HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-09-19, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 19th, 1946 * Church Support Mrs. Geo. sp^nt a few week. Mrs. Alda HENSALL Thomsen, of X,oRdon, .days in I-Iehsall this Simmons and stster, Mrs. Callas, visited in Toronto week, Mr, Thps. Shaddick spent a Lucknow CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Muriel Whilsmith, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—'Public Warship. Thurs., Sept, 26th —- The regular meeting pf Guven Auxiliary, W.M.S., is postponed from Sept. 19 th. TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choirmaster, Esnie Howard 14th Sunday After Trinity 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m,—Morning 'Prayer and Ser- ' mom, "St. Matthew Apostle and Evangelist." Fri., 8 p.m.—Choir practice. Tues., Sept. 24—'Confirmation class Sun., Sept. 29—Harvest Thanks­ giving and Confirmation. JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader - 10.40 a.m.-—Sunday School staff and scholars meet in classrooms, 11 a.m.—.Rally Day an,d Promotion Service. The Sunday School will worship with the congregation. Rite of Infant Baptism. p.m.—Evening worship conducted hy the Minister. "The Calibre of a Christian Life." Mon., 23rd, 7 p.m.—Organization meeting of C.G.I.T. in school­ room. All girls 12-14 are wel­ come. 7 ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton M, E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist 10 a.m.—’Combined Church and Church ^School in Rally Service. 7.30 p.m.—-"Greater Things Than These." HEADQUARTERS FOR Fountain Pens GET YOUR PEN FOR SCHOOL 9 Sheaffer 9 Waterman 9 Parker S. B. Taylor JEWELLER WUERTH’S The cold weather is just around ■the corner. We (have a nice assorti$tent of Fall and Winter Footwear. Men’s and Boy’s Hi-Outs in Leather and Rubber. Also fine and coarse Socks for men. If your feet or legs aclie, we can help you. Leather and Rubber Repairing promptly and neatly attended to while you wait. Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store —.................. I ......... MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11a.m.—Public Worship and Church School. The Minister. 7 p.m;—Public Worship. The Minister. . Sun., Sept. 29, 11 a.m.—Rally Day Service. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed. 8 p.m.—Prayer service. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker, Miiss Vanardearde. Sat., 9 p.m.—Open air service. Weather permitting.- Sun.', 10 a.m.—Sunday School, Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—"What Must I Do?” The pastor. Sun., 7.30 p.m.—Song and Tesi- mony. Sun., 8 p.m.—“The Told Life." The •pastor. Come and join the crowd of happy people who love God. ZION Miss Laurene Hern, bride-elect of this week, was presented with a kitchen shower on Friday evening at the home of Mirs. Malcolm Spence of Blansharid. Laurene^was ushered to a -prettily 'decorated chair and at the side stood a wedding cake which, when cut, was found to be filled with many lovely gifts. Jean Brock read the address. Laurene thanked them in her usual pleasing manner and all joined in singing "For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.’’ A programme was then presented with Mrs. Wellington Brock in charge. (Readings wtere given by Mrs. Norman Jaques, (Lyda Steph­ ens, Mrs( Angus Earl, Marion Kemp and Anna Brock. Contests were en­ joyed by all. A dainty lunch was served and a social half' hour w-as spent. Rally Sunday. gramme ........ , _ _ ings were given by Marlyn Hern, Bob Hern and the choir. Harold Hern favored with a solo and Jean Brock gave the story. Mr. and Mrs.' Eph. "Hern and Laurene visited on -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rogers, of Kirkton. ) id ays recently in Clinton. Miss Irene Johns, a week-end visitor •Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. Alice Joynt is being visite.4 by ,her cousin, Mirs. Bellamy, of Calgary, Alta, Mrs. Mary Hennessey, of Lon- >don, spent the week-end with Mr. anclt Mrs. Garnet Case, Mr. and Mrs. A. D* Case spent the week-end with relatives in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Cowan and Teddy moved to their new home in Cookstown on Saturday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross are pleased to see them able to be out again. Mrs. Jack Corbett and Connie visited recently with her sister, Mrs. Leslie Adams, in London. Mr. Lome Foster, of Lpndoni spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore, Ann and Judy, of Delhi, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Miss Mildred Jones, bride-elect, is holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones. -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parlmer, of Windsor, • spent the week-end with Mrs. Thos. Parlmer and Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. Mr. Carey Joynt left to resume his studies Hall after spending the his home here. Mr. „ and Mrs. Lloyd St. Marys, spent the week-end at the home of the former’s father, Mr. Thos. Hudson. Miss Helen Swan was in Gode­ rich last week attending the fun­ eral of her aunt, the late Ma-s. iLouisa 'Drysdale, of Saskatoon, •formerly of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin and Eleanor, of Thames Road, visited recently with Mr. and MacILaren and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Cline son, of London, spent end with Mrs. Flynn’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janies Parkins. Mr. and M-rs. W. B. visiting in Toronto this the latter’s sister ana law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Week-end visitors of Mr. T. C. Joynt J, M'cMichael, and daughter, , all of IListowel. Wesley Jones, who has been Westminster Hospital, Lon- for the past two weeks is Of Exeter, with Mr. on Sunday at Osgoode summer at Hudson, of Mrs. Roy Flynn and the week- at were M!rs. Miss Day service was held on The special leaflet pro- was used. Scripture read- Are You Planning to EXETER FLOWER SHOP Phone 276I Ralph Bailey and Family mtiiiiiiiiiiiitiitttiiiiiiiiiuiiuiriit tint intuit it iniiitu nn tin t iiiirtiiiHHiHiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiti ninnuiiii tiinniiiiiitiiHiiiiinniil" Property Values Have Gone Up THIS $ IS THE AMOUNT OF MY POLICY Is it sufficient view of to-day’s for my needs in increased values? 50 per cent, and the value of increased in varying degrees. •has it kept pace with Building costs are up 30 to other types of property has But what about your fire insurance­ mounting values? For your own protection; why not check the value of your buildings; household effects and business equipment; and ask your Agent to increase your Insurance if it is found inadequate. Such action on your part now may save you from serious loss later on. Remember—it is better to have Insurance and not heed it than to need Insurance and not have it. W. HERMAN HODGSON Exeter “If It’s Insurance We Have It” Telephones: Office 24 - Res* 162J Ontario this King- RNC-1-46 was and few aud Tues- at ’ 10 Quick, Safe Relief for BABY’S COLDS! Rock-a-Bye Baby Essentials are formulated, tested and prepared for somebody special—for one person only— your Baby! Rock-a-Bye Products are unconditionally guaranteed —or money refunded. We recommend them to you without hesitation. Rock-a-Bye .Baby Nose Drops: A mild, non-oily solution. Relieves stuffy distress—safely. Rock-a-Bye Chest Rub: Soothes and penetrates without irritating. Vaporizes amazingly quickly. Help prevent dreaded Diaper Rash by consistently washing . Babe’s napkins in this scienti- fically- f or mutated Diaper Wash. ROBERTSON’S NOV. 11th HOLIDAY MADE STATUTORY Announcemenfs JMrtli, Jbeath and Alarrin^e Notice? are hiNerted free of charge. Card ot Thankm &0e. In Aleiuorian* Auiiccn r»lle for Mingle verNe, 25c extra .for each addi­ tional verme. Engagem ent« ■’>Oc BIRTHS BLAIR — in Vancouver, B.C., on Sunday, Sept. 8, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Blair (nee Grace Andrew), a daughter, Barbara Joan. COWAN—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos­ pital on Saturday, Sept. 14, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Cowan, of Exeter, a son, Donald lan. JOHNSTON—At Victoria Hospital, (London, on Wesdnesday, 11th, 1946, to Lome Johnston, Paul, a brother (LAMPORT—At Dr. pital on Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. (nee Elva Turnbull), of Crediton a son (Dennis Maxwell). MORLEY '—• At Mrs. Hunter’s on Thursday, Sept. 12, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell -Morley, the gift of a son (Gerald Douglas). NOAKES—In Hensail on Monday, Sept. 16th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Noakes, a daughter. MARRIAGES Sept. Mr. and Mrs. •a son, 'David for Bobby. Fletcher’s Hos- Sept. 16, 1946, Lloyd Lamport JACKSON—NEWMAN — On day, September 17, 194 6, o’clock 'by the Rev. H. W. 