HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-06-27, Page 6Page £THE TlMESrAUVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 87th, 1946 ............................... .. I-..',i... Huron County Council Plans New Court Hpuse—Tax Rate Set at 5 Mills AIcCormick-Deering 1 SALADA I FEED 5ERVlEE| From Egg Production Poultrymen—There is a good market for your eggs! Are your hens producing all they should . . . all they can .... Have you some feed "robbers” in your flock . . .? FOR GREATER PRODUCTIONHERE’S HOW (1) Cull those feed robbers . . . get them out of your flock. Feed is precious. (2) Feed high quality . . * balanced . . . production-lifting SHUR-GAIN Laying’Mash. New Bag $2.65 Out of Bin $2.45 2-4-D is doing a good job of eradicating weeds. Have you tried it yet? Closed Wednesday Afternoons TUNE JN ‘’Ontario Monday CFRB, 10.30 p.m.f Thurs., Erl, Vnd Sal. Whalen TRY A CLASSIFIED! Every tourist dollar is shared this way ... 1. Hotels; 2. Stores; 3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes, etc.; 5. Amusements; 6. Garages. Our lakes this summer are going to attract thousands of friendly visitors from the States. We want them to enjoy them­ selves . . . it’s in our own interest to see they get the very finest of everything we can give them. A tentative tax rate of 5 -mills; plus cost of secondary schools for rural municipalities, was set by Huron County Council Thursday morning* after receiving revised estimates from treasurer, A. H. Ers­ kine.•On Thursday afternoon council approved the plans of the proposed new court house presented by L. G, Bridgman, architect, of London, which have also been approved by Hugh H. Donald, Inspector of legal offices, . ..Based on present prices, the esti­ mated cost Will be $325,000. The 95-by-lll’foot building, Mr. Bridgman explained, will have a stone facing, with a fully modern interior. The materials used will be similar to those in the public lib­ rary at London and the building will be of reinforced concrete and ! steel construction. He said it will take approximately a year and a half to complete,On the ground floor, provision is made for public toilet rooms with entrance on the east side from the outside only; living quarters for the caretaker, and heating equipment. 'Main Floor The main floor will have a corri­ dor through the centre, with a small room for a memorial chapel, if desired; offices for county as­ sessor, clerk, treasurer, old age pension, Children’s Aid, Surrogate Court and the sheriff, county engi­ neer, with drafting room, general office and road commission’s room. The second floor will have the council chamber, school inspectors’ offices, coat room, Crown attorney’s offices, ' stair. provision is made on the third floor for provincial police and the magistrate’s offices, witness rooms, court room, petit jury, barristers’ and judges’ rooms. Plenty of vault space and spare offices are also in­ cluded in the plans. The building will take up just the area of the present building, and the beauty of the park will not be marred, Mr. Bridgman assured. The recommendation of the prop­ erty committee, approving the plan, was endorsed on a motion by Reeves B. Tuckey and lA. Alexan­ der. Ask $10,000 For Hospital A deputation composed of G. L. Parsops, president, C. K. Saunders, secretary, and W. Helstrop, treas­ urer, of Alexandra Hospital, ad­ dressed the council in support of a request foi- a grant of $10i,0 00 to­ ward a proposed addition to the hospital, to relieve the congestion there. It was pointed out that the capacity is taxed and some patrents have beds in the corridors and sun. ;!rooms. The building would cost $22,000. The request was referred to the executive committee. Revised estimates, presented by county treasurer A. H. Erskine and referred to the finance committee at the Thursday" morning session, showed an estimated revenue of $222,046,25; expenditures of $221,- 5'26.58; surplus, $519.67. law library, and service IT'S EVERYBODY'S BySSNESS Ontario profits almost as much from tourist business as from gold mining. It’s up to each of us to keep this busi­ ness growing. 