The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-10-03, Page 4.Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER M, 1946 JU w Dr. Heininger Will Speak At Crediton Jubilee PERSONAL •:W: DR, H. R. HEININGER BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose, RUMACAPS two- way action attacks the cause, re­ lieves the pain. Robertson’s Drug Store. Slendor Tablets are effective. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ $5, at Robertson’s and ail druggists. Exeter, 8-4tc PILES generally from a conges- are caused (blood) tion. Try Bunkers Herbal Pills to treat the cause, at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. At Drug Stores, MISCELLANEOUS ORDER your Thanksgiving chicken now, Barred Rock roasters, dressed and drawn, ready for thp oven, 4 to 7 pounds. Norman Cowan, Hay P.O, or phone Dash­ wood 40rl3. 26:3:10c •+ FOR SALE I NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE—A good barn, 4Qx6A stabling below steel roof. Apply B. L. Wilson, R.R. 6, St. Marys, or phone 64r7 Kirkton. 26:3* FOR SALE—200> New Hampshire hens, hatched in April, 1945, government tested and banded, Q.B.S., flock disease free, have molted and now laying 3 ft -doz. a week. $1,25 each. Apply Mer­ ton Sholdice, Ailsa Craig, phone Crediton 20r6. 3* PULLETS FOR SALE—325 Bar­ red Rock pullets, 6 months old. started to lay. Apply to Joseph Ferguson, R.R. 1, Hensall, phone 80r2 Hensall. 3:1'0* FOR SALE — Boy's brown tweed coat, leggings and helmet, size 8 years, 'Phone 120 Exeter. 3c In the Estate of JOHN T\ HICKS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John T. Hicks, late of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron, deceased who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of Oc­ tober, A.D., 1949', are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, solicitor, after which date the estate will be distributed hay­ ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 16th day of September, A.D., 1946. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executor. 19:26:3 years old; 1 bay horse, 7 years old; i " 1 blue roan gelding, Q years old; yearling colt. HOGS—3 sows, >due in October; sows, due in December, POULTRY — 200 Barred Rock pullets, 6 months old; 150 'Sussex pullets, 6 months old; 250 Sussex pullets, 3-and-a-half months old. WOOD—-18 cord of Cedar, 1 foot length, CATTLE—25 HOLSTEIN COWS; 12 springers; 3 fresh cows; 10 cows, milking, and bred; 10 Hol- Stein theifer calves. These calves are all vaccinated. This is a good •herd of cows, and all are in good condition. BEEF CATTLE — 10 Hereford cows, with Hereford calves fay side; 20 Hereford yearling heifers; 15 yearling and 2-year-old steers. This is (J NOTICES a Dr. Harold R, Heininger, presi­ dent of the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Naperville, Illinois, will be the speaker at the Zion Evan­ gelical golden Jubilee services over the Sunday of October 20th. Dr. Heininger received his B.D. degree from the seminary where he Is now teaching, his B.S.T. from the Boston University school of Theology, and his Ph.D. from Chicago University. He has been professor at the Seminary since 1923 when he join­ ed the staff as professor of New Testament Exegesis. He has been professor of Christian Theology since 1927, and president since 1939. Previous to joining the faculty at JESNEY SHOE REPAIR — Now open for business. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. Crediton. tfp FOR SALE—Quebec heater, small size, in good condition. Apply to Reg. Hodgson, Centralia. Phone 18r3 Crediton. 3c pastoratesNaperville, he held Massachussetts. Dr. Heininger is a Board of Christain the 'denomination, and president of the Chicago Theological Faculties Union in 1944. member of Education the of Vi HELP WANTED WANTED — Girl for restaurant work. Phone 11 Exeter. tfc FOR SALE—Bed and dresser to match; glass top; couch; vately. ? .. \ Moir, Hensall. NOTICE—We have installed a key duplicating machine and are pre­ pared to make duplicate keys for most cars and cylinder type locks. Beavers Hardware. tfc choice lot of beef cattle. TERMS—CASH Positively no reserve. WILMER HOWATT, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. extensive clearing AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS w. