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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-09-12, Page 3
"THE"TJMgS*APVOCATE, 'EXETER, QNTARIft WVWAY MPRWJNCg SEPTEMBER "* -*rr W Ecto % Everyone Admits Those are critical times in which we are living. With scar cities and shortages such as we have now it is well for us to consider a little more seriously this business of co-opera* tian, both iix business and in our everyday living* '1'hese shortages have affected the supplies at your Co-Op store to some extent* but we can still offer yow— Poultry Feeds—Grow Mush* Lay Mash, Oyster Shell* Grit, Poultry Woi’m X-Pel, Howai’d’s Poultry Medicine and Stimu lator and l?ortified Pilchard Oil; 6-gallon size water cans; round feed hoppers. Hogs-—Pig Starter* Brood Sow’ Ration* Hog Grower, Flog Woxan X-Pel* Howard’s Hog' Medicine, Calves and Cows—Calf Meal and Dairy Ration, Calf Savers, Calycta Miscellaneous—2 Cement Mixers; 4* Rolls Poultry Several Rolls Hog Fence; Motor Oil; Rope; and a stock of other Farm Supplies. Fence : limited i i Exeter District Cooperative Phone 287 ■w HAY COUNCIL Phone 38 Exeter were If you require the services of a portable welding out fit just phone the above number. Ed’s Machine Shop will be at your service to do a thorough job whether it be large or small. Ed’s Machine Shop Two Blocks East of Main Street on John Street. ft Highland Cedar FENCE POSTS ALL SIZES TO SUIT ANY PURPOSE A. J. CLATWORTHY We Deliver Phone 12 Granton The Council of the Township of Hay met in the Township Hall, Zur ich, on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 1946, for their regular monthly meeting and also as a Court of Revision on the Logan Drain By-law. The following appeals heard; Eldon Jarrott, Lovina Rei chert, Alfred Reichert, Cooper Forrest, Wm, F. Alexander, John Alexander, William Thomson, Gar net Whittacker, Sam Ropp, Gordon Troyer, Mrs. Alice Troyer, Garnet Datars, J. M. Richardson. Their ap peals were as follows: 1st, incor rect acreage; 2nd, Tuckersmith Tp. not assessed at all; 3rd, C.N.R. not assessed for 'benefit at all; 4th, Dept, of Highways not assessed. It was moved that the Court of Revision on the Logan Drain By law be adjourned sine die. •It was moved that E. D. Bell, solicitor, be instructed to advise the Township of Stanley that no action will be taken in respect of the Logan Drain until this township is served with ia copy of its by-law’ as required by section 74 of the Municipal Drainage Act. That Earl Campbell be appointed as representative from Hay Town ship to the Exeter Park Board for the Community Grounds. That the relief paid to Mrs. .Edith Mason be raised to $15.00 per month, That the Inspector, T. R. Patter son’s report on the Tuckey Drain be accepted and that Hy. ILawrence be paid in full for the open portion as per contract. That the Engineer’s Report on the* Wildfong Drain be provisionally adopted and that the 'Clerk be authorized to have sufficient By laws printed and served on persons interested. Court of Re vision to be held on-Monday, Oct. 7th, 1946, at 3 p.m. That H. W. Brokenshire 'be ap pointed tax collector for Hay Twp. for 1946 and that notices be sent out. By-law to be drawn up firming appointment. That accounts for Hay Roads, Relief, Hay Municipal phone System and Hay Twp. eral accounts be paid as >per. vouch er. Hay Township Jloads — Roofer’s Supply $56.67; Drysdale Hardware 2.00; M * .............. 3.50; land Ed. 8.00; EL1MVILLE Ml’, and Mrp, Harry Sparling and Harvey visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Sparling, of Anderson cm Sunday with Hazel returning home with them, Mrs. Henry Price, of Detroit, is visiting a few days with hex* par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Tbomas Bell, Mr. James Sinclair and Mr. Lewis Woods, of London, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Woods, Mr. and Mrs. William March, of Parkhili, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Philip Murclx. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns, of Wincheisea, and * Franklin Skinnei’ spent the end at Niagara Falls and points. Mrs, Wesley Heywood is visiting for a few days with hex’ daughter, Mrs. Stuart GopJd, of Hay. Mx!, and Mrs, Arthur Elliott, of Thedford, visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Jaques and faxnily, of Zion, and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Pym, Leona and Aldeem vis ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Cooper, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hogg aud John, of Thorndale, visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. William Routly. Mr, and Mrs. John Herdman at tended the funeral of Mr. John Herdman, of Strathroy. last week. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Stephen, Mrs. William Stephen, of Woodham and Mr, Arnold Stephen, of Brus sels, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Arnold Stephen, a patient in Kitch ener Hospital recuperating from an operation. Miss Mildred Miller and Miss Florence Bell, R.N., of London, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Bell. Mr, Harvey Sparling, of London, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sparling. Mr. Murray Stephen , of London, Visited -over the week-end with his parents. Mrs, Edward Johns, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Mar-gi- son, of London, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Delmer Skinner. Mission Band Picnic The Elimville Mission Band held a picnic on Saturday at the home of their leader, Mrs. Harold Bell with about fifteen members pres- , ent. The results of the races are as ; follows: small children, Floyd J Cooper; older children, Muriel Cow ard; girls kick the slipper, Wilma ( Walters; boys kick the slipper, j Floyd Cooper; Exercise race, Muriel Coward and Marilyn Hern; girls * sack race, Wilma Walters; boys - sack race, Floyd Cooper; spot race, . Muriel June Muriel Grace served Mr. and Mrs, week* other the Coward; Walters; Coward; contest, scramble, statue shoe . ___ eating icontest, Routly’s side. Lunch was at the close of the picnic. Officials Study Aux Sable tp Plan Control pf Floods—Meet at Parkhill MARDLIN—•BAIN A bank of ipalms,. ferns and gladioli, with lighted tapers in tall candelabra, formed a pretty setting at the United Church, Wednesday afternoon, Sept, for the marriage of Edith eldest daughter of Mr, and William Bain, Granton, to Gordon Millson Mardliu, son of Mr. and. Mrs, George Mardlin, Denfield. Rev, M. G, 'Cook, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony. Mrs. Thomas 'Gunning played the wedding music and Mrs. Robert Clarke, aunt of the bride, sang “The Lord’s Prayer’’ before the ceremony and “0 Promise Me” during the signing q£ the register, Miss Isabel Bain, sister of the bride, was her only attendant, The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr. Lloyd Mardlin, Den field, and ushers were Mr. Gordon Bain, brothex* of the bride, and Mr. Waltex* Bain, cousin of -the bride. 'After the ceremony a reception was held in Hotel London, On their re turn from a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs, Mardlin will reside on the bridegroom’s farm on the 16th con cession of London township. Granton, 4th, Mae, Mrs. Mr. ,M •f Batteries WINCHELSEA We are sorry to report that Mr. Harry Ford is under the doctor’s care. We hope for a speedy recov ery, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns spent the week-end .at Niagara Falls. ; Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker, of Welburn, visited on .Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford. Master Sheridan Penhale spent Monday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale, of Elim- ville. Mr. and Mrs. C, Horton, of Lum ley, visited on .Saturday" with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Penhale and Sheridan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker, of Stephen. Mrs. Wm. Walters and Margaret spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Clarke, of -Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hern and Helen and Are You Ruptured? OUR SERVICE IS DIFFERENT. WE SELL YOU A FIT IN OUR PRIVATE TRUSS ROOM. Trusses, Belts, Supports of all kinds, con- Twp. Tele- Gen- Tom Welsh 34.90; Alf Clark !lra Geiger 17.60; Miat Eng- 16.00; Homer Russell 2.0'0-; Erb 3.0*01; Leonard Merner Elmer Rowe 1.20; Wm. J. Northcott 4.40; Beverly Gould 3.40; Allen Smith 3.20; Philip 3.20; Eldon Ortwein 3.2'0-; Eisenbach 1.00; 4------- -— 7.20; Leon Bedard 11.501; 1 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Over 15 years experience. • Your- drugs at CREDJTON A number from here attended anniversary services at Brinsley on Sunday. The service was conducted by Rev. Smythe, of Parkhill. Rev. and. Mrs. Trueblood and Irene spent Sunday -with friends in Parkhill where Rev. Trueblood supplied Rev. Smythe, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hudson daughter, Margaret, and Mr. Mrs. Peters, all of Toronto, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beaver. Mr. Fred Beaver and Mr. Wm. Beavei’ have gone to their respec tive homes in New York and Lon don after visiting with their sister and brothers in this community. Miss Copp, of Toronto, is vaca tioning at the home of Mrs. A. M. Berry. Mrs. Ellen Holtzman and daugh ter Miss Pearl Holtzman, of Cleve land, Mrs. 