'lei’s make them want to come back!” PUBLISHED in the Public interest BY JOHN LABATT UMITED IT PAYS! =To Those Convalescing After Severe Illness After many severe illnesses or serious operations the patient is Very often left in an extremely weak, nervous, run-down condition. . To all those convalescents who heed Soine kind of a tonic to stimulate and build up the weakened system, we Would recommend. Milbum’s Health and Nerve Puls to assure them back io health—bappiness again. „ . These pills help supply elements necessary to assist the convalescent In bringing back bodily strength and Vigour. Price 50c a box, (15 pills* at all drug counters;. Look for our registered trade mark A "Red Heart’' On the package. > The T. Milburn Co.. Liisitcd, Toronto, Oni. Professional Cards GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS w SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensztll, Friday 2 |tp 5 p.in. ELMER p, BELL, B»A. BARRISTER. & SOLICITOR Successor to J, W. Morley EXETER, ONT. |ML MMM. farm equipmentthe Jobs they have. The county road, commission re­ ported that construction of bridges was restricted to. the building of reinforced -concrete culverts in Hal­ lett and Goderich townships, on the Par line. Hay and Stanley, end on the townline of Hay and inability to secure small reinforcing steel makes it that only a few of these can be built, Proposed Construction Construction proposed bituminous surfaces from west, $38,200;. Centralia airport road two and one-half miles, $10,000; Dash­ wood south, one-half mile, $2?2 0'0'; Brussels north, five miles, $18,000; culverts, $5,000; grading, $10,000; Outline, Goderich township; miscel­ laneous, Other dorsed 200; new machinery, $40,000; land purchases, $3,000; drainage assess­ ments, $3,’POiO; rebates to towns and villages, $8,007; overhead $800o; less machinery operation credit bal­ ance, $18,407; total, $250,000. Action was deferred to the Nov­ ember session on’ proposed addi­ tions to county roads. Concurrence was given to a ' resolution from Northumberland and Durham coun­ ties that urban municipalities be given 50 pex- cent, subsidy by the province on road expenditures. On a division vote of 16-9, the council did not concur in a ’Perth county resolution requesting 75 per cent, subsidy from the Department of Highways -for construction for five years. The council endorsed the recom­ mendation of the warden’s com­ mittee that the Huron County Fly­ ing Club be asked to relinquish all claims to certain buildings at Sky Harbor airport, as the committee has been unable to negotiate with the department for the purchase of extra land and buildings’ W. H. Golding, M.P., had been requested to represent the county. The war­ den’s committee was empowered to complete the negotiations. Urges Purchase 'Of Field Reeve B. W. Tuckey, chairman of the warden’s committee, explain­ ed that the Huron County Flying Club have had five buildings set apart for them. He suggested that the only way to get anything done nrnnlH Vinft lease it to a commercial concern. The county has the first claim on the field. Failure to purchase it will mean it ivill be taken over by the War Assets Corporation. It was suggested that the admin­ istration building at the airport ' could house the county offices dur­ ing the construction of the .new court house. Clerk N. W. .Miller said that the county judge and magistrate had Idoked over the buildings and considered it would afford sufficient accommodation. A grant of $3,00(1 was voted to the Cancer Research Foundation, and one of $3,000 to the Salvation Stanley, sizes of probable culverts includes ........ Crediton eight and one-half miles, VA LIL| 4LAX■$.' IXII * <5-6 s <*» V » V v v- $5,000; grading, $10,000 $10,0010'; total $90,400. estimates in the report en- were; maintenance, $106,- 4 «■ Farmers are advised tp go over their Harvesting Machinery at afii early date and secme any parts needed. WE HAVE A FEW T^FOPT BINDERS NOW IN STOCK. Expert Service on all machines. V. L. Becker and Sons Phone SOW, Dashwood iuffiKisaMU33i -a» Canada Packers Ltd. DR. F. J. MILNER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Corner pi William and Sanders Streets, opposite the residence of the late Dr. J, W. Browning. Phones: Office 295W, Res. 295J EXETER, ONTARIO Exeter Ontario Finished Hogs Wanted SHIPPING EVERY WEDNESDAY. Call 256 — We will arrange pick-up, Poultry Prices This Week Dressed Grade Dressed Grade Live Weight BROILERS M.F.A. 33c FOWL Grade A 28c Grade A 24c M.F.B. 32c Grade B 26c Grade B 22c Hens culled by experienced grader. ■ Delay “U” Grant