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 2, Con, .8 Hibbert 3 miles east of Staffa, on Wednesday, October 9, wa commencing at 10,30 a.m., the fol­ lowing; HORSES—-Team Of Clyde mares, 11 ami 13 years. CATTLE—40 head of choice Hol- steins, 1 Jersey, 1 Ayrshire, 6 cows due in October and November, 6 cows due in January and February, 7 heifers due time of sale, 7 heifers due in November and December, 5 heifers due in January, 6 heifers February and March, 5 heifers, 3 young calves, 1 Holstein bull, 2% years kitchen cupboard with to sell pri- Apply to Miss Helen 3c WANTED — A girl for general housework, modern farm, no out­ side work. Apply to Mrs. T. L. Patrick, Ilderton. 3 c POSITION WANTED—Experienced stenographer, requires part or (full time employment. Apply to Box H, Times-Advocate. 3* FOR SALE—Heintzman piano, $85. Apply to Wm. Darling, Clande- boye.______________________3 * FOR SALE — 3-furrow Massey- Harris disc plow, Apply at Miassey-Harris Shop.3c FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LISTS, 1946 Municipality of STEPHEN TOWNSHIP County of Huron ^NOTICE is hereby given .that FOR RENT FOR SALE—Grey tweed topcoat, size 16, in very good condition; brown tweed topcoat, size 14. Apply Miss M. Rogers, Main St. 3* FOR RENT—Webster Paint Spray Outfit. Apply Beavers Hardware, tfc iFOR sale — 1933 Chev. coach, tires nearly new, serial number 5 82930; also purebred 'Durham bull, 2 years old. Apply to Har­ old Taylor, Exeter. 3* Det a Want-Ad be your salesman —a Go-Getter that costs you little.FOR SALE1—There - still is some feeding molasses left. We also have a carloah 'of baled wood shavings. Cann’s Mill. 3c ,NOTICE is hereby given .that I have complied with Section g of The Voters’ List Act and that I. have posted up at ray office at Cen­ tralia, Ontario, on. the 27th day of September, 1946, the. list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality, at municipal elections and that such for inspection. • And I hereby to take immediate have any errors or omissions cor­ rected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 18th day of October. 1946. Dated at Centralia, this 27th day of September, 1946. LLOYD B, HODGSON, Centralia, Ontario. list call remains there upon all voters proceedings to 7- FOR' SALE—Library table; gent’s bicycle; 10:0' ft, 7-in. belt; 800 lbs. cream separator, McCormick- Deering. Apply Geo. H. Wright. 3* AUCTION SALES Let flowers express vour sentiments every time. They say it better than a thousand words. We have roses, pom pom mums, glads, pots of branch­ ing ivy, rose bowl with a floating rose. EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 276 Glamour Starts Here Fall I Tomlinson’s Hairdressing Exeter hmmwbm* “Exeter*s Favorite Beauty Spot” Phone 146 Yes Indies, right here at Tomlinson’s* If you want an easy io care for natural looking permanent make an appointment with us. A permanent styled for every type of hair and for every taste, REAL ESTATE 'FOR SALE — 50 acre farm, fair buildings, .good soil and well,' fall oi’ spring possession. Apply at Times-Advocate. 26:3* FOR SALE —- For immediate pos­ session, 1 % storey, brown rug brick house on William Street, all modern conveniences, wood floors and garage. Apply to . Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, John St. hard- FARM FOR SALE — 200 highway, well situated; house with conveniences, with water -bowls, silo, houses, hydro, driveshed. W. Pearce, Exeter. acres brick barn hen- C. 3* HOUSE- FOR SALE----- First class bungalow in Crediton; full hath, furnace with, stoker and ther­ mostats; two-deck henhouse; colony house; possession soon. W. C. Pearce, Exeter.3* I FARM FOR SALE—150 acres clay loam, highly productive, well- fenced and -drained, plenty of good spring water, 15 acres bush; good bank barn with new hip- r'oof straw shed; good brick house, hen-house and other small 4 buildings; hydro; 80 mile from miles from Link, Dashwood, well-equipped with rods from school, 1 Highway 83, seven Grand Bend. George Ont., R.R. 2. 