HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-06-27, Page 9THE TIMES-APVPCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 27th, 1946 rntmmmu \ OH m OLD / I /] THANKS TO WHOSE ____ good/year FACTORY-APPROVED REPAIRS, VULCANIZING Have kept my tires rolling long after my neighbours have ■ been forced to buy new ones. See us for expert tire service. SNELGROVE Tire and Electric Phone 18 Exeter Jensen & Co. (Successor to S. M. Sanders) Woodworking Specialists ’’Custom Furniture and General Millwork Your Patronage Solicited KIPPEN (Crowded out last week) Mr, and Mrs.- Cecil Dilling, of London, visited over the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr» and Mrs. W. Alexander, We are sorry to report Mrs. Thomas Workman is confined to her room through illness, We wish her a speedy recovery. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E> McBride were Mr. and’Mrs. Walter McBride and family, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs, Elmore Mc­ Bride and son and Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Hayter and family, of Varna, Mr, and Mrs. Bob, Peck, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Bert Beck, Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer and son, of Elginfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson and daugh­ ter, of Thames Road. Sunday Schilbe, Mrs. ....Brucefield, visited on 'Sunday with I her father, Mr. R. J. Cooper, I Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Johnson and son, of London, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, R. Dayman. We are sorry to report that Rev. Mr, Hinton is not improving as fast as his friends would like to see but is enduring a great deal of I pain with his knee.Mr. and Mrs. W.' Horney return­ ed to their home in Exeter after spending some time with Mi*, and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Woods—Damm A very pretty wedding was sol­ emnized at the Evangelical Church manse in Kitchener on Saturday, June 15, at 3 p.m., when Anne Marguerite Damm, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm, of Kippen, was united in marriage to John Alfred Woods, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Woods, of Buelah, Manitoba. The double ring ctere- mony was performed by Rev, L. H. Pletch, cousin of the -bride, who also married the bride’s parents; Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Damm thirty years ago. The bride was attractive in a tailored suit of mist blue gabardine with navy accessories and wore a corsage of Briarcliffe roses. Mrs. Alfred Polfuss, of Walkerton, friend of the bride, was maid-of-honor and wore a grey wool suit with brown accessories and wore a corsage of American Beauty roses. The bride­ groom was attended by Mr. Ralph - - - - of of Varna, Mr, and Ferguson vis.ited on with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stuart Baird and sons, of RECORD GATHERING AT DESJARDINE REUNW The seventh annual Db&jardine reunion was held at Grand Bend on Saturday witli a record attend­ ance, Members of the family were present from Winnipeg, London, Strathroy, Dashwood, Mount Car­ mel and Grand Bend, a good sports prpgram was carried out with the following as winners; Boys, 6 to 8, Sidney Bossenbemy, Stanley Des- jardine; girls, 9 to 11, Noel Plqgan, Beta Hurtman; boys, 9 to 11, Kieth Desjardine, Ronald Desjardine; girls, 12 to 14, Evelyn Desjardine, Audrey Besterd; boys, 12 to 14, Merton Desjardine, Gerald Row­ land, John Hogan; young men, Wil- buy Devine; young ladies, Evelyn Hartman; married ladies, 20 to 40, Mrs. Melvin Desjardine; married men, 20 to 40, [Arnold Gaiser; married ladies, over 40, Mrs. Clar­ ence Desjardine; married men, over 40, Isaac Besterd; feeding the elephant, Mrs. Melvin Desjardine, Arnold Gaiser; guessing bean con­ test, Emmerson Desjardine; clothes- i pin race, Philomena Rowland, .Orva Besterd; ladies driving^ nail contest, Mrs. Melvin Desjardine; | coat race, Arnold Gaiser, Monna Gaiser terd’s Mrs. baby, Officers for 1947 are as follows: President, 'Ira Stebbins* vice-presi­ dent, Melvin Desjardine; secretary­ treasurer, Orva Besterd; sports committee, Mrs, Arnold Gaiser, Bill Hogan, Mrs. Tom Meyers, Ford McGregor, . Erwin Besterd, Joyce Desjardine; lunch committee, Mrs. Leo Desjardine, Mrs. Isaac Besterd, Mrs. Ford McGregor, Mrs. Joe Row- . _ __ _ - -- Ifc the •Mrs, Arnold Gaiser ; bean bag relay, Orva Bes- side; oldest person present, Mary DesJardine; youngest Sharon Foster, land, Mrs. Herman Desjardine. was decided to hold the picnic first Saturday in June, 1947, BATSTONE — TURKHEIM The marriage is announced Ellen Martha Turkheim, RegNv daughter of Mrs. Anne Turkheim, Zurich, and the late Rev. E. Turk­ heim, to