A grant to the building fund of University of Western Ontario deferred to the November ses- for consideration. grant of $10,000 was made to Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, the was sion A . . _ the ,would bezto buy it outright and then las recommended by the health and V. A*’ V • Q 5 M U. A j, tp y * u v v i ► A The rate, subject to the approval of the finance committee, was set at 5 mills plus the cost of second- ' ary schools for the rural munici­ palities, amounting to $21,146, made up as follows: 3.25 mills to raise $176,340.67 in the general account; and 1-75 mills to raise $94,952.66 for county highways. This is an increase of one-half mill. The cost of administration of justice had been greatly increased owing to the large number of jury trials. Already there had been three and three others are scheduled. The estimate is for $26,000. Hospitaliza­ tion, Mr. Erskine said, showed a .gradual but steady increase. The estimates for expenditures at the registry ' office had been increased from $700 to $2,000, due to the pur­ chase of new equipment, authorized ,by the property committee. Children’s Aid Report The ported tions; wage care; The council agreed to lease Port Albert airport for the International Plowing Match, the association to reimburse the county for any ex­ pense incurred. Plowing Match Prospects Bright The prospects for the success of the plowing match were never bet­ ter than at present, Hugh Hill told the council. More concessions have been sold than ever before, and there are likely to be more. There had > been wonderful co-operation from every organization in the county. The council, on a division of 6-21, voted against the establishment of a general public health nursing (plan in Huron County* i The opinion expressed by the ma- Ijcrity of. the members was that the (present school nursing plan is sat­ isfactory. Miss M. Haberer and Miss Fal- county school nurses, gave excellent reports on their work, Children’s Aid Society re- 76 children in care; 15 adop- coner, 43 in free homes; nine in ___... __ ... ___ .. homes; seven in boarding which they have carried on alone two on active service. The i.this year-. society lias 18 orders for legal adop- ] tions; 43 child protection cases; three girls in training schools. In­ vestigations of dependents’ families numbered 139; and 40 requests for compassionate leave and discharge were investigated. The warden and mem­ bers of the council highly praised them, and an increase in their sal­ aries of $100 a year each was auth­ orized. A motion by Reeves N. R. Dor­ rance and Cecil Wheeler was en­ dorsed, that a resolution be sent to The county library committee rec- the provincial government protest- ommended that a grant of $500) be jing the change in legislation where given to the County Library Asso- by a municipality cannot impose a ciation to purchase 1,200 new books'penalty for non-payment of taxes on .......................■ the due .dates. Another by Reeves Dorrance and Hugh Berry, asking amendment of the Live Stock Protection Act to allow the destruction of dogs or wild animals destroying 4 poultry, ■ was carried. . Standard Time 1947 Another resolution. Reeves S. Machan and .J. D. Bee- i croft was carried, asking the gov- , eminent to declare the 'Province of • Ontario on Standard time in 1947. One of the busiest sessions in the . history of Huron County Council was concluded On Saturday after­ noon. It required the extra day to complete all the business, and the dying hours saw much important legislation completed, The following grants recommend­ ed by the warden’s committee, were authorised: $500 to each branch of the Canadian Legion at Goder­ ich, Clinton, Wingham, Seaforth, Blyth, Brussels, Exeter and Howick, to be paid out of the post-war fund Of $27,000, of Which $10,0'0'0 had been spent; $300 to the £•*, of A., and $100 to the Exeter Agricultural Society, to supplement the prize list for the Shorthorn breeders annual show. in order that 12 additional libraries may be serviced. Legion Asks Help Lieut. J. K. Hunter, president, and D. E. Campbell, past president, Goderich Branch 109, Canadian Le­ gion, were a delegation to ask for a grant to assist in refurnishing and renovating the Legion Hall, donated by the town of Goderich, It was pointed out that with the cancellation of bingos, and of a proposed