12 tfc FOR SALE—1%-storey brick house modern conveniences; extra lot. This property is located close to business section of Exeter; quick possession. C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter.____'----------i—------------------ --------- FOR SALE — Comfortable brick house with hydro and 3-piece bath. Small stable; 3% acres productive garden land; edge Exeter; fall possession. O. Pickard, Main St., Exeter, of of V. FARMS WANTED—We have buy­ ers for farms and smaller acre­ ages. If you are considering sel­ ling your property come in and talk the matter over or drop us a line. C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE — 120-acre farm, well- located on paved road, comfort­ table house, good bank barn; hydro and water. Productive soil, 12 acres bush; also 50 acres cul­ tivated land without buildings, near Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Exe­ ter. WANTED WANTED—100 horses, atty kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for them. Frank Taylor:, Exeter tfc WANTED TO BUY — Late model cat, must be in good condition. iPhone Alvin Gingerich, Zurich, S4r3. 3:10* WANTED—Farm with good bush, with or without buildings. If you have a lOO-acre farm with 2o aores or more of bush or a fifty with 1'0' acres Or more of bush please contact us. We have buyers for such farms. U. V. Pickard, Main St., Exetet. AUCTION SALE Strathroy, Saturday, Oct. 5th: 200 cattle including choice run of Hereford steers; trucks to deliver. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT The undersigned has 'received in­ structions to sell -by public auction x ftnMain Street, Exeter on' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4tli, 1946 at 2.30 p.m. The property of the late Mrs. ■Christie,, belonging to Miss Margar­ et Rogers; 7-room house with bath, all 'hardwood floors, upstairs and down, good barn and garden. One of the nicest houses in Exeter. A real good place to live. Don’t miss this good property. TERMS—Made known on. day of sale. AUCTION SALE OF CHATTELS AND CHICKENS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction in CREDITON (North of the Church), on .SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5tli, 1046 at 2 p.m. E.S.T. the following: Electric range; congoleum rug; 2 bed springs; 2 hall racks; kit­ chen chairs; glass case; coal scut­ tle; grain bags. 40 yearling White Leghorns; 150 Leghorn and Rock pullets, 7 months old; 150 R.I. and Rock hybrids, 5 months old; fattening coops; crates; hoppers; and other equipment. 6 dining room chairs, anm chair, 2 porch rockers, parlor table, 2 wash stands, paper rack, large kit­ chen sink, small writing table/ 2 commode, sets, verandah cot, 3- burner gas stove with oven, fold­ ing clothes -rack, 2 wicker baskets, traveling bag, rug 6’ x 9’, rug 6’9” x 9’, 2 metal window screens, ver­ anda bench, several 5-gallon cans, 10-gallon drum, buck-saw, shovel, logging chain small .chains, ■digging bar, (nearly new), fork, meat cutting bench, car jack, part roll ■round pole cook stove, large fire box, in good condition; enamel with porcelain top table. TERMS—->C(ASH REV. WM. H. YATES, Prop. E. SMITH, Clerk, WM. H. SMITH, Auct. Crediton 43-2. 1 Vd'LL‘3, shovel, 19’ long; several 2 heavy pry bars, good wheelbatrow manure fork, potato 4-p-o'int barbed wire, 16’ long, 2” thick; used kitchen cabinet, white due in yearling purebred old. HOGS sows, ready to breed; 20 hogs, 150 lbs.; 30 hogs, 100 to 125 lbs.; 27 hogs, 80 lbs,; 10 hogs, 70 l'bs.; 13 pigs, 8 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS—Standard Goodi­ son 7-0- tractor on rubber, with starter, Hights and cab; McC.-D. 6- foot one way disc; 102 Oliver 3- furrow adjustable tractor plow on rubber; set of 8 ft. iMjcC.