HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-07-04, Page 10n
Previews Its Coming Attractions
THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — July 4th, 5th, 6th
The Times-Advocate is a day late
this week owing to Monday being a
A iLarge 31c
A Medium 29c
Pullets 26c
B 26c •
C 24c •
Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Town
The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish items of personal interest.
We and our readers are interested in you and your friends , * Phone 31W
Income Tax Returns
Financial Statements
Business Men,
Professional Men,,
Garage Operators
and others.
Arthur Fraser
Telephone: Exeter 17*
P.O. Box. No, 118
Temporary Office at the house
of the late Dr. H, K, Hyndman,
Huron Street, Exeter.
Special Technicolor Feature —
1 Of J
and all star cast
Doyle, of Toronto,
son, Dr. Doyle over
Walter Bentley, of
week-end with Mr.
Out of the pages of the novel you’ve whispered about.
The first show commences at 7.30
Phone 135 Exeter, Ontario
Decoration Day
Sunday, July 7th
Members will meet at the Cemetery
at 2.30 p.m.
— Speaker —-
Rev. Kenneth MadLean, of Caven
Presbyterian Church.
Exeter Band in Attendance.
W. C. Allison, N.G.
E. A. Howald, Sec’y.
Notice — Ex-Servicemen
Decoration Day Service
Exeter Cemetery
Sunday, July 7th, at 2.30 p.m.
All ex-servicemen wishing to attend
this parade will meet at the Legion
rooms at 1.45 p.m. Short service
at cenotaph before proceeding .to
Dress: Berets and Medals.
R. E. Pooley, A. M. Easton,
Pres. Sec’y
Tt was good last year — it will be
better this year!
Wednesday, July 17
Ball Game - 6 p.m., D.S.T.
Juvenile Contest - 7.30 p.m.
Feature Program - 9 p.m.
Starring Anna Russell
linger, Musician, Dancer and Out
standing Comedienne — Canada’s
most brilliant and resourceful
Jack Evans and his orchestra
J. E. Myres, magician
Five other top entertainment acts
Cot your tickets from Grigg’s
Stationery in Exeter, Mutch’s Store
in Elimville, Walter’s Store
50c; Children 25c
IS th—
60c] Children 30c
After July
Refreshment Booths on grounds.
Someone reported that a typo-
graphical error in a telegram almost
cost one
tamp his happy home* Shortly after
arriving he telegraphed his wife:
“Having A Wonderful Time Wish
You Were Her.”
new arrive.! at an army
Friday Night
Grand Bend at Exeter
Miss Patricia Doyle is visiting in
Mr. Rowe Dinney, of Montreal,
spent the holidays at his home here
Miss Irene VanCami) R.N., of
London, is holidaying at hei’ home
Mrs. W. F.
visited with her
the Vveek-end.
Mr, and Mrs,
Galt, spent the
and Mrs. Wm. Sims.
spent the week-end with his moth
er and sister, Mrs. Louisa Craig.
Mr. Edgar Hunkin is confined
to his bed through illness, having
taken ill on Saturday evening last.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne, of
Simcoe, will be the guests of Dr.
and Mrs. Doyle over the week-end.
Mr. Wesley Vale, of Mt. Albert
visited with his brother Will and
attended the Old Boys Reunion at
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson and
little son John, of London, visited
recently with
neth Johns.
Mr. G. C.
H.S. staff is
summer course
Mrs. Rebecca
and daughter, Miss
London, are visiting
Muskoka Bay.
Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Sturgis is in
he is taking a
at the University.
Thos. Carling, of
Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
Koch, of the Exeter
at Guelph taking a
at the O.A.C. in
Stewart, of town,
Gertrude, of
for a week at
The L.O.L. 492 Woodham
will attend
Elimville United Church
Sunday evening, July 7th
at 7.30 p.m.
Rev. Wm. Mair, speaker.
The new Fife and Drum Band „
Woodham will be in attendance.
All Brethren and visitors welcome.
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Weido and
Shirley, of Toronto, spent the holi
days with the former’s mother,
Mrs. L. Weido.
Miss Ruby Treble, of Toronto,
spent the holiday week-end with
her brother and sister, Mr. Ed. and
Miss Effie Treble.
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Hockey and
Wayne, spent .Sunday and Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rusk, of
Burlington, also at Elora.
Mrs. Thos. Harvey, who has
been visiting her sister Mrs. Albert
Johnston, of Auburn, foy the past
two weeks has returned home.
Fit. !Lt. Lome and Mrs. Howey,
of Toronto, spent the holidays with
the former’s mother, iMrs. F. L.