beverage room in the base­ ment, the main sources of revenue were suddenly unavailable. The branch, which has a membership of 200, expects to, sponsor a drive for $5,000, for which they are awaiting approval under, the War Charities Act. Fifty per cent, will be devoted to structural changes in the hall; $1,000 to refurnishing*; and be­ tween $800 and $900' fov recrea­ tional equipment, with a small re­ serve for contingencies. The request was referred to the warden’s com­ mittee, In answer to a question, county engineer R. Patterson stated there are 380 miles in the country road system; that the Tate of wages for |laborers is 50 cents an hoar; other employees are paid according* to moved by hospital committee. This amount it is to be understood, will be taken into consideration in any further request, the total amount not to exceed $25,0i00, which corresponds to amounts given to other hospitals. The council unanimously endors­ ed a resolution drawing the' atten­ tion of Hon.' Russell T. Kelly, min­ ister of health to the serious short­ age ■ of nurses, and recommended that the training of nurses be re­ sumed by smaller hospitals in or­ der to meet this shortage. Copies of this resolution will be sent to all other counties in Ontario and to W. J. Hanna, M.'L.A., Huron-Bruce. In answer to an inquiry by Reeve R. E. Turner, of Goderich; County Treasurer A. H. Erskine suggested that the financing of the new court house could be covered by bonds now in the general fund totaling $100,000, and by the sale of a deb­ enture issue of $250,000 for a five- year term, with annual instalment of $5 0,0 00- at two per cent. One mill foi* five years on the tax rate would pay for the building furnish­ ings complete. The estimated cost of the building, on the approved plan is $325,OPO. Endorsation was given to a mo­ tion by Reeve E. J. Farrish and J. D. Beecroft, that the county clerk communicate with clerks of each municipality . a request that they forward a complete list of those en­ listed in the armed forces and of those who made'theesupreme sacri­ fice ill the two world wars, so that their names may be ready to insert on the script to be placed in the memorial in the proposed new court house. •No action was taken on the brief from the Hotel Association regard­ ing the Canada Temperance Act. The reforestation and conserva­ tion committee reported that 73,000 trees were planted on the Faegan property at a total cost of $505. In addition to this, the County Road Commission planted 10,000* trees on property it had purchased. The Committee had entered into an agreement with Reg McGee to pur­ chase 100 acres of land at $15 an acre.’ The offer of R. C. Hays, K.C., of Goderich, of 10 acres of land in Goderich Township, provided it be reforested, was accepted. Leroy Brown, agricultural representative, was added to the committee replac­ ing H. B. Stewart during his ab­ sence through illness. Drop Inspector A recommendation of home committee was abolishing the position home inspector effective December 6, also that the county home com­ mittee meet every two months. The committee reported that no elevator will be installed in the home, floor covering costing $328 laid, and Wir- ling installed at $1,400, A burn bn the property of Sid Lansing will be purchased for $2 Ob. A grant of $25 was given to the Federation, of Agriculture Dienic, The council concurred on the recommendation < Qt the a legislative committee in the resolution restric­ ting the sale of toy guns, from the County of Dufferin. Many reeves expressed the opinion that the sale of air rifles should be stopped th minors, there would be less carry­ ing of them if sale were discour­ aged. DR. R. H. DOYLE PHYSICIAN and X-Ray MAIN STREET, Telephone SURGEON EXETER 60 Drf G. F» Roylston, L.D,S.,’ D.D.S, DENTIST Office, Bell Building EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoons I Dr, H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 361 Closed Wednesday Afternoons C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday -----------------—----f---w-------- ------...... ..... ...........