HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-07-04, Page 5Announcements Church BIRTHS IMrtli, Death and Marriage lyptiisies inserted free e>f charge. bard ojt '1'hankH 50c. In Meuioriani Notice- 50c for verne, 25c extra for each addi­ tional yej-He, «UtH 50c Support i t* \<r » ♦ •f > J THE TiMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 4th, 1M6 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Bey. Kenneth. MacLean, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Qjrganist 10 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m,—Public Worship. TRIVITT MEMORIAL Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choirmaster, Esine Howard 3rd Sunday after Trinity 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 -a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon. “The Secret of a Happy Life.” * UNION SERVICES Jamies Street arid Main Street Minister"—Rev. N, J. Woods Organist-—Mrs. A. Y, Willard 11 a.m.—-Public Worship in Main Street Church. ”Wpst of the Dqte Line,” and are Mrs. W. J. pleased to of a son, ZION EVANGELICAL Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W, Morlock. Organist 10 a.m.-—Morning Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship, Wed.. July 10, at Grand Bend— Church School Picnic. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Tues,, 9 a.m.—Start - of daily voca­ tional Bible School, All children are invited each day through ‘till Friday. Wed., 8 p.m,—Prayei* service. Bro. T. Jolly in charge. Fri., 8 p.m.—YJP.S. Sun., 10 a,m.—Sunday School, Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Mission­ ary Sunday. Sun., 11 a.m,—Communion Sunday. ’‘Being Fitly Joined Together.” The Pastor. Sun., 7.30 p,m.- Testimony. Sun., 8 p.m.—‘‘5 Stones in the Pentecostal Altar.” The Pastor, LAWSON—-At Mrs. Godbolt's Hos­ pital on Friday, June 2§th, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Lawson, of st, -Marys, a son. ■McALISTER—Mr. McAJister, Jr., announce the birth Donald James, in Strathroy Hos­ pital on June 23rd, a brother for Bill and Ted, and a great grandson for Mr. James Jewell. iMcKINNON-—--In Stratford General Hospital, Thursday, June 27th, to ,Mr. and- M'rs. Donald McKin­ non, Cromarty, a son. WATSON—At Dr. Fletcher's Hos­ pital, on -Monday, July 1st, 1946, to -M;r. and Mrs. Roy Watson, of Parkhill, a son. WER'ZBA—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos­ pital on Thursday, June 27 th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, Otto Werzba, of Dashwood, a daugh­ ter. ■Song service and .5,3, NO. 4 (EDEN) PICNIC The members of the school sec* tion met Friday evening on the school grounds for picnic supper. This was followed by sports as follows; Children, 5 and under, Jimmy Scott, Billy BUerington, Doris Scott; boys, under 3, BUly Pincombe, Bob Scott, Jack Taylor;' girls, under 8, Elizabeth Hunter* girls, under 12, , ......... Coates, Audrey Coates 12 and under, Bob Coates, . . , -Norman Whiting; under 17, Maxine Parsons, b Geraldine Prout; race, Boss Coates, wabeth Hunter; [Middleton. Joan Rllerington, 1 APPlkat Wilma boys, Jack Parsons, girls, Shirley Coates^ young men’s Bill Ford, Stan Whiting; boys, un­ der 15( Earl Hunter, Bob Coates, Ted Prout; married women’s race, Mrs. Alien Westcott, Mrs. Harold Kerslake, Mrs- Maurice Coates; married imen’a race, Allen West­ cott, BUI Thomson, Stan Whiting; 3-legged race, under 8, Bill Pin­ combe and Jack Taylor, Keith Coates and Bob Scott, Patsy Kers­ lake and Elizabeth Hunter; 3- jegged race, 12 and under, Earl Hunter and Ted Prout, Bob Coates and Jack Parsons, Keith Coates and Rob Scott; 3-Iegged race, adults, Mrs, M, Coates and Mrs, A. West- and Lloyd men’s 3-legged race, BOARD OF EDUCATION The regular meeting of the Board of Education was hejd in the Public Library on Tuesday evening, July 2nd, at 7.30 p.m. Absent were J. H. Jones, R. E. Bussell and Dr. H. H, Cowen. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of S< B, Taylor and W, E, Applications for advertised posi­ tion were read by R. N. Creech, also intervening correspondence. >Per J, N, Willis and S. B. Taylor, payment of the following accounts: E, LMenfield, suplies $5.27; W. C, Allison, supplies .80; Underwood Ltd,, supplies «7Q; Birks-Eilis-Ryrie, supplies 10'.0 6; -G. Hawkins, supplies 3,60; Times-Advocate, supplies $2,35; Globe and Mail 9.47," B, W, F, Beavers 2.50'; Traquair’s Hard­ ware 4.20; Grigg Stationery 34.62; W. H, Hodgson, insurance premiums 109.00. .Carried, Per, S. B. Taylor and E. R. Hop­ per, that exchange be made in blower on forge in Manual Train­ ing department Carried. The meeting motion Of S- B. at a coM of $20,00. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore and family are holidaying at Chesley Lake and points north. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E, Hemphill are holidaying at their cottage at Oakwood, Grand Bend. Misses Margaret Glenn and Mar­ garet Shepherd are enjoying a pleasant holiday in Ottawa. ■Mrs. Alpine McEwen and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. Petskie spent the week-end in Port Huron. Misses Laura and Marian Sang- ster, of London, spent the holiday week-end at their home here. Mrs. Thos. Harris visited recent­ ly at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris, Chiselhurst. ■Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook and family are holid'aying at their cot­ tage at Oakwood, Grand Bend. Mr. Albert Dinnin, of Toronto, visited over the holiday with his parents, -Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. Dinnin. ■Miss Betty Moir was a guest at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Soldan, last week.Mr. Donald Walker, of Toronto, was a parents, ’ Walker. ■Miss _ _ Miss Martha Heideman -left Sunday for an extended trip to Western Canada. Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto, visited ovex' the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert- Spencer. Miss Goddard, of Ottawa, was a week-end visito'r at the home of her brother, Dr. J. C. Goddard and Mrs. Goddard. Miss Helen McNaughton, of To­ ronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome 'Mc­ Naughton. The pupils and ratepayers of S.S. No. 10 Hay, -held their annual pic­ nic at Grand Bend on Saturday afternoon. Mr. K. C. Passmore", of Queen’s University, Kingston, is holidaying ' with his parents, Mr- and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence, accomapnied by Mr. and Mrs. Mil­ ton Russell, spent Chesley Lake. Mr. and Mrs. and family visited ■Mr. and 'Mirs. Jas. ily in Goderich. The pupils and No. 1 -----------C week-end visitor with his Mr. and Mrs. George Margaret MacGregor and the week-end at John Henderson on Monday with ■Morris and fam­ members of S.S. 1 Tuckersmith held their an­ nual picnic at Turnbull’s Grove on Saturday afternoon. Misses June and Edna Saunder- cock returned home after a pleas­ ant visit in Montreal with their sister, Mrs. .Smith. ■Miss Eleanor Cook passed -her Grade 11 Theory Exams of the To­ ronto Conservatory of Music with first Class honors. Mrs. Edna Corbett visited over the week-end at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mi’s. Harold Parker. The annual Sunday School pic­ nic of Carmel P'resbyterian church will be held at Turnbull’s Grove on Wednesday, July 10th. A large numbei* from Hensall attended the Old Boy/s Reunion held at Hurondale on Monday and all report a most enjoyable time. Miss Barbara Michie teachex- in the prima'ry -department of the Public School -left on Monday for Ottawa where she will take a sum­ mer course. Misses Mildred Jones, of -Kit­ chener, and Kathleen Jones, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with their parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Norman Jones. Mr. and Mrs. son Kenneth, of and Mrs. Albert and Bobbie, of holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Decoration Day Service was held on Sunday at Hensall Union and MacTaggart’s Cemetery, service was held at the first conducted by th)e Legion members and th< Sedley-—McQueen A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnized Saturday, June 29, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McQueen, Hensall, when Dotothy Dell, their elder daughter, was un­ ited in marriage to Paul Sedley, son of Mrs. Sedley and the late Harry Sedley, of London. Rev. R. A. Brook, of Hensall, officiated at the ceremony, Miss 'Gladys Luker, of Hensall, played the wedding music, "The Bridal Chorus,” from Lohengrin, and also played softly during the signing of the register. The' bride, given in marriage iby hei’ father, was lovely in a floor­ length gown of white sheer crepe, fashioned . with sweetheart neck­ line and long sleeves. -Her finger­ tip veil was held in place by a ban­ deau of orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of rose buds and snapdragons.. The bride’s only at­ tendant was her sister, Mrs. Edison Forrest, of Hensall. The groom was attended by Donald Ross, of Lon­ don, Following the ceremony a buf­ fet .luncheon was served. The home was beautifully decorated with pink peonies, blue and white Delphinium and orange blossoms. For a wed­ ding trip to Toronto and Port Dal- housie. .the b'ride wore an olive green dressmaker suit with white hat and accessories. On their re­ turn Lorne Elder and Hamilton, and Mr. Passmore, Kenneth Aylmer, spent the A short Cenotaph Canadian I.O.O.F. they will reside in London, There is no Substitute for news­ paper advertising. and Don. Mr, family, Dunh, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schenk, CREDITON and Mrs. Roland Day of London, and Mr. 1 I >< For Success You’ll be headed for success in daytime activities and evening gaiety in a smart new coiffure designed especi­ ally for you at Tomlinson’s Hairdressing “Exeter’s Favorite Beauty Spot” Phone 146 Exeter DEATHS OHRISTIE—In Exetei' on Sunday, June 30, 1946, Margaret Carling, beloved wife of the late Edward •Christie, in hex' 96th year. EEDY—lAt his summer home, Tob­ ermory, Ont., on Monday, July 1st, 1946, • Lome Eedy, of St. Marys, Ont., in his 65th year. MILLS—In Woodham, on Wednes­ day, July 3rd, 1946, Mary Iona Camm, beloved wife of William Mills, and mother of Marion and Kenneth, in her 50th year. WHELIHA-N—At St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, on Thursday, June 27th, 1946, Nora Kelly, wife of the late Cornelius Whelihan, of Bid- dulph, in her 85th year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph H. Bullock, of Crediton, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Helen Marie, to Mr. Edward Darbey, of Toronto, son of Mrs. Alice Dar­ bey and the late Alfred Darbey, the wedding to take place in Credi­ ton United Church, July 20 th, at 12 o’clock, CARD OF THANKS cott, Maurice Coates ■Parsons; paper sack race, side won; banana feeding contest, Allen and Hazel Westcott, Murray) and Audrey Scott, -Maurice Coates and Mrs. Kerslake; grapefruit con­ test, Lloyd Parsons’ side; passing ring contest, Lloyd Parsons’ side; bean contest, Maurice Coates’ side. At the -conclusion of the sports a presentation of a dressing case was made to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prout ip. the absence of their son Junior. Mr. and Mrs. Prout express­ ed their thanks, The evening was brought to a close by a presenta­ tion of a dresser lamp to 'Miss Inah McIntyre who has resigned. Miss McIntyre exressed her appreciation of the gift and of the pleasant mem­ ories she would have of Eden. adjourned on the Taylor. K, M. MacFaul,Sec’y, Kel lev—J aques A quiet but pretty wedding took place on .Saturday, June 29 th, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Jaques when their only daughter, Erlma Lorene, riage to Mil ton Mr, and Mrs. Dashwood, Rev. the ceremony was united in mar- Karl, elder son of Adolph Keller, of . Laing performed and Mrs Philip Johns played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her father the bride looked lovely in a floor­ length gown of white satin fashion­ ed with sweetheart neckline, long pointed sleeves and lace insets at the yolk. Her embroidered finger­ tip veil was "caught in place to a heart-shaped headdress. -She wore a string of pearls, the gift of the groom. Her flowers were white and mauve sweetpeas and red roses. Miss Ola Morley, cousin of the bride, as bridesmaid, wore a floor­ length gown of tea rose and sky blue silk crepe which fell in tiers of alternating colors. She wore a shoulder-length veil caught to a flowered headdress. Her flowers were white and mauve sweetpeas and pink roses. Mervin Keller, brother of the groom was best man. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the immediate families at the home of the bride’s parents. For travelling the bride donned a light blue sheer dress with white accessories and a cerise colored top coat. On their return they will reside in Exeter. wish and Unit ...