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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-10-03, Page 5
THE TIMES.ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOPER 3rd, 1946 Support Church CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Muriel Whilsmith, Organist lO'd.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Mon., Oct. 7, 4.15 p.m.—-Mission Band will meet in the primary room. 8 p.m,—The Young People will meet in the S.S. room to organize for the season and to enjoy a social hour. 10 TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choirmaster, Esme Howard 16th Sunday after Trinity 10 a,m.—(Sunday School, 11 a.im.—Holy Communion. Sermon, “Strength of 'Character.” Fri,, 8 p.m.-—Choir practice. Mon., Oct. 7, 6.30 p.m,—Pot Luck supper for A.Y.P.A. JAMES STREET UNITED Rev, A. B, Irwin, B.A. Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader World Communion Sunday a.im.—‘Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m,—Morning Worship. The Minister. “A Christian’s Categ- oricals,” Holy Communion, ■p.m,—Evening worship. The Minister. “The Energies of Prayer.” Installation of C.G.-LT, officers. Mon,, 8 p,m.—-Y.P.U. ‘Open House* Social Evening. 7 ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist All Services On Standard Time 10 a.un.—“If Thou Knewest.” 11 a.m.—Church School. Evening Service withdrawn. United Church Anniversary. Fri., 8 p.m.—E.Y.F. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev* N. J, Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 10.30 a.m.—The Session will meet. 11 a.m.—Communion and Reception Service. The Minister. 7 p.m.—’Public Worship. Th© Minister. Wed., Oct, 2—Midweek prayer ser vice in James Street Church. Rev. Hunt. Thurs., 3 p.an.—Woman’s Associa tion at Misses Huston’s. Tues,, 7.30 p.m.—Y.P.U. at th© Church. Sunday, October 13th—-Anniversary services. Rev. R. T. Richards, D.D. of London. WOODHAM Quite a number from this com munity attended Zion anniversary on Sunday last Among those attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Johnston. Mr. Wm. Mills, Kenneth and Marion Mills, Mr. Fred and Miss Kate Jamieson, Misses Rhoda, Dorothy and Mr. Clarence Thomson Misses Marion and Edith and Mr. John Rodd, Mr. Harvey Parkinson, Audrey and Kenneth Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaughton. Those visiting in Zion community for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Scott and Audrey, of Farquhar with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mr. Wilbur Wynne with Mrs; George Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield and Miss-Blanche Mills visited on •Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire, of Exeter, and also attended the Harvest Home service at James Street United ’Church. Mrs. Harold Thomson, of Park hill, is visiting a few days‘ with her, mother, Mrs. Jas. Mills. Mr. Lloyd Cowdrey returned home -on Sunday from Victoria Hos pital, London, after being there two weeks having his appendix moved. He is much improved. (Intended for last week) Several from this community tended the Snell-Hern wedding held in Zion United church on* Saturday afternoon. Mr. Russell Laing, of Guelph, is spending a 'few days with his par ents, Rev. and Mrs. Laing. Miss Marjie Laing, of Galt spent the week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Laing. Mr. Graydon Camm, of Preston, and Miss ‘Evelyn Camm, of Toron to, spent the week-end with their father, Mr. John Camm. Miss Marian and Mr. Kenneth Mills spent the week-end with their cousin, Mrs. P. F. Doupe, of London. Master Ronnie Sweitzer, of Ship- ka, is visiting with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle. Quite, a number from this com munity ‘attended Exeter fair. Miss Fern Rodd of London spent the week-end -at her home here. Mr. Wilbur Wynne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Rout- ley, of Kii-kton. Miss Marion Parkinson loaves this week to begin training as a nurse1 at Victoria Hospital, London. Misses Marilyn Brine and Helen Shamblaw had their tonsils out one day ’last week. Mr. Lloyd Cowdrey, who had an operation for appendicitis, is im proving nicely. PENTECOSTAl, TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed. 8 p.m.—’Prayer meeting. Thurs., 8.30 p.m.—Annual Sunday School meeting, Be sure to be there^ IFri., 8 -p.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker, Miss G. McDonnell. Sun., 10 a.m.—'Sunday School. Supt. MT. E. Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Some Vital Ques tions answered by the Pastor. Communion Sunday. Sun., 7.3O1 p.m.—Sing feast. Come. Sun., 8 p.m.—Is th© Baptism of the Holy Ghost Necessary, by the Pastor. DASHWOOD Mr, and -Mrs, A. Tieman and Mr. qnd Mrs. Mrs. Mrs, Sunday, Miss Myrtle Gaiser, ing at Preston, spent at her home here. Mrs. Morenz, who the sick list With hey chener, has returned to her home. Mrs. Walsh, who has been visit ing her mother, Mrs. Wit?el, left on Saturday to visit in Port Huron and Detroit before returning to her home in Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Clemas and family, of London, were Sunday visitors^with Mr. and Mrs, T. Harry Hoffman. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Witzel were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert and daughter Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. ’Clay ton Siebert and two daughters, My, and Mrs, Stanley Siebert and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. (Lloyd (Sie bert, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs, Shiedel, all of Kitchener. Rally Day will be observed in the Evangelical Church on Sunday morning, October 13th, at 10.30 a.m. A good program is being pre pared and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer, of Mitchell, will be the guest speaker. Mr. Gordon Eagleson, who has been out West on the harvest ex cursion, has returned home. Mrs. C. Kimple, of Kitchener, spent a fe.w days last week with her mother, Mrs. G. Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman and son John are spending a few days in Toronto this week. Mir. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer visited with friends in St. Marys on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bartcliff, of ■Clinton, were Sunday visitors with her mother, Mrs. Merner, The Ladies’ Aid an>d W.M.S. of the Evangelical church will hold their monthly meeting on Oct. 10, at 8. p.m. M-r. H. Taylor, principal of the Public School, who was a ■missionary in the (far north, will be the guest speaker. All,ladies are invited to -attend this meeting. Garnet Wildfong and visited with Kitchener on Mary Tiernan Ira Tieman in who is teach- •the week-end 3i^s beep on sister in Kit- Jaques; Mr. and Switzer for re at- KIRKTON •tf Mrs. W. S. Cluff, Don and Paul, of -Guelph, spent the week-end with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. I. Marshall accompanied them back to Guelph Sunday. Dr. G. H. Jose was in Bellville this week on a business trip. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold O’Brien, a bride and groom of the past week. We welcome Mrs. O’Brien to our village. ■Silo filling is* almost completed in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cluff, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff. BIRTHS Morris Beaver. Birth, Death and Notice* are tuMerted free <»f charge. Card of Thank* ROc. In MenioriaiH Notice* for nliufle verse, Zoc extra each addi tional verwe, Hntjneejnent* SOc Announcement GALLOWAY — At Ur. Fletcher’s Hospital on Saturday, September 28th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Galloway, of Crediton, a daugh ter, Marilyn Anne, MILLS—At Dr, Fletcher’s Hospital on Tuesday, October 1st, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mills, of Woodham, a daughter, Sharon Elisabeth, WEBBER—-At Mrs. Hunter’s on Friday, September 27 th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Webber, a daughter, Lynda Lorraine. MARRIAGES CREDJTQN Miss Margaret Dougan, of Exeter was a guest-of Miss on Bunday. Evangelical Mission The Evangelical held their September meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mr, and Ml’S, Harry Beaver, The meeting opened with quiet .music by Claire Swartz, The call to wor ship was given by Jeannette Schenk followed by the hymn “Standing •on the .Promises of God” and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Scrip ture was. read by Ronald Wein and a poem by Harvey Rata. A reading was given by Donald Einkbeiner. This was followed by “Trust and Obey." _... . lock gave a chapter of the study book. A stewardship reading was given by Mrs. Ross Krueger. The roll call was answered and business was discussed. The meeting closed with the hymn “Rescue the Perish ing” and the Mizpah Benediction, A scrap book is being made by the Mission Band members *for the erip- led children of Woodeden camp, A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess, Mrs, Harry Beavei’ and Mrs. " ' - Elaine Mitchell Band Mission Bdnd a hymn ” Mrs. Ray Mor- doctor’s little daughter, deeplyA interested in radio, glanced -one morning into the office where her father was testing the heart and lungs of a patient. “Getting any new stations, Dad dy?” she inquired. and cou- GRAND BEND •Mr. and Mirs. Wan. Glenn son Donald, ar© visiting for a pie of weeks with the latter’s sis ters, Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Har old Noonan, of Windsor. They were accompanied by the former’s par ents, M’r. and. Mrs. George Glenn, of Hensail, who are visiting in De troit. Miss Ann Sanders and Mrs, M. McAvoy returned to Exeter on Fri day after visiting for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. 