-D. double disc: 3-section -Case lever harrows; 10-inch Model X flPapex hammer mill complete; buzz saw, will fit any 70 tractor with one bolt, 3-ft. blades; new Cockshutt manure spreader on rubber; Case hay loadv er; M.H. side rake; McC,-D. tedder; 6-ft. Deering mower; steel bay rake; rubber-tired wagon; 16-ft. rack; rolling rack; corn box; Deer­ ing binder; Bissel in-throw 14-plate disc; M.H. corn cultivator; Deering seed drill; 13-hoe cultivator; 2 walking plows; 2 (harrow carts; 2 sets iron harrows; 2 sets of sleighs; 2 light wagons; buggy; 2 cutters; stock rack; scuffler; fanning mill; 150-gal. gas tank and pump; 2 chicken shelters; set of scales; Viking cream separator with motor; land roller; 25 cement pig troughs; 2-wheel stock trailer with rack; 9 anchor posts; bag truck; bay fork; 3 sets team harness; set light team lha'rness; sap pan, buckets, spiles; cooking furnace with pan; set of grates; lumber; forks; chains; a quantity of furniture; 2 sets of rope slings and many small articles not listed; also 175 Barre,d Rock pul­ lets, 5 months old (if not sold be­ fore the sale). Positively no reserve. Terms, W. T. COLQUHOUN & SON, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer, THOS. WALSH, JACK KRIES, Clerks. 6 purebred Yorkshire CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction op Lot 19, Con. 8, Hibbert Township on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1916 at 1 o’clock, the following; HORSES—Team of Clyde mares, 4 years old, well broken; general purpose, 4 years old, well broken. CATTLE'—* “ " ’ grade Holstein Holstein cow, Monogram, No, 20; purebred; Holstein cow, Green- den Bonheur Monogram, No. 554322 due Nov. 20; purebred heifer, Bon­ heur Carnation Lolly Greenden, No. 1-year-old; Holstein bull 6 months old; 5 Holstein cows- in October; 2 Ayrshire cows, in October; 2 Holstein cows, in November; 2 Holstein icows, in December; Jersey cow, due 45 purebred and cattle; purebred Greenden Beauty 5618'07, due Oct. 68^657, calf, due due due due _ - . .in January; 2 Holstein cows.J’idue in February; 2 Holstein cows due in May; 7 heifers fresh with calves by side; 10 Holstein heifers, due in January; 6 Holstein heifers, yearlings; Jersey heifer, yearling. HOGS — 90 hogs; 8 hogs, .150 lbs.; 20' hogs, 120 lbs.; 23 shoats, 85 lbs.; 20 pigs, 65 lbs.; 20 pigs," 7 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, In­ ternational hay loader; F. & W. side rake; hay -tedder; Cockshutt seeder with fertilizer attachment; corn scuffler; Cockshutt stiff-tooth tractor cultivator; Cockshutt 3- furrow tractor plow; set double id-iscs-; farm wagon and hay rack. The above cattle are a choice lot, only two cows over five years old, all blood-tested, all heifers, vaccin­ ated and will be sold subject to T.B. and blood test. These cows 'have plenty of size and in first class condition with -good uddeirs and sold under guarantee. Positively no reserve. Owing to scarcity of help this herd must be sold. TERMS—’CASH CLIFF (MULLER, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, (Auctioneer, MISS MARGARET ROGERS, ■Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF 80 HEAD OF CATTLE AND A NUMBER OF PIGS These cattle are all Durham Hereford feeders, ranging 400 to 700 pounds. This sale will be held at Mrs. Jos. Ban’s Farm on? mile north of Drysdale, TUESDAY, OCTOBER Sth, 1946 HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. DAVID LEMON, -Prop., Seaforth and from on AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND FARM IMPLEMENTS on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1946 at 2 p.m., on Main Street, Zurich near Massey-Harris Shop. In case of wet weather sale will be in church shed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Spen- icer full enamel range foi’ coal or wood; hard wood; drop leaf table; 6 oak dining room chairs; china buffet, oak; oak .centre table; small table; Philco electric .radio, 7-tube; studio couch; hassock; 2 beds with springs and mattresses; 2 wash stands and dressers, oak; Quebec heater with guard, like new; 2 coal­ oil stoves; fancy plate .glass mirror; table lamp: chen chairs: cloth, 12x14 ft.; felt rug, er. Planet Jr. vator; Viking cream hand or electric, like new 5-ft, mower stiff-tooth cultivator and other ar­ ticles. rocking chair; 6 kit- 2 toilet sets; floor oil ft.; Wilton rug, "9x12 9x9 ft.; sausage grind- onion seeder and Culti- g cream Separator 22 rifle; Quebec sulky plow1; TERMiS—CASH henry