HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-08-29, Page 4» Page 4 TOE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29th, 1946 Would All Cubs and any boys hating reached eight years, of age, please ba at the Arena on Thursday evening, August 29, 1945, at seven, o’clock. This will be the first meet­ ing of the fall season, and we welcome any boys who wish to loin our Pack, Jean Brock, Cubmaster, Margaret Melville, Ass’t- 1 FOR RENT NOTICES Two Important Services To give our customers better service, our modern garage is equipped to look after two important parts of your car that are often neglected. May we suggest that you bring your ear in and have them checked, 1,—Front Wheel Alignment—which should be checked to save tires and wear that would impair your car’s steering. Play safe with this important item. 2—Radiator Flusher—which thoroughly flushes out the radiator of old dirt and grit that would otherwise impair the cooling system, Harry is now back on the job and we hope to give you first rate service. Speedometer Cables Repaired Carburetors Cleaned North End B-A Service Station Mathers Bros*, Props. Phone 321W 4*1 v; Classified Directory Wo have hist received a largo silipllWllt of Presto Pressure look­ ers. These cookers save .................' time in the kitchen, and fuel. Foods cooked in cooker have a flavor all Come in and see these are downtown. V WANTS APS TAKE THE “CHASE” OUT OF PURCHASE IIII—.Ifr—IIN1| fqi FOR SALE COMING EVENTS AUCTION SALE hours of dollars in a Presto their own. when you LOT FOR SALB—Apply at Times- Advocate. 29* FOR RENT—Webster Paint Spray Outfit. Apply Beavers Hardware. >29c FOR SA1LE—-Two trunks, in good condition. Apply Woodham Box 2 oy phone 67r3 Kirkton, 29* FOR SALE—27 pigs, weaned, ready to go. Rhone Fred Slavin, 34r32 Hensall. 29* CRYSTAL -PALACE BALLROOM, •Mitchell, Ont., presents another old time dance by the CKNX Golden 'Prairie Cowlboys, Friday, Sept. 5, 10 P3ti. to 1 a.m. Come and enjoy a big time. 29:5c 31st: choice feeder steers, Bale every Saturday. Private sales in the week. A. G, McAlpine, Auctioneer, Strathroy, Saturday'* Aug, 209 stpek cattle including Hereford yearling and BEAVERS hardware REAL ESTATE NOTICE — VETERANS #A regular meeting of the Exeter- Hensall Branch of the Canadian (Legion will be held in the club rooms Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 8.30 p.m. Any veteran wishing to join the Legion is cordially invited to attend this meeting for initiation, R. E. POOLEY, A. M. EASTON, President, .gec’y-Treas, NOTIOE—We have installed a key duplicating machine and are pre­ pared to make duplicate keys for ’ most cars and cylinder type locks. Beavers Hardware. NOTICE—Will the person who en­ tered the implement house on lot 12, Con. 14, Usborne and broke into tool chest and took a chest of auger bits, please return same to save trouble. 29* PERSONAL (Lloyd’s Corn and Callus Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50ic at Robertson’s and all druggists. VIGORINE — The “pep” Tonic for men who are weak, nervous, ex­ hausted, 15-day treatment $1.00. At Robertson’s Drug Store. ■5 FOR BALE—175 Red Rock hybrid pullets, 5% months old. starting to lay. Bruce Walker, phone Zurich 99r20. 29* FOR SALE -— Brick residence in Exeter North, Geo, Barkner. 22:29c -Boy’g bicycle in good parcel 29c FOR SALE- condition, good tires, carrier. Phone 174r22. FOR SALE1—One mule collie pup, 3 months old. Phone Floyd Stewart, 54r& Kirkton. 29*1 FOR SALE—Small 1 % storey frame house, covered with asphalt shingles, good lot, town water, early possession. C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE — Peaches from Labor Day through .September. Bring your containers. Vance Bros,, Lake Road, Forest, phone 611-14. 29:5:12* FOR SALE — Renfrew, all metal washing machine and wringer; Coleman gas iron; Coleman two- mantle lamp; Cockshutt disc plow. Apply to Garnet Cockwill, Dashwood. J9* FOR SALE—30 cord dry mixed wood. Apply to Keith Miller, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 905r4.29* FOR SALE-—Heating stove with oil burners installed; also power oil burner for furnace, W. J. Mel­ ville, phone 61, Exeter. 22tfc WANTED WAITRESS WANTED — Apply at Rether’s Coffee Shoppe, Exeter. 29* FOR SALE — Desirable 9-room 2 • storey brick dwelling( water pump, excellent location and property; electricity through­ out. For further particulars ap­ ply to Wm, H. (Smith, Auctioneer, Crediton, Ontario. 22:29:4* spring FARMS FOR SALE— Highway neai’ Goderich, 140 acres level, mellow soil; large barn, silo, milker, abundance water (pressure system), driveshed, house with conveniences, new summer cottage, hydro; all build­ ings spring Mitchell loam, good brick house, bath, furnace, hard ana soft water, driveshed, basement barn, good stabling; store truck, school bus, hydro, pass the gate. Wm* Pearce, Exe­ ter. 29* newly painted; flowing in pasture, bush. area, IOiO acres level clay bush, abundance water, Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND LAST DANCE 4 Labour Day Night Enjoy the Last Few Days of Summer and Dancing Nightly to GORDON DELAMONT and his orchestra According to attendance records, you liked Gordon Dela­ mont’s music very much. Promise yourself a visit again and say “S’long” to the Season 1946! ✓ & Sunday Sept. 1st, 9 p.m The Ever Popular J PRESENTING THEIR BIGGEST AND BEST CONCERT OF THE SEASON ■J with Bill Davies, Ventriloquist, returning by popular request, and featuring Dopey „ and his Singing Dog; F Ruth Cole, Acrobatic Dancer Extraordinary; Earl Heywood, Singing ’Cowboy, and Star of CKNX Barn Dance Programme; and Cliff Kelly, Accompanist. WANTED —.A -‘good-sized steamer trunk, suitable for heavy duty. Call at Times-Advocate. 29c FARMS WANTED—We have buy­ ers for farms and smaller acre­ ages. If you are considering sel­ ling your property come in and talk the matter over or drop us a line. 0. V. Pickard, Main St,, Exeter. s i I ! ■ Sept. 2,12:05 a.m WANTED—100 horses, any kind of a cheap horse, Will pay good prices for them. Frank Taylor, Exeter tfc LOST AND FOUND LOST-—A gent’s perforated Panama straw hat. Please notify Times- Advocate. LOST—-Brown striped, bone han­ dled umbrella, handle flat on one side. Reward. Apply Times- Advocate. FOUND — On No. 4 Highway be­ tween Hensall and Exeter on Thursday, a 600'-17 car' wheel and tire. Owner may have same by paying for advt. and -calling at Times-Advocate. 29c MISCELLANEOUS REFINISHING We specialize in Duco, Dulux and Sprayspeed finishes. Expert spray­ ing and latest equipment. Get our estimate first. No job too small on cars, trucks, trailers or farm imp­ lements. . FARM FOR SALE—Lot 9, Con. 8, Hay Twp., 75 acres of land, 25 acres tillable, 50 acres pasture, suitable for grass farm. Phone 84r3 Zurich. 29:5* FOR SALE—55 acres with brick house and bank barn. Level Olay loam. Well located. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. AUCTION SALE OF REAL estate and household EFFECTS The .undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Andrew Street. Exeter, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1946 at 1 o’clock sharp, the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Exten­ sion table, 6 dining-room chairs, china cabinet, china cabinet and writing desk; couch; radio, in good condition; 3 congoleum rugs; 4 cane bottom chairs; 3-piece parlor Suite; 7 octavo organ; carpet rug; console phonograph; sewing ma­ chine; 2 beds; springs; mattresses; dresser; commode; quantity Of bed” ding; kitchen range; drop-leaf table; kitchen table; hydro range; side board; preserving canner; kit­ chen utensils; quantity of dishes; dinner set; sealers; Coleman lamp; pictures; small heater, wood or coal; brown enamel living-room stove; lawn mower; garden tools; wash tubs; curtains and rods; bur­ eau; lamps; croquinole board; kit­ chen mirror; cloth eshorse; mat frames; some mats; electric iron and electric toaster. REAL ESTATE — Frame house; living room, dining room, kitchen; 3 bedrooms; sun room; back porch; ■garage; hen house; garden; apple trees; small fruits. This is a good property on Andrew Street, nicely .located, al'l freshly papered. TERMS —Chattels, cash. Terms real estate made known on day'' sale. • MRS. ALICE GUNNING, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. Phone 80 PAINTING and DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR By Experience, Fourth Year Apprentices McLean and Kennedy For Information and Estimates Call 61 Melville Inn your Wedding PHOTOS Make sure you are finest— taken at getting the have them of of FOWLER BROS. PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 228 Mitchell Monday, Labour Day, ALL-STAR Softball Tournament 1.30 pan. sharp THE BATTLE OF PITCHERS! Four of Ontario’s finest pitchers will be in these games. Teams: Seaforth, London, Lieury, Grand Bend. These are the best of all previous Tournament Teams. Grand -Bend has won all 1946 Season Tournaments. CAN ANY OF THESE TEAMS BEAT THEM? They are all going to try hard! WHAT DO YOU THINK? 2 Games of 7 innings in the afternoon, starting at 1.30; 9 inning final game at 6.30 p.m. Dance to Gordon Delamont’s Orchestra Last Time Labour Day Night Many Many Thanks For Your Patronage Season 1946 Was a Grand One ! SAKER AUTO REFINISHING DEPOT Clandeboye, Ont. 84t* JESNEY SHOE REPAIR — Now open for business. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. Crediton. tfp AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between tne ages of 25 and 55 —have or can secure travel outfit, this is youi* opportunity to get es­ tablished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-E-6, 2177 Mas­ son St., Montreal, Que. 5tc TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned Clerk Up to 12 o'clock noon, Sept. 14th, 1946, for con­ struction of the drain known as. the “Wein Drain” and located in the north end of the Village of Exeter. The drain begins on the south side of the Thames Road and has its outlet in a creek bn the farm of A. Bier ling. To complete the main drain will require the placing Of 1100* of 7” tile, 710’ of 8” tile, 1030' of 12” tile and 2 catch basins. A branch will require the placing Of 185’ of 6” tile. Tenders may be submitted in one or both of the following Ways. 1» The Contractor to perform work and furnish all material cidental thereto. 2. The Contractor to perform work And to furnish all material less tile, The Municipality to supply the tile. Engineers plans, profiles and Specifications may be viewed at the office of the undersigned. C. V, PICKARD, Clerk of the Village of Exeter all in- all FOR iSALE—(Choice 100 acres, all cleared but 2% acres, running spring water, 34x90, brick kitchen, hen . drained, 2% ham, 1 mile Blanshard Twp. Immediate pos­ session. Wm. Rodd, Granton. 29* , good well, barn house with frame house, hydro, well- miles from Wood- from Highway 23, FOR SALE — 120-acre farm, well- located on paved road, comfort­ table house, good bank barn; hydro and water. Productive soil, 12 acres bush; also 5 0 acres cul­ tivated land without buildings, near Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Exe­ ter. FOR -SALE—Some splendid build­ ing lots in the newly surveyed .Southcott property at Grand Bend to be known as the South­ cott Pinery. The lots have <been laid out by Gordon Culhem, landscape architect, of Guelph, and are now awaiting the ap­ proval of the town planning de­ partment of the provincial gov­ ernment. Lots are well wooded and convenient to the lake and river. Southcott Pines Park Land, Limited. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Central Hotel, Exeter, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1946 at 1 The p.m., the following: Household Effects of the Late Mrs. Mabie F, Wood dining-room chairs, 3 settees,6 2 beds, mattresses, 9-piece oak din­ ing-room suite, hook shelves, desk, radio, 3-piece parlor suite, 2 rock­ ers, odd chair, 2 floor lamps, table lamp, feather tick, pillows, wash board, plunger, coppei' boiler, quan­ tity of dishes, pots, pans, cooking utensils, round living room table, bedding, cushions, medicine cabin­ et, oil oil -commode, dresser, mirror, coal heater, steel cot, 3-burner coal stove. TERMS—CASH H. S. WALTER, Administrator, ■GEO. ILAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR. Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer will Sell by*public auction at. GRAND BEND SATURDAY, SEPT. 7, 1946 at 2 p.m., E.D.T., the following: Dining room table; 4 dining room Chairs; 3 kitchen chairs; 1 arm chair; 1 kitchen rocker; 2 living room rockers; 1 living room table; electric radio; electric iron ric toaster; Studio couch, electric range with oven; white bed; mattress; feather tick; 4 linoleum bedroom machine boiler,; 2 shovel; hoe T ■i Machines FOR FALL HARVEST 1 Sugar Beet Lifter for Farmall A Tractor Bean Harvesters 1 new Hayloader Fertilizer Supply is limited I V. L. Becker and Sons Phone 60w, Dashwood fOR IfAM-ACULAtE Sleek is the Elizabeth Arden answer to all old-fashioned ways of dispatching Unwanted hair. First, it’s an exquisite, sweet-scented cream you’ll love to use. Second, it gives you perfectly sleek arms and legs in a few minutes. Simply smooth it on—relax for 10 to 15 minutes — remove with warm water and then rub on Elizabeth Arden Hand-O-Tonik SLEEK, .85 dnd 1,25 HAND-O-TONIK, 1.25 and 2,25 elect- 2 burner iron pair bed room like new (feltoi); wringers; boards; fork; shovel; hoe; rack; dishes; pots; pans; breadboi; fldur can; sealers; kitchen range; iron­ ing board; other articles too nurii- erou th mention. TERMiS—-CASH RICHARD WEBB, Prop. FRAW TAYLOR, Auct. curtains 10X12 ft, washing copper fork ROBERTSON'S * «