Mr. Ronald Fred Batstone son of Mrs. Ellen Batstone, Toron­ to, and the late Capt, F. Batstone. The ceremony was performed in Trinity Lutheran Church, London, on June 10 by Rev. C. J. Killinger. of #1 ■a The face of your car, we mean. Does it e need a wrinkle-removing job — a- face-lifting operation? Per­ haps new paint. Bring it to us for any work ... a small dent to a complete re-building. f. Damm, of Kitchener, brother the bride. Following the ceremony a re­ ception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm, Kippen, to twenty guests. The ibrjide’s mother received in an ashes of roses crepe dress with a corsage of white carnations. Yellow stream­ ers and candles and yellow roses and violets were attractive dining­ room decorations. The table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake. Serving, were Mrs. Collen and Miss Margaret Pletch, of Walkerton and Mrs. Norman Long, of Kippen.< The birthday of Mrs. Alfred Pol- was alsofuss, the maid-of-honor, celebrated. Following the ‘reception and groom left by motor lah, Manitoba, to spend Ed’s Machine Shop Two Blocks East of Main Street on John Street. Grand Bend Picnic The GrOhd Bend United Church Sunday School picnic was held on Saturday, June 22nd, at the Casino, Grand Bend, with the largest at­ tendance in several years. Mr, F. Lawless, Mrs, Lawrence Mason and Mr. Garnet Patterson were in charge of the sports which were enjoyed by old and young. Oldest man on grounds was Mr. Stephen Webb; youngest, Janice Gill. Winners of the sports were as follows: under six, Stanley Desjardine, Jerry Love; six and seven, Marian Desjardine, Jean Ridley; eight and nine boys, Dennis Finan, Bobby McLaren; girls, Marlene Ravelle, Carol Gill; ten and eleven boys, Billy Baird, Billy Brenner; girls, Beverley Ra­ velie, Patsy Green; 12 and 13 boys, Joe Green, Dale Phile; girls, Shir­ ley Patterson, Evelyn Jean Desjar­ dine; 14 and 15, boys, Morgan Gill, Larne Luther; girls, Betty Love, Colleen Gill; young men’s race, Morgan Gill, Ronald Webb; ladies, Betty Lpve, Shirley Patterson; mar­ ried women’s race, Mrs. Manford Luther, Mrs. Earl Burr; kicking the slipper, Mrs. Colin Love, Mrs. Stewart Webb; shoe scramble, boys^ Warren Broderick, Jim Love; girls, Shirley Luther, Iva Latta; three-legged race, boys, Morgan Gill and Lome Luther, Jim Love and Mervyn Webb; tie race, Morgan and Colleen Gill, Garnet Patterson and Mrs. Stewart Webb; wheel­ barrow race, Elgin Hendrick and Jim Love, Wilbur Crown and Ron­ ald Webb; men’s wheelbarrow race, Mervyn Emery Wq'bb; Donald Love; passing the ball, Mer­ vyn Love's side won. A bountiful supper was spread in the hall fol­ lowed by a ball game between Cen-. tralia and Schools. p yv uucwcti ji u VY r.awty and John Cleave, Stewart Ronald Webb, Love Desjardine and sack race, Grand Bend Sunday Then r there was the luncheon club speaker Who asked the chair­ man, “How long do I talk?” "I don’t know,” was the reply. “All I know is that the rest of leave here at 1.30.” us ELIMVILLE Come early to see the Boys’ softball game at ElimviBe between St. Marys and ElimvRle at 7 p.m. D.S.T. on Tuesday, July 2nd fol­ lowed by the concert by the Ranch Boys and Cora at the Elimville church shed at 9 p.m. The Johns’ family surprised Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns on Monday evening celebrating the -occasion of their twentieth wedding anniver­ sary. Mrs, Harold Bell, Misses Wanda Stephen, June ...... ............ Cooper, Aldeen Pym and Marion Murch attended the Achievement Day at Clinton on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Martin Johns and family, from the West, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Johns. Several from this community at­ tended the Federation picnic at Clinton last Wednesday. Anniversary services will be held in this church on Sunday at 11 a.m, with Rev, May, 'Of Lakeside, taking this service and at 7.3'0 p.m. with Rev. Kenneth MacLean, of Exeter, preaching in the evening. The Elimville Boys’ softball team played with Thames Road at Elimville Monday Elimville taking the Mr, and Mrs. Wm on Sunday with Mr. Butler,, of London, W.M.S and W.A. Meeting Mrs. Ed, Johns, of Exeter, was the hostess for the June meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. on Wed­ nesday of last week with an at­ tendance of about forty, several being former members now re­ siding in town. Mrs. Geo, Davis and Mrs. Phil Hern prepared a fine program and the former pre­ sided opening with, call to worship and singing ‘Take my Life and Let it Be’. Mrs. Alvin Pym and Mrs. N Clark read the scripture lessons from the Psalms. Mrs. Davis .gave a short reading and Mrs. Hubert Heywood read a poem. Mrs. P. Hern led in prayer followed by