__7 and Pjrouty received in Victoria Hos-• / Mr. anct Mrs. Clifton Prouty to thank their -many friends neighbors and the Red Cross for -the plant, treats, letters, cards! .that Mirs. r‘ while a ■ patient pital. . The family of Coward desire to cere thanks to ... neighbors fox' the sympathy extended recent bereavement; for the floral tributes and loan of Rev. Mr; -MacLean. Mrs, O. Crawford Luther wish to thank friends for sympathy the late George express their sin- the friends and kindness and during their cars and to♦ and Murray relatives and and flowers extended them in th»eir recent be­ reavement, especially thanking Dr. Dunlop, Rev. Trueblood - and Mr. Hockey. * Mrs. C. V. Laughton wishes to thank neighbors and friends for the kindness shown hex' father, Mr. Henry Wickert during his illness and death; also for flowers; es­ pecially thanking Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. A. King and Mr. Eli King, Rev. Trueblood, Dr. Dunlop and Mr. L. Box. SHIPKA and Mrs. Austin (Sturdy, of Sunday last Mr. Goderich, visited on with relatives here. Congratulations to Milton Sweitzer who on Saturday last. Those who attended the Sweitzer —-Comfort wedding from here on Saturday last were Mr. and Mrs. Matt. -^weitzer, Mr. Stuart -Sweitzer Miss Nola Sweitzer, R.N., of Lon­ don, .... T , . .‘A“ Milt Ratz, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Ratz, Mr. Mrs. JacOb Ratz and Mr. and Mrs. V, Sharpe and Eleanor. Capt. and Mi’s. Bordon Sanders, of Barrie, and Miss Irene McKenzie of Windsor, Visited over the Week* end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art. Finkbeiner. Mr Karl Guenther has opened his hew Shop and is now ready to Serve the public. Rev, and Mrs. L. H. Turner and Grace Marie, of Goderich, and Miss Hilda Sharpe, of Windsor, visited friends here on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. were married ... _ . R.N., Mr. Simon Katz, Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. Wm. Ratz, Mr. and BRINSLEY ‘ A mempria unveiling serv­ ice will be held pt the Soldier’s Monument at West McGRUvrfty on Sunday, July 7tb, 19 at the bour of 2.30 p.nx., (D.S.T.), tor the men who gave their lives in the late war. The special speaker far tbe services will be the H/MaL* the Rey. Morley Colling, B.Th-* Chatham, a returned chaplain. Services at Brinsley United church will be withdrawn on. Sun­ day next owing to the Memorial Service at West McGillivray^ During the electrical storm which passed ovex* this district on Thursday last Harold Lee had the misfortune to have two milking cows hilled by lightning and Mr, Fletcher Gower's house was also struck, Mr, and Mrs, Newton Wasnidge attended the McMillan reunion held at Spripgbank on Saturday last. Mrs. ■ Mary Carter is spending some time with Miss Mary B. Amos. Mrs. Manque and Sandra, of Buffalo, are spending some time at her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Morley. Miss Vera Wasnidge, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Wasnidge. Lubricate of Regularly .., If You Want Your Car or Truck to Keep Rolling Proper lubrication, at regu­ lar intervals, is the only way to keep metal-to-metal contact from wearing out the parts of your car or truck. See us regularly for FACTORY-SPECIFIED LUBRICATION SERVICE Hazlewood Reunion ■More than 50 members of the Hazlewood family were present for its reunion in the Stratford park Monday. The president is George Hazlewbod; secretary, Leonard Thacker; sports committee, Rev. Gordon Hazlewood, Walton, and Bev. Arthur Steed, Ayr; lunch com­ mittee, -Mrs. Bobert Hazlewood, Mrs. Mowat Driver, and Mrs. John Hazle- wood. The members were informed that all members of .the family who saw active, service during the war years have returned, except Clare Hazlewood, who is stationed with the Royal Canadian Air Force in London, England, Members of the family were present from Toronto, Stratford, London, -St. Marys, Walt­ on, Granton, Tupperville Woodham, Kirkton, Whalen. Winners in the various events were: lucky spot, Mrs. Carman Hazlewood and Mrs. Harold Hazle- wood; bean guessing contest, Mrs. Percy Hodgins; holding the bean, Jean Driver; making a crepe paper bow tie, ‘Mrs. -George Hazlewood and Orval Langford; Jim Hazle­ wood and Ellen Hazlewood; chil­ dren’s race, Jane Hazlewood. A ball game was also held later in the aft­ ernoon. fl Start today — calendar — and on schedule. mark your come back The editor impressed the young reporter with the dire consequences of making ill-founded statements. “You can’t be too careful,” he said, then sent him to report a church bazaar. The sub-editor later on wag hand­ ed this bit of copy: “The bazaar was apparently op­ ened by a Mrs. Johnson, alleged to be the wife of Councillor John­ son, commonly supposed to be a more or tradesman dressed in scribe as wore a hat of nondescript appear­ ance. She was supported on the platform by a clergyman alleged to be the vicar of the parish, and by other reputed ladies and gentlemen said to .belong to the church.” McCormick-Deering V. L. Becker and Sons Phone SOW, Dashwood less highly esteemed of this town. She was what some might de­ fashionable attire, and Farmers are advised to go over their Harvesting Machinery at an early date and secure any parts needed. WE HAVE A FEW 7-FOOT BINDERS NOW IN STOCK. Expert Service on ail machines. •r LETTER BOX Horse Muzzles Sling Ropes Get rid of those pesky Flies and Mosquitoes with * DDT Household Spray. Smooth on,the most becoming •lockings you ever wore ... straight out of a bottle! This incomparable 'leg make-up is easy to apply, does not rub off, resists showers and “stays put" beautifully Until washed off with soap and wafer. Two delectable shades to go with everything you wear—Suri Beige, Sun Bronzo. 