The Citizen, 2012-01-05, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 2012. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. PART-TIME JOBS - Make your own schedule, sell chocolate bars to make $$$, decide where and when you sell, start and stop when you want. Tel: 1-800-383-3589. Full-Time AZ FAST Approved Single and Team Drivers Wanted. Competitive Rates & Benefits, Incentive Program, Paid Waiting Time & Border Crossing. SINGLES-Open board. TEAMS-Dedicated & Open Board Runs Available. TOLL- FREE 1-800-567-2609 Ext. 230. www.elginmotorfreight.com. DON'T JUST VISIT, LIVE IT! Agricultural placements in EUROPE, UK, AUSTRALIA or NEW ZEALAND. Wide range of jobs (4-12 months) awaiting experienced individuals ages 18-30. AgriVenture arranges every- thing. Booking now for spring depar- tures. www.agriventure.com. 1-888- 598-4415. Canadian farmers looking for an extra hand in their busy season are also invited to apply for an inter- national trainee. 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Network Classifieds:Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! • It’s Affordable • It’s Fast • It’s Easy • It’s Effective • One Bill Does It All • All Ontario $475 • National Packages Available! www.networkclassified.org For more information contact Your local newspaper Belgrave man given probation, fine after threatsJohn Schlueter of Belgrave wasgiven a conditional discharge, 12months probation and a $750 finestemming from incidents on May 21in Morris-Turnberry and Brussels.Judge R.G.E. Hunter imposed thefine and term of probation onSchlueter on Dec. 8 at Wingham’smonthly court date.Schlueter pled guilty to one chargeof uttering threats, for which hereceived the 12-month probation term and one count of careless driv- ing, reduced from dangerous driv- ing, for which he received the $750 fine. Crown Attorney Trish McCarthy said the charge of uttering threats was reported to police through a third party who heard Schlueter tell someone that he would “shoot” his uncle and someone else with a gun. The person heard the conversation happening in an adjacent room, McCarthy said. Later that day in Brussels an inci- dent occurred on Trailer Park Road that led to the charge of dangerous driving (reduced to careless driving). McCarthy said a car being driven by Schlueter was hogging the road and he was “driving in a very careless manner.” No criminal code record for Schlueter was admitted, but a Highway Traffic Act record was admitted into evidence. A five-year weapon prohibition was also imposed. ASSAULT Michael Benninger of Wingham pled guilty to one count of uttering threats and one count of assault coming from an incident on May 27. McCarthy said police were called to Wingham after an altercation where Benninger was found to be “intoxicated” and “agitated” before confronting the victim, yelling at him and pushing him several times. Benninger told the victim to “stop spreading lies” about him and subse- quently used some “colourful lan- guage” during the exchange, McCarthy said. As he kept pushing the victim. One of the pushes hit his face, which caused a small lacera- tion near his mouth. Regarding the charge of uttering threats, McCarthy said Benninger warned the victim that he would“break his jaw” and when asked ifhis statement was a threat, heresponded by saying “it’s not athreat, it’s a promise.”Benninger was found to have aprevious criminal record, but his lastoffense was in 2008, McCarthy said.Hunter issued a 12-month proba-tion order and a suspended sentence.He also ordered Benninger to haveno further contact with the victim whatsoever. POSSESSION Hendrick Blom of Wingham pled guilty to one charge of possession of marijuana and one charge of causing a disturbance all stemming from an incident on Aug. 27 in Wingham. Police were called to a Wingham residence with reports of a man on the street screaming, yelling and breaking beer bottles. When police first arrived on the scene, they were unable to locate anyone who fit the description pro- vided, but eventually Blom, who matched the description made by the complainant, was found by police. Once confronted by police, McCarthy said, Blom began swear- ing and yelling at the police officers, asking them to get off of his proper- ty and saying he hadn’t done any- thing wrong. McCarthy, however, pointed out that the incident actually took place on township property. When Blom turned around and attempted to go into his apartment, police arrested him and found six grams of marijuana in the pocket of his shorts. Blom was given 12 months of pro- bation for the marijuana charge and a $250 fine for causing a distur- bance. He was given 90 days to pay the fine. DRIVING OVER 80 Michael Nilsson of Wingham pled guilty to a charge of operating a vehicle with over 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood after being pulled over on Aug. 14 in Wingham. Just before 2:30 a.m. police observed a car leaving the Canada Post parking lot in Wingham, McCarthy said, and it was swerving, taking wide turns and crossing over the centre line. After travelling veryclose to the curb and eventuallycoming in contact with it, the cartook a sudden turn to avoid severalparked cars and made an abrupt stopat a stop sign. After acceleratingaway from the stop sign, the careventually mounted the curb anddrove for approximately 15 metreson the sidewalk before police finallypulled the vehicle over, McCarthysaid. The police officer noted a strong odour of alcohol coming from the driver. The officer asked Nilsson, thedriver, if he had been drinking thatnight, to which he said he had notbeen. The officer also informedNilsson that he had been driving onthe sidewalk, to which Nilssonresponded “I was? I didn’t think Iwas.”Upon getting out of the car,McCarthy said, Nilsson’s eyes weredescribed as being glossy and heswayed back and forth while trying to stand up straight. Nilsson was transported back to the police station where he regis-tered 162 milligrams of alcohol in100 millilitres of blood at 3:14 a.m.and 155 milligrams of alcohol in 100millilitres of blood at 3:38 a.m.Duty Counsel Lynn Johnston stat-ed that Nilsson has been sufferingfrom severe depression for the last10 years and that he has recentlybeen exploring the possibility that hehas a drinking problem with his doc-tor. Nilsson was also found guilty for A family affair Corey Campbell, centre, also known as Mr. Madame, was getting awfully chummy with Deputy Tim Prior before his sentencing at the New Year’s Day Levee held at the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre on Jan 1. He was accompanied by his mother Debbie to the jail before trying to raise his bail. (Vicky Bremner photo) Continued on page 20