Lord’s Prayer in unison. After singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus” Mrs. Wil] Johns gave an interesting article, being the exper­ iences of a returned missionary doctor in a hospital in Alberta, Mrs. Ford gave a reading showing the opportunity we have to show friendship to war-brides coming to oui* country at the present time. Considerable business was discussed by the two societies and Miss Ruth Skinner presented the need for clothing for the next .collection and it was decided to collect in our vicinity right away. Several volun­ teered to do this. The meeting was brought, to a close with sing­ ing "Faith Mizpah lunch Brock’s Sinclair, Lepore the Achievement evening with lead of 24-11. , Johns visited and Mrs. Wm, Attention Farmers If the wet weather hag ruined any of your crops, why not plant sugar beets ? It is not too late to get a. good crop of sugar* beets if planted soon, Last year, three-quarters of the sugar beet acreage was planted In dune -— and a, fine yield was obtained. There will be ample labour to block and thin beet fields seeded in late June, The Sugar Company will supply seed free where beet fields have to be replanted. Remember, there is still time, to secure a good cash crop of sugar beets for 1946 CHATHAM No. 8 WALLACEBURG ■ "The Wages of Sin is DEATH But the Gift of God is Eternal LIFE Through Jesus Christ .” Romans 6:23 Tune In: PILGRIM S HOUR 7 - 7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evenings Local Station — CKLW, Windsor Old-fashioned Revival Hour—rebroadcasts on many station at various times. P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, California "THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST” WINCHELSEA Quite a number from this munity attended the strawberry supper at Thames Road on Friday night of last week. Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Johns, Mrs. Don Penhale , Mrs. Lloyd Hern at­ tended the Cushman—Pooley wed­ ding in Exeter on Saturday. Mr. Hudson, of London, is spend­ ing a few days with Mr.‘ and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mr. Glifford Whitlock, of Thomas, visited recently with and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. Kirkton, visited 1 week with Mr. and Davis. A large numbei* of ity attended the _________ picnic at Clinton last week. Mrs. Calvin Christie and baby, of Thames Road, visited on Mon­ day with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. com- Chas. E. Fuller much and it is our hope and prayer that he may soon recover and be with us again. ,So, tonight, we gather here to celebrate in a fest­ ive way. We must thank the cap­ able leaders of each group, also the members who have helped to make each of our meetings a suc­ cess. Our thanks go to our presi­ dent, Mrs. Carl MeClinchey, who so ably organized our circle, also to Mdss McMath who kept the at­ tendance record which told us that Circle No. 4 was the winning group. So, I assure you we feel like privi­ leged guests ‘ with the splendid hostesses we have tonight. We give you our heartiest thanks for the lovely supper and the good sports­ manlike games we have shared throughout the winter and hope will continue next year. ' Pus Filled Boils St. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, of one night last Mrs. George the commun- Confederation of our benediction, was served group. Fathers” and A delicious by Mrs. C. Woman:"My husband is If you suffer from boils you know how sick and miserable they made you feel. Bqils are an outward indication of impurities in the system, and just when you think you are rid of one another crops up to take its place and prolong your misery. All the lancing and poulticing’you can d coming. To help overcome boils you should purify the blood, so. that old, reliable blood medicine, Burdock Blood Bitters, Local the only man who ever kissed me.” Neighbor: "Are you bragging or complaining?” A discouraged traveling salesman recently wired his house as follows: "If Hitler wants more territory, he can have mine.” * icing and poulticing'you can'llo may not stop more _ __„ —,-----I, so why not giveBurdock Blood Bitters, a chance to snow what it will do in helping you get rid of them? Thousands have used it for thia purpose for the past 60 years. Why not you? Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. the bride for Bue- __, ___v._ , _ a month with the- groom’s parents. Upon their return they will reside in To­ ronto. Friendship Circle Holds Picnic The Friendship Circle of 'St. Andrew’s United Church held their, picniq on Friday, June 14th at the Lions Club Park, Seaforth, with a hundred present. The beautifully decorated table was heavily laden with delicious food. Mrs.