4 oz.z 1.00 Lovelier . lugs in an instant with Sleek.. . .85 and 1.25 John C. Schumacher Dies John C. Schumacher died at St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Tues­ day in his 67th year, Mr. Schum­ acher was born in Hay Township and farmed- all his life in the vic* inity Of Dashwood, Pte was a mem­ ber of Zion Lutheran Church, Sur­ viving ate two brothers, William and Jacob Schumacher, of ipigeon, -Mich. The body is Vesting at the VZostlake funeral home, Zurich, Wherd a public funeral service will be hold Oh Thursday at 2.80 With KeV, E. Interment will er’s Lutheran Wood Limited Supply of Wood. Orders filled as received. Only sold on cash terms. Place Orders with Heimflch officiating, be hiade at St. Pet- Cemetery, Zurich.* R. G, Seldon Woodham Sunday School One hundred and twenty mem­ bers. of Woodham United Sunday School attended the annual picnic in Queen’s Park, Stratford, Satur­ day afternoon. Superintendent Jas. Miller and assistant superintend­ ents Fred Doupe and Leonard Thacker, were in charge of thb day’s program along with a table committee of Mrs. C, Mills, Mrs. G. Wheeler, Mrs. A. Hazlewood, W. Wynn, G. Whaler, and "a sports committee of members of the Y.P.U. class. Winners in the sports events were: children six years and under, D. Wheeler; girls seven to -12, Myrtle Kettleburger; boys seven -to 12, Ross McCurdy; girls 13 to 16, Audrey Parkinson; young men’s race, G. Mills; married women’s race, Mrs. W. Moore; kicking the slipper, M. Kettleburger; three- legged race, D. Mills and Betty Mills; four-legged race, N. Hern, D. Mills and M. Hazelwood; paper bag race, F. Kirk, Mrs. L. Beckett; skipping contest, W. Kettleburger. Available >« As a result of the first National Clothing Collection' last October, this letter from Holland speaks for itself: “Some weeks ago I received some clothes for the pupils of my school. I don’t know who you are but I shall try to write a letter for you, I will express my thanks be­ cause you thought of us. You know we have a poor country now and many children of my school have not clothes sufficient for dressing themselves. Some parents cannot send their children because they have no clothes nor shoes. I have a school with two hundred pupils and five teachers. The greater part of my pupils are poor children. The parents of these children are labor­ ers. Some months ago your soldiers were army diers Some from our school. I send you this letter to express you our thanks for what you Were for us and for What you sent us and I do so, in the name of the parents of my school. God bless you,” Tn view of this letter it is inter­ esting' to note that it is the inten­ tion of the Dominion Government to distribute the gifts for the sec­ ond National Clothing Collection to the European countries where Canadians fought. Hay Forks Hay Fork Ropes Hay Loader Rope Pitch Forks Kill Those Saboteurs When your Canadian sol- in this school delivered us, arrived here in the night, weeks ago your soldiers went her.e so that now we work in Unscientific Report The great scientist scanned heavens through the htigo Scope, He studied his tables and maps, then he remarked to a league, “It’s going to rain!'* “What makes you think so?” “My corns hurt!” the tele- col* Purina Insect Oil Used in poultry houses, brooder houses and also as a wood preservative. One thorough treatment a. year will keep down infestation of chicken mites and blue bugs in poultry houses. It will repel termites and help prevent rot in new lum­ ber if applied before construction. A Applied with a good sprayer or may be painted on. Purina Lice Powder D.on’t let lice make poor layers of your hens or keep your chicks and poults from doing their best. Watch for the first signs of lice and kill them by dusting the whole flock with Purina Lice Powder. Also used on Horses, Cattle^ Hogs, and Sheep. Traquair’s “Hardware One Door South of Fost OHihe A J *