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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-06-27, Page 10
Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 27th, 1046 Hardball Exeter Community Park Lucan at Exeter ADMISSION: Evenings, 40c and 25c; Matinee, 30c and 10c Mrs., Jonali Sims, who ill for several days, are A (Large 31c A Medium '29c Pullets 26c B 26c C 24c Mrs. J, A. Kirkby, of St visiting this week with F. Beavers. Marie at Tel. 112 Exeter Vera C. Fraser, Proprietress Items of Personal Interest In and Around Town. The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish items of personal interest. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends » . Phone 31W V’s Beauty Shoppe The place to get your hair in a Holiday Mood! Eugene Machine Parmanents Cold Waves ttelaoied kh'oVQt1 IHQ tpd»o Income Tax Returns Bookkeeping/ Financial Statements forFarmers, Business Men, Professional Men, Garage Operators and others. Arthur Fraser Telephone: Exeter 17, P.O. Box. No. 118 Temporary Office at the house of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman, Huron Street, Exeter, G. J. Dow shipped a car of horses to the Montreal market Monday. Pte, and Mrs, Allan G-ouid, and Shirley visited recently Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gould, Sixteen cadets from the Mary with Previews Its Coming Attractions WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., and Saturday Matinee June 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone and daughters, Donna and Marlene, of Kirkton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James -Squire. •Sgmn. Calvin Heywood, son of Mr. and Mrs, H. N. Heywood, of Exeter arrived 'home Monday morn ing after three and a half years overseas. Calvin saw service in France, Holland and Belguim. Last October 13 Calvin was married in England to Miss Doreen Jones, South Norwood, London, England. •J? Rainbow Productions Inc. Presents bmS RED CROSS NEWS Anyone interested in knitting during the summer, we have baby wool on hand and wool for child ren’s sweaters and socks up to six years. Anyone wanting wool con tact Miss Brown or Mrs. Heywood. There will be no further execu tives unless at the call of the presi dent until September. -JXOJte (UREYS' The Bells of StMarys HENRY TRAVERS - WILLIAM GARGAN Produced and Directed by LEO McG^Rf Y • Strrrn PI,, b> Dudl-r Nichol, : Storr by Leo McCtref Tuesday, July 2nd at 6 o’clock MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — July 1, 2, 3 MEN‘S j5>. •' Slatting * BaacwsBY-Bunnunw PAWim SOBAM ’ MAI DOROWI LAMQUK • EDM£ BWOMH BRIAXMMEW-SOMWTO ITMUKk UM • MdUIO « ttWWI £ BMW! EIIKERAID- CASS DALE! . DIANA LW • fiCTDI MX1RE , MARJORIE RHWUIS-BARRY SUllNNt * * • ■2 J1 Archis (Himself) ED GARDNER -..tn , ... Cb»l«s Caitw ■ EWi« Hawsrd da Siha -Billj De Oiuctid bj Hal Walker B«i«4 ChwacMrt L crHrMbyUOwlM’ P i FvMWMt Witm SOFTBALL Friday Night Dashwood at Exeter Claven I Phone 135 The first show commences at 7.30 Exeter, Ontario Sunday, July 7th Members will meet at the Cemetery at 2.30 p.m. — Speaker —— Rev'.. Kenneth MacLean, of Presbyterian Ohurelu Exeter Band in Attendance. W. C. Allison, N.G. E. A. Howald, Sec’y. C-O-M-I-N-G------ “Bandit of Sherwood Forest” “Kitty” “Dragonwyck” “Ziegfield Follies” I.O.O.F. N otice—Ex-Servicemen Decoration Day ServiceOld Boys’ Reunion in *EVERYBODY WELCOME Come and meet your old friends at this monster picnic. Splendid Program of Entertainment and Sports. Bring your basket and spend the afternoon at Hurondale. ,A Decoration Service will be "held HENSALL CEMETERY SUNDAY, JUNE 30th at 2.30 p.m. Anyone wishing to attend this serv- at ■a ice will meet at Legion Rooms 1.45 to proceed to Hensall for short service at cenotaph. Dross; Berets and Medals. R. E. Pooley, A. M. Easton, 'Pres. Sec’y. Dominion Day, July 1st, will bo a public holiday. Miss June Coward is iu London attending a conference of the Bell Telephone. Mr, and have been improving, Mr. and Marys, are Mr. B. W. Miss Marie Melville, nurse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, is home for a three-week vacation. Miss L. M. Jeckeli left Tuesday for Vancouver, B.C., where she will wisit with her sister, Mrs. Fairly, Mrs, J. W. Powell visited with her brother, Mr. E. J. Nash, of Wingham for a few days last week. Mrs. E. A, Follick, of Toronto, who has spent the past few months in Toronto, is visiting at her home here. Mrs. Geo, Geddes has returned home from Victoria Hospital and her many friends hope for a speedy recovery Mr. Stanley Walter, of the Bank of Montreal staff, Hensall, left on Monday for his new position with the bank at Napanee. Mrs. E. L. Gibson underwent an operation in Victoi-ia Hospital Wed nesday, Her many friends will hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Taylor and Jeanette visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs Leon Hearing at Oak wood Corners, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Emmett, of London, visited over the week end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser. Mrs. Cliff. Prouty is in Victoria Hospital, London, having under gone an operation for appendicitis. We hope for a speedy recovery. Rev. W. E. Aidworth and Ian and Mr. J. T. Kilborie. of Saska toon, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aidworth on Monday. Mr. Harry Griffiths, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths at the home of his aunt, Miss Annie Han ford. Mrs. Frank Taylor received word Tuesday night that her sister, Mrs. Norman Ford had been operated on in Mich. Mrs. Lamb, of 'Grenfell, Sask, ing with Mr. Coates and other community. ■Mrs. Gilbert J. Dow underwent an ’ operation in Victoria Hospital last week. Her many friends will be pleased to know that she is pro gressing favorably. Miss Isabelle Anthony, of Ham ilton and Miss Helen Anthony, of St. Thomas, are spending the holi days with their parents, Rev. Jas. and Mrs. Anthony. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green were winners of the prize for the longest married couple to attend the .Fed eration of (Agriculture picnic at Clinton last Thursday. The local branch of the Red Cross are being asked for assistance in connection with the rehabilita tion ,of the stricken .families of the Windsor disaster area. Dr. iS. R. D. and Mrs. Hewitt and Gary, of Aurora, and Miss Ethel Dow, of Woodstock, have been vis iting for several days at the home of their (brother, Mr. G. J. Dow. Dr. and Mrs. Steiner and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Bowey were in Niagara Falls the forepart of the week attending the annual conven tion of the Lions Club as delegates from the Exeter club. Mr. Alf Tomlinson has received, word that his mother, Mrs. Tomlin son, of Ft. William, was being taken to the Toronto General Hospital for treatment accompanied by his sis ter, Mrs. W. Miller. Miss Amy Lind, Occupational Therapist, of Melville, Sask., who for the past six weeks has been at the Queen Alexandra Sanitorium at Byron spent several days with Mr. and Mrs, Allan Fraser. Mrs. Frank Creech returned Sunday from Victoria Hospital, Lon don, following an operation for ap pendicitis. She is recuperating nice ly at the home of Mr. Creech’s mother. Mrs. T. G. Creech- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hodgert, of " ' ‘ of of Tor- Mrs. Geo. Jaques very pleasantly entertained Tuesday evening . in honor of Miss Jordon, of the Exeter H.S, staff, who lias resigned her position and is leaving Exeter for Whitby, local High School corps left Monday by motor transport for ipperwash, There they will go through train ing in the annual cadet camp of M.D.l. Exeter’s Hobby Man Exhibits Antiques at Wyoming Mr. (Simon Sweitzer was at Wy* oming for a couple of days last week attending the celebration in connection with the 100 th anniver sary of the Wyoming Agricultural Society. He exhibited a truck-load of antiques at the exhibition, at tracting mticb- attention. Harper Hospital, Detroit, Jas. Irving and Mrs. R- A. I.,, are visit- aiid Mrs. Alfred relatives in the A 2 hour program by CKNX Ranch Boys arid Cora Elimville Sunday School Anniversary ivill be given in Elimville Church Shed 4 miles east of Exeter Sunday, June 30th at 11*00 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. Standard Time Sunday, June 30th 11 a.m. and 7.80 p.m., D.5.T. Exeter, Mr. George Kellett, Elimville, Miss Hilda Sheer Varna, motored to Hamilton, onto, St, Catharines, Port Dalhousie, Niagara Falls, and Welland over ithe week-end. After service Friday night the Young People of the Pentecostal Church gathered at the home of Miss Pearl Cann in a farewell patty for Miss Norina Morrison, of Guelph, who has been visiting With Pearl fop the past few weeks. Dr. Fred Johns, Of University, Hamilton. on Tu^sdayz July 2nd Rev. James M* Ritchie will the guest speaker at both services. be Morning Service: Rov. Bussell May, of Lakeside. Cliildren’s Choir. at 9 D'ih.y D.S.T. Akdlmission 50c and 35c Prbbineids for W.A. Rev, Ritchie is the son of Mrs, D. Ritchie, a former this Church, Special music by the Rev, and pastor of Evening Service: Rev. Kenneth MacLean, of Exeter. Special music by the choir. choir*You ate welcome, McMaster vj, tuxuiijiLuu, and Mrs. Johns and Dr. Martin Johns, of Brandon College, Brandon, Man., and Mrs, Johns, Robert and Beth visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns add other relatives, Visitors over the week-end With Mr, and Mrs. Earl Campbell Were Mrs. Jno,’ Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coleman and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fen Neirgart, ail of Lon don, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Campbell and son, of Exeter, and Miss Dor een Campbell, of Mooresville, Exeter markets Wheat, $1.10 Oats, 61c. Barley, 70c. Creamery Butter, 44c Eggs, " Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, To t/ie Public t Having disposed of our business to Mr. F. C. Beaupre, of Brookville, we wish to express our sincere thanks to the many customers and friends for their loyal support and patronage dur ing the 29 years we have been in (business. We solicit for Mr. and Mrs, Beaupre and family your con tinued support and we bespeak for them a happy sojourn in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bierling and Family Georgian Beauty Shoppe Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop. Exeter Phone 245 NOT A SPARE BULB Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter Phone 155w Grand Bend Phone 51rl What! in the house ou’re in the dark alright if you get caught without a spare bulb. There’s only one thing to do about it and that is to buy them by the carton. It’s the convenient 'way to get them. Specify , General-Electric—they stay brighter long- er. Exeter, Ont. Snell's Taxi Service Phone 100 Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (one door north of Bell Telephone) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop. Tel. 71 Exeter / A smart line of all wool, two-colored windbreakers, with zippers—just arrived! Belts If you need a belt for your summer apparel we have them by Hickok in brown, tan and black. © A big shipment of China and Dinnerware has arrived Some lovely Phone 16