HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-08-29, Page 50 Support Church JAMES STREET UNITED THE THMES.ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29th, 2946 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rey, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochran©, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—Rev. Jas, Anthony, M,A, Caven Congregational Circle will be held Tuesday, Sept, 3rd, at -the home of Mrs. Earl Mitchell. IQ Irwin, B.A. A, Wein Choir Leader School and Bible TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choirmaster, Esme Howard 11th Sunday After Trinity 68th Anniversary 8.30 a.m,—Holy Communion, Rev, A. B. Lawrence Organist and a.m.—Sunday Class, 11 a,m.—Morning Worship con­ ducted by the Minister. ‘'Things Shaken and Unshakable.” Evening service withdrawn in cour­ tesy to the Anniversary 'Service in Trivitt Memorial Church. 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—'Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. Colonel Rev. K. E. Taylor, M.A., B.D. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Rev. Austin E. Du Plan, B.D., (Ph.B. Special Music—You are welcome! Fri., 8 p.m.--—Choir practice. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. N. J, Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Quarterly Communion Service, the minister. 7 p.m.—Public Worship, the minister. ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton M. E. Deuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W- Morlock. Organist 10' a.m.—“Christianity vs, Communism”. 1'1 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—“Far From Home”. Fri., Sept. 6, 8.15 p.m.—Monthly meeting of W.M.S. and L.A. in Mission Band summer Christmas Tree at the home of Mrs. Ross Kreuger. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—-Prayer Meeting. Fri,, 8 p.m.—Thedford ,Young People’s. Sat., 9 p.m.—Open air, weather •permitting. , Sun., Io a.m.—(Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Communion service. Sun., 7.30 p.m.—Song and Testimony. Sun., 8 p.m.—Our Disposition as Christians in these Trying Times. Presentation Dance Reception Will he held in for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Campbell Kirkton Aberdeen Hall will'be held in the Town Hall, Hensall HENSALL Mr. Robt. Simpson spent a few days In Toronto this week. Joyce and Greta Pfaff are holi­ daying with. relatives, in. London. Mr. Al. 'Pearson, of Toronto, spent the week-end; with friends here. Miss Donna MfeEwen returned from a pleasant holiday at Toronto and iGrand Bend, Mr- and Mrs. Ed. Little and Mr, and Mrs, Melvin Moir spent the week-end at Barrow Bay. Miss Eleanor Fisher, of Winni­ peg, was a recent visitor with her aunt, Mrs, Hannah Workman, Mrs. Sarah Coleman, of Seaforth, visited during the past week with her sister, Miss Annie E. Consitt, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Passmore ar© making extensive improvements to their dwelling which they recently purchased. Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Case and Miss Betty Moir spent the end in London with Mrs. Hennessey, Miss Ruth Young returned home in Fergus on Tuesday after a pleasant holiday with Miss Eleanor Cook, Bobbie and Gerald Bell returned home aftei’ a pleasant their grandparents, Mr. R. D. Bell in London. Mrs. Wm. Parker and companied by Mrs. Harold Parker and family are holidaying at Grand Bend this week, William JDinnin, who has been a patient at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, for the .past five weeks, has returned to his home here. Mrs. Peter Loiocomo and little daughter Bonnie, of Windsor, are visiting with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitohell. Mr. T. C, Joynt was rushed to Toronto General Hospital last week for treatment, wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and family returned to Chicago after a pleasant holiday with Mrs. Wil­ son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell. Mrs. James Dayman, been a patient at -Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, for month, has returned to her home in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davidson, of Sarnia, were recent visitors with them parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitch ell. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence have moved to their new residence in 'the apartments at Mr. John Far­ quhar’s, recently vacated hy Mr. and Mrs. Edward Judd. Announcements flirt h, Death Slnrvlage NotieeM .are inserted free of charge. Card Pf 'Thank* 50c. in m enter ia»© JVotlVeh a<>«j fay ainsie verNe, 25c extra tor each addi­tional verwe. jjSn^stj-cW ent* kQfi BIRTHS on 30 Fri., Aug. 30th week- Mary to her Visit with and Mrs, family ac- His many friends who has the past GOOD MODERN ORCHESTRA / Admission 50 cents Ladies please provide lunch Flannigan’s Orchestra- THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Ted McIntyre spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne, Mrs. Shriner, of has been visiting her parents, Mr. Allison, left on Thursday of last week for her home in -New York. Miss Helen Passmore visited last Maxine New York, who at the home of and Mrs. John v Don*t Murder Your Car During the past few years the motoring public have learned more than ever before that it pays to keep a close check on their car. And we suggest that you leave such important items as regular greasing and oil changing in the hands of our expert mechanics. GRAHAM ARTHUR Your Red Indian Service Station Atwood, and Mrs. Enamelware Many attractive pieces of enamelware are included in our large stock. There's no need to make the preparation of meals a drudgery, when you have the necessary utensils, Drop in and look around. It comes in color combinations of white and black, white and red, ivory and red, ivory and green, and pearl- Purina Fly Sprays FARM BUILDINGS AND STOCK CATTLE Use the D.D.T. Spray for killing Horn, Stable., House and Horse Flies, Mosquitoes, Cockroaches, Fleas, Lice, and Bit­ ing Gnats. Mixed with water and sprayed. Not for use in the home. LIVESTOCK SPRAY Kills and repels those enemies that spread disease, annoy stock and lower production—the ordinary everyday fly. Use -it for spraying stock, barns, poultry houses, hatcheries, dog kennels, etc. DAIRY CATTLE SPRAY .Especially prepared for dairy cattle this Purina Spray kills and repels those pests which annoy the stock and cut down production,. Two Sprayings a month is usually sufficient' week with her cousin, Parsons, of Eden. Miss Alma Dougall, of visited at the’ home of Mr. Chas. .Miller ovei’ Sunday. Miss Barbara Tuekey, of Exeter, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. . Miss Mary Johnson, of Whalen, visited with Margaret Cann for week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Simpson visiting this week with Mirs. Fleming at Malvern and with Mr. Frank Sellers at lAgencpurt. The Thames Road Sunday School picnic was held at Stratford 'Park Wednesday afternoon of this week. Miss Marion Hodgert, of Exeter,, spent the week-end with her par­ ents. Sunday services will be held at the usual hour on 'Sunday: Sunday School at 10.15 a.m. and church at 11 a.m. Miss Helen Howatt, teacher of Thames Road school, entertained* her pupils Friday afternoon of last week at her .home near Blyth. Miss Howatt ana Miss Alice -Passmore, each took a car load of children and all report a very enjoyable af­ ternoon. The program was as fol-, lows; girls and boys dash, 6 to 8 years, Irene Beaver; girls arid boys dash, 9 to 11 years, Gordon Maver; girls and -hoys dash, 12 to 15 years, Margaret Bray; eat biscuit and whistle, Gordon Maver; wheel­ barrow race, Gordon Maver and Betty Allison; kick the slipper, Betty Allison; relay clothespin race, June Borland; throwing ball, 6 to’ 8 years, Ross Cottle; throwing hall, 9 to 11 years, Bobby Miller; throw­ ing ball, 12 to 15 years, Betty Al­ lison; three-legged race, June Bor­ land and Margaret Bray; silliest walker, June Borland; treasure hunt. Mrs. Howatt served a verv delicious lunch which brought a very enjoyable afternoon to a closer the are J. KHIVA Misses Alice and Eileen McCann spent the past two weeks with rela­ tives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mclllhargey and Miss Shirley St. Pierre, of Chatham, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann. MisS Joan Baker is spending week with her grandparents, and Mrs. Arthur Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gelinas Arthur, of Zurich, and Mrs. Angie Tiede hud daughters, Gabrielli, Barbara and Mary Frances visited on Sunday with Mr. and me nt McCann. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert spent Saturday of last London. Mr, and Mrs. Simon Hoffman, of Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin ahd Edward, of Centralia, were Sunday Visitrs with Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann, this Mr. and Mrs. Ole- McKeever Week in MCALLISTER-—At St. Joseph's Hos pital, London, on Sunday, Aug­ ust 25, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister (nee Alma Skin­ ner) a son, Neil Frederick. MARRIAGES PRINGLE—COCHRANE Exeter Anglican •Parsonage, Tuesday, Rev, M. Pringle, Adelaide At the on August 20, 1946, by A. Hunt, James Albert of St. Marys, to Mary Cochrane, of Bryanston. DEATHS MPRRAY—In st. Joseph’s Hospital on Monday, 'August 26, 1946, Robert James Murray, in his 520$ year. Private prayer service was 'held at his late residence, highway 81, Stephen township, on Wednesday, August 28th, at 2.30, Dj'S.T., followed by public service at Grace Anglican Church, Green­ way, Ont. Interment in Grand Bend Cemetery. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. King wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean Evaline, to Earl Wilmer, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred J.. Neil, Ailsa Craig, the marriage to take place in the Crediton United Church on Satur­ day,’ September 21st at 2 o’clock. * Mrs. Margaret White, of Stephen, is announcing the engagement of Margaret Mary Saphrona White, of St. Petersburg, Florida, eldest daughter of Mrs. Whit© and the late William White, to Dr. Edward Lewis Black, of Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, son of Mrs. Bessie M. Black and the late John C. Black, of Fen­ ton, Mich. No date has been set for th© wedding which will take place in Los (Angeles. * * ANNOUNCEMENT Mirs. Wellington Haist wishes honor her daughter Helen at trousseau tea on -September - from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 9 p.m. at her home. Friends and relatives are cordially invited. * CARDS OF THANKS to , a 4th -Mr. Harry Mathers wishes to thank the many friends who so kind­ ly remembered him while a patient in Victoria' Hospital with special thanks to Orville Beavers and Bruce Tuokev for 'assistance. c -Mr. and Mrs; tEric Carscadden wish to express their appreciation to those who remembered Mrs. ■Carscadden while a patient in Vic­ toria Hospital. c Mr. Enoch Rowcliffe and family wish to express their deep appreci­ ation to the friends- and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy ex­ tended during theii* bereavement and to those who remembered Mrs. Rowcliffe during her illness. Special thanks for the floral tributes and to those who loaned cars. * Mrs. Ralph Genttner wishes to thank all those who remembered her with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Victoria hospital and since her return home.* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coates and Bob wish to thank the many friends for the cards and treats Bob while a patient in Hospital. IN MEMORIAM sent to Victoria 29* of a Mary CANN — In loving memory dear wife and mother, Ellen, who passed away one year -ago August 29, 1945. One year has passed and gone, Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus The Christ to dwell, we place upon herflowers grave Wither the love for her who sleeps beneath, Shall never fade away. —Lovingly remembered by hus­ band, Pearl, Bruce, Jim and Gordon. * CANN—-In loving memory of a dear mother, who passed away one year ago, August 29th, 1945.' What would we give her hand to clasp. Her patient face to see, To hear her voice, to see her smile, As in the days that used to be; But some sweet again Beyond the toil And clasp each more, In Hedven, that —Ever remembered by Mary, ford, and grandchildren, Margaret, Floyd and Harold. CANN — In loving memory of a dear mother, who passed away one year ago, -August 29, 1946. God knew that she was suffering, That the hills were hard to climb, •So he closed her Weary eyelids And whispered, “Peace be Thine.” Away in the beautiful hills of God, By the Valley of Rest so fair, Some time, some day, we know not when, We will meet our loved one there. —-Ever remembered -by Margaret, George and grandchildren, Mary, Pearl and tommy. * May But and decay, day we'll meet and strife, other's hand happy life, once Clif- Ida,* WINCHELSEA Mrs, Murray Gibson, Margaret jean and Marion, Mrs. Douglas Hunter, Benfield; Mrs. John 'Flet­ cher, of Exeter, and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner, of Thames Road, spent. Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs, Clar­ ence Fletcher.Mr, George Fletcher, of BraniX ford, is visiting with relatives in community. Mr, Boh Hudson, of London spent the past week with his uncle .and aunt. Mr- and Mrs. Fred Waiters. Mrs. W, J. Veal and family,, of Exeter, visited cm Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. Don Penhale. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Glenville, of near Cromarty, visited on Sun­ day with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Walters Mr, and Mrs. Sam*' Balkwill, of visited on Sun- Mrs. Sherwood Santabarbra, Cal,, day with Mr. and Brock. Quite a number munity attended the Sunday School picnic held at Stratford on Miss Wilma Walters home on Saturday after with relatives at Whitby. "’’"Mr? and Mrs. Harry Murch and Donna visited oh Sunday with Mr. and Mrs’, Georg© Davis. Mr, Billy Gilfillan has returned home after spending several weeks and Lubrication Service returned week at and fam- Thursday Murch, Mr- and from this co in­ Tuesday returned visiting with his uncle and aunt, Mr. Mrs, Wm, Church, of Walton. SHIPKA Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie,Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKenzie, of Windsor and Dr. C. B, and Mrs. Sanders, of London, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner. LAMPORT — In fond and loving memory of a dear husband and father, Samuel G. Lamport, who passed away two years ago, Aug. 27th, 1944. Death is a heartache Nothing can heal; . Memories are treasures No one can steal; Some may forget you Now that you’re gene, But we will remember >No matter how long. —Sadly missed by his wife, son and daughters. * MARTENE—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Henry Martene, who passed away one year ago, August 30th, 1945. Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We, who him, But trust Sheltered Anchored In the loving arms of Jesus Rests our -dear one ever more. —Lovingly remembered by wife „ and family. TAYLOR —■ In loving memory of Claire Ann, beloved daughter of George and Winnie Taylor, who •passed away August 27th, 1940, aged 15 months. •Six long years have come and gone, Since Jesus took you from our home; None have seen the silent tears That we have shed through the years, —Always remembered by Miom, Dad, and Tom. STEPHAN—In loving memory of dear Otto •away 1944. Oh happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet theii’ memory still, But death has left a The world can never —Always remembered mother and family. loved in by on him, sadly miss to meet .again. Rock of Ages, Golden shore, * a husband, son and father, J. Stephan, who. passed two years ago, August 30, loneliness fill. hy his wife, c gLIMVJlXE Miss June Sinclair has Jiome after spending a Camp iu Goderich, Mrs. Judson. Dykeman ■Uy, of Zion, visited last with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mr. Laverne Skinner, Mrs. Harold Kerslak© and Mr, and and Mrs, Alvin Cooper visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Earl Coultis, of Orillia. Miss Wanda Stephen lias return­ ed home after spending two months with Mr. and Mrs. J, Issard at Grand Bend. Miss Leiiore and Mr, Floyd Coop­ er spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell. Mr, and Mrs. .Philip Murch, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Pym and Aldeen visited a. few days with Mrs. Jean Jackson, of Toronto, Mr, Kenneth Hern, of Zion, Mr. Elgin Skinner, Mr. Emerson Pen- hale and Mr, Laurie and Mr. Mur­ ray Stephen ’ motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Murch, Don­ na and Launie, Mrs. Esther Clinton and Mr. Harold Payne, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Skinner and Arleen, of Centralia, Sunday with Mr. and Heywood. .Miss Donna Murch, of spending a few days Marion Murch. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Johns Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Galbraith, of Kerwood. ,, And what it MEANS TO YOUR CAR OR TRUCK visited on Mrs. 0Jas, London, with ~ 18 Miss spent Robt. to“Would you give ten cents help the Old Ladies’ Home?” “What? Ar© they out again?” i Our “Factory-Specified” lubricants in the right quantity at the right time *— means longer life, for your car or truck, It re­ duces wear, saves costly repairs and saves gasoline,. See Us Today r UPHOLSTERING— Furniture—Upholstered and Repaired. Cars—Upholstered and Repaired. CLEANING— Furniture and Cars cleaned with the New Thorough Cleaner. This is a liquid cleaner which is disinfectant as well 'as cleaner. t Chesterfield Suites—$12.00 Rugs—$6.00 (9’ x 12’)“ SLIPCOVERS— Factory-built slipcovers to fit any make of car from 1930 Model to 1947 Model. These slipcovers are in two styles—beautiful new tailored Gabardine or Luxury , Santoy Fibre Seat Covers, with two-tone piping. These are installed free of charge on all cars. Cars—$8'00 WILSON BROS. (Hugh and Jim) Phone 56 (Opposite Tuekey Transport Office) Exeter Please Order Your We.have a carload of fertilizer on the track (2-12-6, 4-24-12, and 0-14-7). Due to extreme shortage of fertilizer it would be advisable to place your order and take delivery immedi­ ately. Exeter Your SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill Whalen an