Howey. Mrs. Howey is remaining on
a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Campbell, of
Belmont and Mr. Miller Campbell,
of London, visited over the holi
days with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. ..Dougall,
Mrs. Wm McEwan, Miss Marion
Campbell and Mr. Ed. Dougall at
tended the funeral of Miss Agur,
Kirkton, on Saturday.
Mrs. Chas. Johns left Wednesday
for Ridgeway to visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. Stephens, who .is in her
90 th year and is living with her
daughter, Mrs. John Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf.
Harold and Howard
Dorene Parsons visited
tives in Detroit and
Mich., over the holiday
Miss Blanch Hill, Mr.
Hewson Hill and Alice
Shadah Hill, of Detroit,
week-end with Mr.
Dew and Mr.
and attended
Boys Reunion.
Bob Gillies,
transferred from the branch of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce at
Sault Bte. Marie to the Forest
branch, called on his grandmother,
Mrs, S Martin and other relatives
over the holiday.
Messrs. Fred Ford and
Young, of Toronto, visited
the former’s mother, Mrs.
Ford over the Week-end. They werq
accompanied home by Miss Margar
et Dougall who is taking a eunu
mer course in music,
Mr. and Mrs, E. 0, Harvey and
Mrs, Martin are at Auburn at
tending , the funeral of the late AL
hert Johnstoit who died at Goderich
hospital Mohday. Mr,
brother of the late Wm»
ston, was well knownI Exeter friends.
and Miss
with rela-
and Mrs.
and Miss
spent the
Mrs. Dan
Wm. Sims
and Mrs.
the Hurondale Old
Who was recently
W. J.
fit, John*
to many
H. Jones are
holidaying at their summer cottage
at Grand Bend. Neil Jones, who is
taking a summer course at West
ern University, was home over the
Sales and Service
Phones: Office 88W; House 88J
mrgr*7r,n rRLEZLR
now on .display in our showroom
-----Just what you need these
warmer days!
R. B. Williams
Lee Jory, Mechanic
Men’s and Boys Shoes, Oxfords and
Men’s Work Socks and Fine Socks.
Leather and Rubber Repairing
promptly attended to while you
Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store
Tomato Plants
15c a box
2 Boxes for 25c
We close Wednesday afternoons
during the summer.
Exeter Flower Shop
Ralph Bailey and Family - Tel. 276
School Supervisor, Musical
Studio on Gulley Street,
Telephone 174rl3, Exeter
Miss Mary Hannigan spent the
week-end at Sarnia and Goderich.
Mrs. Hannigan has been visiting
at Sarnia with her daughter, Mrs,
Jean Mattingley,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren May, of
Seaforth, are holidaying with Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. May.
Mr. and Mrs, Jonah Sims, who
have been ill for several days,
have recovered nicely.
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Page and twin
sons. Tommy and Teddy, spent the
week-end at Goderich.
Mr. Chas. Robertson, of Sarnia,
visited with his son, Mr. Les. Rob
ertson over the week-end.
Miss Pearl Sweitzer, of Sebring-
ville, visited over the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beaver, of
Toronto, visited over the week-end
with the latter’s mother, Mrs. J. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnston
and children spent the week-end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. C. H, McAvoy, of Wingham,
spent the ,week-end with his moth
er, Mrs, M. McAvoy and aunt, Miss
Anne Sanders.
Mr. W. H. Lindenfield and daugh
ter Flora, of Billings. Montana, vis
ited with Mt. and Mrs. E. Linden
field on .Sunday.
•Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson,
Lynne and Terry, of Aurora, visited
with Mr. and Mrs, Samson McF'alls,
over the week-end.
Miss Helen Haist has returned
home from St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London, after having undergone an
operation for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer vis
ited in Stratford on Wednesday of
last week, the occasion being their
22nd wedding anniversary.
Mr. and ’ Ml’s. Wm. Murdoch, of
Hamilton, and Miss,Olive Wood, of
Toronto, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood.
Mrs. Blair, who has been resid
ing at the home of Miss May Arm
strong, has purchased the house of
Mrs. Braund on William street,
Mr. and Mrs. A... E. Wuerth and
Ray, Mr. and 'Mrs, .Roy Swartz vis
ited with the former’s daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Long, of De
troit, over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore,
Bruce and Nancy, of Toronto, visit
ed over the week-end with Mr. and
Mirs. E. Lindenfield and took in the
Hurondale Old Boys Reunion.
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Free} Wildman were
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murphy, of Mont
real, |L.Cpl. and Mrs. J. E. E. Wild
man and Miss Emily Wildman, of
M|iss Helen Buswell, who has
been studying and training at the
Mothercraft School of Nursing in
Toronto, has successfully passed
her examinations and graduated
with honors.