-Ernie Whitehouse was the winner of the lucky ticket at the table and re­ ceived the fountain pen donated by Damm’s store. Mrs. Harold Jones' group were entertained, that group being the winners of the attendance points content during the winter. After the supper everyone enjoyed a number of games arranged by Mrs. E. Kyle, Miss Beatrice Cooper and. Miss McMath. Prizes were awarded as follows; girls, 8 years’ and * under, Carol. McMurtrie, Max* in& Watson; boys,, under, Bob Caldwell, Gregor; girls, Chapman, Virginia girls, 14 years McGRENEBE—RESTEMEXER Standards of pastel .flowers, with palms and ferns formed an attrac­ tive setting at St. Michael’s Church, London, on Saturday when Oneida L. Restemeyer, only daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. ' O. Restemeyer, of Dashwood, became thd bride of Martin H. McGrenere, son o£ M!r. and Mrs. William McGrenere, of London. Rev. T. J. .Ford performed th© ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by* her father,'was charming in a gown of ivory satin with fitted 'bodice and braided' net yoke. Her floor­ length embroidered veil, caught with a coronet of orange blossoms, formed a slight train and she car­ ried a shower bouquet of Better Time roses, bouvardia ahd sweet peas. Miss Dorothy Mack, of Detroit, cousin of the bride, as maid of hon­ or, wore a gown of aqua nylon with matching headdress and sliouldm* veil and carried pink Delight rbses. Miss Edna Frank, cousin of the groom and Miss Marie Johnson, niece of the groom, Were brides­ maids, the former in pink net ovei* taffeta with matching and shoulder veil and Johanna Hill roses, the latter in pale blue with matching headdress and shoulder veil, carrying Briar­ cliff roses. Donald Restemeyer, brother of the ,ubride, was best man and the : Ushers were Bill Johnson and Jack , Stinchcombe, nephews of the groom, , During the offertory, 'Miss Mary McGrath sang. Mrs. Frank Faust .Was at the' organ. Following the ceremony a recep­ tion Wag held, Mrs. Restomeyei' re­ ceiving in a blue flowered cfepe ©dress with black hat and acces­ sories and corsage of pink roses and sweet peas, assisted by the groom’s mother in black and white Sheer with white hat and acces­ sories, wearing a corsage of red roses and white sweet peas. iFor the trip to Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City the bride donned a powder blue suit With black hat And accessories and cordage Of pink roses add sweet pdas. The couple will reside 1* London.*Hinton, We have missed him very 1- headdress carrying 10 years and Grant Mac- Gladys McClinchey; g, 111x3 j J.-JC and over, Wilma Kyle, Marion Feck; Boys, 14.years and under, Jack Caldwell, Grant MacGregor; young boys, Ray Con- sitt, Harold Caldwell; young ladies, Esther McMath, Olga Chipchase; young men, Arthur Finlayson, Ray Consitt; married men, ’ Gregor, Joe McLellan; race, i___, J . 12 years, Bob Mac- f U VU AU'UMVAAMU) 3-legged ___ Gladys Chapman and Jlean Caldwell, Bob Caldwell and Grant MacGregor; wheelbarrow race, Jack Caldwell and Bob MacGregor; ladies’ kick-the-slipper, Grace Mb- Bride, Olga Chipchase; shoe scram­ ble, Gladys Chapman, Jean Cald­ well, Jack Caldwell, Ken McLellan; 2 min,' race, ladles, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. A, .Finlayson; horse race, Mrs, Harold Jones and Mrs. A. Finlayson with their driver Ernie Whitehouse; Mrs. Mervin Hodgert guessed, the corned num­ ber of pop corn "in a bag. A vote of thanks was moved to those re­ sponsible for the races by Bobbie MacGregor and a vote of thanks Was moved by William Alexander for those Who entertained the group as follows: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: In the beginning of this some of the members of <St. drewks gathered together and ar­ ranged to meet twice a month for a. social evening to get better ac­ quainted. Our group Whs called Friendship Circle, a name well chosen for our group became a drcle of friendly people. As time went on, each group giving of their [talent and finding new talent,- many i enjoyable evenings were spent, It was With Sorrow that We heard of [the accident Of our pastor, Rev, Mr. West year (An- :Z-' $ NM4O GOODYEARS . . . ON YOUR NEW CAR paten cor^* Cot-res’ pres*’00 z J ese 6special eatures With so many places to go, after years of restricted motoring, the carefree assurance you get from Goodyear tires is now more important than ever. The six features listed below tell you why Goodyears are different• ; • more dependable. IMPORTANT: In all present-day tires, regardless of make, correct inflation is essential for maximum mileage and service. Consult your Goodyear dealer for proper pressure. >> s / C: •’ j.-*. ;-. x<'-* 335-•zfxi *Z dial**0 nmil n s,dGW 51 cro»» ;