'Harmon Gill at (Lakeview House. World’s Biggest Ship Ready to Put to Sea There is almost a touch of tragi comedy in world affairs when one hears that the -biggest and most luxurious ship in the -world, in first -six years of its existence, did not follow its career. When “Queen Elizabeth” was built by the Cunard- MT " 85,000 tonner was not only the world’s luxuriously fitted other of her kind. Up till now, the “Queen Elizabeth” .has, however, only seen war service an-d has done invaluable work )a» a transport. The giant is now being prepared for the purpose for which she was originally built, The “Queen Eliza beth” is now docked at Southamp ton and 1,100 workers are already busy getting the world’s biggest and finest ship ready to put to sea in September. Like 'the “Queen Mary”, the “Queen Elizabeth” will be put into service on the North Atlantic route. the the White Star Line, this biggest sihip, but more out than any To be popular at home is a great achievement. The man who is loved by the housecat, by the dog, by the neigh bor’s children and by his own wife is ,a great man, even if he has never had his name in “Who’s Who.” Save Labour, Mr. Farmer Little Beaver GRINDER Consider these four important thatfeatures, for farmers oWn their own grinder: 1, Fresh Chop Which has food value. 2. Eliminates bagging, ing and hauling, 3, Grinds grain for one a bag. 4. Saves time. Grain can be ground while you are do ing the chores, more ' load- cent w r Page M * W ortn Looking Into. Investigate our modern face ties for servicing cars and trucks, promptly and effici ently. We are' Staffed and equipped to provide RELIABLE SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS We have special fools and equipment, expert trained technicians and factory-approv-' ed parts. Save time, trouble, money by seeing us first! J WUERTHrS ’ 0 DOW — SCOTT — On Saturday, September 28th, 1946, -at the home of the bride’s parents, Mary F. Scott, second daughter . of Mr, and Mrs. John G, Scott, Russeldale, to Elmer Freeman Dow, son of Mr; and Mrs. Stanley Dow, of Roys, by Rev. Wm. Mair, Thames Road, DEATHS BRENNER—At Kincardine General Hospital, on Thursday September 26, 19 46, Joseph Brenner, form erly of Grand Bend, in his 40th year, HOGARTH—In Exeter on Wednes day, iStptember- 25, 1946, Eliza beth Jane Hogarth, in her 88 th year, daughter of the late Septimus and Jane Hogarth, ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. James Blair wishes to an nounce th© engagement of her only daughter, Lillian Isabelle, to Mr. Ronald C. A. Fletcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher, of Usborn-e, ■the marriage to take ©lace October 19, at Centralia United Church, c Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs, of Elimville, Ontario, announce the engagement of their second daugh ter, Eunice Marie, to Ivan Clifford Brock, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock, of Winchelsea, -the marriage to take place October 12.* CARDS OF THANKS THANKS AGAIN I would like to personally thank all who helped so willingly to make the parade a success on Fair Day. Your Hobby Pal, S. J. Sweitzer, Parade Committee. Cylinder CORI'S SHELLERS See these John Deere corn shelters on our floor. -Some of the features include an ex tension hopper, shelled corn thrower, grain .auger and 9’ cob stacker. A Shipment of Sloop Sleighs has been received. W. G. Simmons & Phone 113 Exeter THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ferguson ’Doris and Mr. Arthur1 Ashworth, of Ilderton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dawson attended the Buckham-Duffield wedding at Lambeth on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson and Patricia visited on -Sunday with Mr. and Mi’s. Allen .Pfaff, Crediton. Misses Margaret Allison, and Helen Morgan, spent the week-end here. Bruce Mair, spent the ents. Mr. Rae don this studies at Mrs. ■of week-end and . Anne of London, at their homes O.V.G. Guelph, with his par- Stewart returned to ’ week to continue Western University. Arthur Gardiner spent week-end visiting with friends London. The second Clinic of serums Whooping Cough and Diphtheria was given Wednesday morning of ■this week at Elimville Hall. Sunday services will be at the usual hour on Sunday. Sunday ■School at 10.15 a.m. and at 1-11.15 a.m. Church service. The -Sacra ment of the Lord’s Supper will be held and also a Baptismal service. Several from this community at tended Kirkton Fair Friday of last week. Rev. and Mrs. Mair attended the Dow-Scott wedding on Saturday af ternoon at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott Russeldale. Lon- his the in for GREENWAY Don’t forget the roast chicken supper in the United 'Church shed on Wednesday evening, October 9th. Mrs. A. F. Matthews, of London, visited last Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. W. T, Uletts. Mr. and .Mrs. Emerson Woodburn and Leona visited on Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs. E. Harris of Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock attended the Poliock-Shettler wed ding in Kerrwood on Saturday. Miss Gray spent the her home at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. J. daughters, of Detroit, week-end With their Albert Pollock. (Intended for last week) Mrs. Robert Hodgins, of Petrolia Is Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Young and Miss Sophia Young. Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Whiting visit ed last week with relatives in Tor onto. A number of friends from here attended the Smith-Burnett wed ding at Grand Bend on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shettlef, of Buffalo, are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Robert Sara McIntosh week with Mr. and other relatives in Detroit. week-end at Hodge and spent the aunt, Mrs. cold weather is just around ■the corner. We have a nice assortment of Fall and Winter Footwear. Men’s and Boy’s Hi-Cuts in Leather and Rubber. Also fine and coarse Socks for men. If your feet or legs ache, we can help you. WW'1 Leather and Rubber Repairing promptly and neatly attended to while you wait. C Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz and Betty (Lou wish to thank .their many friends and relatives for all the flowers, cards and treats while Betty Lou Hospital. was a patient in Victoria* GW Mrs. Arthur Willert wish their sincere -thanks to In any weight-reducing program it is essential that the diet be based on normal food habits, but that it be below normal requirements in energy-producing foods. Protein should not be reduced, however. >Mr. and •to express the many friends who so kindly re membered Mr. Willert with cards, flowers and treats ‘While a patient in Victoria Hospital. * M w English and Mrs, are visiting this Seibourne English Business Review These business firms invite your patronage. Dealing with them gives satisfaction and helps to make this a better community Georgian Beauty Shoppe Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop. Exeter Phone 345 Shoppe The Home of Better Permanents Eugene Machine Waves Cold Waves If your hair is not becoming to you, You should be coming to us. VERA C. FRASER, Prop, Tel. .112 Exeter V’s 1 Snell’s Phone 100 i Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (one door north of Bell Telephone) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G» Reeder, Prop. , ExeterTel. 7i Mrs. Alonzo McCann wishes to •thank her .many friends for their ■kindness in sending .flowers, letters and cards while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. 3* Mr. Fred Hogarth and. daughters extend their sincere thanks for the floral tributes and other expressions of sympathy received during their recent bereavement, to the Reverend N. J. Woods, to the Misses Vera and Reta Rowe, to the pallbearers and to those who so kindly loaned their cars. * Mr. Harry F-or-d wishes to thank all who kindly remembered him any way while he was a patient St. Joseph’s Hospital. . IN MEMORIAM ZILER—In loving memory of Daniel E. Ziler, who passed -away Oct. 4, 1944. Two years have passed since that sad day, one we loved was called away, m in* The —- ____ -God took him home, it was his will, But in our hearts he liveth still. —.Sadly missed by sister, Louise. * KERSLAKE—In loving .memory of Mrs. Charles Kerslake, who pass ed away two years ago, October 1, 1944. We are sad within our memory, Lonely are our hearts today, IF’or the one we loved so dearly Has forever been called away. We think of her in silence. No eye can see us weep, But many silent tears are shed When others .are asleep. —{Lovingly remembered and family. CORBETT—-In loving a dear .husband and Fred Corbett, who died one year ■ago, Oct. 5th. * It’s lonesome at home without you, dad, And sad the weary way, For life is not the same to us Since you Wer© called away; If We had all 'the world to give, We would give it, yes, and more, To hear his voice and see his smile And .greet him at the dbor; So you who have a father, Cherish him with card; You’ll never know the heartache Till you see his empty chair. —-Ever 'remembered by his loving wife and family. c by hueband memory of father, Mr. • MORE WARMTH • MORE WEAR FOR YOUR MONEY . • MORE STYLE Priced $33.00 and up The Bond Coat possesses all the fine skill and styling recognizable in high The luxurious fleecy fabrics are light and warm providing many seasons wear. Come in and select your style from our new arrivals Our stock of ready-to-wear suits can offer a varied selection and although clothing of all kinds is in very short supply oui’ made-to-measure connections assure you a wide choice of worsteds, serges and tweeds at popular prices HERE’S WHY! tailoring grade clothes GEORGE WRIGHT THE CLOTHIER AND SHOE-MAN Stoves and Heaters ■ ■ * AIRTIGHT HEATERS Burns wood only. Body of blue steel lined with sheet steel — .available in four sizes. QUEBEC HEATERS Ruggedly built by Findlay, Beach and McClary in several sizes. Burn either coal or wood. FINDLAY CONDOR See the new Findlay Condor all-enamelled range with copper reservoir, enamel oven, coal and wood grates, chrome finish) mirror steel polished top. No place for stove polish on this smart looking range. PIPES *(six and seven inch, taper pipes, half pipes, also made-to-measure) — ELBOWS — COLLARS — DAMPERS — FLUE STOPPERS — FURNACE CEMENT — COAL HODES FIRE GUARDS - FIRE SHOVELS When Vitality Is Down . . . Chek-R-Ton Helps Bring It Up Use to bring back your flock after sickness or disease bi any kind z also ' to tone xip lagging appetites, and for worming. (Fun directions on every pkg. Traquair’s .. ......................Hardware One Door South of Post Office