Lawrence, Prop. OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer. * AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, POULTRY at Lot 29, Com 13, HuHett Township, 2 miles west of Blyth and 3 miles north-west of Londeaboto, cm FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1946 commencing at X p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES—1 matched black team, 6 and 7 years Old; 1 bay horse, 6 FARM SOLD CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS at Lot 11, Con. 1, Biddulph Txvp. No. 4 Highway, 6 miles south of Exeter, 6 miles north o-f (Lucan, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER Sth, 1946 at 12.3'0 p.m., standard time. HORSES—Team of mares, rising S' and 9 years (a good farm team); bay gelding, -rising 7 years. CATTLE—5 0 head of cattle in­ cluding Ig Durham and Hereford yearling steers, 24 Hereford and Durham Yearling heifers, 2 pure­ bred Hereford cows with calves, 2 grade cows with calves. The above are a choice lot of cattle, many from purebred Stock. HOGS—2 purbebred due at time of sale; York sows, 'due Nov. 1; York sow, due Dec. 20; at time of sale; 6 weaner pigs; 1 purebred York ’hog (tattooed elig­ ible foi’ papers). IMPLEMENTS — Goodison Hart- Parr 12-24 tractor, new motor in­ stalled last year; Cockshutt 3-fur- row tractor plow; -McCormick- Deering stiff-tooth tractor cultiva­ tor; Cockshutt 16-plate tractor double disc;' Cockshutt oil ' bath mower, 5-foot cut; International side -delivery rake (new), used only one month; Deering 13-disc seed ■drill (nearly new); drag harrows; diamond harrows; land roller; 4- row sugarbeet and bean scuffler; one-horse hand scuffler; Case corn and bean scuffler;- rubber-tired wagon; combination hay and sugar­ beet rack with side lift for mechan­ ical loader; set of sleighs; John Deere hayloader; riding plow; walking plow; Frost & Wood bind­ er; John Deere manure spreader; Renfrew 600 lb. cream separator (slightly used); extension ladder; 2 electric fencers with insulators; double harness; and many ‘ GRAIN—SOO bushel of grain, good enough for seed; . tity of Pin Oats from registered seed (ideal feed for fowl Or any stock). HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 6 Oak leather bottom chairs, buffet and table; 12 kitchen chairs, ers; 5 beds; Springs; 2 felt and 3 spring mattresses; combination book case anj writing desk; office desk; 2 leather rocking chairs and couch; sewing machine; 3-burner McClary’s electric stove; white enamel wood and coal stove; Coleman oil heater (living room style); electric heater; electric mantel radio; iron, toaster; ironing board (all hew); and num­ erous other articles, TERMS—CASH Positively no reserve, as farm is sold, MRS. GERTRUDE HENNESSEY, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, W, S. O’NHlL, Auctioneers. York sows 4 purebred 1 purebred 1 sow, bred other mixed quan- 2 dress- AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 19, Con. 9, Stephen Township, 5 miles west on Huron Street, Exeter, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1946 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—-Gelding, 8 years old; mare, 11 years old. CATTLE'—Cow, 5 years old, due Jan. 27; cow, 5 years old, due Mar. 15; cow, 6 years old, due Mar. 17; cow 4 years old, due Mar. 22; cow, 3 years old, due Mar. 5; heifer, due Mar. 27; cow, 5 years old, due Apr. 3;, black cow, five years old, due May 27; farrow cow; 9 2-year-old steers and heifers, all Durhams; 6 2-year-old steers; 8 spring calves. PIGS—3 brood sows; 33 pigs, 7 weeks old; 20 Stockers from 150 to 175 pounds. 