Cpl. Charles Westlake, who has
been with the occupation forces in
Germany, arrived home June 24th,
aboard the He de France. Cpl. and
Mrs, Westlake, of Bt. Catharines,
,have been visiting relatives and
friends here.
Mrs. Emma .Sanders, of Tampa,
Fla., is visiting with her sisters-in-
law, Mrs. M. McAvoy and Miss
Anne 'Sanders for a few days. She
will also visit with .friends in her
old town Zurich, before returning
to Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. George Parks and
Mr., and Mrs. Ern Dale, -of Hamiota
Man., and Mr. and Mrs. Wib. King
and Mrs. and Mrs. Melt. Logan, of.
Forest, visited on Tuesday of last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
King, of Stephen.
Mrs. Tillie McFarlane of McGreg
or, Mich., was called away from
hei’ sister, Mrs. Alice Mitchell, be
cause of an accident which happen
ed to her grandson, Walter McFar
lane, 14-year-old, who fell down
the stairway and broke his neck.
Mr. Glenn Baker’s father and
mother were visiting with him over
the week-end and he and his wife
returned with them to Toronto
where they will again make their
home. Mr. Baker, who has been
stationed at Centralia Airport, is
awaiting his discharge.
Week-end and holiday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caldwell
were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rundle
and family and Miss Margaret
Galagher, of London; Mr. and Mrs.
Jack .Frayne and Gary, of Sarnia,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Caldwell, of St.
Thomas, Mr, and Mrs. Emerson An
derson, of Kippen.
Miss Margaret Vickei’S, of Drum
heller, Alberta, visited last week
with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Emerson Cornish, of Exeter,
and her cousins, M.r. and M'rs.
Chester Cornish, of Exeter, and
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Hey, of Cromarty, and with other
relatives in Dashwood hnd Zurich.
Visitors with Mrs. Alice Mitchell
were: her daughter-indaw Mrs, W.
G. Mitchell, and her grandson,
Billy Redick, of Charlotte, Michi
gan; and also Mrs. Alex Johns, of
London, Spent last week with her
mother who wasn’t Very well but
is improving nicely. This weeks
visitors included Doh Sheare, of
Brantford, who has just returned
from overseas and friend, of Lon
don, also Mr^t Alex Johns and Mr.
and Mrs. Bud MacDonald, Of Wind*
Monday, Dominion Day, was a
quiet day in Exeter. Many spent
the day at the lakeside while other
took in the Old Boys celebration at
Hurondale. The day was preceded
by several extremely hot days and
the warm spell was broken by a
shower of rain shortly after noon,
W.O.? Wm. Young, Mrs. Young
and Robert who have been in Exe*
ter since the beginning of the year
have moved this week to Camp
Borden. Mrs. Young has just re
covered after three weeks in hos
pital following an operation.
Among those from a distance
who attended the Southcott-Arm-
strong wedding on Saturday last
were Mr, and Mrs. W, J. Doherty,
Toronto; Mr, and Mrs Robt, Tapp,
Mrs. Olive Hopkins and Mrs. Ellen
Bedford, of London; Mrs, Harry
MeCreath and Bill, of Kincardine;
Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Bouthcott, of
Rodney; Mrs. E, A, Follicle, of Tor
onto and Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Fran
cis, of Tavistock.
Local Office
For Hospitalization
w. H. Hodgson
Phones; Office 24 - Res. 162J
Exeter - Ontario
Exeter Markets
Wheat, $1.10
Oats, 51c.
Barley, 70c.
Creamery Butter, 44c
To the Public
Having purchased the Bierling North End General Store
we will continue the business as formerly and solicit the
business of Mr. Bierling’s old customers and any new ones
who care to give us a trial.
Georgian Beauty Shoppe
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop.
Exeter Phone 245
Round the Clock Service
Exeter Phone 155w
Grand Bend Phone 51rl
V’s Beauty Shoppe
The place to get your hair in a
Holiday Mood!
Eugene Machine Parmanents
Cold Waves
Do You Want to Throw Away
Your Electric Iron, Toaster? JL^I
Then don’t neglect them. At
them to Russell’s. We have
from the scrap heap with
the first sign of trouble bring
saved hundreds of appliances
dependable repair service—in
Exeter, OntPhone
Taxi Service
Phone 100
A smart line of all wool, two-colored windbreakers,
with zippers—just arrived!
If you need a belt for your summer
apparel we have them by Hickok in
brown, tan and black.
Tel. 112 Exeter'
Vera C. Fraser, Proprietress
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(one door north of Bell Telephone)
Naturelie Permanent Waving
Lustron Cold Wave
Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop.
Tel. 71 Exeter
an’s > s r
China and
Phone 16