— - . .. Concurrence was given to resolu­ tions from the ’County of Oxford requesting the Federal Government to stop large scale purchasing of materials for home building in cities as it tends to centralize it. From Peel, to allow municipalities to license tourist camps. York, pro­ testing the enforcement of radio license fees. Ontario, to revise the Old Age Pensions Act to $1 per diem at the age of 65. Welland, amendment to the Elections Act. Paton Reunion The annual Paton reunion was held on Saturday, June 15th, at Springbank weather unusally members game of sports program when the team -cap­ tained by Earl Paton that of James Paton by 14-12. Dave Hills and man Paton were the stars of the game, plenty of sport events which were entered into enthusiastically. The following are the results of the races; tiny tot’s race, Pearl Paton, Gary Hobbs; children 3 to 5 years Veneta Riehl, Scott Bailey; boys 8 to 10 years, Clare Paton;, boys ’12 years and over, young ladies’ race, young men’s race, dime race, Wilfred Glendenning; ladies' throwin Mrs. Morley Hobbs; doughnut Mr, and Mrs. Norman Paton; race, Mrs. Bernard Crellin; race, Grendalene Paton and Willis Paton; ^guessing contest, Enoch Paton and Walter Pierson; young­ est child, Linda Paton; oldest per­ son present, Mrs. A, Paton, After the sports the members and guests partook of a sumptuous picnic sup­ per consisting of an abundant sup­ ply of tempting and appetizing foods after which the president Mr Emerson Paton presided over a short business session. The 1946 committee of officers will hold of­ fice June 15 th, Park. Under ideal conditions there was an large attendance of 47 of the Clan. A close softball featured the nosed out a score of Mrs. Nor­ individual There were Jimmie Paton; Eleanor Paton; Howard Paton; Logan and s Geo. ball, race, bean time for another year. KIRKTON (Crowded out last week) Mrs. Oliver from Welburn Mrs. E. Jermyn, of London, were former Kirkton girls Miss Elliotts) visited _ with friends in this vic'inity Sunday. Miss Pearl Sweitzer, a former teacher at Kirkton, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Wes, Hodge. Mrs. J. White, who spent the past six weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams returned to her home in | Brantford Sunday. the county i We are pleased to report that Mrs. endorsed (Frank Routiy,_ who was a patient in Of county' and Who (nee St Joseph’s Hospital, London, has returned to his home and while cbnvalescirtg, is being nursed by Mrs. M. Routley. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rodger Were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ramsay ahd family, of Thames* ford, Mr. and Mrs,. Fred Doupe and Grace, of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs, Teskey (nee Minnie Watson) and their Sarnia, are holidaying Mrs. Nelson Watson. A.YJP.A* Meeting The meeting of the hold at the home of Mbs, Oecil Dob­ son Tuesday evening, June 11th. Mrs. Harold Davis opened the meet­ ing with prayer. Alice Blackler read the scripture and the roll call was daughter, of with. Mr. and ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R.R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or BING 188 ... ■ WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER < For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of youB property’s true value on sale day Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7 PERCY C. WRIGHT Licensed. Auctioneer' Household, farm stock, implements' and and you lent pure bred sales, special training: experience enables me to offer sales service that is most effic- and satisfactory. Phone 90r22 Hensall USBOBNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario ft... R. R. Vice-Pres. .... Pres,WM. A. HAMILTON 1, Cromarty WM. H. COATES- Exeter DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY . ANGUS SINCLAIR john McGrath _________ __ MILTON McCURDY .. Kirkton, R. 1. AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS ....... Mitchell- THOS. SCOTT ............... Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE; Woodham, SECRETARY-TREASURER W. F. BEAVERS ........... Exeter F. W* GLADMAN Solicitor, Exeter . Kirkton, R. 1 ... Mitchell R. 1 ... Dublin, Ont. B. Leona Dobson. The remainder of* the everting was spent playing cro- qitinole. Lunch was served by the hostess, MacDougall “I’m in love with your wife. If you will give her to me I’ll pay her weight in gold?*- MacCracy: Let me ha* a in weeks first?’ ________ ____ ..........— "What for—-to think ft over'?”' answered. The topic whs taken by I Wa, mon! To fatten ’en np a bit?** A.Y.P,A. was