hope to sell our. sugar or
our (bananas at a price which will
cover our production' costs on the
most efficient basis we can attain.
We will face the utter collapse of
all our efforts—fostered ana .as
sisted by the British Government—
to improve the living and social con
ditions of our people. We see no
alternative because we realize only
too clearly we cannot compete in
the world’s markets against the
backward countries which produce
the same crops as we produce and
because we need to buy from ’other
countries so many of the necessary
things of life which we can never
hope to produce for ourselves. The
abolition of Imperial Preferences
would sweep aw-ay the hope of
every man in the British West
Indies to earn .a decent wage un
der decent working conditions and
the right of every family to bring
up their children in decent sur
In this connection it is interest
ing to recall it was Canada that
took the initiative in bringing a-
bout Imperial Preference. As long
ago as- 1878, Sir John Macdonald
made a formal«proposal to the
British Government fol’ reciprocal
trade on a preferential basis. In
the last year of his life Sir John A.
expressed the intention of renew
ing the offer. It remained for the
government of Sir Wilfred Laurier
to inaugurate the principle, which
has now been in effect, as the basis
of much of the inter-Empire trade,
for just half a century,
British Policy ill Germany
While on the subject of Empire
policy, it may be as well if 'I re
port on British policy in Germany
as outlined to us during our visit
to Berlin. Briefly, it may ibe de
scribed as an effort to extend -So
cial Democracy based on Christian
humanism, by .persuasion, precept
and example rather than by com
pulsion. This is being done through
the media of newspapers, of which
there are 34 in the British zone;
through the trade unions, churches,
schools and theatres. The news
papers have been turned ovei- to the
Germans—12 to the Christian Dem
ocrats, 7 to the Social Democrats,
2 to the Communists; the papers
in the country were traditionally
independent. The editors are given
comparative freedom, except that
they must not criticize Allies oper
ating in other zones, a proviso laid
down at iP-otsdam. They can, how
ever, criticize the British adminis
tration in their own zone, a situa
tion which some of our .party con
sidered absurd, since it tended to
put the British at a disadvantage
in theii' own zone. The Germans
are being encouraged to undertake
their own local government. All
school books have been replaced.
We were told there was some re
ligious revival, but not so much as
had been expected. The Chief Bur
gomaster of Berlin, with whom I
had an interpreted conversation,
told me that he favoured religious
teaching, in the schools. The radio
effort is chiefly through the medi
um of the BBC which has won a
reputation for truthfulness. In 'the
theateres there is an Effort to elim
inate Nazi influence. The Germans,
who have a passion for music, wel
come British music . and British plays. The theatres 'are showing
censored German films.
There are, however, difficulties
in the way of putting this policy
into effect. These arise chiefly
from the desire of the Russians to
communise, not only their own
zone, but the whole country. The
British officials believe that, given
a fair opportunity, they can suc
ceed in converting the Germans to
democracy. But much depends on
economic conditions. The people
must have a reasonable standard of
living. Otherwise they will natural
ly turn to Communism, since the
Russians are comparing the stand
ard in their Zone, which is agricul
tural, with the British zone, which is chiefly industrial and cannot feed
itself. The British officials are
most anxious to feel that they have
the support of public opinion
throughout the Empire.
Here it may be remarked that the
Empire Press delegates ‘were very
favorably’ impressed by the qual-
ity of the men who are endeavour
ing to administer the British zone
and to put this policy into effect,
They appeared to -be meh of mark
ed ability, with high ideals’: patient,
tolerant, with a broad outlook and
not without sympathy for the dis
tress of the people they were called
upon to govern, even though they
had been enemies imbued with -a
hateful philosophy.
A Busy Beaver *.
That’s the name we give the Little. Beaver Grain Grinder.
And youTl certainly agree when you see it in operation. It
eliminates all the work and drudgery of bagging grain?
loading it on a wagon? hauling it to the mill? unloading, re
loading, returning home and unloading again. Think of
the time you’ve wasted when this busy heaver will grind
your grain while you’re doing the chores. Then, too? you
have fresh chop all the time.
W. G. Siipmons & Sons
Phone 115 Exeter
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