'Lydia Sweitzer and Mr. Simon .Sweitzer, of Exeter, called on friends in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Gratton, of Grand Bend, visited on Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eilber. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fahrner were Mrs. Mary Bettis and daughter, Audrey and son Bill, of Toronto, and Mrs. Percy tDunsford and daughter Carol Anne, of Exeter. Mrs, E. Guettinger, who has been receiving treatment at Hospital, London, has home much improved, to report. . Miss Betty Lou Schwartz is a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon don, where she^underwent an op eration. on Thursday of last week. Betty Lou’s many friends are glad to know she is making favourable •progress. Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz has spent several .days with her daughter in London. Mrs. MacDonald, who has spent the past few months with friends in Port .Dover, has returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Schenk, Mrs. Jos. Woodall- spent’ the week-end in London and visited .with her daughter, Mrs. J. Pryde, in the for and and Victoria returned we are glad who underwent an operation Victoria Hospital on Friday. visited on Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Kirk Hutton, of Wingham. Exeter Locals a returned spending has >been H. O. Southcott is spending few days in Toronto. Miss Marion Kernick to Toronto Monday, after a week at her home here. Mrs. Earl Parsons, who quite ill and confined to her room for several days, is again able to be up and around. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Emmett, of Lon don, visited Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Fraser. Stubborn Cases of Constipation Those who keep a mass Of impurity pent up m their bodies, day after day* instead of having it removed, aS nature intended, at’ least once in* every twenty-four hours, in variably suffer from constipation. The use of Cheap, harsh purgatives will never get you any where as they only aggravate the trouble and in jure the delicate mucous lining of the bowels* and are very liable to cause piles. If Constipated take Milburn’s Lhxa-Liver Pills and have a natural movement Of the bowelB. They do not gripe, Weaken and sicken as many laxatives do. Who T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont, Masse vvxn , ’Philip Clemence Bedard ___ _ ____ _____2 11.7 2; James Miasse 120.35; Hensail District Co- Op. 15.00; F.’ C. Kalbfleisch & Son 2.25; Wm. Jennison 190.56; Ervin Reichert 10.00; Leonard Greb 4.75; Percy Campbell 7.35; Keith Thiel, 7.’00; 'Paul Ducharme 4.00; Wm. Geddes 3.20; Wm. W. •Northcott 2.10; Chas. Aidworth 25.75; Harry Bassow 3.2’0; Jacob. Ortwein 5.00; ^Alfred Meidinger 18.10; Arnold Merner 7.00; Dennis Charrette 11.40; Alphonse Mass© 46.80; total $665.78. Relief—Mrs. John Suplat 25.00; Mrs. Edith .Mason 15.'0i0; Emma Bassow 8.90; A. Heideman (rent) 3.00; total $51.90. Hay Township General —H. W. Brokenshire 152 icipal World 17.50; Hy. 685.50; Prov. Tineas., Health 7.76; Tom Laing, spector 5 7*. 00 J Treas. Tel. System 100.001; 49.31; total $1,069.47. Hay Municipal Telephone System —»T. H. Hoffman 554.28.; H. W. Brokenshire Carlson 3 6.61; Rudolph Timber Co., Treas. of Stephen Township M. G* Hess 694.20; Northern 391.04; Automatic Elect- 95; Bell Telephone Co. total $'2,747.19. the meeting be adjourned Ac counts ,40; Mun- Lawrence Dept, of drain dn- Hay. Mun. Mrs. H. Hey, H. W. 128.10; Stromberg 85.50 .9.00; Electric rlc 17. 830.51; That to meet again on Monday, October 7th, 1946, at 1.30 p.m. at the Twp. Hall, Zurich. H* W. Brokenshire, Clerk. At Toronto Tournament Messrs. M. W. Telter and J. S. Armitage, of Parkhill, wore among the contestants at the Globe and Mail Scotch Doubles bowling tourn ament in Toronto last week. They won their first three games before losing out. ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter If you don’t want it—sell it to somebody who does. USe a Want SNELGROVE Bhone 18 Tire and Electric Exetet SHIPKA Anniversary services in the Unit ed Church will be held on Sunday, Sept. 22nd, at 2.30 and 7.30. Rev. Dr, Keys, of St. Marys Presbyterian Church, will be the guest speaker. Special music will be supplied in the” afternoon by a male quartette of Zurich and in -the evening by -talent fr4» James St. Church, of Exeter. The public are cordially in vited to attend these services. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skevington and two children, Susan and Janet, of Detroit, are visiting this week With Miss Pearl Keys. Several from this community at tended anniversary services at Brinsley on Sunday last-. Miss Dorothy Desjardine - who has spent .the past two weeks with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. IFord McGreg- ger, of Parkhill, returned home last week, Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Turner, and Grace Marie, from Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirk Engle- hart, visited with friends here on Thursday last, L. MOUNT CARMEL The many friends of Jas. Dalton, , Mrs. Alonzo McCann and Mrs. Campbell will be sorry to learn they .are patients in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. Sandy McEachan, of Ypsi* lanti, Mich., and Mrs. and Mrs, Ray Richards, of White Pigeon, Mich,, called on friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Morrissey and Mrs, G. Morrissey visited in Str at- ford recently. Miss -Shirley Regier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Regier entered St. Joseph’s Hospital as nurse-im training, Mt and Mrs. J. IL Dalton and family have returned to town after spending the summer at Grand Bend. , The sleepy Aux Sable, which awakes every spring to spill flood waters over rich farmlands of three counties, on Friday last, was ex- ploced by a score of prominent citi zens who hope to bring lasting tranquility to the river, Members of the newly-constituted Aux Sable Conservation Authority, the anen sloshed through marsh lands bordering the river to seek the best method of halting its an nual spring splurge* * A series of small dams and a di- versioxx of the river were among suggestions heard, but the Author ity members -postponed definite ac tion until a chief officer could be named. A. H. Richardson, department of Planning and Development repre sentative, pointed out a survey of the Aux Sable watershed could not be made until next summer if the Government undertook the project, The sluggish Aux Sable, with its lily pads, and slow-running cur rent, looked innoculous enough, but Authority members noted that the same river, swollen tp flood tide, last spring inundated almost 40,000 acres of farmland. (From Parkhill town hall, the cavalcade of Middlesex, Lamibton and Perth representatives wound through thick brush neax* the riv er’s bank to reach Melville bridge in Bosanquet Township. Would Use Old Bed Middlesex -County Engineer W. Raywood Smith said that a sug gestion had been made that a dyke be built there to divert the waters of the Canada Company canal to the old riverbed of the Aux Sable, Following the course, the part of Dr. acreage to area often swollen waters. Authority members said Dr. Hag- meir had named this section in his suit against Bosanquet and McGil livray Townships for $175,00:01 in payment for alleged flood damage to his crops. See Three-Counties Bridge The last lap of the whirlwind •tour carried the inspecting party to Three-Counties Bridge—a span ly ing in Middlesex, Huron and ILamb- ton counties. Here the Authority saw other evidences of flood dam age. Included in the inspecting group were W. K. Riddell and K. Lantz, Middlesex County agricultural rep resentatives; LeRoy Brown, Huron County agricultural .representative; W. Raywood Smith, Middlesex County engineer; A. H. Richardson, Toronto; V. Fuller, Forest; John Cable, R.R. 4, Forest; Herbert Marsh, Arkona; William * Haugh,, R.R. 1, Dashwood; Roy Ratz, R.R. 2, Dashwood; J. A. Patterson, Hen sail; E.‘ M. Dignan, Exeter; Joseph Bryan, R.R. 1, Granton; John Mor rison, R.R. 7, 'Parkhill; John Mc Phee, R.R. 5, Parkhill; James Stew art, R.R. 3, Denfield; Frank Allen, Cromarty; J. H, Jose, Kirkton, and Freeman Hodgins, Parkhill;- river’s winding group traveled through Gordon Hagmeir’s huge view at first-hand an overrun by the flood- Mr and Mrs. Hubert Carey and Mr. and Mrs. D. Geromette visited in Windsor and Detroit a few days last week.Eleven beginners started to school last week. ( Misses Madeline Glavin, Theresa Sullivan, Agnes Fleming and. Mar garet Ryan have gone to their res pective schools at Colgan, Wallace burg, Teeswater and Port Elgin to begin their teaching duties. Mr. and Mrs. L. Abbot, of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Jno. Morrissey. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Regier spent Saturday in London. Mr. Chas. Regier visited with Mr, Jos. Querrin at Byron Sanatorium x‘Gc©iitly. /Mr. H. R. Miller is (on the sick list. X * j V- With fall weather coming cm* be sure to Rave your bat tery checked) terminals cleaned, etc. It takes more power to start your opr in the cold weather, A poor battery can cause you a lot of trouble. We have the instrument to tell you exactly the con dition of your battery. Sunoco Service Station Tom Coates, Prop. Phone 200 WK3I ATTENTION FARMERS! For Quick Sale 2 1 1 1 Used Bean Scufflers 1 Four-base Tractor Plow Tandem Attachment for 7-foot Disc Used 11-disc Fertilize*" Drill Hayloader 1 New 4 Corn Cultivator Come in and see our new Manure Loader Fresh shipment of farm fence has just arrived. Get yours while it lasts. Fertiliser supply is limited this year. V. L. Becker and Sons Sales and Service Phone 6Ow, Dashwood i Huron County Scholarship The Huron County Council has established a Huron County Schol arship to be awarded annually to a boy who enters the Ontario Ag ricultural College. The scholarship is to be awarded to a boy who in his secondary school course has shown proficiency in his studies, and qualities of leadership. This scholarship replaces the Massey Scholarship. The Committee has awarded the scholarship this year ito J. Allison Morgan, son of A. W. Morgan, Us- borne Township. Allison attended Exeter High School, and in 1943 enlisted in the Royal Canadian [Air ‘Force, where in his training as a Wireless Air-Gunner he showed marked ability, received his wings and December for service pleted his prior to V-J Day. On his release from the Air Force, he entered the Institute of Veterans’ Re-establiBh- m.ent and Training in Toronto to complete his secondary school edu cation. Allison has enrolled at the O.A.C., and begins his course this term. the rank of sergeant in 1944. He volunteered in the Pacific, and com- advanced training just sique It takes a husky physique and a big-bodied framework to carry the deep, juicy fleshing demanded of Premium Grade turkeys! That’s why SHUR-GAIN 20% Turkey Grower is such an important item in the production of Food For Freedom! SHUR-GAIN Turkey Grower supplies all the minerals need ed by big-bodied birds. Deep, firm fleshing is guaranteed because of the abundant, quality proteins incorporated, and the finest grade of finished turkeys’ is assured because the birds have enjoyed tip-top health and vitality throughout their grooving period. a Remember* it costs you LESS to feed the SHUR-GAIN Way —for SHUR-GAIN Turkey Grower is a Balanced feed, to give maximum growth and. development at a minimum of expense. > SHUR-GAIN TURKEY GROWER $2.80 cwt I Exeter Made and Sold By IT’S AUDITION TIME AT CFPL RADIO STATION CFPL IS MAKING A SURVEY OF RADIO TALENT IN WESTERN ONTARIO IF YOU ARE A SOLOIST OR WORK WITH A GROUP; IF YOU PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, SING, ACT, OR HAVE ANY OTHER TALENT WHICH CAN BE USED ON THE A1R, SEND IN THE APPLICATION FORM BELOW ALL AUDITIONS ARE HELD IN OUR STUDIOS IN THE FREE PRESS BUILDING, LONDON CLIP THIS FORM AND SEND IT TO: LONDON, ONTARIO. THE APPLICATION FORM BELOW CFPL, FREE PRESS BUILDING, APPLICATION FOR AUDITION AT CFPL Name ........ (Surname) Street ....... (Christian) Talent: ...................................................••• (Violin, Piano, Soprano, Comedy, etc.) Age: Town Phone Number Experience References: ............................... (Name At Least One Person Who Can Verify This Application) IF THIS APPLICATION IS ACCEPTED YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED SEVERAL DAYS IN ADVANCE OF YOUR AUDITION Mm