'Cliff, in Copke’s United Church, ston, Ont., Jean Seldon Newman, daughter of Ma’, and Mrs. Rich­ ard G. Seldon, Exeter, Ontario, to Mr. David L. Jackson, King­ ston, Ontario. DEATHS* *-* RIVERS — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Thursday, Sept. 12, 1946, Marjorie 'Gertrude Huston, 'beloved wife of Harper C. Rivers. SNELL—In Windsor, on Wednes- •Mrs. late Exe- * day, September 11, 1946, Eliza Snell, widow of the John C. Snell, formerly of ■ter, aged 95 years. Cross are week with brother-in- Millie. the home Mr. and Adeline Beatrice ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Joy nt Joynt, Mr. ill in don, improving but will .remain in the hospital' another four weeks. A' very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mrs. Jack IF'arquhar recently when the members of the “Tuesday Evening Club” gathered in honor of Mrs. Geo. Cowan, who has left for her new home in Cookstown. A social hour was en­ joyed around a bonfire climaxed with a weiner roast. During the evening Mrs. Cowwan was 'present­ ed with a “plastic table The .presentation was made Jennie Jolly. The September meeting Evening Auxiliary of the Church will be held >at the home of Mrs. Byron Kyle, Monday eve­ ning, Septembei’ 23rd, in the form of a pot luck supper commencing at 6 o’clock. Miss Barbara Michie will present “Friendship.” answered with “Friends of Bible.” Mernjbers and gu'ests reminded to -provide cups and verware. A large attendance is quested. Nov. 11, Remembrance Day—has been declared a statutory holiday this year. Ceremonies will be held’ throughout Canada to celebrate victory in both the First and Sec­ ond Great Wars. It is unlikely that another date will be 'chosen to celebrate the two victories. At the last convention of the Canadian Legion a resolu­ tion was passed asking that No­ vember 11 be^ known permanently as the day to^hiark victory in “any war.” ■■■' ■ ■■ Mrs. Guy Harrison, Clandeboye, announces the engagement of her youngest •daughter, Dorothy Elaine to Mr. Lloyd Raymond Elgie, sec­ ond son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elgie, St. Marys, the wedding to take place the latter part of this month. * Mr. ana Mrs. Earl Treffry, Crom­ arty, announce the engagement of ■their younger daughter, MargaTet Edythe, to Mi\ Ross James For­ rest, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest, Kippen, the mar­ riage to take place the end of this month. * eery. CC Middleton’s Bakery ■hayfever, summer sniffles, NOW by using Nameless of "walk- be found actioii in are to started to have a party breeding grwnds and secure CHECK sinus, Cold Remedy. Get it at Brown-1 ing’s, .Robertson^, Sanders’ Gro-1 Thank You- HUNT WA.LKINQ AT GRAND BENI? cottage at Beach of Pines, j ---------------------I EXETER It’s a Good Investment Word that thousands ing stick" bugs near Grand Bend London Tuesday leave fpr their Wednesday afternoon the several thousands required ter cancel’ research -work by the Dan* ting Institute of .Toronto. The KinsjnenClub of London, through theirw>resident, Bay Hen­ ning, left the city in the early afternoon to drive to the summer resort where they will gather as many ‘'walking sticks" as possible before nighfalL Several urgent appeals have been made by the Banting Institute and the Canadian Red Cross Soci­ ety for a thorough search of the district and has resulted in only a few “walking sticks" being sent to Toronto. The cavalcade of Kinsmen’s cars should result in the necessary quantity being secured and the important work in Toronto, which has been delayed because of the shortage of. these insects, will be able to get under way. The .Kinsmen will he accompani­ ed by Mervyn Jones, of London, who reported the presence of the insects in large quantities near his! summer rerfprm^nccj More Power Here’s How 1. Bring in your car. 2. Order our special TUNE-UP. 3. And you’ll get Engine Smoothness Increased Power Quieter Running Improved Economy We wish to thank our. many customers fop the wonderful patronage they have given us in the past nineteen years. We hope that our successors; Air. Dory and Mrs. Maybee; who will operate the business under the name of Mayfair* Bakery; will continue to have the same confidence you placed in us. We know they will give you service and quality. “l centre.” by Miss of the United •the Devotional’, The roll call will be the are sil- re- THAMES ROAD Mrs. Robinson, of Cromarty, ited with Mr. and Mrs. Allison last week. Mr. Bruce Mair returned ( oh Friday of last week Stamford Centre where he has practising with .Dr. H. Potter, erinary -Surgeon, for the past months. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maver son, Billie, returned home vis- John home from been Vet- \ four and this week after spending several weeks holidaying in the West. Mrs. O. Beaver and infant son re­ turned home from Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospital this week. Mission Band will meet Sunday morning during church service hour Rally Day service was observed last Sunday with Rev. C. W. Down, of Exeter, as guest speaker. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Charlie Coward was admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital last week. Miss "■ ’ week-end Blyth. We are Dorothy operation to ria week. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sheltick, of Gran­ ton. Mrs. Fletcher spent this week A. Gardiner and Misses Lillian are holidaying with their parents this week.. •Several from this community at­ tended Stratford of this week. Sunday services usual hour on School at 10.15 a.m. and Church service at 11 a.m.. with Rev. Mair in charge. Helen with Howatt spent her parents the near to report that underwent Miss an sorry McCurdy for appendicitis in Vic- Hospital Tuesday of this ■Staples, of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. other relatives, and Lyla Borland Fair Wednesday will be at the Sunday.Sunday Business These business firms invite your patronage. Dealing with them gives satisfaction and helps- to make this a better, community Georgian Beauty Shoppe Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop. Exeter • Phone 245 Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Exeter Phone 155w Grand Bend Phone 51rl 1 V’s Beauty Shoppe Put Your Head In Our Hands .............and you will wind up the Summer with lovely hail’ . . . soft and lustrous. Eugene Machine Waves Cold Waves Tel.. 112 Exeter Vera C. Fraser, Proprietress Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 100 J Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (one door north of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop. Tel. 71 Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Wesley J. Dinnin Neil, of Kirkton, youngest son of Mrs. W. W. Neil and the late W. W. Neil, the wed­ ding to take place early in October.* Mr. and Mrs. John Rau, Bayfield announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Marie Antoinette, to Robert Thomas Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Taylor. London, the wedding to take place Saturday, September 21, at Patrick’s Church at 9 a.m. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rowe to thank their many friends sent cards and flowers while Mr. Rowe was ia patient in Victoria Hos­ pital. * We- • wish to thank our friends and neighbors who have helped us so much during the .past few weeks, also special thanks to those who helped get our corn out this week. —-Mrs. Ernest Rock and family. ’ wish who IN MEMORIAM 0.MAWHINNEY—In loving memory of William Mawhinney, who passed away two years ago. The one I loved has gone to rest, His fond true heart is still; • The hand .that always helped me, Now lies in death’s cold chill. —Lovingly remembered :by tyis wife. • TRIEBNER—In loving memory of Gdms. Edward Charles Triebner, who was killed in action in Bel­ gium two years ago, Sept. lS.th, 1944. —Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, Bill, Doreen, Tommy and Jackie.* CENTRALIA Choir practice will be held Fri­ day night at 8.3'0' in the church. CROMARTY Rev. W. A. McWilliams attended the funeral of the late Duncan Mc­ Neill on Thursday at Strathroy. Mrs. Charles Mills and two chil­ dren of St. Mftrys, visited with Mrs R. Robinson. Mrs. Duncan McKellar visited in Stratford. Rev. W. A. McWilliam and Jas. Scott, Sr., attended a presbytery meeting in First Presbyterian church, St. Marys. * Liver, preferably pork liver, once a week is essential in any normal diet. Give your car the attention it requires. In these days it is more important than ever. It’s a good policy and a money-saving one, too, to have your cai- serviced regularly. Such things as changing oil; greasing; checking the battery, tires, and other points at regular intervals may not seem so important but they will give your car much longer life and more comfortable driving as well. ' •■ GRAHAM ARTHUR Your Red Indian Service Station Is Your Home Ready For Cold Weather QUEBEC HEATERS Ruggedly (built iby Findlay, Beach and McClary in several sizes. Burn, either coal or wood. AIRTIGHT HEATERS Burns wood only. Body of blue steel lined with sheet steel — available in four sizes. PIPES (six and seven inch; taper pipes, half pipes, also made-to-measure) — ELBOWS — COLLARS — DAMPERS — FLUE STOPPERS — FURNACE CEMENT — COAL HODES — FIRE GUARDS — FIRE SHOVELS, Announcing the Birth of . . . THOUSANDS OF FALL PIGS and MILLIONS OF WORMS Pigs Can Worm Themselves On Pigtab Granules * » It Pays To Worm All Litters At 10 To 12 Weeks ASK US Traquair’sJL \ *r *i Hardware One Door South of Post Office