1 25 hens; quantity of hay; 1,000 bushels of mixed grain; 20 single cord of dry wood; quantity of lum­ ber. IMPLEMENTS—Oliver bean pull­ er ana cultivator; Farmall H row crop tractor, nearly new; McCor­ mick-Deering tractor plow, new; Massey-Harris fertilizer drill, new; McCormick-jJeering manure spread­ er, new; McCormick-Deering 7 foot binder; McCormick-Deering mower; hay rake; 28 plate tractor disc, new; 17 tooth Massey-Harris culti­ vator; steel roller; 13-hoe drill; Cockshutt spreader for repairs; set of sleighs; 2 cutters; top buggy; .pea harvester; turnip seeder; rub- bei’ tired wagon; steel tired wagon; hay rack; wagon box; pig rack; 2 walking plows; riding plow; 2-fur- row Mapleleaf plow; 2-furrow disc plow; ankerholt; cream separator* root pulper; fanning mill; extension ladder; set of scales, 2,100 pounds; iron kettle; electric fence; grass seeder; quantity of piping; set of double harness; set of single har­ness; sap pans;’hay fork; some odd pieces of harness; set 4-section Diamond harrows; iron pump, com­ plete; cow hell; 25 gal. gas 'drum; silo cable; sling ropes; forks; shovels; whiff letrees; neckyokes; chains; boxes; barrels and other articles. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE — 9- piece dining room suite; living room rug, 3^x4 yards; white bedroom suite, complete; poster bed with Springs; wooden bed and springs; kitchen tabla and chairs; couch; toilet set; 2 rocking chains; enamel cook stovd, like new; kitchen range; whits enamel heater, new; small heater; coal oil stove; Daisy churn; Beatty washing machine; large milk can; fruit jars; ice cream freezer; butter sdish; cloak; lamps; Aladdin lamp; Colemaft lantern; General Electric radio; -desk; ironing boabd; flat ‘................................................. and AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction on Lot S, Con. 9, McGillivray Twp., on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1946 at 1 o’clock the following: HORSES—Gelding 6 years old; aged work horse-; driving mare. CATTLE—Cow, due time of sale; 2 iheifers. due in January; 5 cows, all due in April and M'ay; 2 two- year-olds; 9 yearlings; 6 calves. Sow due time of sale; 30 hens. IMPLEMENTS — Massey-Harris binder, in good condition; McCor- imick-Deering mower; hay rake, new; 2 seed drills, 13-hoe; Massey- Harris cultivator; spring-tooth har­ row; set of harrows; wagon; hay rack; disc harrow; gravel box; set of scales; set of sleighs; cutter; set of double harness; wheelbarrow; Renfrew cream separator; coal oil stove; heater; dresser; forks; whiff letrees; neckyokes; chains; boxes; barrels and other articles. TERM'S—’CASH WES. DICKSON, Prop. ■GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Wan. H. Smith .and Frank Taylor, auctioneers, have received instruc­ tions to, sell by public auction at Lot 9, Con. 7, Stephen Twp. mile south of Crediton, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17tli, 1946 at 1.30 p.m., the following: HORSES — Bay mare, 9 years old; bay mare, 10 years old; bay gelding, 8 years old. CATTLE —* Jersey cow due in December; Holstein cow,- due in May; Holstein heifer, due in May; farrow cow; fat cow; 2-year-old. Durham steer; Guernsey yearling ■heifer; Holstein yearling, XXVISytAMIl yea-L Hereford yearling heifer; heifer; yearling steer; 2 spring calves. HOGS—(York sow, idue in Octob­ er; Ybr'k sow due in December; 2 York sows, not bred; 33 shoats. HENS -— 100 Sussex yearlings. IMPLEMENTS 6 ft. cut binder mower, 5 ft. cut, Cormick-iDeering M.H. scuffler and bean puller truck wagon; low wagon; sleighs section mick walking plow, cutter rake; Hamilton tooth cultivator; cream separator sets of double scale, 2000 lbs.; __„„ ___pulleys; quantity of hay; 200” bus? of mixed grain; brooder stove, 500»- laundry stove; 3- stove; table and 7 'quantity Oil barrel; stone boat and other new Hamps and — Massey-Harris. ; Frost & Wood , nearly new; Mc- unanure spreader; *; steel _ _ „ set of set diamond harrows, 3- one horse scuffler; McOor- ’ ’ _ . nearly new; ; Fleury walking plow; horse root pulper; flat rack 12 hoe drill; anker holt; wheelbarrow; harness, ropes;'"slings and : Peter' spring- No. 1 2 Renfrew irons; 4 gal. crock; pictures other articles. TERMS — CASH ART AMY, Prop. . GEORGE, LAWSON, Clerk) FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. / chick capacity; burner coal-oil chairs; Aladdin hanging lamp h.p. Perkins (gas engine of lumber; chop box; hog crate; ‘ _ articles too numerous to mention. i Positively no reserve as the prop­ rietor has given tip farming, TERMg—QASH NELSON .SINCLAIR, Prop. GEO, LAWSON, Clerk, WM. H, smith and FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneers,