HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-08-22, Page 8THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22nd,' 1946fage 8
Niagara Balls and
Previews Its Coming Attractions WUERTH’S
ANNE BAXTER Halifax on
Single Element
Hot Plates
Will Btanlake, Mr.
Davey, of Stephen
The office of Dr. J. W. Corbett,
dentist, Exeter, will be closed from*
August 2Qfh to Sept, 4th.
and Betty Coates
with Mr. and Mrs, Charles
in Detroit during the past
S Sheaffer
S Waterman
and Mrs. Geo, Lawson are
Port Huron.
•Coates has accepted
S. B. Taylor's Jewel-
Leary, Mr,
Le Rennee,
and Mrs.
of Lon-
spent the week-end with Mr.
MONDAY and TUESDAY — August 26th, 27th
Income Tax Returns,
Financial Statements
Business Men,
Professional Men,
Garage Operators
and others.
Arthur Fraser
Telephone: Exeter 17.
P.O. Box. No. 118
Temporary Office at the house
of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman,
Huron Street, Exeter.
■, Dorothy and
and “SMOKY”
THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — August 22, 23, 24
Saturday Matinee — 2.30 p.m.
— Special Technicolor Feature —
Fountain Pens
S. B. Taylor
Just Arrived------
for Men and Boys
Also Work Shoes to suit every
If your feet burn or your legs ache
. . . see us . . . we have found a
Repairing promptly and neatly
attended to . . . while you wait.
— Two men to serve you —
We heel them,
Attend their dyeing,
And save their soles.
Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Town
The Times-Advoeate is always pleased to publish items of personal interest.
We and our readers are interested in you and your friends , , Phone 31W
In Westminster Hospital
Peter hjllis, son of Mr. anti Mrs.
Rod Ellis, underwent an operation
for an acute attack of appendicitis
in Westminster Hospital Monday
'Two Guys From Millwaukee’
AUGUST 29th, 30th, 31st
'The Green Years’
The first show commences at 7.30
Phone 13S Exeter, Ontario
At Harbour Park, Goderich
Wednesday August 28 th
Lt. Col. George Drew, Premier of Ontario,
James M. MacDonnell, M.P., Muskoka
Sponsored by the Progressive-Conservative Association of
Huron, Bruce and Perth.
Attention !!
Would all Cubs and any boys
having reached eight years of
age, please be at the .Arena on
Thursday evening, August t29,
1946, at seven o’clock.
This will be the first meet
ing of the fall season, and we
welcome any boys who wish to
join our Pack.
Jean Brock, Cubmaster, .
Margaret Melville, Ass’t.
Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store
Make sure
getting the
have them
you are
taken at
Phone 228 Mitchell
Private Jones had volunteered
for a special job and was being in
terviewed by the colonel.
“Have you the firmness of charac
ter that enables a man to do his
duty in the face of ingratitude,
criticism and ridicule?’’
“Sure!” said Jones. “I was a cook
all through the last war.
These business firms invite your
patronage. Dealing with them
gives satisfaction and helps to
make this a better community®—--.----------_,ra
Georgian Beauty Shoppe
“What’s that you’re goin’ to give
“An anesthetic. After he takes it
he won’t know anything/’
“Lor’’ Bill don’t need that. He
■don’t know anything now.”
But only after years of dis
ciplining in the equatorial
force of the Drench Foreign
Legion in Africa, Falsely ex
pelled from West Point and
forced to change his name,
he was true to his principles
and firm in his belief in the
girl he loved. He grew to
fame in an army notorious
for its reckless bravery,
Turn to page seven now
and read the first chapter of
this new serial
Belle of
Synthetic Rubber
Exhibit in Windsor
Final preparations are
made for the shipment from
of the synthetic rubber
■which will open in Windsor, Ont.,
on August 29 th. The exhibit, pre
pared by the Canadian Government
synthetic rubber company, Polymer
Corporation Limited, has just com
pleted a week’s showing in Sarnia,
home town of a synthetic rubber
plant which
anywhere in
ing attracted
of the total
The Windsor showing will be
held at C. H. Smith
Store from August
September 11. It will
by representatives of
Relations Department
Corporation and by five laboratory
girls from the plant. The five are:
Joy Andrew, London; Kay Mac
Donald, Brigden; Shirley Duncan,
Exeter; Muriel McKegney, Sarnia;
Norma Ayscough, Petrolia.
Every half hour throughout the
motor stirrer,
other apparatus,
how the chemist
liquid, similar to
natural rubber
synthetic rubber
In addition.
hibit attendants with the aid of a
flow chart made of plastic, ’will
explain how synthetic rubber is
made. Samples of a few of the
30,0,00 or more articles now being
made from synthetic rubber* also
will be shown. These will include
a butyl inner tube which holds its
air for three months or more, and
the popular foam sponge rubber
from which, car seats, chesterfield
seats, mattresses and theatre seats
eventually will be made,
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop. *
Exeter Phone 245
the Legion
has no counterpart
the world. The show-
more than a quarter
population of Sarnia.
Round, the Clock Service
29 through
be attended
the Public
of Polymer
Exeter Phone 155w
Grand Bend Phone 51rl
period of the exhibit, the laboratory
will provide a chemistry
With the aid of a
retorts, beakers and
they will show
changes a milky
the latex of the
tree, into solid
in crumb form.
on request, the ex-
V’s Beauty Shoppe
The place to get your hair in
Holiday Mood!
Eugene Machine Permanents
Cold Waves
, 112 Exeter
Vera C. Fraser, Proprietress
Taxi Service |
Phone 100
“Ragtu§, I .see your mule has ‘U.S/
branded on his hindquarters, Was
he in the army?”
”Nb, boss, Dat U.S. don't stand
for "Uncle Sam-—It means Un-Safe,”
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(one door north of Bell TelcphonO)
Naturclle Permanent Waving
• Lustron Cold Wave
Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop.
1’et 71 Exeter
holidaying at
Miss Verna
a position at
lery store.
Misses Lois Ford and Nola Per
kins spent a few days last week at
Grand Bend,
Miss Kathleen Hay, of Traquair’s
Hardware, spent her holidays last
week in Toronto,
The local bowlers are holding a
Scotch Doubles tournament today
Master Donald Pullen, of Whalen
spent the week with his grandpar
with ‘
Misses Greta Webber ana Audrey
Powe returned Monday after a
pleasant holiday in Muskoka and
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salmoni were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Harris, Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week.
Mrs. R. E. Pooley,
Bob, Mrs. R. W. Batten, Joan and
Bill spent the week-end at Turn
bull’s Grove,
Mr. Roland Brintnell, of Saska
toon, Sask., arrived Tuesday for
a visit of two weeks with his moth
er, Mrs. Jas. Brintnell.
Miss Norina Kellar underwent
an operation for the removal of her
tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital
on Wednesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Down and son
Jimmie, from Rosetown, Sask., vis
ited among friends in the commun
ity last Thursday and Friday.
Miss Theresa Corriveau, of Dash
wood, underwent an operation for
the removal of her tonsils at Dr.
Fletcher’s office on Wednesday.
Mr. W. J. Allison, of Regina,
Sask., who has been visiting with
relatives and friends in this com
munity, left for his home this week.
The rains of the past week have
greatly helped the pastures. More
rain is needed as the land has been
pretty dry. Stock threshing was
delayed somewhat. .
Mrs. Wm. Jarvis and daughter,
Barbara Elizabeth, of London spent
the week-end visiting the former’s
grandmother, 'Mrs. W. J. Carling
and aunt, Mrs. Craig.
Mrs. T. McLaren, Miss Lottie
McLaren and Mrs, S. G, McCormack
of Niagara Falls are
week with Mr. and
Mr. Aquilla Sheere
to Lansing, Mich., after holidaying
at the home of his brother,
Frank Sheere. His sister.
Gertrude Hockey returned to
sing with him on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Howey
been visiting with the
mother, Mrs. L. F. Howey in Exeter
and at Grand’ Bend. Lome has just
completed' a course at Toronto and
is returning to Winnipeg to resume
his position as a pilot with the
Trans-Canada Airway.
Mr. and Mrs. George Earl.
. Ed. Ellery and Mrs. Brun-
of Ingersoll, visited Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stone.
. and Mrs. Campbell and two
John and Ken, of Detroit,
l on Mrs. L. Sweitzer last
visiting this
Mrs. F. fe'G-.
has returned
Tree In Blossom
A young apple tree on the prop
erty of R. E. Balkwill recently
purchased from J. A.
in bossom during
Stewart has
the past
W.E Sand-
Third Prize
G. Cochrane and W.
ers won third prize at the
Tip Top Trophy tournament Wed
nesday of last week with four wins
plus 21. The winners of the suits
and trophy were R. Sparling and C.
Rozell, of Clinton, with 4 wins plus
28. 120 bowlers took part. H.
C Rivers had 3 wins and G. May 1 win*.
Double Wedding Ceremony
The parsonage of Victoria Street
United Church, Goderich, was the
scene of a double wedding when
Wilmer Lyon MacGregor, of Kip
pen, was united in marriage to
Muriel June Racho, of Egmond-
ville; and Stanley Earl Racho to
Catharine Mary Green, also of Eg-
- ' long
mondville. The brides wore
white gowns and each carried
quets of roses. Rev, George
ray, B.A., officiated.
Mrs. Wilson Allan
Mrs. Wilson Allan, well-known
Hensail resident, -died unexpectedly
at her home .Saturday from -a heart
seizure. She was in her 46 th year.
Mrs. Allan had been in apparent
good health, and had been hoeing
in her garden Friday evening. She
had resided at Hensall for the past
12 years,', and previously had lived
at Seaforth, she was the former
Margaret Louella Taman, and was
born at Auburn, Surviving are her
husband, one son Garnet, Hensall,
and one daughter, Mrs. C, Reid,
Exeter, Her father resides at Coch-
rafts. There are three ’brothers,
Jack and Glenn Taman, of Toron
to, and William of Cochrane, Mrs.
Roy McGill, Seaforth, is a sister.
The funeral was held Monday after
noon from the family residence.
Rev, R, A, Brook officiated and
burial was at Maitland Bank ceme
tery, .Seaforth, »
Mrs. L, Garlock, of Detroit, vis
ited Mrs. E. 0. Appleton on Mon
Miss Pauline Godbolt is holiday
ing fpr two weeks in Detroit and
Misses Verna
and Mrs, Garnet Flynn and
and Mrs. Harold Broderick,
spent the forepart of the week on
a motor trip to
Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. Louis
and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O’Brien,
of Zurich, spent the week-end with
friends in Windsor and Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs, R. B Balkwill and
family spent a few days the latter
part of tlie week visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Waghorn in Hamil
ton and also visited Niagara Falls,
Pte. D. C. R. N. Ducharme, of
the Blue Water Highway is among
those aboard the Mauretania which
is expected to dock at
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
George Leary and .Miss
of Hamilton, also Mr.
Mervin Wilson and David,
don, * ' ‘
and Mrs. All’. Hicks.
Messrs. B. M. Francis, district
manager and W. H. Hodgson, agent,
last week received from the Canada
Life Assurance Co., the Order ’ of
Merit. Mr. ■Francis is a member of
the 'Quarter Million Club. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. B Jennings and
Mr. B. Duffton. of London, and
Miss M. Powers of St Thomas were
visitors at the home of Miss Annie
Handford and with Mr. and Mrs.
George Griffiths on Sunday.
Mrs. W. I-I. Keddy and daughter
Beulah and Mrs. Lee Standridge,
of Fenton, Mich., motored over on
Friday last and on Saturday ac
companied -- - —
left here i
Wingham on Saturday to attend the
wedding and reception of their
cousin, Miss Catherine Currie. Mrs.
Taylor played the wedding music
and sang “I Love You Truly” dur
ing the signing of the register.
Ludwig HigeneH
Ludwig HigeneH, esteemed form
er resident of Mitchell, died at the
■home his daughter, Mrs. William
iSchneider, Wilmot Centre, He had
been in poor health for the past
two months, He was born in Ellice
Township op, March 31, 1861, and
had spent the greater part of his
life in Logan Township, going to
Wilmot Centre three years ago on
the death of his wife, the former
Lucia Relikopf, His parents were
the late Peter Higenell and Hannah
Kuehne. Mrs, HigeneH was a mem
ber of the First Lutheran Church
of Logan. Surviving are three sons,
George, Hamilton; Rev, Louis Hig
enell, Dashwood, and Martin, Ham
ilton; three daughters, Mrs. Wil
liam Schneider, Wilmot Centre,
Mrs, F, Rudolph, Hamilton; Mrs.
William Young, Welland; two
brothers, Jacob and Albert HigeneH,
ILogan; 18 grandchildren and 14
Here is a handy utility electric plate
around the home. The porcelain ele
ment is very attractively mounted in
a brown enameled metal stand with
a handy handle attached.
‘ Special $2.49
1 by Miss Nettie Keddy
for a trip to Ottawa and
Jean and Mary Ogden, of
Mrs. George Taylor and
of Exeter, motored to
Exeter Markets
Wheat, $1.26
Oats 48c to 51c
■Barley 68c
Creamery Butter^ 45c.
Eggs, A Large 45c
Eggs, A Medium 43c
Eggs, Pullets 38c
Eggs, B 28c
Eggs, C 24c
Phone 109 Exeter, Ont,
Smart is the word that describes
plastic belts designed by
out for the better dressed
man. '
these new, two-colored.
They’re the latest thing
Ta man’s Men